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Emme’s Small Steps - Team Sleipnir TAC’15

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 Message 185 of 360
23 September 2013 at 2:43pm | IP Logged 
For those who may have read the previous post by Mareike, but are not in the know about how Swedish is taught to foreigners in Sweden, I’d just like to add briefly that sfi is “Swedish for immigrant”. If you have a look online, you can find out that sfi levels correspond more or less to these CEFR levels:

Sfi Kurs A = CEFR A1-/A1
Sfi Kurs B = CEFR A1/A2
Sfi Kurs C = CEFR A2/A2+
Sfi Kurs D = CEFR B1/B1+


After Sfi one can move on to Komvux where one can learn Swedish as a Second language (SAS).

Sfi Kurs B = CEFR A1
Sfi Kurs C = CEFR A2
Sfi Kurs D = CEFR B1
SAS Grund = CEFR B2-
SAS 2 = CEFR C1-

Source: Folkuniversitetet

As you may have noticed, there’s a slight difference between the two scales mentioned: this may be because the equivalents are just approximations or because the Folkuniversitetet takes into account the most recent “kursplaner” that are in force since July 2012.

Finally, if you want to study at university in Sweden, you need to pass the TISUS test, which is generally considered to be at CEFR C1.

Edited by Emme on 23 September 2013 at 2:44pm

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Solfrid Cristin
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 Message 186 of 360
23 September 2013 at 3:15pm | IP Logged 
Emme wrote:
I hope that now that the summer is almost over I will be able to ease into a routine where my languages can find their space. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

Yours and mine both, girl :-)
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 Message 187 of 360
23 September 2013 at 3:23pm | IP Logged 
Thanks Cristina!


Summer is officially over and autumn is finally here. It’s not one of my favourite seasons, but I can see its advantages. There’s a flurry of activity on the forum and a peak in enthusiasm that we probably haven’t seen since the beginning of the TAC in January. You just need to have a look at the logs of some of my Team MIR mates to see what I mean. In the past few weeks FabricioCarraro, tavos, and Josquin all announced new additions to the languages they’re studying. I wish them all good luck.

Personally I’m struggling not to cave in to the temptation of adding yet another language to study: I have to admit that Japanese is always beckoning as enthralling as ever. For now I use a little dabbling during the 6wc to placate my Wanderlust but I know that sooner or later the time will come for me and Japanese (and Spanish, and Mandarin, and … you get the drift).

About the 6wc: as I predicted before it began, it wasn’t particularly productive, so I only ended 20th in my focus language (Swedish). In the total score for all languages studied I did somewhat better: I ended 7th overall, even if I suspect this has more to do with the many absences in this round than with the kind of hours I managed to log.

The only positive things about the 6wc are that it actually helped me come back to studying after a rather lax early summer and that I didn’t give up before the 6wc was over (and that’s never a bad result for inconsistent people like me).


I haven’t updated my mini-SuperChallenge in a very long time, so I’d better do it now. Considering that there are still just a little over 3 months to go, I’m still awfully behind especially in the reading part. I’m not sure whether I’ll be able to make it!

Mini-Super Challenge update.

Films / Radio dramas:
43/100 Donna Leon: Schöner Schein (89’)
44/100 Lilly Schönauer: Und dann war es Liebe (90’)
45/100 WDR Hörspiel: Wege zur Panik von Norman Lock (aus dem Amerikanischen von Heidi Zerning), © WDR 2013, 53'
46/100 WDR Hörspiel: Europa, eine Plagiate-Saga von Till Müller-Klug , © WDR 2013, 55'
47/100 WDR Hörspiel: Paralektronoia von Felix Kubin, © WDR 2013, 54'
48/100 WDR Hörspiel: Xanadu von Myra Cakan, © WDR 2011, 55'
49/100 WDR Hörspiel: Die Tote in der Emscher von Hans van Ooyen, © WDR 2013, 49'
50/100 WDR Hörspiel: Die Beseitigung von Eugen Egner, © WDR 2013, 42'
51/100 WDR Hörspiel: Frauen ohne Männer von Ragnhild Sørensen und Julia Wolf, © WDR 2013, 45'
52/100 WDR Hörspiel: Klangausgrabungen Atacama-Perspektiven von Andreas Bodenhöfer, © WDR 2013, 42'
53/100 WDR Hörspiel: Der Pianist im Tempel von Jiři Polak, © WDR 2013, 54'
54/100 Eine Frage des Vertrauens (89’)
55/100 WDR Hörspiel: Zum 30. Todestag von Luis Buñuel: Das obskure Ende der Geschichte von Lothar Stemwedel, © WDR 2013, 54'
56/100 WDR Hörspiel: In Spuren von Hannes Köhler, © WDR 2013, 54'
57/100 WDR Hörspiel: Lost in Praha von Martin Becker und Jaroslav Rudiš, © WDR 2013, 54'
58/100 WDR Hörspiel: Marlov – eine harte Nuss von David Zane Mairowitz, © WDR 2013, 53'
59/100 WDR Hörspiel: Geraubte Haut von Pati Blasco, © WDR 2013, 54'

6/25: Donna Leon, In Sachen Signora Brunetti (Fatal Remedies, 1999), Zürich 2000 (pp.310)

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 Message 188 of 360
23 September 2013 at 4:43pm | IP Logged 
Again you're doing all my work for me! I
think I've now found the advanced Swedish
books I was looking for and that's all
thanks to your SFI and SVA links. What
plans do you have for Swedish now thst
your focus period is over?
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 Message 189 of 360
23 September 2013 at 7:56pm | IP Logged 
Glad to be helpful in any way, sans-serif!

