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Expug’s All at On(c)e Log - TAC14

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 Message 25 of 415
08 January 2014 at 5:47pm | IP Logged 
Don't worry, I'm familiar with C/E for a long time. I think Estonian is a bit like
Georgian where you can't ignore some textbooks now matter how unfriendly they are. I
don't know which one I'm going to start with, but I will by no means let myself down or
frustrated if I find I'm not learning enough from CE. I have TY Estonian too and I may
start with either one of them. I also have Manuel d'Estonien and the Basic Course which
will make things look less phrasebookish than those two big publishing houses do.
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 Message 26 of 415
08 January 2014 at 5:53pm | IP Logged 
TY Estonian destroys Colloquial E on the strengths of having more exercises (that also don't assume that you've miraculously learned the grammar of a future chapter unlike Colloquial E), clearer explanations of the grammar, and better master list of vocabulary and choice of voice actors for the audio.
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 Message 27 of 415
08 January 2014 at 6:02pm | IP Logged 
It's not either/or, Chung, as I have both.
Btw, when I got Colloquial Estonian, TY Estonian didn't even exist.
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 Message 28 of 415
08 January 2014 at 6:16pm | IP Logged 
My point is that Colloquial E is really bad, and might even set you up with some bad habits in thinking about Estonian.

The worst offender in the book is that it presents the -da infinitive as the main form for verbs. Etymologically (and if you know Finnish) it makes sense since this infinitive corresponds to the first (i.e. main) infinitive of Finnish. Pedagogically this is dumb, dumb, dumb as a beginner. The main infinitive that is taught in Estonian courses and presented in the best Estonian-English dictionaries is the -ma infinitive. If you know the -ma infinitive, you stand a better chance to figure out the conjugational stem for the present tense. Another problem is that the expalantions of consonant gradation and the vowel alternations are glib or practically useless. The only way to start to cope is to guess based on words introduced earlier that look similar. The authors of TY Estonian try to provide some framework to help you predict which alternations to apply, but even then you still need a lot of practice (or hard study of a reference guide on Estonian grammar or even a book on the history of Estonian) to know which inflectional stems to use (try to figure out the partitive plural in Estonian. I dare you).

Like you, I started Estonian when TY Estonian didn't exist and really the only viable courses in hard copy were Tuldava's Estonian Textbook and Moseley's Colloquial Estonian. I ditched Tuldava's textbook after about a dozen chapters since the lack of audio and reliance on translation drills wore thin. I ditched Moseley's course after 5 chapters because of all of the flaws that I've mentioned already. TY Estonian was a godsend and appeared a few months after I started studying the language.
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 Message 29 of 415
08 January 2014 at 6:49pm | IP Logged 
Well, I've been thinking about the alphabet alone. Currently when I read a Georgian text I feel like I'm disabled :(
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 Message 30 of 415
08 January 2014 at 8:59pm | IP Logged 
Well then, it took me actually quite a while to get used to the alphabet in a more
practical way, I'd say nine to ten months, and when I started reading longer texts I
noticed my reading/decoding speed increased yet a bit more.
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 Message 31 of 415
09 January 2014 at 6:21pm | IP Logged 
As I'm packing again for going to my hometown (15 hours by bus, this time flights are bloody
expensive and I have 3 weeks out, so, no rush), I realize I nearly managed to finish my schedule.
Only Everyday Chinese, the French film and the Papiamento book are missing. I could advance a bit
with the Georgian reading at the final pages of TYGFES thanks to googling for the text excerpt and
finding it where I could copy/paste and gtranslate it. All in all, my Georgian reading speed and
ability are actually improving! I'm starting to consolidate some vocabulary including some verbal
forms I tended to mix up, like to bring/take something or someone. I'm taking along 'Basic Georgian
which only has 28 lessons, so I'll probably be done with it in early February and this means I'll
probably start Estonian before March. I'm confident enough with the amount I'm learning from the
Georgian bilingual reading to be able to let go textbook studying, but I still need strong
reviewing on some verbal tenses. Maybe the best book for this would be Kurze Grammatik der
Georgische Sprachen. It lacks the script and it would be a good exercise to write the sample
sentences down in the Georgian script at my log. So, path would be as following:

Teach Yourself Georgian for English Speakers -> Basic Georgian
Einführung in die Georgische Sprachen -> A Georgian Reader
Basic Georgian -> Kurze Grammatik der Georgische Sprachen
A Georgian Reader -> [An Estonian textbook]
Kurze Grammatik der Georgische Sprachen -> [Review of another grammar I've already been through)

Norwegian also seemed easier today. I thought of giving up at one point because I might not have
had enough time, but I went on and listened to 4 audio tracks again, it was 9 pages but it is ok,
next one will make up for the half page that was missing, since I've actually done 11 and 12 pages
the two previous days.

I'm not going back to Chapada Diamantina this time, only in April. I'm glad my Team Exploradores
mates accepted the first challenge I proposed and it was quite good to notice their progress and to
be able to help. Now I want to write some short travel logs there, it will be a nice experience to
write in native language, maybe that will represent a warm up for further activities. I think it's
more genuine for those who are learning Portuguese that I write about my trips within Brazil.

No active working yday (dialogues) and probably none today either. I'll see what I can do while I
am at my parents'.
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 Message 32 of 415
10 January 2014 at 12:53am | IP Logged 
You're amazing... Really.

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