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lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4205 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 33 of 408 16 April 2013 at 9:32am | IP Logged |
After 5 days during which the only thing I could do was revising my SRS queues in Anki
and Pleco (without adding any new word, reading, etc.), I'm back to my normal fare.
So I restarted adding new words to my different vocabulary decks. My Skritter backlog
contained a little over 500 words :-(
Finished reading chap. 8 of 王小波的黄金时代. The author turns public humiliation sessions
(批斗) into grotesque theatrical performances, which makes them all the more tragic. On
the other hand, sex scenes tend to be depicted in a more humane way. I like that [她]
说,那一刻她觉得自己像个礼品盒,正在打开 包装,于是她心花怒放,她终于解脱了一切烦 恼。
Revised the vocabulary queue in Learning With Texts.
Read (with the help of a translation) Livy I-48.
Revised the vocabulary queue in Learning With Texts.
Read two very short texts about the elections in Venezuela and two bus accidents. As
usual, I found them in Selkouutiset and studied them with Learning With Text. When I
wanted to listen to those two articles, the content of the Selkouutiset page had
changed. So I listened to almost 5 minutes of fresh news read slowly. It was not too
hard because I had read something in Finnish about the subjects treated in all five
short articles, including suomalaisten nukkumista.
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| lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4205 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 34 of 408 17 April 2013 at 9:58am | IP Logged |
Vocabulary: HSK5 (review + 6 new words), frequent characters (review + 2 new
characters), random words collected while reading, and HSK4 review with Skritter. My
backlog queue is now down to about 150 items.
Read an article about 英国商会公布的一项调查结果, the opinion of British companies and the
prospect of the UK leaving the EU.
Started reading chap. 10 of 王小波的黄金时代
Listened to Chinese Learn Online lessons 215 and 216.
Revised the vocabulary queue in Learning With Texts.
Read Ovidii Fasti (Ex Libro VI), the episode of the murder of Servius about which I've
read the version of Livy and Lhomond.
Revised the vocabulary queue in Learning With Texts. Imported from Selkouutiset to LWT
three of the texts I had listened to yesterday, and proceeded to read them. Listened
again to the same texts without reading.
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| lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4205 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 35 of 408 18 April 2013 at 9:27am | IP Logged |
One hour Skype lesson: we read a 成语故事 called 杯弓蛇影. What's interesting is that we
first read a very simple version, then a more elaborate and challenging one, with more
成语s and archaic (as far as I can tell) vocabulary.
All in all an interesting session - the Skype connexion was atrocious though.
Did a scriptorium exercice with lesson 207 of Chinese Learn Online. Shadowed lessons
208, 209, 210.
Vocabulary: HSK5 (with Anki: queue + 6 new words; only 60 words left), frequent
characters (with Anki: queue + 2 new hanzi), words collected while reading (with Pleco
and paper), HSK4 (with Skritter: review).
Finished 黄金时代, a very good read. The main subject is sex. It seems that the Cultural
Revolution era was a period of deep frustration. For the main character of the novel
(who is not the narrator, but her girlfriend), sex seems to be a liberation, a margin
of freedom, a kind of revenge. Actually, saying in her forced confession that she does
not feel guilty for her adventure with the narrator but, on the contrary, that she
enjoyed what they did is a move that places her beyond the frustrated judgement of her
oppressive social circle and her time - and that leads to her being freed: 以前她承认过分
开双腿,现在又加上,她做这些事是因为她喜 欢。
I immediately started reading another book called 中国进行时/China on the Way (Liu
Dongping & Zhai Shurong, Sinolingua, 2007). It's the first non-fiction book I'll be
reading in Chinese. It includes 37 short chapters dealing with different aspects of
today's Chinese society. Each section in Chinese is followed by an English translation.
I've read the introduction and chap. I, about obesity among Chinese youth.
Listened to Caesar I.16 and 17.
Revised the vocabulary queue in LWT (24 items).
Read chap. 1 and 2 of Saint-Exupéry's Regulus. I've read it before in French and in
Chinese, and I've actually translated it completely into Walloon, so it's a book I know
quite well.
Revised the vocabulary queue in LWT (12 items).
