Forum > Languages > Italianexec mwebuser.proc_lang_members_by_language 4

500 members speak or study Italian

boaziano Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Kveldulv Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
interfree Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
ulixes Secondary native language Native Fluency Not studying Italy Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Carlo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Tired Buffalo Native language Native Fluency  Thailand 
Starwave Second language Native Fluency Studying full time Italy 
ciccio Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Roseetaly Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Lefebvre Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
seby Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
OCCASVS Native language Native Fluency  Poland 
kinoko Native language Native Fluency  Japan 
Caronte Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
mattewos24R16 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
TeDejoMadrid Native language Native Fluency  United Kingdom 
veniceside Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Claudius Second language Native Fluency Not studying Brazil 
vito Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
SJC Second language Native Fluency Not studying Switzerland 
Fazla Secondary native language Native Fluency Not studying Italy 
Manigoldo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Child of Rome Secondary native language Native Fluency Not studying United States 
metis Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Federica Native language Native Fluency  Australia 
Luismiguelagain Native language Native Fluency  Peru 
AussieLaura Native language Native Fluency  Australia 
FRaGoLa Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Bobbybo Native language Native Fluency  China 
Iluvatar Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Nocturne Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
rickud Native language Native Fluency  United States 
rick_ud Native language Native Fluency  United States 
donangelo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
tibido83 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
luchett Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
sponxe Native language Native Fluency  Switzerland 
sA Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Jennifer0148 Second language Native Fluency Not studying United States 
Tigresuisse Native language Native Fluency  Switzerland 
april_again Native language Native Fluency  France 
idomeneo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
FrancescoP Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Peach Girl Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
albertoitalia Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
forever Native language Native Fluency   
marchinoberta Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Burns Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Macska Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
peppelanguage Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
itemirus Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
gabri1029 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
polipone Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
LilleSilvia Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Yugo_Amaryl Native language Native Fluency  Switzerland 
MäcØSŸ Native language Native Fluency  United Kingdom 
costruttore Second language Native Fluency Not studying United Kingdom 
pazzoamericano Second language Native Fluency Studying actively United States 
gollum Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
KajinDetier Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Mccamel Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
maialino Native language Native Fluency  Japan 
Pugaciov Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
ilmac Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Nihilant Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Emiliano Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
michele Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
daniel-italia Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Francis66 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
RiCCiaLoCa88 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Spino2013 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
silicium Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Italian tutor Native language Native Fluency  United Kingdom 
diegoami Native language Native Fluency  Germany 
drqueenie Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Marger Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
mrc213 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
lukav Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
marirossi Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
massymo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
ale.g81 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
taiglander Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
marmotta Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Pat Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
anthos Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
irmar Native language Native Fluency  Greece 
Claudio88 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Emme Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Lupo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
pacamanca Second language Native Fluency Not studying Italy 
Petronius Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Simo919 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
piranha Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Clem Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
n.malfatto Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
SPQR Etruria Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Sabrina123 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Nadir Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Digitalys_ Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
n0n4m3 Native language Native Fluency  Switzerland 
tibur Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
bouldou Native language Native Fluency  Mauritius 
Liviana Ferrari Native language Native Fluency  United Kingdom 
chanel Secondary native language Native Fluency Not studying United Kingdom 
TokyoBaby Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Rino Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
andreabuti Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
LilJulie Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Dragomanno Native language Native Fluency  Zimbabwe 
Lorenzo Lory Native language Native Fluency  Austria 
freejazz80 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
leonardo 21 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
kelsen Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
acab Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
aledibimago Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Ilyushin96 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
talkmylanguage Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Mrs. Dalloway Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Lemmy81 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Itsjedude Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Laura Italiano Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
learnitalian Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
claudiosanga Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
polyglot2011 Second language Native Fluency Not studying Peru 
hrsta Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
alkane Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
saverix80 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Kanishka Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Artorius Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
