torito Diglot Newbie Poland Joined 4687 days ago 3 posts - 3 votes Speaks: Polish*, English Studies: Spanish
| Message 281 of 297 11 March 2012 at 7:45pm | IP Logged |
1. English: Scottish accents (like Soap McTavish one), Scouse, Cockney, Australian
2. Spanish, particulary Colombian, Venezuelan
3. Dutch from Randstad and the areas nearby, standard Belgian accent (like Oliver Desschacht's one) is also quite nice, but most of the southern accents sound rather boring
4. Swedish
5. Serbo-Croatian
6. Greek
Can't think of anything else.
Edited by torito on 21 March 2012 at 11:22pm
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Kadabrium Triglot Newbie Norway Joined 4690 days ago 7 posts - 7 votes Speaks: Mandarin*, English, Norwegian Studies: Latin, Icelandic
| Message 282 of 297 11 March 2012 at 8:20pm | IP Logged |
Icelandic generally,
and Japanese may rival it if sang in songs
for me..
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manish Triglot Groupie Romania Joined 5591 days ago 88 posts - 136 votes Speaks: Romanian*, English, German Studies: Spanish
| Message 283 of 297 11 March 2012 at 8:41pm | IP Logged |
Greek for me (the Modern one, I don't know what Ancient Greek sounded like).
Edited by manish on 11 March 2012 at 8:42pm
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Jappy58 Bilingual Super Polyglot Senior Member United States Joined 4683 days ago 200 posts - 413 votes Speaks: Spanish*, Guarani*, Arabic (Levantine), Arabic (Egyptian), Arabic (Maghribi), Arabic (Written), French, English, Persian, Quechua, Portuguese Studies: Modern Hebrew
| Message 284 of 297 15 March 2012 at 5:59pm | IP Logged |
I find Arabic, Quechua, and Turkish to sound very beautiful.
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TexDeuce Newbie United States Joined 4726 days ago 6 posts - 7 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, French
| Message 285 of 297 04 June 2012 at 7:35am | IP Logged |
I'm a native Texan and find Italian and French to be the most beautiful to my ears. I do like the BBC English
and think it makes a person sound quite sophisticated. If you go north in England you will find some
atrocious accents.
My least favorite accent is probably German. It just seems so harsh and grating on the ears. I'm also not a
fan of the Mexican accent. I speak pretty decent Spanish but generally don't like the cartoonish accent
some of the Mexicans have here in the states. Some countries Spanish sounds pretty good, I'm just not a
fan of the exaggerated Mexican accent that some of the Mexicans speak with.
As someone who has only studied and practiced Spanish, I'm making the leap into French which is how I
found this forum. I'm a little concerned how my pronunciation and accent will translate as I have never
been exposed to any French. I'm pretty excited though, can't wait to learn a new language!
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fulushou3 Newbie Russian Federation Joined 4847 days ago 17 posts - 22 votes Speaks: Russian*
| Message 286 of 297 24 November 2012 at 8:38pm | IP Logged |
Dutch spoken in Netherlands is very beautiful. I like its growling and roaring flows.
Belgian Dutch sounds like Dutch with strong Russian accent )) and it's not my personal
opinion: sometimes you don't know who announces the beginning of the match when Belgian
soccer club plays vs. Russian soccer club (was it a Belgian voice? or a Russian voice
speaking in Belgian Dutch?).
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tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4752 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 287 of 297 24 November 2012 at 9:03pm | IP Logged |
I think Swedish has a beautiful melodious quality to it, and I also really like the
sound of Hebrew and Russian. I personally like English but only if it's spoken with a
dialect of one of the Celtic-influenced nations (or Australian if it's not too drawly).
I particularly enjoy Scottish accents with the beautiful rolled "r" and their typical
vowels. I personally speak some bollocks hybrid, but once I get round to it I think I
want to perfect a proper Scottish accent (definitely my favourite).
I find Arabic sounds too much like someone gargling, Chinese sounds immensely choppy,
and I generally find that most of the Romance languages have this "machine-gun" timing
about them which I find a bit eh. Italian is more singsongy but there is something
about it that puts me off (whereas I do usually like singsongy accents).
I also think Dutch is probably the ugliest Germanic language because it is so monotone
(Netherlands Dutch). Flemish Dutch (and some of the southern dialects, particularly
Brabantian) I do like. They sound quaint and rustic, and I like the little references
back to older Dutch.
I am also really liking the sound of Breton, but I think it might be prettier with a
rolled instead of a Parisian r.
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limey75 Senior Member United Kingdom Joined 4444 days ago 119 posts - 182 votes Speaks: English* Studies: German, Norwegian, Old English
| Message 288 of 297 25 November 2012 at 11:01pm | IP Logged |
This must be the ugliest variety of English! Give me Welsh English or South African English anytime :)
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