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| lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4205 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 36 of 408 19 April 2013 at 8:32am | IP Logged |
Read chap. 2 of 中国进行时, about the invasion of the 面包 culture into a 馒头 eating
Did the usual stuff with Chinese vocabulary, i.e. HSK5 (with Anki: queue + 6 new
words), frequent characters (with Anki: queue + 2 new hanzi), words collected while
reading (with Pleco), HSK4 (with Skritter: review).
Read a brief article about a report established by the UK House of Lords saying that
the EU is cheated to the tune of 5 billion euros each year. The article mentions that
this entails a loss for the EU budget (预算损失) but it does not say who the cheaters
are and what the form of the fraud is.
Shadowed Chinese Learn Online lesson 215.
Semi-good news: I've discovered that I could use Skritter on my Android phone again!
Skritter had stopped working because there is no Flash version for Android. However, if
(1) I use Firefox for Android (it does not work with Chrome or the built-in browser),
(2) I use the beta version of Skritter and (3) I accept not being able to write with my
finger (no Flash), as I used to do... then it works... somewhat.
Revised the vocabulary queue in Learning With Texts.
Imported Caesar I.17 into LWT and read it. Then listened to it again. It suddenly
struck me how the "traitors" (as presented by Caesar) are in fact perfectly right and
far-sighted when they say that non dubitant quin, si Helvetios superaverint Romani,
una cum reliqua Gallia Haeduis libertatem sint erepturi. Then read Caesar I.18.
Revised the vocabulary queue in Learning With Texts.
Also in LWT, I imported and read two short articles from Selkouutiset: one about
Margaret Thatcherin hautajaisista and another about kevättulvista.
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| lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4205 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 37 of 408 22 April 2013 at 9:26am | IP Logged |
Didn't do much except revising HSK4, HSK5, basic characters and miscellaneous
vocabulary. When I only have time for one thing, that's what I do.
Though I don't consider vocabulary revision as the most fun (or even useful?) part of
language learning, it can be mildly addictive and, above all, when time is lacking, it
can be performed in very small chunks: 2 words here, 3 characters there, and you can
clear you SRS queue even under busy circumstances.
I also read an article about what a Chinese paper calls 匈牙利极富争议的修宪事件 (Hungary's
highly controversial constitutional reform).
Edited by lorinth on 22 April 2013 at 9:26am
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| lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4205 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 38 of 408 23 April 2013 at 8:53am | IP Logged |
Vocabulary: HSK5 (with Anki: queue + 6 new words), frequent characters (with Anki:
queue + 2 new hanzi), words collected while reading (with Pleco), HSK4 (with Skritter:
Started reading chap. 3 of 中国进行时, about Chinese kids taking lessons after school.
Read a short article about 欧盟成员国主权债务 (the sovereign debt of EU countries).
Because I had to get back to work after lunch I practiced unintentional speed-reading
with another, longer article, according to which 巴罗佐主席 believes that "紧缩措施已经达到极
限了" (austerity measures have reached their limit).
Shadowed Chinese Learn Online, lessons 212-215. Listened to lesson 216.
Studied my vocab queue in Learning With Texts.
Lisäsin ja luin kolme lyhyitä tekstiä maanjäristyksestä Kiinassa, ja eläkemaksuista
ja uudistuksista Suomessa..
I've added and read three short texts about the earthquake in China, and pension
contributions and reforms in Finland.
I have Assimil Finnish on a shelf. I bought it second hand (no CDs) and never actually
used it (the Finnish I know was learnt with Suomen kielen alkeisoppikirja and Suomen
kielen jatko-oppikirja). Now I have a nagging feeling I should improve my active
knowledge by using this Assimil book. I suppose that the passive wave should not be too
hard - the idea would be to review the lessons (passive wave) fairly quickly and then
start with the active wave, the stage where you are supposed to activate your knowledge
by working from the L2 to Finnish.
I said the contrary in another post three weeks ago. But changing objectives does not
matter. The only thing that counts is to keep moving - and to do so sustainably :-)
Studied my vocab queue in Learning With Texts.
Read Caesar I.18-20 (with the help of a translation for certain tricky sentences...).
Read chap. I of "Regulus" again. This time I looked up some words.
