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Don Quixote de La Mancha

 Language Learning Forum : Specific Languages Post Reply
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 Message 1 of 10
04 October 2006 at 10:32pm | IP Logged 
I found a set of podcasts for Don Quixote. The first chapter starts about 19 minutes into the podcast that contains the 1st chapter. If you search the fine web, you can find another website that has the complete book up in asf format. This isn't the computer reading the book, which is out there too, but no one has ever made it through that version. I found a site with a small glossary for Cervantes' obra maestra. Amazon has a modern translation. The Real Español Academy has a 400th anniversary edition out that has notes to help one understand archaic language usage.

Edited by luke on 04 October 2006 at 10:39pm

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 Message 2 of 10
25 November 2006 at 6:29pm | IP Logged 
In reading my notes from Ardaschir, I came across this gem:
Ardaschir wrote:
For instance, there is no contesting the fact that Cervantes, "Don Quijote" is the single most important work in all of Spanish literature, and that it also holds an extremely high rank in the canon of monuments of world literature. Someone who has a well-balanced, well-rounded education will have read such a work. To the person who wants to read it but was put off by the many unfamiliar nouns, I would say this: don't put it off! The only way to build your vocabulary to read it is to sit down and read it. The idea of a simplified version horrifies me, but an annotated version, with the archaic vocabulary at the bottom of each page, surely makes perfect sense. However, if you can follow the story, if you just read through the entire work, you will get much of the vocabulary from context. Granted, you may have to read it more than once, but it is more than worth it. While I would not venture to match my Spanish against that of anyone from Spain or Mexico, I can and have read both Cervantes and Gabriel García Márquez with both pleasure and understanding. Indeed, I really would not venture to say that I knew Spanish if I had not done so. I am well aware that most people, including most members of this forum, view "knowing" a language as meaning being about to communicate effectively with living contemporary speakers, but for me this ability is simply an additional benefit of really knowing a language, which means knowing whence it came and how it got to be what it is, and knowing the content of the literature and thought that has been expressed in it.

So now I'm seriously thinking about approaching Cervantes' magnum opus. Since the vocabulary is one of the challenging parts, I wrote a little program to find the most frequent words.   The program isn't smart enough to recognize all forms yet, but it does recognize some of the more popular forms and maps them to an infinitive. It also recognizes some plurals and maps them to a singular. It can give one a heads up for words that will be repeated a lot. In the list below, the number is a count of the times a word is repeated. These are the words repeated 40 or more times. There are 704 words in the list. This represents about 79% of the words in the text.

