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Senior Member
United States
Joined 7262 days ago

3133 posts - 4351 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish
Studies: Esperanto, French

 Message 129 of 130
08 March 2012 at 2:04am | IP Logged 
Que es esto?|en|todavia%20esta%20por%20 ver%20que%20ver%20sea%20la%20consecuencia%20logica%20de%20te ner%20ojos.%0D%0A%0D%0ANo%20los%20hay%20que%20no%20ven%20tre s%20en%20un%20burro%20o%20incluso%20quienes%20lo%20ven%20tod o%20negro%3F%0D%0A%0D%0ASin%20hablar%20ya%20de%20los%20que%2 0ni%20siquiera%20dan%20credito%20a%20sus%20ojos.%0D%0A%0D%0A Se%20ve%20todos%20los%20dias%20gente%20que%20no%20ve%20mas%2 0alla%20de%20sus%20narices.%0D%0A%0D%0AMerecen%20verse%20apa rte%20las%20situaciones%20en%20que%20la%20evidencia%20no%20s alta%20a%20los%20ojos%20por%20causas%20que%20han%20de%20cons iderarse%20como%20de%20fuerza%20major%3B%20vease%20por%20eje mplo%20el%20caso%20de%20los%20que%20tienen%20un%20hambre%20q ue%20no%20ven%20y%20pasan%20la%20vida%20viendolas%20y%20dese andoselas.%0D%0A%0D%0APor%20lo%20visto%20hay%20quienes%20pie nsan%20que%20eso%20ha%20que%20verlo%20para%20creerlo.%0D%0A% 0D%0AHabrase%20visto!%0D%0A%0D%0AA%20esos%2C%20expertos%20en %20hacer%20la%20vista%20gorda%2C%20cuando%20se%20les%20ve%20 la%20cara.%0D%0Ase%20ve%20a%20la%20legua%20que%20son%20los%2 0del%20refran%2C%20de%20los%20de%20%22ojos%20que%20no%20ven% 2C%20corazon%20que%20no%20siente%22.%0D%0A%0D%0AFinalmente%2 C%20a%20decir%20verdad%2C%20y%20si%20se%20mira%20de%20cerca% 2C%20lo%20que%20cuenta%20no%20es%20ver%20con%20buenos%20o%20 con%20malos%20ojos%2C%20sino%20ver%20a%20secas.%0D%0A%0D%0AE n%20fin...%20Usted%20vera!%0D%0A%0D%0AAsi%20pues...%20Hasta% 20mas%20ver!

remains to be seen to do is the logical consequence of having eyes.

There are none who do not see three in a donkey or even those who see it all black?

To say nothing of those who do not even give credit to his eyes.

You see everyday people who can not see beyond their noses.

They deserve to be separate situations where the evidence does not jump out at you for reasons to be considered as a major force, see for example the case of those with a hunger that will not come and spend their lives watching them and deseandoselas.

Apparently some people think that that has to see to believe.

You ever seen!

To those who are experts in turning a blind eye when they see the face.
is the league that are for the proverb, of those "out of sight, out of mind."

Finally, in truth, and if you look closely, what counts is not related to good or bad eyes, but see, period.

Anyway ... You will see!

Thus ... Even more to see!

O mejor...
It remains to be seen that seeing is the logical consequence of having eyes.

Aren't there those who turn a blind eye or even those who see everything as black?

To say nothing of those who do not even believe what they see.

You see everyday people who cannot see beyond their noses.

They deserve to be separate from situations where the evidence does not jump out at you for reasons that cannot be avoided; see for example the case of those with a hunger they cannot see, who spend their lives watching and wanting.

Apparently some people think that seeing is believing.

Have you ever seen!

To those who are experts in turning a blind eye, when it's easy to see from a mile away, those from the saying, "out of sight, out of mind."

Finally, in truth, and if you look closely, what counts is not related to good or bad eyes, but seeing clearly.

Anyway ... You will see!

Thus ... Even more to see!

Edited by luke on 08 March 2012 at 9:39am

1 person has voted this message useful

Senior Member
United States
Joined 7262 days ago

3133 posts - 4351 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish
Studies: Esperanto, French

 Message 130 of 130
12 March 2012 at 11:19am | IP Logged 
Claro que arriba es una leccion de Assimil Using Spanish. Use' que es uno de mis herramientos favoritos ahora mismo. Es muy lejos de la perfeccion, pero mucho mejor que hace muchas muchas semanas cuando tuve' que hacer una traduccion sin esa ayuda.

Edited by luke on 12 March 2012 at 11:20am

1 person has voted this message useful

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