strummer Native language Native Fluency  Switzerland 
capoc Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
VHX Second language Native Fluency Not studying Brazil 
elminister Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
omaryo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
MeetItalia Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
mammadiduebimbi Native language Native Fluency  Canada 
Makk Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
xeu Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
suzukaze Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
sankara Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
arabist5 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Simonmagus Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Satuprinssi Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
aapplejuicee Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
painy79 Native language Native Fluency  Germany 
sidaf Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Pocha, Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Nataraja Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Mikele Secondary native language Native Fluency Not studying Italy 
SchwarzerWolf Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
altinvane Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
violinonero Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
woshijiajun Native language Native Fluency  Spain 
decker96 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Sanfi Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
1204grandine Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
hokusai77 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
vilas Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Luigi Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
easyboy82 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
baozi Second language Native Fluency Not studying Germany 
Giacomo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
BolleBlu Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
silviaorvy Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Emilia Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Killian Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
densou Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
mork0 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
putiferio Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Leopejo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
LordGolem Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Papiroflexia Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
signorellil Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
lamourtoujours Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Nado Native language Native Fluency  United States 
diana123 Secondary native language Native Fluency Not studying Italy 
Poliglotta80 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
boraz Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Shrubbery Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
memnone Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
40bb Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
nathan70fo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Memnone76 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Fakuse Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Stivi Secondary native language Native Fluency Not studying Italy 
elvis92 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Snipy Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Gianluca Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Huginn Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Dodo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
little255 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
DustyRat Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
MachiIsono Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
ALet Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Queequeg74 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Federico Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Knajfer Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Blaziken Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Scarbo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
karsamo Second language Native Fluency Studying actively Colombia 
baba yaga Second language Native Fluency Studying full time Italy 
mikebond Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
murphy77 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
begliocchi Secondary native language Native Fluency Not studying United States 
Beziel Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
MrEsox Native language Native Fluency  Canada 
schustenberg Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Mike01 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Shandra Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Boeing Native language Native Fluency  United Kingdom 
macky Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
endoKarb Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
plancsar Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Fabrizio Native language Native Fluency  Belgium 
giok Native language Native Fluency  Poland 
andrea1977 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
ALEPROF Second language Native Fluency Studying full time Brazil 
apotampkin Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Rainwall Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Fisto Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
SharyKat Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Nunzio Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
TwistedPixels Native language Native Fluency  United States 
hmi80 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Pharamp Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Mia90 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
franca66 Second language Native Fluency Studying on and off United States 
RedBlaze Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
joleisa Second language Native Fluency Not studying Italy 
tcp-ip Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Alex80 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Marialberto Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
etutz8 Native language Native Fluency  Belgium 
Kuroichigo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
xander.XVII Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
GilesNefandor Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Okda Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Vento Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Malaparte Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
giuls Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
andreabrt Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
TheDiamondSea Native language Native Fluency  United Kingdom 
audrey Secondary native language Native Fluency Not studying Italy 
DarkoPRO Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Rykketid Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Redfire89 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Erikcom95 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Lacrimoso~ Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Alessio Maria Native language Native Fluency   
Joleencfh Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
pittessa Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
ziadfazah Second language Native Fluency Not studying Brazil 
Michaled Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
fedeandri Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
oziohume Second language Native Fluency Studying actively Belgium 
Arzente Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Valerius Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
yuriFromRoma Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
plushy Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