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| lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4205 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 39 of 408 24 April 2013 at 9:32am | IP Logged |
As usual I studied some vocabulary: HSK4 (review), HSK5 (review + 6 new words),
characters (review + 2 new characters) and random vocabulary found while reading (20-30
new items/day). Incidentally, I did my first "distillation" within the meaning of the
Goldlist method.
我慢慢地继续阅读《中国进行时》的第三部分 。
我也看了一篇很有趣的文章。那篇具体的文章 谈到塞尔维亚和科索沃草签的协议。
Continued reading chap. 3 of "China on the Way". Read a very interesting and
detailed article about the recent agreement concluded between Serbia and Kosovo under
the aegis of the EU.
Listened to Chinese Learn on Line, lesson 216. Shadowed lesson 215.
Studied my vocab queue in Learning With Texts.
Read two short articles focussing on military airplanes, of all things: one related to
problems with the ejector seats of the Finnish air force F18s and the other concerning
a night exercise performed by Russian planes very close to the Swedish border.
Studied my vocab queue in Learning With Texts.
Read Caesar I.21 and 22. Listened to Caesar I.21-24.
Started reading Oerberg's Roma Aeterna, cap. XLV (simplified version of Livy I.49-60).
Dj' a tot fait do lére Vera, då L. Mahin. Si vos lijhoz çouci, vos estoz bén capåve do
lére li roman vos minme (d' ostant k' i gn a on ratoûrnaedje e francès avou, si vs avoz
pawe do n' nén comprinde) eyet d' vos fé vosse prôpe idêye. Atindoz vos a z esse souké
djus... Li tcherpinte do roman, li ritchesse do lingaedje, les sinnes d' amour, les
payizaedjes måy discrîts dins nosse lingaedje, totafait est tûzé po vos sbarer minme
si, al fén des féns, ci n'est "ki" ene istwere di djins d' nos djins, avou des
rascråwes et des toûrsiveuzreyes come les cenes ki rimplixhèt l' vicåreye da tot l'
monde. Ene sôre ki dj' a rlevé, c' est ki, li Lucyin estant èn årtisse, I discopece
voltî ses personaedjes eyet leus tûzaedjes come on medcén el freut, avou on fén coutea,
avou l' sintaedje del tchår so les mwins eyet inte les doets. Ossi: kimint cist apoisse
la a t i fé po saveur discrire insi li Crimêye eyet l' Oucrinne?
I finished reading Lucyin Mahin's novel "Vera". As might be expected, it's far from
being your "average" novel in Walloon, as everything, from the structure of the novel
to the stunning wealth of the vocabulary, seems to be construed to baffle the reader.
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| lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4205 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 40 of 408 25 April 2013 at 9:04am | IP Logged |
Finally registered for the new HSK4 in June.
Vocabulary: HSK4 (review, with Skritter), HSK5 (review + 6 new words, with Anki),
characters (review + 2 new characters, with Anki) and random vocabulary found while
reading (20-30 new items/day, with Pleco and paper).
Finished reading chap. 3 of 《中国进行时》.
Read an interesting article saying that 欧盟允许成员国从叙利亚反对派手中购买石油 。
Unsurprisingly, the authorities in Damas 认为这种做法无异于侵略。
Read another article on the evolution of European, mainly German and British, defence,
should the UK leave the EU.
Chinese Learn Online: shadowed lesson 216 and listened to lesson 217.
Reread attentively one page of 余华的《活着》, comparing each sentence with a translation
in French. Then copied the page by hand while reading aloud.
Studied my vocab queue in Learning With Texts.
In LWT, read an article about an MP who remains vice-president of a Parliamentary
committee although has was condemned for receiving "election money". In "Kaikkonen...
sai tuomion vaalirahojen takia", I'm not sure I understand what "vaaliraha" actually
Studied my vocab queue in Learning With Texts.
Listened to the news while reading the transcription on Nuntii Latini (thanks again to
iguanamon for posting the link).
Listened to Caesar I.23-25.
Continued reading Oerberg, cap. XLV, i.e. Livy cap. I.51-53.
Escuché la versión audio de un artículo sobre el camino a Santiago de Compostela.
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