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Bilingual Pentaglot
Joined 5314 days ago

76 posts - 116 votes 
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Studies: Arabic (classical), German, Russian

 Message 33 of 110
17 October 2010 at 10:30pm | IP Logged 
BiaHuda wrote:
Mikael84 wrote:
All right, let's rock 'n roll. I only picked the beginner text because it's the shortest and also the lowest common denominator between all my languages! Sometimes I picked proxy words because I tried to do the whole thing without a dictionary (no idea how to say postcard in Arabic so I picked "picture".)
I found "nice" to be a little tough to translate, even in languages I know well. Again, in Arabic I just picked "jamil" (pretty).

Well done. This is why i found this exercise so interesting. Vietnamese doesn't really have a word for nice and the tenses can be a little difficult to translate. It's interesting to try to put the prose you are writing into a different language and maintain the context.

Thanks. I notice most people understood "nice" as "pretty" and used similar words in other languages: schön, bonito, joli, etc. To me "nice" is a wider concept which also includes intangibles such as atmosphere, people etc. It's funny to realize a lot of languages don't have such a concept. "Kiva" in Finnish was the closest fit IMO.

But hey, that's the fun of these translation exercises, and I guess in the end it's what makes languages interesting.
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Senior Member
Joined 5365 days ago

169 posts - 211 votes 
Speaks: Swedish*, English, German
Studies: Cantonese

 Message 34 of 110
18 October 2010 at 12:34pm | IP Logged 
mick33 wrote:
I think this is a great idea. I'm happy that Jinx revived this thread. I will attempt to translate the first two passages into Swedish. I will probably make many mistakes so I welcome any corrections.
Sprachprofi wrote:
Hi Lisa,
here is a postcard of my town. It is not very big, but it is nice. Please tell me more about your town. How many people live in it? What is particularly nice about your town? Where do you go in the evenings?

Hejsan Lisa
Detta är ett vykort av min stad. Det är en småstad, men det är trevligt. Var snäll och berättar mer om din stad. Hur mycken människor bor där? Vad är särskilt trevligt om det? Vart göra du kvällar?

Sprachprofi wrote:
Thank you very much. I am so glad I won the prize. I would like to travel to the USA in July because of my job. Will I be able to see my cousin Ann in Dallas? I know the tour only goes through Houston... Also I would really like to go swimming in the ocean. I hope there will be time for that.
Yours sincerely,

Michelle Dubois

Tack så mycket. Jag är så lycklig jag har vunnit priset. Jag vill gärna resa till USA i juli på grund av mitt arbete. Kan jag besöker min kusin Ann i Dallas? Jag vet resan går bara igenom Houston... Också skulle jag vilje simma på havet. Jag hoppas det finns någon gång för det.

Med vänlig hälsning,

Michelle Dubois

Nice to see someone try out Swedish :) As you expected, there were a few mistakes.

Hejsan Lisa
Detta är ett vykort av min stad. Det är en småstad, men den är trevlig. Var snäll och berätta mer om din stad. Hur många människor bor där? Vad är särskilt trevligt med staden? Vart går du om kvällarna?

Tack så mycket. Jag är så lycklig att jag har vunnit priset. Jag vill gärna resa till USA i juli på grund av mitt arbete. Kommer jag att kunna besöka min kusin Ann i Dallas? Jag vet att resan bara går igenom Houston... Och så skulle jag vilja simma i havet. Jag hoppas det finns tid för det.

Good job ;) Unfortunately I'm not good enough in Cantonese to do this myself, I'll have to pass this time. But at least it made me realize my limits in the language. :)
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Joined 5655 days ago

410 posts - 482 votes 
Speaks: English*, DutchC1
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 Message 35 of 110
18 October 2010 at 1:44pm | IP Logged 
This is fun. I tried advanced for Dutch.

Ik kende mijn vader nauwelijks. Toen hij was gestorven, op 75 jaren leeftijd, was ik nog geen 10 jaar oud. Ik herinner de dag goed. Het was een zonnige dag in september en er was een rare sfeer in het huis. Ik zie mezelf, zat alleen op een stoel in een grote kamer; een wesp vlieg rond maar anders was de huis helemaal stil. Een van mijn oudere broers zei, ‘Vader sterft, maar jij zou hier moeten blijven’. Iedereen was met hem maar ik was weer ‘te klein’ en dus uitgesloten. Ik weet niet wat meer triest was. Deze toestand of de dood van mijn vader, (van wie ik geen idee had van zijn gewichtigheid.