NicolettaB Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Lorenc Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Rød Solsikke Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
crox23 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Marco Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Asako Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
smarti Second language Native Fluency Not studying Slovenia 
Denisa Second language Native Fluency Studying actively Italy 
Hannah_Scandy Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
maleakim Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Myl Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
azeseyuppi Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Edudg Second language Native Fluency Studying full time Brazil 
kaspo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
dampingwire Native language Native Fluency  United Kingdom 
pimpy90mb Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Itikar Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
poisontree Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Italianguy Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
pash Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Linda Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
ninuzzo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Circletempo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
nickol85 Second language Native Fluency Studying full time Greece 
Zetko86 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
simonetonight Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
SaraXV Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
drygramul Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
balmaverain Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Minorarcana Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
angelovalerio Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Komparone Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Lucasz Native language Native Fluency   
jak67 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
SiameseCanadian Native language Native Fluency  Thailand 
pseudos18 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
paolokoh Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
MichDavid Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
ortiz Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
albysky Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
mistery_17 Second language Native Fluency Not studying Italy 
FBSO Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
gmnv Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
FBSO2811 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
flack Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
jj74 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
searcher Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
pescegatto Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
avulchen Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Picenus Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
steo77 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Cricroi Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Policronis Second language Native Fluency Not studying Switzerland 
Elmo della Runa Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Greed Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
wid Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Eagleson Secondary native language Native Fluency Not studying Greece 
Humbaraci Ahmet Native language Native Fluency  United Kingdom 
Sarnek Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
lex-zero Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Nicola1975 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Maselval Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
IpseDixit Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Saverio Second language Native Fluency Not studying United States 
chiarose Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Dragoman Secondary native language Native Fluency Studying actively Italy 
jadid Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Expedition Native language Native Fluency  United Kingdom 
Kami_77 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Donaldshimoda Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
bracco Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
alreds2000 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
tristano Native language Native Fluency  Netherlands 
macs311 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Haini Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Selenaki Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
marak Native language Native Fluency  Germany 
massino Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
ele2589 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
nagamasasama Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
chiagnology Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
ClaireDelatour Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
laurina90 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Scherlin Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
chiaraparis Second language Native Fluency Not studying France 
lawlietoc Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Chiarisch Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
italianovero Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Ric Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
FatPug Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Anamnesis Native language Native Fluency  United Kingdom 
polip1965 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
SilviaB Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
albosky Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Bikerider Native language Native Fluency   
chiara-sai Native language Native Fluency  United Kingdom 
claudio52 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
giac67 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
piollo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
faraotti Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Matt_it Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Alessandro_a_ Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
fab Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Valdast94 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
drstins_n Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
NonSequitur Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
ldb74 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
eugen Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
lingasms Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
GianfrancoConti Second language Native Fluency Just flirting Malaysia 
Bagnacavallo Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Jumpluff Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Siddista Native language Native Fluency  United Kingdom 
mrsnash Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Butterflow Second language Native Fluency Not studying Italy 
polyanber Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
opoliglota Second language Native Fluency Not studying Brazil 
alessandro_a_63 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
missy Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Francesco Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
DrDre96 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
Platone777 Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
leticiasp Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
zalmoxis Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
in-sight Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
quodlibet Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
kallikles Native language Native Fluency  Italy 
anda13 Second language Advanced Fluency Studying full time Italy 
JulesCoolo Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off Belgium 
Oberlicht Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Italy 
