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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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 Message 2274 of 3959
25 February 2011 at 2:48pm | IP Logged 
Meelämmchen wrote:
The pain isn't toll. But these children's poems deal with it and they do not pretend it's not there,(...)

That's interesting, I didn't know that the people (children) had to learn that the lambs hurt themselves and that this is something you can worry about. I thought that this is absolutely clear that the lambs are upset when they hurt themselves, or all the animals, birds, people as well, therefore the people hadn't to learn it because they already have knew this. therefore I thought that the poem was nasty, and the poor lamb suffered.[/QUOTE]

In more general terms: some people seem to revel in writing (and reading) texts that describe unpleasant things, and I have always wondered why. You have to be aware of unpleasant things that might hurt you or your surroundings, but I never really understood why people could enjoy it - except maybe to make them less sensitive to the ugly things in the world. But then bloody computer games might do a better job. Aren't there computer games that extoll cruelty to animals? If not then somebody will probably soon invent it.

RU: Я буду собирать провести этот уик-энд в компании моей семьи, и, чтобы держать меня развлекали в те краткие моменты, когда никто не говорит Я принес языковые курсы: "Свидание в Петербурге".

BA I: Saya juga membawa salah satu panduan bahasa saya untuk bahasa Indonesia - saya tidak mungkin telah menulis banyak tentang hal ini karena saya melahap oleh gerakan Esperanto, tapi saya masih sangat aktif mempelajari bahasa ini (hehe).

ESP: Mi ankaŭ portas dulingvajn tekstojn en Esperanto en mia bagaĝo, kaj en la trajno mi legis artikolojn en Esperanto, inter kiuj estis bona artikolo de Vikipedio pri piano poentaroj kaj pli mallongan pri poentaroj por poentaroj por orkestro. Sen Vikipedio mi havus malmulton je legi en Esperanto.

DA: Og derudover har jeg naturligvis et udvalg af halvfærdige ordlister, som bare mangler repetitionskolonnerne - dem kan jeg godt nusse med, selvom min mor og lillesøster og fjernsynet snakker. Og så har jeg just opdaget adskillige tosprogede irsk-danske tekster - men lige for tiden bruger jeg ikke meget tid på irsk.

I am right now sitting at a computer in the library in Kolding, and I'm on my way to a family visit. The snippets above specify the content of my luggage: a Russian text book "Meeting in St. Petersburg", a language guide to Bahasa Indonesia, some articles from the Esperanta Wikipedia and assorted half finished wordlists which I have to complete soon ... and then I just discovered a hoard of bilingual Irish-Danish texts - but I prefer having my dictionary within reach when I deal with this language (and it has been quite low on my priority list recently). And besides that I carry my toothbrush and a load of crosswords cut out from Danish newspapers for my mother.

I still have an hour to go here at the library, so now I'm to have a peek at their language section.

Edited by Iversen on 14 September 2011 at 1:00am

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 Message 2275 of 3959
25 February 2011 at 3:56pm | IP Logged 
I don't think this poem is very common these days in Germany. Maybe it was hundred years ago. Maybe it also isn't intended to be that much pedagogical. All children's stories have a moral, don't they? At least they combine entertaining with a bit of moral teaching. But in this specific poem on a first glance you do not have a moral lesson, it's just portraying the lamb who gets hurt and always is beh-ing afterwards. I like this way very much, because without a primary lesson you have still room for phantasy and can imagine the poor lamb and get to the 'lesson', if such a thing was intended at all, by yourself.
Well, I also never had thought too much a about children education before. But isn't there such a thing as sadism or a drive to torture animals in some children? Also I think that there is a education that ignores animals or which is trying to appease the children on this regard. And I think it's the dominant one. What have your parents said to you when you cried so long? I also remember when I first realized that birds in the winter can die (or can die at all), probably when I encountered my first aviary. Aren't these the occasions when adults try to persuade you it's all not that bad? And the thing is, adults most times believe this themselves, while children remain sceptic (and most times believe it finally themselves).
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 Message 2277 of 3959
25 February 2011 at 7:57pm | IP Logged 
Kuikentje wrote:
They can die, but it's good if you've lived and then you die, not if you're only a baby chick like the one I've seen, and not by accident as well, it's so sudden. but die is better as suffer and in the reincarnation it will be nicer. I think that i can't discuss this subject more. can we discuss a differnt subject, please.

Of course we can, sorry to hear that. So a comfortable and good language weekend to you and to Iversen a good time with the family!

Edited by Iversen on 14 September 2011 at 1:01am

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 Message 2279 of 3959
26 February 2011 at 5:10pm | IP Logged 
Well, today I have family affairs, too. And I actually have to go now, but I also think Iversen could get enervated about too much chatting on his log, if this continues like this. I will answer you next time on your log!
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