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 Message 1441 of 3959
27 October 2009 at 8:59pm | IP Logged 
GER: Ich sehe gerade jetzt auf ZDF eine Sendung über die Eröffnung des Mauers. Ich sah damals auch Fernsehen und erinnere mich sehr wohl wie es damals aussah ... aber wir sprechen hier nicht über Politik, so mehr werde ich hier nicht darüber schreiben. Brauch'ich auch nicht.


In this moment I watch a program on ZDF about the opening of the Berlin Wall. I also watched German television when it happened, and it is a sublime feeling to see it again. But we don't discuss politics here so I won't go into detail. And I don't even think that it is necessary... everyone in Europe knows the importance of this event.

Edited by Iversen on 27 October 2009 at 11:09pm

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 Message 1442 of 3959
27 October 2009 at 9:30pm | IP Logged 
I remember by uncle drove up to Berlin to chop a chunk off the Berlin wall to take back home, where my father launched a special wine, Fendant de la Liberté, with an actual piece of the Berlin wall in the label. One of the bottles ended up in the local museum. Quite a good turning point in Western history that day.
So as to keep this on languages - I wonder if there was much difference in accent within Berlin between East and West?
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 Message 1443 of 3959
27 October 2009 at 10:00pm | IP Logged 
We just had something about this in my German class. We got a list of words from the west and east, Ill show you some examples, the first word is from the east and the second from the west:

die Vitaminbar - der Gemüseladen
das Kollektiv - die Gruppe     
der Kosmonaut - der Astronaut
die Grilletta - der Hamburger
die Jahresendflügelfigur - der Engel

From this list it seems like there was quite big differences.
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 Message 1444 of 3959
27 October 2009 at 10:59pm | IP Logged 
I am sure that there are many examples of the kind that Zeta mentions: living in societies with different institions, different TV personalities and different school books does produce that kind of lexical differences. However I doubt that the Berliner dialect was severed into two when it comes to pronunciation, grammar and central vocabulary. Are there any native Berliners around who can say something more specific about this?

On the other hand German is a language with clear dialectal differences, and you don't have to be an expert in dialectology to hear that the area formerly known as DDR had its share of these. If you want to listen to different varieties of German then try the many programs from zoological gardens - people in Stuttgart or Berlin or Hamburg don't sound like those in Leipzig!

Speaking about angels ... the good burgers of Berlin have some monuments with quite popular nicknames: the big statue in the middle of Tiergarten is called Gold-Else, the concerthouse is the pregnant oyster, Kanzlerin Merkel's official headquarter is allegedly called Die Waschmaschine and so on.

Edited by Iversen on 27 October 2009 at 11:08pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1447 of 3959
29 October 2009 at 2:03am | IP Logged 
GER: Es ist spät, und ich werde darum nicht viel schreiben. Ich habe aber das Programm der Expolingua Berlin 2009 durchgesehen, und wenn ich Zeit hätte könnte ich mich durchaus vorstellen auch dort zu fahren - obwohl ich absolut keine Kursen kaufen möchte. Ich habe zwar die Katalanische oder Baskische Aussteller oder Vorträge nicht gefunden, die im Faden von Sprachprofi genannt wurden - es gibt aber vorträge auf Spanisch, Portugisisch, teilweise Griechisch, Polnisch, Englisch und Deutsch, und darüber hinaus wird über noch anderen Sprachen gesprochen: Bulgarish, Italienisch uzw. Interessant, aber um dort zu sein mußte ich einen oder vielleicht zwei Ferientagen opfern, und das geht momentan nicht.

Es kommt wohl aber andere Veranstaltungen, - zum Beispiel sehe ich daß es anscheinend auch eine Expolingua 2009 in Praha gibt (oder gab), und in 2010 wird es eine Veranstaltung in Lisboa geben. Irgendwann wird es mir wohl gelingen so ein Ding zu besuchen.


It is late so I'm just going to say that the Expolingue in Berlin in November sounds interesting even though I don't plan to buy any language courses. But I have to save my few remaining holiday days for next year until May. Luckily there are apparently such fairs every year in Berlin, in 2009 also in Prague and in 2010 in Lisboa ... so sooner or later there will be an Expolingua in a place and at a time where I have enough holiday days left.

