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A Linguistic Odyssey

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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2011
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Joined 5982 days ago

2150 posts - 3229 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Croatian, Greek, French, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, Portuguese, Turkish, Italian
Studies: Catalan, Persian, Mandarin, Japanese, Romanian, Ukrainian

 Message 257 of 265
21 May 2010 at 6:05am | IP Logged 
Today I didn't get much done, sadly. At school I had plenty of time though to work on my stuff, so I reviewed all of my kanji there and learned ten of my kanji (to #1660: 汗, 軒, 岸, 幹, 芋, 宇, 余, 除, 徐, 叙) there also. In addition I went through most of my second Ultimate Italian lesson and studied the vocabulary for the first. Finally, I also did one chapter from my German Grammar Drills book (it was VERY easy, on the nominative case; I'm looking forward to some more challenging topics in the future) and typed out four Spanish vocabulary lists.

After school today I had a couple hours of work time and then I had to attend an awards ceremony at school again for two hours... It was nice to have everyone recognized (I got awards for "outstanding student of Spanish and French"), but it just takes SO long! And when I got back I had to hurriedly study a bunch of vocabulary for my French final tomorrow. At least tomorrow is the last full/normal day of school before summer (!!). Finals officially start on Monday (it's just that my French teacher is giving us three of them so we're spreading them out over several days) and end on Thursday.

Well I believe that's it... I'm going to try to finish up this vocabulary for my French class, then do my other ten kanji for today, and hopefully finish that second Ultimate Italian lesson. It would also be nice to type up the vocabulary for the next chapter from Deutsch Aktuelles, but I'm not promising anything.


I wrote:
Today I didn't get much done, sadly.

Okay, I'm just a bit crazy. Looking back on what all I did and considering that there was that time leech of an awards ceremony, I did get a fair amount done. Don't pay any attention to my self-degrading comments. ;)

Edited by ellasevia on 21 May 2010 at 6:54am

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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2011
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Joined 5982 days ago

2150 posts - 3229 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Croatian, Greek, French, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, Portuguese, Turkish, Italian
Studies: Catalan, Persian, Mandarin, Japanese, Romanian, Ukrainian

 Message 258 of 265
22 May 2010 at 3:21pm | IP Logged 
Hello! I'm extremely happy because I am now done with actual school! I still have finals this next week, but I only actually have two tests (biology and geometry) which I will need to worry about. I also have a mock trial and a skit to prepare for language arts and French respectively, but it really shouldn't be that hard. I only have fourteen hours left!

Well, yesterday after school I had planned to catch up on a bunch of stuff and be very productive. However, I was very tired and feeling sick from having worked so hard lately that I decided to just watch El Internado for a while instead, but ended up sleeping for pretty much the entire evening and got nothing done. I guess it's good to rest though. This morning I was awake from pretty early on (like 3:30?) because I had slept for so long yesterday afternoon. However, I only got up around 5:00 and was just relaxing for a while.

Today I intend to get several things done. I'm going to review for my language arts and math finals and then as for language goals:
- 20 new kanji (to #1790 since I didn't do my new kanji yesterday and I don't want to learn 40 in a day)
- Review kanji
- Review Anki
- Ultimate Italian lesson 36
- Ultimate Japanese lesson 17
- Νέα Ελληνικά lesson 29
- TY Esperanto lesson 15

I hope that can all be accomplished today. If I still have time after doing all that, I would also like to finish those French and Portuguese lessons, that Deutsch Aktuelles vocabulary, and [gasp] maybe even a Swahili lesson! I'm being very optimistic with this and I know I won't get nearly all of this done, but I'll do my best.

Happy Saturday. :D

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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2011
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Joined 5982 days ago

2150 posts - 3229 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Croatian, Greek, French, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, Portuguese, Turkish, Italian
Studies: Catalan, Persian, Mandarin, Japanese, Romanian, Ukrainian

 Message 259 of 265
24 May 2010 at 2:42am | IP Logged 
Oh dear. This is not good at all.

It turned out that I was still very sick yesterday and slept for much of the day again. The only things I got done were reviewing Anki, reviewing kanji, and my Esperanto lesson. On the bright side, I've finished TY Esperanto now, which means that I'm done with studying Esperanto...for now. Of course I still have Anki reps and such, and I might return to it in the autumn or sometime this summer to run through the Livemocha courses or something simple like that, just for some more vocabulary that the TY course might have missed.