20628 que
18213 de
18189 y
10363 la
   9824 a
   8242 en
   8210 el
   6335 no
   5695 ser
   4762 haber
   4748 los
   4691 se
   4401 su
   4202 con
   3940 por
   3745 le
   3695 decir
   3501 un
   3468 las
   3461 lo
   2691 todo
   2648 don
   2491 del
   2345 me
   2264 como
   2175 quijote
   2148 sancho
   2093 mi
   2077 yo
   2044 más
   2011 este
   1966 si
   1843 tener
   1737 al
   1566 otro
   1544 él
   1525 estar
   1463 para
   1395 porque
   1376 ni
   1243 tan
   1220 hacer
   1214 señor
   1213 o
   1171 poder
   1167 responder
   1156 sin
   1142 vuestro
   1065 así
   1050 bien
   1014 pero
   1007 querer
   1000 saber
    954 caballero
    916 mucho
    900 merced
    886 esto
    865 pues
    849 qué
    847 cual
    794 cosa
    785 ya
    779 tanto
    757 cuando
    737 dar
    731 ella
    726 te
    726 ir
    694 sino
    692 aquello
    684 dos
    676 parecer
    674 donde
    667 bueno
    651 fue
    618 quien
    592 algun
    582 tal
    543 mano
    535 muy
    531 dios
    531 aunque
    516 aquí
    515 señora
    514 día
    506 poco
    502 mí
    487 aquel
    481 nuestro
    467 ver
    467 tu
    465 parte
    463 os
    459 mal
    456 llegar
    454 sobre
    450 nos
    443 pasar
    442 buen
    432 verdad
    432 duque
    421 allí
    415 mío
    414 venir
    404 quedar
    398 vez
    397 deber
    395 dejar
    394 mundo
    390 luego
    386 hasta
    374 entre
    373 dicho
    370 tiempo
    366 ahora
    362 hombre
    356 vida
    350 uno
    350 amigo
    347 menos
    346 sí
    345 lugar
    340 gran
    336 poner
    335 mejor
    335 eso
    334 hijo
    334 casa
    330 pie
    329 panza
    329 padre
    328 manera
    322 grande
    317 llamar
    313 cura
    312 llevar
    311 voz
    307 puesto
    306 escudero
    304 ojo
    297 amo
    294 dio
    291 antes
    288 fuera
    285 visto
    283 algún
    282 dulcinea
    281 nuevo
    275 cómo
    274 tierra
    272 palabra
    272 hecho
    270 quién
    269 libro
    266 hallar
    265 tú
    259 aun
    258 volver
    256 tomar
    252 cielo
    249 historia
    248 vio
    245 camino
    240 salir
    240 mas
    238 cuanto
    234 tres
    234 también
    234 fin
    234 desta
    230 malo
    226 mujer
    224 solo
    221 cada
    220 aventura
    219 mesmo
    216 replicar
    215 cabeza
    214 cuenta
    212 vos
    211 punto
    211 noche
    207 fuese
    206 rocinante
    206 preguntar
    205 andar
    203 vuesa
    200 razon
    199 mayor
    197 sólo
    197 caballo
    197 andante
    196 después
    193 gusto
    192 hermoso
    191 mil
    190 primero
    188 oh
    186 pensar
    185 persona
    183 año
    183 acabar
    181 dueño
    180 pensamiento
    180 nombre
    178 mismo
    177 duda
    176 adelante
    175 mancha
    174 gobernador
    170 modo
    170 arma
    170 amor
    169 sacar
    169 oír
    169 desde
    168 brazo
    167 barbero
    166 nada
    164 según
    163 toboso
    163 criado
    162 sido
    162 dado
    162 andantes
    160 voluntad
    160 cuatro
    159 deseo
    157 gente
    155 ventura
    154 nunca
    154 famoso
    153 rostro
    153 mandar
    153 hora
    153 capítulo
    153 alma
    152 razón
    151 viendo
    151 entender
    150 siempre
    150 ningun
    150 muerte
    149 fueron
    149 agora
    148 menester
    148 deste
    148 cuerpo
    148 camila
    147 doncella
    144 entonces
    143 caballería
    143 alguno
    142 nadie
    142 lotario
    142 cristiano
    141 suerte
    141 suelo
    140 venta
    140 jamás
    140 corazón
    140 castillo
    138 anselmo
    137 vino
    137 rey
    135 fernando
    133 finalmente
    132 dél
    132 comencar
    132 blanco
    131 rico
    130 caso
    129 fuerza
    127 oído
    127 memoria
    127 contra
    127 algo
    125 mitad
    125 loco
    125 delante
    124 fama
    124 causa
    123 posible
    123 hermosura
    122 obra
    122 cierto
    120 contento
    119 rucio
    118 ventero
    117 vestido
    117 demás
    116 hacía
    116 están
    115 ínsula
    115 casi
    114 dello
    113 tocar
    113 suyo
    113 gobierno
    113 figura
    112 espada
    112 enemigo
    112 ello
    111 nosotros
    111 esposo
    111 dorotea
    110 siendo
    109 pena
    109 bachiller
    108 junto
    107 triste
    107 muerto
    106 intención
    106 hermano
    106 boca
    105 ocasión
    105 buscar
    104 pueblo
    104 della
    104 apenas
    103 pedro
    103 pedir
    102 lengua
    102 ciudad
    101 moro
    101 cardenio
    100 ninguno
    100 medio
    100 lágrima
    100 estado
     99 traer
     99 pastor
     99 luscinda
     99 comer
     98 pobre
     98 encantador
     97 hablar
     97 dinero
     97 carta
     97 adonde
     96 vista
     96 creo
     95 orden
     94 valeroso
     94 traía
     94 oro
     93 primera
     93 diablo
     93 aposento
     92 fe
     92 estando
     91 éste
     91 conmigo
     90 dando
     90 cabo
     89 pudiera
     89 mira
     89 entrar
     88 cuento
     88 asno
     87 teresa
     87 suele
     87 letra
     87 dieron
     86 trabajo
