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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6800 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 1769 of 3959 08 April 2010 at 9:49pm | IP Logged |
On peut acheter les magazines scientifiques françaises dans les gares ... en France.
Mais ces revues scientifiques ont heureusement des sites internet:
sciences.nouvelobs.com (Science et Avenir)
Je vois sur ce dernier site que "Des scientifiques russes et américains ont annoncé la fabrication d’un nouvel élément lourd, l’élément 117, qui parachève une série de découvertes récentes." et qu'on a découvert un nouveaux - ou plutôt très vieux - Australopithécine à l'Afrique du Sud.
The element nr. 117 in the periodical system has now been created .. hey now it's gone again. Those things disappear between your fingers!
And a new kind of Australopithecus has been found in South Africa - source "Science et Avenir" (which is the fascinating offspring of the boring leftist French magazine Nouvel Obs(ervateur)
Je vois juste maintenant sur ce même site que "Les habitants de l'archipel nippon possèdent des enzymes capables de dégrader les algues qui entrent dans la composition des sushis ou des makis, à la différence des Nord-américains.". Bon ben, ça me laisse avec une question: comment se fait-il alors que non seulement les Nordaméricains, mais aussi un nombre croissant parmi mes compatriots bouffent ces trucs ultra-dégoutants?
I have just read that Japanese people actually can digest the algues in their sushi. But I still don't understand why Europeans and Northamericains of European descent eat that stuff. I have actually seen some of my friends eat those revolting things !!
Til Glossa.Passion: jeg kan godt huske vore skriverier om det danske sprog (nu følger Fasulye og andre så i dine fodspor). Og naturligvis ser jeg også med stor fornøjelse Erik Kjersgaards TV-beretninger fra Danmarks historie, - han var en gudbenådet fortæller. Hans søn optræder også på TV, og han har arvet snakketøjet, men ....
til lykke med dit bidrag nummer 200!
Edited by Iversen on 09 April 2010 at 1:19am
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| glossa.passion Triglot Senior Member Germany Joined 6418 days ago 267 posts - 349 votes   1 sounds Speaks: German*, EnglishC1, Danish Studies: Spanish, Dutch
| Message 1770 of 3959 09 April 2010 at 3:13pm | IP Logged |
Og naturligvis ser jeg også med stor fornøjelse Erik Kjersgaards TV-beretninger fra Danmarks historie, - han var en gudbenådet fortæller. |
Ja, Erik Kjersgaard ist wirklich ein begnadeter Erzähler. Es ist so angenehm, seinen Ausführungen zu lauschen, was hatte dieser Mann für ein Wissen! Seine ruhige, gelassene und authentische Art macht es einem leicht, seinen Worten zu folgen, gerade für mich. Im Gegenteil zu den heutigen hisorischen Sendungen, gibt es keine grellen Bilder oder reißerisch aufgemachte Themen. Irgendwie begleitet man Kjersgaard auf seinem Spaziergang durch die Geschichte Dänemarks und bekommt gratis die Erklärungen dazu.
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Fasulye Heptaglot Winner TAC 2012 Moderator Germany fasulyespolyglotblog Joined 5944 days ago 5460 posts - 6006 votes     1 sounds Speaks: German*, DutchC1, EnglishB2, French, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto Studies: Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish Personal Language Map
| Message 1771 of 3959 09 April 2010 at 4:36pm | IP Logged |
FR: Iversen, merci pour les deux links pour les magazines "Science et Avenir" et "Science et Vie". Les deux sont à vente à la gare de Düsseldorf, je les ai déjà vues là-bas. Mais quand je rencontre les Esperantistes, c'est toujours près de la fin du mois, donc elles pourraient être tous vendues...
DK: Je glaeder mig sa at glossia.passion skriver sa meget pa dansk! Gerne videre...videre...videre..., jeg laeser det.
Edited by Fasulye on 09 April 2010 at 4:36pm
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6800 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 1772 of 3959 09 April 2010 at 10:59pm | IP Logged |
GR: Σήμερα είδα ένα τηλεοπτικό πρόγραμμα για Μινωικόυς (στα αγγλικά) στον History Channel.. Το πρόγραμμα άρχισε με τον ελληνικό μύθο του Θησέα (αρχ. Θησεύ), ο οποίος με τη βοήθεια της Αριάδνη σκοτώθηκα το Μινώταυρο σ'ένα λαβύρινθο της Κρήτης. Μινώταυρος ήταν μισός άνθρωπος, μισός τέρας, γιατί γεννήθηκε στη σύζυγό βασιλιά Μίνωα Πασιφάη, η οποία οι θεοί έκανε έρωτα με έναν ταύρο, ως τιμωρία επειδή ο Μίνωας τον είχε λάβει από τους θεούς και δεν ληφθούν αμέσως θυσιάζονται (ναι, ο κόσμος ήταν άδικο τότε!).