I also did Ultimate Japanese lesson 17 (道を尋ねる), which was pretty easy except for the fact that my brother kept distracting and tormenting me during my study period. I ended up having to give him a tutoring session for Greek which completely failed because it seems that he couldn't care less and apparently my grandmother has taught him nothing all year. (It also doesn't help that the book that he and my grandmother were using is very out of date and not very good, with lots of errors in both the English and the Greek.) He didn't even know what accent marks were for! Anyways, I'm going to try to work with him on that a bit over the summer.

Here is the super-exciting dialogue from my Japanese lesson:

A: ちょっとすみません。市役所まで行きたいん ですけど,どういったらいいですか。
B: そうですね。25分ぐらいですね。遠かった ら,バスもありますよ。この通りを通ってい るんです。
B: じゃあ、この通りを真っ直ぐ行くんです。5 分ぐらい行ったら、本屋があります。その角 を東、つまり、右に曲がって、二三分行った ら,信号があるんです。そこを渡って,四五 分歩いて行くんです。すると,左にガソリン スタンドがあります。そこからちょっと複雑 なんです。ガソリンスタンドでもう一度聞い てみてください。
B: あ,ちょっと待ってください。市役所はもう 直ぐ閉まりますよ。
A: それはいいんです。市役所の隣に噴水がある そうですけど,その噴水まで行きたいんです 。

Looking at a preview of that (actually it looks like it works now, but just to be sure...), it seems that this website hates Japanese so I'll give the rōmaji for it too:
Shiyakusho Made Ikitai N Desu
A: Chotto sumimasen. Shiyakusho made ikitai n desu kedo, dō ittara ii desu ka.
B: Aruite iku n desu ka.
A: Ē, dono gurai kakarimasu ka.
B: Sō desu ne. 25 fun gurai desu ne. Tōkattara, basu mo arimasu yo. Kono tōri o tōtte iru n desu.
A: 25 fun gurai dattara, arukimasu.
B: Jā, kono tōri o massugu iku n desu. Go fun gurai ittara, hon'ya arimasu. Sono kado o higashi, tsumari, migi ni magatte, ni san fun ittara, shingō ga aru n desu. Soko o watatte, nishi go fun arukite iku n desu. Suruto, hidari ni gasorinsutando ga arimasu. Soko kara chotto fukuzatsu na n desu. Gasorinsutando de mō ichido kiite mite kudasai.
A: Ā, sō desu ka. Wakarimashita.
B: A, chotto matte kudasai. Shiyakusho wa mōsugu shimarimasu yo.
A: Sore wa ii n desu. Shiyakusho no tonari ni funsui ga aru sō desu kedo, sono funsui made ikitai n desu.

Okay, that took a while to transliterate, but it was good reading practice. Once again I have been intrigued by how Japanese is much more intelligible to me when it's written in the native script (kanji/kana) rather than in our silly alphabet. I can never understand it in my book, but when I write it out in real Japanese script it makes so much more sense.

So, for the rest of the evening I'm not expecting much, but I'd like to do the following:
- Review kanji
- Review Anki
- At least 15 new kanji
- Either 1 chapter of Italian vocabulary or 4 Spanish vocabulary lists
- A Beginner's Swedish lesson

Hopefully that will be successful and not fail like yesterday. Okay, until later!


UPDATE: I managed to complete all of the above goals (with the choice of Spanish over Italian) except for the Swedish lesson. I did 20 new kanji, to #1690 (but I should be at 1730 today): 剣, 険, 検, 倹, 重, 動, 勲, 働, 種, 衝, 薫, 病, 痴, 痘, 症, 疾, 痢, 疲, 疫, 痛. Since for the last four days of school I'll have a REALLY long lunch, I'll probably be able to do some nice work at school. I'll see if I can do that Swedish lesson tomorrow...

Edited by ellasevia on 24 May 2010 at 7:20am

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Solfrid Cristin
Winner TAC 2011 & 2012
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4143 posts - 8864 votes 
Speaks: Norwegian*, Spanish, Swedish, French, English, German, Italian
Studies: Russian

 Message 260 of 265
24 May 2010 at 7:35am | IP Logged 
I am very impressed at what you are doing, and how much you have accomplished, but I am concerned that you'll crash and burn.

I hope you give yourself the occasional day off where you do no studying and just hang out with friends or watch TV, or clean your room or something totally unrelated.

You do know that when you work out, you need the occasional day of rest, so that your body can really benefit from all the training. Well I firmly belive that the brain also needs a rest now and then in order to let what you have previously learned sink in.