     86 puerta
     86 mozo
     86 mañana
     86 largo
     85 pecho
     85 mesma
     85 campo
     84 valor
     84 juicio
     84 gana
     84 dé
     84 autor
     84 aún
     83 tras
     82 ti
     82 sazón
     82 cuya
     82 cuantos
     81 libertad
     81 entendimiento
     81 batalla
     80 sean
     80 quizá
     80 natural
     80 madre
     79 falta
     79 desgracia
     79 caballerías
     78 zoraida
     78 sucedir
     78 sol
     78 peligro
     78 marido
     78 luz
     78 locura
     78 honra
     78 ésta
     78 cerca
     78 allá
     77 seis
     77 misma
     76 mercedes
     76 hoy
     76 debajo
     76 agua
     75 silencio
     75 sansón
     75 remedio
     75 presto
     75 fortuna
     75 españa
     75 doña
     74 semejantes
     74 licencia
     74 jumento
     74 ama
     73 priesa
     73 discreto
     73 deseos
     72 venían
     72 reino
     72 fuere
     72 espacio
     72 escudo
     72 entró
     72 e
     72 cuán
     71 labrador
     71 hidalgo
     71 doncellas
     71 condición
     70 gracias
     69 quisiere
     69 pensaba
     69 leído
     69 haré
     69 cuyo
     68 suceso
     68 sobrino
     68 par
     68 hazañas
     67 suya
     67 pasado
     67 espalda
     67 creer
     66 virtud
     66 tenido
     66 ley
     66 bosque
     65 silla
     65 sangre
     65 pan
     65 muestras
     65 leer
     65 esperar
     65 barbas
     65 antonio
     65 ánimo
     64 verso
     64 señal
     64 principio
     64 noticia
     64 lanza
     64 grandeza
     64 discurso
     64 culpa
     63 verde
     63 maese
     63 edad
     63 ansí
     62 temor
     62 oyendo
     62 dormir
     62 dónde
     62 altisidora
     62 ahí
     61 vea
     61 sucesos
     61 ningún
     61 diez
     61 daño
     61 consigo
     61 consejo
     61 compañía
     61 azotes
     60 valiente
     60 tuviese
     60 tienes
     60 resolución
     60 renegado
     60 provecho
     60 hallado
     60 haciendo
     60 enamorado
     60 dolor
     60 diese
     60 carrasco
     59 vi
     59 suelen
     59 presente
     59 paz
     59 mar
     59 libre
     59 hambre
     58 vieron
     58 venga
     58 principal
     58 oídos
     58 necesidad
     58 mirar
     58 media
     57 sois
     57 poeta
     57 licenciado
     57 dijese
     57 destos
     57 caer
     57 ante
     56 veinte
     56 reina
     56 quitar
     56 oficio
     56 lado
     56 gigante
     56 encantado
     56 alta
     56 aldea
     55 vencido
     55 reales
     55 princesa
     55 lleno
     55 lejos
     55 encima
     55 discreción
     54 siglo
     54 risa
     54 plática
     54 mirando
     54 esperando
     54 ejercicio
     54 darle
     54 aire
     54 acaso
     53 servir
     53 prosiguió
     53 mujeres
     53 miedo
     53 hacienda
     53 fuego
     53 destas
     53 dentro
     53 cuidado
     53 carro
     52 verdadera
     52 roque
     52 diciéndole
     52 decís
     52 contar
     52 claro
     52 basilio
     52 asimismo
     52 acuerdo
     51 sucedido
     51 servido
     51 segunda
     51 presencia
     51 negocio
     51 montesinos
     51 historias
     51 escrito
     51 contó
     51 burla
     50 verdadero
     50 señoras
     50 ruido
     50 puesta
     50 presentes
     50 justicia
     50 fuerzas
     50 efecto
     50 cabello
     49 santa
     49 salud
     49 pesar
     49 huésped
     49 disparates
     49 diré
     49 dejado
     49 bondad
     49 acá
     48 verdaderamente
     48 término
     48 respuesta
     48 real
     48 paje
     48 hacia
     48 género
     48 especialmente
     48 emperador
     48 conocido
     47 vuelto
     47 propósito
     47 pesadumbre
     47 perder
     47 opinión
     47 muestra
     47 efeto
     47 cólera
     47 cinco
     47 cargo
     47 aquél
     46 venido
     46 todavía
     46 tarde
     46 sabio
     46 primo
     46 mirad
     46 llegado
     46 ingenio
     46 imaginación
     46 fueran
     46 entiendo
     46 darme
     46 cueva
     46 cortesía
     46 conocer
     46 cabrero
     45 viento
     45 sueño
     45 pudiese
     45 peor
     45 mesa
     45 instante
     45 gloria
     45 general
     45 favor
     45 estremo
     45 esperanza
     45 cuál
     45 albarda
     44 vivo
     44 leonela
     44 honestidad
     44 hechos
     44 guerra
     44 fuesen
     44 desdichado
     44 corte
     44 capitán
     44 buscando
     44 belleza
     44 basta
     44 arriba
     44 árboles
     44 amadís
     43 subir
     43 primer
     43 diego
     43 di
     43 contado
     43 clara
     43 cautivo
     43 adónde
     42 venganza
     42 rodríguez
     42 mono
     42 llamado
     42 linaje
     42 jardín
     42 imposible
     42 fuerte
     42 doce
     42 alto
     41 viaje
     41 verá
     41 traje
     41 tornó
     41 señas
     41 seguro
     41 escribir
     41 armado
     41 amistad
     41 alcanzar
     41 agravio
     41 abajo
     40 verse
     40 veras
     40 quiteria
     40 papel
     40 oidor
     40 luna
     40 hiciese
     40 fui
     40 costumbre
     40 contrario
     40 cama
     40 alzó
     40 alegre
     40 admiración