Één beeld van hem heeft de meest indruk op me gemaakt; kijken in zijn kamer, vanuit de hal en hem zien, zat aan zijn bureau in het licht van een lamp. Het was alsof ik licht op het eind van een tunnel zag.)

The bits in brackets are where I had difficulty so I don't think it sounds right.
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United States
Joined 5755 days ago

13 posts - 24 votes
Speaks: English*, German
Studies: Mandarin, Cantonese

 Message 36 of 110
19 October 2010 at 12:27am | IP Logged 
Well, I haven't been learning Cantonese for too long, so this is probably REALLY off,
but here's my try!


Hi Lisa,
here is a postcard of my town. It is not very big, but it is nice. Please tell me more
about your town. How many people live in it? What is particularly nice about your town?
Where do you go in the evenings?


Cantonese (Jyutping)

Nei5 hou2 Lai6 Saa1,
Ni1 zoeng1 ming4 seon3 pin2 jyun4 zi6 ngo5 ge3 sing4. M4 hai6 hou2 daai6, daan6 hai6
hou2 leng3. M4 goi1 nei5 waa6 ngo5 zi1 nei5 ge3 sing4 dim2 aa3? Jau5 gei2 do1 jan4 aa3?
Dim2 joeng6 go3 sing4 hai6 dak6 bit6? Nei5 zik6 zi1 hau6 ceot1 gaai1 bin1 dou6 aa3?

Joek3 han6


呢張明信片源自我嘅城. 唔係好大, 單係好靚. 唔該你話我知你嘅城點呀? 有幾多人呀? 點樣個城係特別? 你夕之後出街

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Studies: Spanish, Arabic (Written), Swedish
Studies: Danish, Dari, Kirundi

 Message 37 of 110
22 October 2010 at 5:00pm | IP Logged 
Hi Lisa,
here is a postcard of my town. It is not very big, but it is nice. Please tell me more about your town. How many people live in it? What is particularly nice about your town? Where do you go in the evenings?


리사씨 안녕!

이건 내 도시 엽서인데, 크지는 않지만 이쁘지.
리사씨도 제 도시에 대해 좀 얘기 해 줘!
인구, 관광지, 저녁 가는 곳 들 들.

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United Kingdom
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 Message 38 of 110
31 October 2010 at 1:20pm | IP Logged 

Hi Lisa,
here is a postcard of my town. It is not very big, but it is nice. Please tell me more about your town. How many people live in it? What is particularly nice about your town? Where do you go in the evenings?



Hallo Lisa,

Hier ist eine Postkarte von meiner Stadt. Sie ist zwar nicht sehr groß, dafür aber schön. Bitte erzähl mir mehr von deiner Stadt. Wie viele Leute wohnen da? Was ist besonders nett an der Stadt? Wohin gehst du abends?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Živjo Lisa,

To je razglednica mojega mesta. Ni zelo veliko, ampak je lepo. Mi pripoveduje več o tvojem mestu, prosim. Koliko ljudi živijo tam? Kaj je posebno lepo o njem? Kam greš zvečer?

Lep pozdrav

Intermediate text, German:

Vielen Dank. Ich freue mich so sehr, dass ich diesen Preis gewonnen habe. Ich möchte im Juli wegen meiner Arbeit in die USA fahren. Werde ich meine Kusine Ann in Dallas besuchen können? Ich weiß, dass die Tour nur durch Houston fährt... Außerdem möchte ich gerne im Ozean schwimmen. Ich hoffe, dass es genug Zeit dafür geben wird.

Viele Grüße.
Michelle Dubois


Ich habe meinen Vater kaum gekannt. Als er mit 75 starb, war ich damals noch nicht 10. An den Tag kann ich mich noch sehr gut erinnern. Es war ein sonniger Tag im September und im Haus war eine ungewöhnliche Atmosphäre. Ich habe noch vor den Augen, wie ich im großen Zimmer auf dem Stuhl gesitzt habe. Eine Wespe ist hin und her geflogen aber ansonsten war das Haus total still. Einer meiner älteren Brüder hatte gesagt "Vater stirbt, aber du solltest hier bleiben." Alle waren bei ihm - nun war ich noch zu jung und deshalb wurde ich ausgeschlossen. Ich weiß nicht, was mich trauriger machte - dieses Gefühl der Ausgrenzung oder der Tod meines Vaters, dessen Bedeutung ich natürlich überhaupt nicht verstehen konnte.

Eine Erinnerung von ihm hat mich besonders beeindruckt - sein Zimmer von dem Flur zu sehen und ihn an seinem Schreibtisch im Licht seiner Lampe zu sein. Es war, wie ein Licht am Ende eines Tunnels zu sehen.