Dimitris Second language Advanced Fluency Studying actively Norway 
HellAime Second language Advanced Fluency Just flirting France 
Nodas Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Greece 
dhoeffer Secondary native language Advanced Fluency Not studying Netherlands 
cjwalker444 Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off United Kingdom 
Toñi Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off Spain 
ashley roberts Second language Advanced Fluency Studying actively Italy 
RadinaM Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Spain 
stamina Native language Advanced Fluency  Italy 
Staalwart Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Venezuela 
DavidStyles Second language Advanced Fluency Just flirting United Kingdom 
NoeHernandez767 Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off Mexico 
thegreenestivy Second language Advanced Fluency Studying full time United Kingdom 
Fazahz Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Brazil 
Ecofreak Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United Kingdom 
ouriçovoador Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
Jheavner724 Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
seustace2003 Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Netherlands 
vinyljunkie619 Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
Mr_Gargano Native language Advanced Fluency  Germany 
Mnemoblivion Second language Advanced Fluency Studying full time Antarctica 
hoefferd Secondary native language Advanced Fluency Not studying Netherlands 
Carolus Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off Spain 
Chiropterist Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off United States 
MathildeXEma Second language Advanced Fluency Studying full time Italy 
Max4 Native language Advanced Fluency  Italy 
Martin78 Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying France 
Nanazi Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Hungary 
crfla Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Italy 
Patriciadelb Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off United States 
FinnegansWake Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
menez93 Native language Advanced Fluency  Italy 
consalvus Second language Advanced Fluency Studying full time Spain 
sillygoose1 Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
George Gauthier Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off United States 
mondiale Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
Azariah Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off Italy 
camorc Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
Anya B. Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off Poland 
xeniafom Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying France 
xvictoria Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off France 
eurasia Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
Cerise84 Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying France 
albertocruztoc Second language Advanced Fluency Studying actively Chile 
xuxakat Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Germany 
Pierre Henri Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying France 
vic Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
wingsofwrath Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Romania 
Rossti Second language Advanced Fluency Studying full time Mexico 
marcolu93 Second language Advanced Fluency Studying actively Italy 
drp9341 Secondary native language Advanced Fluency Studying full time United States 
burkus Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Hungary 
Shlimut Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off United Kingdom 
Cammela Second language Advanced Fluency Studying full time Senegal 
LuisFox Second language Advanced Fluency Studying actively Brazil 
kihli Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Greece 
22atropos Native language Advanced Fluency  Italy 
patoupia Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off United States 
easyinglese Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off Italy 
damadekaro Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off Romania 
Syntax Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying South Africa 
Polyglot_gr Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Greece 
shion255 Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying France 
NuclearX2 Secondary native language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
BogdanB Second language Advanced Fluency Studying full time Romania 
pizzicatodreams Second language Advanced Fluency Studying actively United States 
Marina-R Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United Kingdom 
hrhenry Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
Alison DS Second language Advanced Fluency Studying actively United States 
dennisbxl Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Belgium 
Focio Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Spain 
anakapuana Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Panama 
Kees Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Canada 
Marilena Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off Netherlands 
Vandyrel Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Spain 
Zwlth Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
Pau20 Second language Advanced Fluency Studying actively Mexico 
maura Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Spain 
etracher Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off Italy 
petererik Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Sweden 
multilingual92 Native language Advanced Fluency  Italy 
martinok Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off United States 
pushkin Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off France 
polyglot440 Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off United States 
habadzi Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Greece 
LaTartaruga Second language Advanced Fluency Studying actively Sweden 
TJHammond Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United Kingdom 
Lingua Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
Libertador Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Switzerland 
Nero2009 Second language Advanced Fluency Studying actively Saudi Arabia 
odiernod Second language Advanced Fluency Studying full time United States 
chicoingles Second language Advanced Fluency Studying full time United Kingdom 
Abik Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Netherlands 
worldcitizen Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off Germany 
futurecadet10 Secondary native language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
Lingual Scholar Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off United States 
Yvon Thivierge Second language Advanced Fluency Studying actively Canada 
Vass Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Finland 
tom99 Second language Advanced Fluency Studying full time United Kingdom 
Siberiano Second language Advanced Fluency Studying on and off Russian Federation 
Parlero Secondary native language Advanced Fluency Not studying Spain 
bela_lugosi Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Finland 
drfeelgood17 Second language Advanced Fluency Studying actively United Kingdom 
nils89 Native language Advanced Fluency  Italy 
Linguamor Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying United States 
Gamma Second language Advanced Fluency Studying full time Brazil 
JMario Second language Advanced Fluency Studying actively Mexico 
glossika Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying China 
Guido Second language Advanced Fluency Studying actively Argentina 
tamerinho Second language Advanced Fluency Not studying Italy 

List of Italian language diplomas & certificates
List of Italian sound files on this website

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