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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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 Message 1761 of 3959
06 April 2010 at 12:38pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
SCO:Ah hope ye don't need a translation, y'know.. this is said tae be Inglis.

Welcome back, Iversen. This Scottish is difficult to read for me, I only understand 50 % of it. I don't know, if I understood more, if I would HEAR this dialect.

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 Message 1762 of 3959
06 April 2010 at 3:41pm | IP Logged 
Maybe, - try searching for Billy Connally at Youtube, he will give you a good impression of English with a Scots accent (those in the know say that it is a mild version of Glasgewien). I have now provided a translation.

Edited by Iversen on 06 April 2010 at 3:50pm

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 Message 1763 of 3959
06 April 2010 at 4:11pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Maybe, - try searching for Billy Connally at Youtube, he will give you a good impression of English with a Scots accent (those in the know say that it is a mild version of Glasgewien). I have now provided a translation.

I just tested Billy Connally on You Tube. What a vulgar person, he is cursing all the time! How terrible. :( But I can understand his type of English. Thanks for doing the extra work of translating your Scottish.


Edited by Fasulye on 06 April 2010 at 4:12pm

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 Message 1764 of 3959
06 April 2010 at 4:21pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
SCO:In that church you will find fine architecture and beautiful windows in many colours. But is this the most important thing about this church. No! .. you should go there to see the information leaflets in maybe fifty languages or more: Scots, Gaelic (from Scotland), Irish Gaelic, Cymric from Wales, Danish, Icelandic, Swedish, French, Catalan, Spanish, Romanian, Latin, and all kinds of more exotic languages like Maori, Chinese, Arabian and even English. It is a paradise for people who like languages.

That's very interesting, so many leaflets in a variety of languages. In which languages did you take the leaflets with you? I also like to chose touristic brochures in foreign languages, even for tourist attractions here in Germany.


Edited by Fasulye on 06 April 2010 at 4:22pm

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 Message 1765 of 3959
06 April 2010 at 11:13pm | IP Logged 
Well, the leaflets were not meant for taking away, but for reading in situ. I may show a picture of one set here when I have got my photos sorted out.

In big museums in the UK there will typically be informations sheets 'to go' or brochures in 5-6 languages, all for free. And I normally take those that are in other languages because this is one of the few things in the UK that remind me of the existance of other languages than English.

In Glasgow I visited the Kelvingrove museum, which is a pleasant and comprehensive museum with everything from fossils to bagpipes. I have visited Glasgow before, but back then this museum was under renovation. In Stirling I visited the Castle and the Argyll house (with Scots speaking guides, hurray!), but no museums or galleries. And in Edinburgh I just had time for the zoo, but I have been there on holiday a few years ago.

Next time I visit Scotland I hope to have time to have a look at Gaelge, - probably not enough to speak it, but hopefully enough to profit from a visit to the far North. I actually carried along my Irish Kauderwelsch this time, and I could use my limited knowledge of this language to decode placenames and things like that in Scotland. From a practical perspective it may be a total waste of time to study the Celtic languages, but I find them extremely fascinating creatures.

(PS: the last line means: "Don't take this away from the church" - which answers Fasulye's question)

Edited by Iversen on 06 April 2010 at 11:31pm

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 Message 1766 of 3959
08 April 2010 at 9:03pm | IP Logged 
NO: Nå er jeg kommet hjem, og selv om jeg ikke har hatt tid til å organisere bildene mine og skrive reiseskildring, gjenopptaker jeg gradvist mine vanlige vaner. Og det inkluderer TV-titting. Akkurat nå ser jeg "Schödingers katt"*, et norsk vitenskapsprogram. Og jeg hører akkurat nå at jetlag kan bli motvirket av faste på reisen. Hm, hvis flymaden over Atlanterhavet kommer at koste så mye som prisen for flymad på korte ruter i Europa, vil noen av oss få chancen for å unngå jetlag.

Det var også en funksjon av bedre algoritmer for lagring av film - en hel James Bond-filmen skal komme ned til 125 MB. På den annen side startet programmet med en vitenskapelig rapport om effekten av voldelige videospill. Og realismen i drapsscener og slagsmål var et viktig element - pacman gjorde ikke brukerne til følelelseskolde psykopatiske mordere. Men hyperrealistiske blodige film kunne ha den effekten.

SP: Y después de Schödinger y su gato NRK1 ahora ha continuado al fútbol argentino. Goooooooooooooooooool! Hay en este momento un programa que trata de la cultura de los fanáticos del fútbol. El fútbol me sobresale un comino, pero se habla español.

FR: Mais j'ai aussi lu un peu dans ma "Science et Avenir" de janvier 2008. Et là aussi j'ai trouvé des thèmes à grande portée. Par example on sait qu'il y a seulement un petit nombre de cellules souches chez les adultes, et on n'avaient donc autre choix que de s'en procurer des fœtus mortes - ce qui a évoqué une vive opposition. Mais dans un article ici il est soutenu que par les rétrovirus on peut introduire quatre gènes, et puis se développent des cellules ordinaires de la peau 'en arrière' en cellules souches. Et les cellules souches ont l'air de devenir un outil extrèment important pour les futurs médecins.