I would also suggest that you do not set each week's goals too high. It is a better feeling to do more than what you had set out to do, than to always have the feeling of being behind.

What you are doing is so amazing, particularly in so young a person, that I'd really hate to see you get tired of the whole thing. I wish I were that dedicated at your age. I basically sang and danced my way through learning languages, but I wonder how far I could have reached if I had been as methodical as you are. Still, make sure you have some fun - non linguistic fun!

Edited by Solfrid Cristin on 24 May 2010 at 9:33am

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5179 days ago

352 posts - 398 votes 
Speaks: Spanish, English*, Latin, French
Studies: German

 Message 261 of 265
24 May 2010 at 8:56am | IP Logged 
I am amazed at how much you have done so far and will do in the future.

Not only that, but you write SO MUCH! it's magnificent! I have never seen such elaborate details for each individual language! (on your profile).

You are amazing. Truly amazing.
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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2011
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Joined 5982 days ago

2150 posts - 3229 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Croatian, Greek, French, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, Portuguese, Turkish, Italian
Studies: Catalan, Persian, Mandarin, Japanese, Romanian, Ukrainian

 Message 262 of 265
24 May 2010 at 1:52pm | IP Logged 
@Solfrid Cristin and Smart: Thank you very much! I am actually quite surprised when people give me compliments like that because I don't honestly think that I'm good enough to merit them (perfectionist, much?)... Anyways, so that was a nice surprise to read this morning. Anyways, both of you also deserve some compliments on what you have achieved linguistically!

@Solfrid Cristin: Yes, I very much realize that with my current level of study I am overwhelming myself a bit, especially with the addition of an intensive school load. I also do the things that you mention, but not for an entire day, simply because I just can't... I say that because first of all I have lots of schoolwork to do and also because if I don't feel like I'm being productive in some way, I feel very annoyed with myself. I'm a bit obsessive like that, but I do try to take time off. Next year (my junior year in high school, which I have heard is the hardest), I will definitely not be setting nearly as many goals because I will just die of being overworked. Also, about setting goals that are too high, it actually works better that way for me because then I feel more motivated to work on stuff when I see lots of unchecked boxes...

@Smart: Thank you again for your comments. I also congratulate you on also achieving a lot. You are also still in high school, right? Anyways, I always have thought that I write way too much and try to minimize this, but alas, it's to no avail. I'm glad to see that some people appreciate my excessive writing.

Soooo... For today I'm going to be working on Portuguese and Swedish. We have late start this morning, so I have more time than usual in the morning and I have really easy finals today (if you can even call them that--today are both of my AP classes, but since we've already taken the AP exams, we're just playing a big, fancy game of capture the flag ("The Battle of Waterloo") in World History and watching two hours of El Internado in Spanish). Therefore, my goals are as follows:

- Review kanji & learn 20 new ones (I can most likely get this done at school)
- Review Anki
- +150 words from my Portuguese Frequency List
- Colloquial Portuguese lesson 1
- Beginner's Swedish lesson 6

Yay, let's begin. :D


Edited by ellasevia on 24 May 2010 at 1:53pm

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5179 days ago

352 posts - 398 votes 
Speaks: Spanish, English*, Latin, French
Studies: German

 Message 263 of 265
24 May 2010 at 11:54pm | IP Logged 
Yes, I am still in High School (16 years old).

Keep up the good work, and especially keep up the awesome writing skills. I used to write way more than I do now, but after literally 10s of 1000s of posts on various forums i stopped. :)

Edited by Smart on 24 May 2010 at 11:54pm

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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2011
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Joined 5982 days ago

2150 posts - 3229 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Croatian, Greek, French, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, Portuguese, Turkish, Italian
Studies: Catalan, Persian, Mandarin, Japanese, Romanian, Ukrainian

 Message 264 of 265
26 May 2010 at 5:17am | IP Logged 
AAAAH. I don't know what I was thinking when I thought up these crazy goals yesterday. I didn't write down the whole week's here, but I did on a sheet of paper and they're totally unreasonable, especially considering that it's finals week and I have had very little time to prepare since I was (and still am) sick. I'll just get done whatever I can this week, since even when school is out it sounds like it's still going to be a little chaotic for a couple days.

Luckily, I've gotten A's as my final grade in all the classes which I've had finals (or "finals" in some cases) in so far: world history, Spanish, language arts, and geometry. Now I just have biology, PE, and French left...

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