Edited by Iversen on 29 October 2009 at 3:20pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1448 of 3959
29 October 2009 at 11:19pm | IP Logged 
SP: Hoy he escuchado a un viejo cassete con música de Pablo de Sarasate (perdón, ¡Pablo Martin Melitón de Sarasate y Navascuez!). Así como se puede reconocer la lengua española por el sonido mismo se no se puede oír las palabras, se puede reconocer la música española por el sonido aunque no haya palabras. Su obra mas conocida es los Zigeunerweisen (Aires gitanos opus 20), peró los gitanos aqui no son los gitanos que viven en España, peró más bien los protagonistas romanticos de los rapsodías de Liszt Ferenc. Apesar de esto se siente tambien aqui la nacionalidad de Sarasate, y aún más (evidentemente) en los Danzas Españolas, incluyendo el deslumbrante Zapateado (que yo una vez fui capaz de jugar - ¡como vuela el tiempo!). Es interesante que Sarasate llegó a grabar algunas de sus obras - como por ejemplo sus Zigeunerweisen en una grabación de 1904 La calidad del sonido es pésima, pero es un documento histórico al nivel de la inmortal actuación de señor Edison "Mary had a little lamb". Hay un artículo en español con más información sobre Sarasate aqui.

GR: Μετά τη μουσική, αισθάνθηκα την ανάγκη να διαβάσει λίγο, και επέλεξα μερικά αποσπάσματα του «Science Illustrated" (όπως έχω ήδη αναφέρει εδώ). Αυτή τη φορά ήταν - μεταξύ άλλων πραγμάτων - μια ιστορία για γιατροί που αφαιρούν óγκους με τη βοήθεια ενος ρομποτ* που ονομάζεται "Neuroarm" (η λέξη "ρομπότ" φαίνεται να είναι άκλιτη). Είναι ακόμα ένας χειρουργός που ελέγχει το ρομπότ βασίσοντας αισθητήριο ανάδραση. Τολμάμε τελικά πτήση σε ένα αεροπλάνο με αυτόματο πιλότο, αλλά να επιτρέψει σε ένα αυτόνομο ρομπότ που εκτελεί χειρουργική επέμβαση στον εγκέφαλο, αυτó εξακολουθεί να είναι το μέλλον μουσικó*.

(Δανική fremtidsmusik, "μέλλον μουσική" = μελλοντικά óνειρα)


Today I have listened to some music by the Spanish violinist and composer Pablo-a-lot-of-names-Sarasate, 1844-1908. It is striking how easy it is to recognize that this is Spanish music (and this is true even though he lived in Paris for most of his life). His most renowned work is Zigeunerweisen op.20, but the gipsies depicted here have clearly more to do with Liszt's rhapsodies than with the music of the Spanish gipsies (those who allegedly gave os flamenco) - but even here the Spanish background is clear, and of course it is all-pervasive in his Spanish dances, including the scintillating Zapateado.

After all that musicke I needed something different, and I did some intensive reading in my trusty Greek "Science Illustrated", including an article about doctors who remove brain tumors with the help of a robot. But it is still a human surgeon who directs the golem, using tactile feedback - we may trust the autopilot when we fly, but letting a robot do brain surgery on us without human intervention in the form of an good old doc in a white coat is apparently still too scary a thought.

PS 1: If you want to hear another example of the pseudo-gipsy tradition Sarasate was inspired by then try Monti's Czardas - a piece written by an Italian.

PS 2: .... and if you want to hear Sarasate's perception of the Basque language, then listen to the abrupt phrasing in his less wellknown Capricho Vasco. It is sometimes asserted that the different character of different languages also manifests itself in the music written by composers speaking those languages, - among those who not only believed firmly in this, but who also made it into a self-fuilfilling prophecy by imitating the rhythm of his native language in his music you will find the excellent Czech composer Leoš Janáček.

Edited by Iversen on 30 October 2009 at 10:55am

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