Dans un autre article il est dit que l'insomnie peut augmenter l'activité dans l'amygdale, un centre encéphale de grande importance pour les émotions (surtout les émotions les plus primitives). Bon ben, jouez les jeux vidéo meurtriers et regardez les films sanglants toute la nuit au lieu de dormir, alors vous serez un monstre fou.

* GER: Die Katze von Schödinger ist ein Begriff, dessen Ursprung ein Gedankenexperiment in der Quantenphysik ist. Es handelt sich darum, daß eine Katze in einer geschlossenen Box eingeschlossen wird und ein Quantumeffekt (wie z.B.durch Radioaktivität) wird jetzt entscheiden, ob das arme Miezekätchen ermordet wird. Kurz bevor Sie das Kästchen öffnen, fragen Sie: ist die Katze gerade jetzt tot oder lebendig? Es ist entweder Ja oder Nein in der klassischen Physik (obwohl die Antwort noch nicht bekannt ist). Aber nach dem Quanten-Interpretation gibt es erst ein definitives Antwort, wenn Sie der Sache nachgehen - bis dann gibt es nur eine Wahrscheinlichkeit, die Katze sei am Leben. Dies scheint als absoluter Nonsens, aber es gibt Eksperimenten die die Statistische Natur der Kleinpartikeln bestätigen - zum Beispiel das berühmte Dobbeltschlitz-Experiment: man läßt Lichtpartikelchen (Photonen) durch zwei enge Schlitzen passieren in einem so geringen Anzahl, dass sie unmöglich kollidieren können. Dennoch wird es ein Interferenzmuster geben, als ob jedes Teilchen durch beide Rissen gedrungen sei wie eine Welle - und diese Welle interpretieren die Physiker als eine statistische Wellenfunktion. Und warum Schrödinger: weil dieser Österreiche Physikus derjenige war, der die Wellenfunktion mathematisch formulierte.


After Easter and my journey to Albion I am now returning to my old habits, which include TV watching. I have seen NRK1 (Norwegian 'Rikskringkasting', aka Norwegian nationwide throwing things around). There I saw a science program called "Schrödingers cat". There I saw that fasting during flight travel counteracts jet lag. Good to know, - especially if the food on transatlantic journeys one day is going to cost as much as food on short flights within Europe.

There was also something about better compression methods, that can make a complete James Bond film fill 125 mB. And in the begining of the program they described how violint computer games good make people more aggressive.

After this program there was a program about football fanatics in Argentina. I find football/soccer (and sport in general) totally irrelevant and boring, but the program was partly in Spanish so....

While I watched the TV I read some articles in a French science magazine from January 2008. Apparently it has now been demonstrated that you don't have to get stem cells from foetuses (which has always been somewhat controversial). Now you can introducere four genes into ordinary skin cells using retroviruses, and then they develop backwards into undifferentiated stem cells. Which - if it is practically feasible and doesn't have unforeseen consequences - might revolutionize medicine in the future.

I also read that insomnia entails up to 60% more activity in the amygdala, which is the brain center that governs our feelings, especially the more primitive ones. So let me think: people who play violent video grames and watch blooddripping films get violent and murderous (especially as higher compression and faster computers makes for more realistic scenarios - good ol' Pacman could hardly make have that effect). They also get less sleep because they stay up all night killing off anything within sight ... we are in for some interesting times, with those guys roaming the streets.

The German section is explaining something about Schrödinger's cat. Is it dead or alive? Learn German and find out!

Edited by Iversen on 08 April 2010 at 9:39pm

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 Message 1767 of 3959
08 April 2010 at 9:19pm | IP Logged 
GER: Vom Namen nach hatte ich von Schödingers Katze gehört, aber ich wusste nie den Hintergrund. Mein Sprachengehirn kann nicht so richtig nachvollziehen, was da ausprobiert wurde, für mich klingt es nach Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung (Das hatte ich in der Oberstufenmathematik in der Schule). Aber störe dich nicht daran, wenn mein Sprachengehirn zu unmathematisch denkt. Bis ich einigermaßen die Grundelemente der Relativitätstheorie(n) verstehen konnte, habe ich mehrere Jahre Zeit benötigt.

FR: Au mois de mars j'ai été à Düsseldorf pour rencontrer mon groupe d'esperantistes. Quand je suis à la gare je regarde toujours les magazines étrangères. J'ai demandé un vendeur pour trouver "Science et avenir" ou "Science et vie". "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" il a dit avec une expression faciale peu intelligente. Alors je devais chercher moi-même, mais je n'ai trouvé aucune de ces revues scientifiques. Que malchance!


Edited by Fasulye on 08 April 2010 at 9:21pm

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 Message 1768 of 3959
08 April 2010 at 9:44pm | IP Logged 
Selvom jeg ikke har skrevet i forummet siden et år, har jeg læst din tråde hist og her. Det var og er altid interessant at følge dine rejser rundt i verden eller dine beskrivelser om dit og dat. Måske kan du huske at jeg har af og til bogen ”Kjersgaards Danmarks historie” benyttet for at lære mig dansk – nu er der forfatteren Erik Kjersgaard selv, der fortæller om Danmarks historie i flere afsnit på DR K. Selvfølgelig må jeg se hver afsnit...

Til slut vil jeg gerne sige tak til dig for at skrive så en fantastik tråde.

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