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Via Diva
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 Message 209 of 217
14 July 2015 at 4:16pm | IP Logged 
I think you can set a normal keyboard to appear instead the letters offered by Memrise. And yeah, the
lack of ability to ignore the words I know or couldn't care less about is pure evil.
And don't worry about the exam, do at least something each day and everything would be fine.
Seven hours, haha, you're so lucky, I barely manage 6 now when I am in an internship.

I never looked at the absence of a boyfriend like that, haha, but you better find a language enthusiast
indeed, that might be very. very helpful (think team work of even a competition, hehehehe). And
dubs are evil. Unless they are in your TL :)
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 Message 210 of 217
14 July 2015 at 4:35pm | IP Logged 
Well, seven hours isn't my norm (today I had 3, just an example), so that's what having at least some "holidays" means to me!
Well, I can use the keyboard on the ipad memrise but that is really messy as everything moves on the screen to one side, than back as there is multiple choice coming...

You can ignore words you couldn't care less about but only on the level lists, you need to find them somehow and a few more clicks... Instead of the simple: this thing you are showing me right now? I don't wanna see that again! Or: I already know that, I just want reviews, not the whole process.

I also wholeheartedly share your view on the dubs. However, after a few dubs to the TL, I begin to distinguish the good from the bad ones again and my tolerance treshold rises up. :-)

A Language Enthusiast Boyfriend is a good idea but I have many other expectations already, which are more important (yeah, I know that sounds improbable but there are such characteristics ;-) ) and I need to be a realist.
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 Message 211 of 217
14 July 2015 at 8:40pm | IP Logged 
Heya Cavesa,

I don't usually comment on logs as I usually feel as if I'm intruding in some way. However, after reading through a former post, regarding you rediscovering Memrise, I figured I'd mention a few things.
The no longer being able to "pin" a course seems to have only come about in the past 2-3 days, as far as I am aware. It's definitely a negative but I'm hoping they are still tinkering and we'll be able to pin the courses again.
Regarding any errors you might see, I usually do report but just “ignore” them so that don’t become ingrained, and then hope it will be fixed. If not, it’s not coming up anymore anyway due to it being ignored.
If a course has a load of words per level (I personally don't like more than 30 words per level, though 15 - 25 seems perfect) you can view the levels and "ignore" any words that would exceed your limit per level. So, if a course has 50 words per level, you could go through and ignore everything after the 25th word. This obviously would take about 10 minutes depending on the length, but well worth it. Once you've finished them all, just change them back from ignored, and go through again learning the remainder of the words.

As for recommendations, I can make a few for German but that's all, and I'd imagine you are well past my level so it's probably of no use to you. However, on the off chance it is beneficial;
Beginner's German A1 (There's also an A2, and possibly B1 - I can't remember right now)
!Deutsch - Warum nicht? (Series 1)
Fit fürs Goethe-Zertifikat A1
Michel Thomas Foundation
(No typing) Polyglot German
5000 Words (top 87%) sorted by frequency

The beginner's German A1 is actually created by the Memrise staff, instead of the formerly endorsed by Memrise course that was previously listed. The benefit of this is, the audio is recorded by natives. The course has been checked and has less errors than most, the errors that remain are being corrected by the staff. I actually think this is my new favourite as it's informal, no annoying constant Sie all the time. It also feels quite similar to Duolingo in some ways.
The others you probably recognise. They are all typing except for the Polyglot German course, I actually find I do better if I go through a no typing course simultaneously with typing courses. Plus, if you aren't quite feeling it, no typing can ensure you still have some practise, and when you are feeling it again, you might've covered some words that come up in the typing courses and find you actually remember how to spell them from the no typing.

Good luck with your courses! :)

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 Message 212 of 217
14 July 2015 at 10:45pm | IP Logged 
Hi, WalkingAlone88,
I'm glad you've intruded! You may have noticed this log is extremely intrusion friendly, I love getting tips related that directly to my studies and all the support my beloved intruders have been to me (and I try to reciprocate by intruding to other logs and I still haven't been told to keep out from anywhere, so probably more log keepers are intruder friendly :-)

Hopefully, the pinning issue will get solved.
About the size of levels: I have exactly the opposite problem. I hate the small levels because they reduce my study sessions. My settings are on max., that means 20 words per learning session, 50 in a review. And I dislike being stopped after every ten or fifteen, I just seem to work better with the larger chunks, even if it takes me longer. And I love the typing exercise, that's actually one of my main reasons of prefering Memrise to Anki (I've recently found out how to put typing into anki but it looks like a long process). Or even more significantly typing to multiple choice. I have usually very little trouble learning to recognize a word (yeah, that will be different once I finally dive into a very distant language), but typing it is one of the few ways to force me to recall it actively. But I see you logic and I suppose such strategy is bound to progress nicely. I just probably need to feel a little bit more pressure.

Thanks for the tips on courses.

I am now trying actually most of these and I'm actually being a bit bored at the beginnings usually. Perhaps I am not a true beginner anymore, but I still need tons of reviewing. Well, it is no good moment for self-assessment (and I should really stop using "well," and "so," all the time).

The Memrise staff made courses are only A1 and A2, I have some doubts about the series being continued. But it looks good. Warum Nicht is on my immediate hitlist. I didn't know about Fit fürs Goethe-Zertifikat, thanks! Are there follow ups to the series?

