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Ruskivyetr’s TAC ’11: Team Ł

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 Message 1 of 77
19 December 2010 at 10:03pm | IP Logged 
FINALLY! 2011 is almost here, and my excitement for TAC 2011 has caused me to prematurely start my log. My
logs have severely failed in the past, and I have evaluated my method of approaching language learning, and
have hopefully changed it for the better. Before I post my goals for the 2011 year, I would like to address some
of the things I would like to improve concerning my language learning method:
1. I will be using more than one course for each language.
2. I will attempt to study at least a bit of each language every single day.
3. I will set short term goals instead of long terms goals (other than my long term goal of my desired levels by
then end of TAC 2011.
4. I will stick to my core languages: Russian, German, Polish.

So, without further ado, here are my goals and resources for TAC 2011:

German: For Christmas, I asked for a learners book for B1-C2 (meaning bring an individual from the former to
the latter). I HOPE I get this book, as I am really really wanting to reach C2 by the middle of June (about when I'll
be going back to Germany). Hopefully, I can accomplish this, WITH the Aufschluss book (available on the Goethe
Institut Website). It is a compilation of short stories, that helps to explain grammar, and vocabulary (I think, I'll
post a full review, if and when I get it). Other than that, I'm pretty much consuming all of the vocabulary in any
German text I lay eyes on. So, if I don't recognize a word in a scientific journal, I WILL learn that word. I have a
bunch of books I bought in Germany, that I will be consuming in the next month or two (about 7 or 8). I will also
be going through my own school textbook, and annihilating all of the vocabulary therein. I will also be going
through certain TestDaF materials to prepare for that as well. Oh, and I will also keep going through the
Mastering German Vocabulary Book, with which I have about 200 words in my Anki already. The materials I plan
to use for other languages will also aide me with obtaining vocabulary in German. In order to improve my accent
I will be shadowing audiobooks as much as possible (even though according to multiple sources I do not have so
much of an accent in German). I will also be utilizing my grammar book, which which I am only at about chapter
1 (it has LONG chapters).

Russian: YAY! So I'm really excited, because my goal is get get from B1 to about C1 by the end of the year. So my
plans and materials that I want to use consist of more than one course. As I said before in my failed transition
log, I will be fast tracking my way through Living Language. While doing that, I will also be semi fast tracking my
way back through Cortina ("fast" is hard since it takes so much time to complete just one lesson. In ADDITION to
that, I will use Linguaphone Russian, and MAYBE Assimil Russisch ohne Muehe. Hopefully I can go through it
relatively slowly to really enjoy the "assimilation". Along with that I will also be utilizing Schaum's Outline of
Russian Grammar and possibly a more advanced grammar book. I will also try to obtain a copy of Langenscheidt
Praktischer Sprachlehrgang Russisch (I don't think it is possible to get it with CDs, but that is no problem). In
addition to all of this, I will attempt to read some of Doestoevsky's Белые Ночи, with the audio I obtained from

Polish: I'd like to get to a B2 level by the end of TAC 2011. I know this seems crazy, but considering my Russian
is already very good, and that I have many Polish speaking friends and family, I should be able to accelerate fairly
quickly. I plan on using a combination of Spoken World Polish, Assimil Polnisch ohne Mühe, und Langenscheidt
Praktischer Sprachlehrgang Polnisch. Along with these three resources, I hope to accomplish my desired goals.

Greek: I'd like to get to a B1 level in Greek by the time I'm done with the TAC 2011 year. I'm planning on using a
combination of Assimil Griechisch ohne Mühe, and Langenscheidt Praktischer Sprachlehrgang Griechisch. I have
the book dafür already, so hopefully I can just buy the CDs. I'd like to start reading some Greek, and hopefully
this can be some modern novels, etc. I don't really know what type of authors there are for Greek, but I'd like to
delve into it before the end of TAC 2011.

Georgian: I would like to reach an A2 level in Georgian, by using Beginner's Georgian, and the Georgian reading
grammar, which I will probably begin to use LATER into the year.

So here are the resources above I need to buy:
Assimil Polnisch, Russisch, und Griechisch
Praktischer Sprachlehrgang Russisch, und Polnisch ( und die CDs für Griechisch)
A more advanced Russian grammar book
Aufschluss (which I may get for Christmas).