Edited by luke on 27 November 2006 at 8:58pm

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United States
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 Message 3 of 10
25 November 2006 at 6:33pm | IP Logged 
One can find the text to Don Quijote online at Project Gutenberg.

By the way, the program counted 22561 different words in Cervantes' classic, but that figure is somewhat overstated the program doesn't distinguish between many plurals, verb forms, adjectives, etc.

Edited by luke on 27 November 2006 at 8:56pm

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 Message 4 of 10
27 November 2006 at 10:28am | IP Logged 
luke wrote:
One can find the text to Don Quijote online at Project Gutenberg.


there is also a heavily annotated online version of Don Quijote with very convenient pop-up comments. You can find it here.

P.S. A search on "don quijote mp3" turned up a few interesting links, including this one.

Edited by frenkeld on 27 November 2006 at 10:49am

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 Message 5 of 10
27 November 2006 at 9:06pm | IP Logged 
frenkeld wrote:
There is also a heavily annotated online version of Don Quijote with very convenient pop-up comments. You can find it here.
A search on "don quijote mp3" turned up a few interesting links, including this one.

The annotated online version is interesting. It looks to be annotated about as much as the RAE 400th anniversary edition, but the annotations are not identical.

The link to the mp3s is exactly what I wanted to find. Those are the original recordings that the weekly podcast was including, but you found the whole shebang.

By the way, I've updated the word list in the post above a couple of times since I originally generated the list.

Edited by luke on 27 November 2006 at 9:13pm

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 Message 6 of 10
01 December 2006 at 6:08am | IP Logged 

I'm very interested in this program you wrote, which counts the words of a given text. I was thinking of counting the words based on their occurence, but not in books, but in transcripts of speech, dialogues, news services and so on.. to see the most frequent words used in everyday oral speech. there are some news services.. like the unradio for instance, that provide the transcript of their news service word by word in 7 languages. a great site by the way.

If you could share this program, I'd be very interested.

Edited by Vlad on 01 December 2006 at 6:10am

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 Message 7 of 10
01 December 2006 at 6:21am | IP Logged 
The program is incomplete and unpolished right now.

Edited by luke on 01 December 2006 at 9:39am

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 Message 8 of 10
01 December 2006 at 7:45am | IP Logged 
As a professional Perl programmar, my eyes have started bleeding. :)

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