By the way, I really like your log! I hope you are still continuing :-)

French: by Eunoia are based on the lexique database, therefore on movies. Approximately 5400 verbs, over 20000 nouns. over 9000 adjectives, 1500 adverbs! That is a dream come true!
First day back on Memrise, I learnt a new word from him/her: mitigé. I couldn't remember having heard/seen it before. A few days later, youtube offers me a stand up comedy piece by Alexandre Astier and guess what was in the first minute?
!but, eunoia made as well some smaller courses like prepositions, and I don't like those much, I find them not too precise, even confusing. I might make my own grammar-vocab list for review and to finally learn some of the advanced connectors I had been messing up for over a decade
!there are as well lis of "compound forms" from google searches or something like that. I am still not sure whether I like them and whether I'm gonna use them.
2.I disliked all the French conjugation courses I've seen. All of them. I need to review it regularily, especially the spelling, if I want to keep improving my writing over the course of next years and decades. So, I am making my own, as I see fit. I'll share when it is ready.
3.careful, some of the courses in the French section are of not of that good quality. Compared to a language like Swedish (yes, I've browsed and chosen already some Swedish courses), there are many more. But there are as well many more not that advanced learners making them it seems

1.Awesome conjugation courses by Edthird. 3 courses, one for each of the -er -ar -ir groups, great quality, so far without mistakes it seems, awesome monolingual format. My favourite Spanish Memrise courses
2.Spanish courses by Eunoia. Not sure what are they based on but they are still very good. Even though this time, you don't get to learn words like kill or kidnap that early, so it won't be a movie based database :-)
3.Accurate Spanish by colingibson, that looks to be a good advanced collection I have just started

German: basically what WalkingAlone88 said. However, there are some good looking French based courses and quite a lot of coursebook based ones. It is funny how different can be various wordlists from the same source. Adding some more:
4000 German words by frequency by knwls looks good,
5000 German words by frequency (strict typing) by puffino looks even better.
I'll let you know how I progress. I plan to create my own wordlist here, even though I've started a course based on Themen Aktuell 1. But the coursebook has got over 2000 words, if I am not mistaken, the course (despite seemingly reaching the last lesson) includes only 900.

Russian: (the last language really studied now. For the rest, I've only got some hoarded courses on my profile, because there is no bookmarking feature)
Top 10 000 Words Part 1 (and there is as well part 2) by vlarya and Based on the book Russian Learner's Dictionary - 10,000 Words in Frequency Order (Nicholas Brown, 2003).

An awesome list. I am now somewhere around 170 words. I am really good at understanding, which is no surprise. But I often mess up the active part. For example, I guess the word will be similar to Czech but it is similar to a Slovak word with different root instead. Russian is a nice toy. There is as well a trustworthy looking Assimil Russian course

Now, I've shared more than enough about Memrise, time to read and sleeeeeep!
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 Message 213 of 217
15 July 2015 at 5:37am | IP Logged 
There were also societies
by faculty, surely they
hace many foreign
studwentsw. Also regarding
relationships I never had a
girlfriend but the society
gatherings were a
placewhere quite some
members found
relationships, I think that
one couple even got married
after a few years. Having a
multilingüe spouse from a
university internacional
society is probably a n
ultimate language and
cultural experiencia.
Imagine a couple querellas
Borja are minimum
trilingual. Unfortunately I
stayed single despite being
close, bit I guess that
that is how life goes
sometimes. Maybe you shall
have more luck than I. :) .      
Apologies for the typos, my
internet os broken so I am
using my phone. It keeps
autocorrecting everything
ewhen it should not.
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Czech Republic
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 Message 214 of 217
23 July 2015 at 8:14pm | IP Logged 
Thanks for your encouragement!

I had an exile log on the .org forum, I'll need to catch up on the discussion about the future of htlal and back up this log. For now, I keep going.

I came back home a day earlier from a visit. That means: more time for my languages!

My current plan has been reading. That is going great. I finished two books I had been reading for far too long and I am on the best path to finishing a few more soon.

Those finished jewels:
The Fellowship of the Ring in English -lotr is one of the few books/series I keep rereading over and over.
Papá Puerco by Terry Pratchett: awesome, fun, wise, great, good quality translation (Spanish, if anyone wandered).

Today, I should have time for some more Memrise and I should have time for some grammar, not sure which language.
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Studies: German, Danish, Russian, Catalan

 Message 215 of 217
23 July 2015 at 11:50pm | IP Logged 
I am surprised by how much my last post looked like a drunk text message. But I assure
that it was not :). My phone is a real piece of shit for any type of typing, but it
was the only internet that I had.

Are you keeping your log here for long term? I think that I might do my log here for
the time being until a definite answer (or at least more information) is given. Some
quit their logs here and started in the new site, and some did the opposite. Some are
doing both, so it is quite confusing at the moment.

Is Spanish your next focus? I started reading books in Spanish again. I am halfway
through Diarios de motocicleta from 1952 by Che Guevara. It is quite
interesting, and the vocabulary is quite different. I guess that that is the joy of
Spanish, each region has their own stuff.
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Czech Republic
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 Message 216 of 217
24 July 2015 at 1:00am | IP Logged 
If it was a drunk text message, it would be one of the best drunk messages I have ever got! :-D

I don't know. I should probably move over. It is a small heartbreak to move to the new, impersonal, blue forum (why does everything have to be light blue? does whole internet think light blue is the key to facebook's success and money?)

No idea about my next focus, truth be told. I've just got some new passion for German, I should use it while it lasts :-)

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