So, I will probably not obtain many of these materials until well into January, and I will probably acquire them in
the order of Russian, Polish, and Greek. I'll do my best to keep my eye on these goals. Obviously I'm going to be
tempted to wander towards other languages, but I want to change my bad habits and actually stick with a plan.

So...let this TAC 2011 Log, BEGIN.
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 Message 2 of 77
19 December 2010 at 11:43pm | IP Logged 
Καλή τύχη με τις μελετίες σου! Σ' αυτό το λογκ θα ήθελα να σου γράψω μόνο στα ελληνικά για να μπορείς να τα χρησιμοποιείς λιγάκι εκτός από τα βιβλία σου. Στην αρχή θα σου δώσω και τις μεταφράσεις, αν τις θέλεις. Χαίρομαι πολύ ότι έχεις διαλέξει να εξακολουθήσεις με τα ελληνικά--είναι μία ωραιότατη γλώσσα. Αν έχεις προβλήματα ή δυσκολίες, πες μου το και θα προσπαθήσω να σε βοηθήσω.

Good luck with your studies! In this log I would like to write to you only in Greek so that you can use it a little outside of your books. In the beginning I'll give you the translations too, if you want them. I'm very pleased that you've decided to continue with Greek--it's a very lovely language. If you have any problems or difficulties, just tell me and I'll try to help you.

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 Message 3 of 77
20 December 2010 at 2:28am | IP Logged 
Week of December 19
So this week, I am probably going to be fairly busy until about Tuesday. Unfortunately this means that language
learning will take a backseat. After that however, I have a lot of free time for languages. This week, I hope to get
a few things done to start off my languages studies for TAC 2011.
Concerning buying the books I am going to need, I have found out that I lost my Cortina Russian book, so I will
unfortunately have to get another one, so my list for buying books is now:

Assimil Polnisch
Assimil Russisch
Assimil Griechisch
A more advanced Russian grammar book
Aufschluss (which I may get for Christmas)
Cortina Russian
MAYBE Living Language Spoken World Greek

Goals for the week:
German: Finish Chapter 1 of the grammar book, and read through Lenz (by some author whose name I cannot
remember for the life of me right now). I want to get ALL the vocabulary from that, and enter it into Anki. In
addition I should be able to add another 100 words from my vocabulary book. The grammar book I am using
also has many lists of vocabulary that would be useful to internalize. It would not only familiarize me with
grammatical patterns, but it should allow me to have more vocabulary, as many of the words I did not know.

Russian: I wish to finish Unit 6 of living language, complete Unit 7, and get started on Unit 8. I wish to do units 1
and 2 in Cortina (which I don't need to review because it's very basic stuff). I also want to complete at least Unit 1
of Linguaphone Russian, although I do not know yet if this is possible, as I have not yet evaluated the lengths of
the lessons. I also hope to read some of Белые Ночи. The audio I have is not very good, although it's not entirely
a lost cause. As to the purchase of the Langenscheidt book, I do not see the need to get it as I already have a
book for learning Russian in my native language. Same with Polish, so I took them off. I will use Rhinospike for
the Greek audio. Concerning my new grammar book, I don't know what I want to get :P. I will definitely be
getting another copy of Cortina really soon (allowing me to do my goals with it for this week), however, the other
stuff will have to wait a bit. I will probably get Assimil Russian first.

Polish: I wish to get through Lesson 1 of Spoken World. I've already added all the words to Anki. I also want to get
some Polish stories online and start listening to them to get accustomed to the sounds of the language in
addition to listening to the dialogs. I'd like to start Lesson 2 by the end of the week.

Greek: I wish to enter the vocabulary from the first unit into Anki, and post the dialogs on
Hopefully, I get to the second unit, by the end of the week, as I wish to do with Polish.