Firstly, I don't know whether this is my Russian influencing me, but I am not sure whether it may be better to say "man hat mich ausgeschlossen" instead of actually using the passive. Also, I decided to say "seine(r) Lampe" when describing the memory because it somehow makes it sound more personal to me, which I think is the idea in the passage :]

Also, when thinking about how to translate "Father is dying" I initially (and for some reason immediately) thought of the expression "Vater liegt im Sterben" - would that have done as well? I didn't go for it in the end because it sounds too formal to my ears.

Edited by LanguageSponge on 31 October 2010 at 5:15pm

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GroupieRegistered users can see my Skype Name
Joined 5157 days ago

82 posts - 113 votes 
Speaks: French*, English
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 Message 39 of 110
31 October 2010 at 7:40pm | IP Logged 
hi tried swedish, i see your corrections wingsuet and there are few things i don't have in common, but i'm not sure that's wrong, there may be several translation, no ? pleaser tell me if it's wrong.

1) hej lisa, detta är ett vykort från min town. det är inte väldigt stora, men det är trevlig. Var snäll och berätta mig mer om din stad. Hur många människor bor där ? Vad är särskilt trevlig om din stad? Vart gå du på kvällarna ?

2)tack så mycket. Jag är så glad att jag har vunnit priset, Jag skulle vilja resa till USA i juli på grund av mitt jobb.Kommer jag att kunna se min kusin Ann i Dallas? Jag vet att resan bara går genom Houston... jag skulle vilja verkligen också bada i havet. Jag hoppas att det blir tid för det där.
Med vänlig hälsning

3)Jag visste inte så mycket min fader. När han dog, han var 75 år och jag var inte ännu 10 år gammal. Jag minns dagen värligt bra. Det var en solig dag i septemb och det var en atmosfär i huset som var inte gemensamma. Jag kan se mig själv sittande ensam i en stora rum. En av mina äldre bröder hade sagt ” fader är döende men du måste stanna här. Alla var med honom, jag var ”för liten” igen och därmed utesluts. Jag vet inte vad som gjorde mig mer ledsen, villkoret eller min fars död, vars betydelse jag inte förstod naturligtvis. En bild av honom imponerade mest på mig: klocka hans rum och se honom sitta bredvid sitt kontor i ljuset av hans lampa. Det var som att se ett ljus i slutet av tunneln
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Joined 5981 days ago

34 posts - 37 votes
Speaks: Swedish*, English
Studies: French, Latin, Ancient Greek

 Message 40 of 110
31 October 2010 at 11:00pm | IP Logged 
Heh, I tried the easy one in Latin. This is what I came up with without using a lexicon or anything like that:

Ecce pictura de oppidum meum. Id est parvum sed gratum. Narra mihi de tuum oppidum si places. Quot incolae habitant ibi? Quid est gratus in tuo oppido? Ubi is in noctibus?

I have only studied at Latin at the university for something like two months and we have just been reading texts and memorizing paradigms so this was quite fun. But I'm sure I didn't get much correct.

I would be glad if someone could answer the questions that arose when I tried to do this translation.

First sentence: I'm unsure of how to express that it is a picture (I don't know a word that fits better) of the town. Like it says now I think it could be interpreted like it is a picture made by the town which of course is ridiculous. But maybe one has to rephrase it with something like ecce picture quae shows my town or something like that.

Second: This is perhaps the only sentence that I think was quite straight forward heh. I didn't translate it directly though "not very big" - non bene magnum or what would that be? sounded weird to me. I figured it was easier to just say it's a small town. Not sure if gratus is the most fitting adjective but it's the only one I know which is close to the English "nice".

Third sentence: I used the imperative of narrare, I just don't know any other way to say it in, I'm sure there are a more fitting way to say it in which probably involves some grammar I'm not aware of yet. Then I used me as a dative object. I wasn't sure how to express that I would like to hear about the reader's town. Wasn't sure how to translate please either, si places is the only thing I know of though heh.

Fifth: How would you translate particularly?

Sixth: Ubi - where, is - you go but I'm uncertain about in noctibus.

I would be extremely thankful somebody with more knowledge of Latin than me could answer my thoughts about each sentence and perhaps provide another translation.

I could do these texts in French too, it would be a lot easier than Latin at least, but I saw that a few already had done it in French. The language I know most grammar in is undoubtedly Ancient Greek but I'm not even close to translate the beginner text into that since I have a VERY limited vocabulary. :P But I can conjugate a lot of verbs and stuff instead hehe.

Great idea this. :)

Edited by Zebulon on 31 October 2010 at 11:02pm

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