Right now I’m still moving at snail’s pace through my textbooks. I have several and I’ve begun but never finished most of them. I’m rather ashamed to admit that I’ve had some titles like Teach Yourself, Svenska utifrån, På svenska for more than a decade now, and I’ve never managed to reach their final pages (though I’m quite good at dipping in and out only looking for the topics that I’m interested in).

I’ve probably spent more time figuring out what CEFR level my textbooks cover and what would be the right sequence to use them, than I’ve spent in actually using them. (I’m joking, of course, but there’s a nugget of truth in what I say).

And when you lose so much time planning and overthinking your next step, it’s never a good prelude for success. That’s why I’m so fascinated by Cavesa’s proposal to reach B2 in a couple of years. It’s achievable but challenging and it’s the kind of project that doesn’t leave much space to wavering and loitering. You have to decide on a plan of action quite quickly and then follow it through to the best of your abilities.

My character is probably not very suited for a similar attempt, but I sure wish I could promise myself to finish all my textbooks before the decade they’ve spent on my shelves turns into a 15-year spell.

Basically, now I want to get quite solid foundations in my active skills and so bring them closer to my passive ones. That’s why I aim to work through my various beginner courses methodically and thoroughly, even though it’s often quite a bit of a slog and I’m often playing around (you know, watching TV, reading online articles … that kind of thing) more than I am studying.

As I mentioned in previous posts, I haven’t been very focussed on languages in general and on Swedish in particular for the past few months, so I can’t say I’ve been seeing much progress lately.

I’m looking forward to the next 6wc when Swedish will most likely be my target language for the very last time. At least that’s my goal for 2013: finally reaching the kind of lower intermediate level that rules out your choosing a language for the 6wc.

What about you, sans-serif, what’s your plan of action with Swedish right now and for the foreseeable future?

Edited by Emme on 23 September 2013 at 7:58pm

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 Message 190 of 360
24 September 2013 at 1:22am | IP Logged 
Oh, now you make me feel guilty about not posting my action plan for "phase 1" yet. And truth be told, I've had much less time, calm and privacy for my studies recently due to the moving. But I am moving somehow forward, I'll post in my log asap :-)

Are those radio dramas fun? It's actually something that barely crossed my mind as a resource but it might be a good thing into the mp3 and those lost moments inside the day.

I am sure your "last 6wc" will be a success. But I suspect you are already better than you believe. For those active skills, perhaps some immersion (like huge amounts of tv watching) could be a good thing. It worked like a miracle for my speaking. And your combination with heavy review should make you invincible :-)

And thanks a lot for all those ideas on Swedish learning sources.
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 Message 191 of 360
24 September 2013 at 8:17pm | IP Logged 
Cavesa wrote:
Oh, now you make me feel guilty about not posting my action plan for "phase 1" yet. And truth be told, I've had much less time, calm and privacy for my studies recently due to the moving. But I am moving somehow forward, I'll post in my log asap :-)

Oh, no! Please, please, don’t feel guilty. Making you feel guilty wasn’t my intention at all. Moreover, I know you’re in a transitional period and I wasn’t even sure until today whether you were still game for the whole Swedex-in-two-years thing. But now I’ve just seen that you’ve already posted your phase-1 plan on your log and I’m very happy that you're keeping us up-to-date with your project.

Cavesa wrote:
Are those radio dramas fun? It's actually something that barely crossed my mind as a resource but it might be a good thing into the mp3 and those lost moments inside the day.

As for the radio dramas, they are really a mixed bag! Some seem more interested in the sound effects than in the dialogue and the story, but some are pretty entertaining. Besides, they offer a certain variety in genre: you can find thrillers, sci-fi, comedy etc. They really try to take care of eclectic tastes.

For me the great advantage of radio dramas is portability. Often I don’t have yet another hour or two in my day to spend sitting in front of a screen, so being able to listen to these podcasts while out walking or at home while doing chores is a good alternative to get some German done.

I’m not the first one in this forum to link to the WDR podcasts, but here are the links again if you want to check them out.

WDR Hörspielspeicher for the radio dramas.

WDR podcast directory for all their programmes divided by theme.
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 Message 192 of 360
25 September 2013 at 8:02am | IP Logged 
Emme wrote:
Cavesa wrote:
Oh, now you make me feel guilty about not posting my action plan for "phase 1" yet. And truth be told, I've had much less time, calm and privacy for my studies recently due to the moving. But I am moving somehow forward, I'll post in my log asap :-)

Oh, no! Please, please, don’t feel guilty. Making you feel guilty wasn’t my intention at all. Moreover, I know you’re in a transitional period and I wasn’t even sure until today whether you were still game for the whole Swedex-in-two-years thing. But now I’ve just seen that you’ve already posted your phase-1 plan on your log and I’m very happy that you're keeping us up-to-date with your project.

No, no, I am glad you did! It is one of the best things about sharing my intentions: I can be reminded of them! :-D My comment was meant as a thank you comment, not a defensive one. And I posted in my log after replying here :-)

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