OH by the way, here is how I am attacking my languages:
Method for dialogs: Read and listen to the L2 three times. Then read the L1 and listen to the L2 three times. Then
listen to and read along with the L2 two times. Then try and translate the original L1, saying each sentence aloud
before writing it down.
Method for grammar: USE PARADIGMS. A lot of repetition will help. :D
Method for vocabulary: One word, ANKI.
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 Message 4 of 77
20 December 2010 at 9:18pm | IP Logged 
Hallo ruskivyetr,

Ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg beim Sprachlernen im neuen Jahr. Dein Plan sieht sehr gut aus und deine langfristigen Ziele für deine Sprachniveaus am Jahresende finde ich auch sehr imponierend. Beim Lesen deines ersten Beitrags habe ich einen guten Tipp gefunden - das heißt, kurzfristige Ziele zu setzen. Persönlich neige ich dazu, mich zu gewaltigen Zielen zu setzen und dann werde ich entmutigt, wenn ich sie nicht erreiche, also ist das für mich ein sehr guter Tipp. Danke schön. Ich wollte dich auch nach dem Namen des deutschen Lehrbuchs fragen, das du hoffentlich zu Weihnachten bekommst? Heißt es einfach nur "Aufschluss"? Leider kann ich mein Sprachniveau in Deutsch kaum einstufen und es bringt mich ständig auf die Palme. Im Buch wird behauptet, dass man bis Ende des Buchs C2 hat und ich bin mir fast sicher, dass ich C2 nicht habe!

Viel Erfolg bei allen Sprachen, die du im kommenden Jahr lernst.


Edited by LanguageSponge on 20 December 2010 at 9:21pm

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United States
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 Message 5 of 77
22 December 2010 at 9:13am | IP Logged 
Cześć ruskivyetr! I'm happy to see you're as enthusiastic as I am about this coming year.
Your plan looks great! I have high hopes for Team Ł this year. I must say, I'm curious
about your method for grammar. What do you mean by "use paradigms"?

Best of luck with your studies. Hope you get the book you want for Christmas!
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 Message 6 of 77
23 December 2010 at 7:49pm | IP Logged 
YAY! Endlich habe ich Ferien :D!!!
Also ich kann mit meinen Sprachen anfangen :D!!!
@Language Sponge: Man kann "Aufschluss" am Website Goethe Instituts: 2-sortci-stitle+asc.htm
Es sagte, dass es man zu C2 bringen kann :P, aber ich hab es noch nicht gesehen, ich hab nur gehoert, dass es
echt gut ist. Man kann suchen, aber man kann es auch unter C1, C2, oder B2 finden. Es ist grau.

@thephantomgoat: I am SO excited to start Polish :D!!! And yes, team Ł will be great this year. :)
Concerning my method of using paradigms:
Paradigms are tables that have inflections, conjugations, etc. So for example, you could have a paradigm of
Polish noun endings in the masculine, feminine, and neuter. Since I know Russian to a great extent, instead of
learning the cases little by little in Polish, I can evaluate the difference between the case structures between
Russian and Polish, and minimize the actual time I need to "learn" cases. Plus they just give a useful reference.

Anyways, I have some work to get to (FINALLY IT'S JUST LANGUAGE WORK :D!!!!!!!

I will post ASAP on my progress :).

Edited by ruskivyetr on 23 December 2010 at 7:52pm

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 Message 7 of 77
23 December 2010 at 8:30pm | IP Logged 
Witaj ruski,

Co do nagrań opowiadań w j. polskim, polecam ten zbiór na stronie Oscara Swana. Tekst nie jest zbyt skomplikowany i każdy rozdział ma swoje nagranie w formacie .mp3.


Edited by Chung on 23 December 2010 at 8:38pm

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Senior Member
United States
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769 posts - 962 votes 
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 Message 8 of 77
26 December 2010 at 7:04am | IP Logged 
Chung wrote:
Witaj ruski,

Co do nagrań opowiadań w j. polskim, polecam ten zbiór
na stronie Oscara Swana. Tekst nie jest zbyt skomplikowany i każdy rozdział ma swoje nagranie w formacie


Dziękuję bardzo, Chung!
Ok so I barely got anything done this week. SO BUSY! But I have all this week to catch up and then some :).
Unfortunately, I did NOT get the Aufschluss book for Christmas (it mysteriously disappeared off of the Goethe
Institute website). Anyways, instead of that, I'm going to get Assimil Russisch ohne Muehe! :D That will knock
ONE book off of my shopping list :). Hopefully I can order it tomorrow, and get it sometime in the next week (I
don't know how long it takes to ship from France). So this past week's goals shall carry over into next week, and I
will write a WHOLE new set of goals for completion in addition to that :).


Edited by ruskivyetr on 26 December 2010 at 7:05am

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