Τότε είχαν πει πως Evans είχε βρεθεί Κνωσό, όπου υπήρχαν σημάδια μια αθλητικό λατρεία ταυρων. Ήταν τότε ανέφερε ότι υπάρχουν εκπληκτικά λίγα στοιχεία μιας βασιλικής εξουσίας στο Μινωικό πολιτισμό και τα μινωικά παλάτια (Κνωσός, Μάλια, Ζάκυνθος, Φαιστος) ήταν ίσως μάλλον ένα είδος εκκλησιαστικών κέντρων ή μοναστηριών.
Η ιδέα της ισχυρής και πολεμικές βασιλιάδες προέρχεται μάλλον από τoυ Μυκέυοι που ξεπέρασε τους Μινωικόυς - ίσως μετά την έκρηξη του ηφαιστείου της Σαντορίνης (το οποίο δεν αναφερόταν). Φάνηκε του θρόνου στην Κνωσό, αλλά τα ανάκτορα στην εκπομπή μάλλον ερμηνεύεται ως λατρεία, ίσως ένα είδος μοναστήρια.
Φάνηκαν επίσης γραμμική Α και γραμμική Β, αλλά η μετάβαση από το πραγματικό Μινωικό πολιτισμό στη Mυκηναϊκή στην Κρήτι δεν εξήγησε πολύ καλά. Εκτός από αυτó, ήταν ένα πολύ ενδιαφέρον πρόγραμμα.
I have seen an interesting program (in English) about the Minoans on the History Channel. First the Greek myth about Theseus and the Minotaur was told, then the tale about Evans who excavated Knossos and found traces of an atletic bull cult. It was made likely that the Minoans culture wasn't centred about powerful and warlike kings - so the idea of a mighty king Minos is probably more a Mycenean invention than anything Minoan. Consequently the palaces (Knossos, Malia, Zakynthos, Phaistos was here seen as religious centres, maybe some kind of monasteries, rather than as royal palaces - though the wellknown throne was shown and discussed. The weakest part of the program was the passage about the shift from the original Minoan culture to a quite different Mycenean one. This apparently occured in the wake of the cataclysmic volcanic eruption at Santorini, which to my best knowledge wasn't even mentioned in the program. Linear A and B were mentioned, but not the possibility that Linear A was the one used by the true Minoans, and B just a bleak copy used by the Mycenean conquerors.
Edited by Iversen on 09 April 2010 at 11:02pm
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| mick33 Senior Member United States Joined 6021 days ago 1335 posts - 1632 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Finnish Studies: Thai, Polish, Afrikaans, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, Swedish
| Message 1773 of 3959 10 April 2010 at 12:29am | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
Dans un autre article il est dit que l'insomnie peut augmenter l'activité dans l'amygdale, un centre encéphale de grande importance pour les émotions (surtout les émotions les plus primitives). Bon ben, jouez les jeux vidéo meurtriers et regardez les films sanglants toute la nuit au lieu de dormir, alors vous serez un monstre fou.
...There was also something about better compression methods, that can make a complete James Bond film fill 125 mB. And in the begining of the program they described how violint computer games good make people more aggressive. ...
I also read that insomnia entails up to 60% more activity in the amygdala, which is the brain center that governs our feelings, especially the more primitive ones. So let me think: people who play violent video grames and watch blooddripping films get violent and murderous (especially as higher compression and faster computers makes for more realistic scenarios - good ol' Pacman could hardly make have that effect). They also get less sleep because they stay up all night killing off anything within sight ... we are in for some interesting times, with those guys roaming the streets. |
AF: Ek het 'n paar gedagtes. Ek saamstem met jou dat geweldig rekenaar speletjies en films 'n baie sleg invloed in samelewing kan hê. Ek glo 'n ander groot probleem is dat indien mense geweldig vermaak kyk of speel hulle ongevoelig en antisosiaal kan word. Ja, ek weet ek het nou geen wetenskaplik getuienis om die bewering te ondersteun maar vir my die bewering is logies en ek hoop ek sal eendag wetenskaplik getuienis hê.
Iversen wrote:
Je vois juste maintenant sur ce même site que "Les habitants de l'archipel nippon possèdent des enzymes capables de dégrader les algues qui entrent dans la composition des sushis ou des makis, à la différence des Nord-américains.". Bon ben, ça me laisse avec une question: comment se fait-il alors que non seulement les Nordaméricains, mais aussi un nombre croissant parmi mes compatriots bouffent ces trucs ultra-dégoutants?
I have just read that Japanese people actually can digest the algues in their sushi. But I still don't understand why Europeans and Northamericains of European descent eat that stuff. I have actually seen some of my friends eat those revolting things !!
Noord Amerikaners eet sushi want ons dink rou vis baie uitheems is. Ek onthou dat vyf-entwintig jare verlede in Noord-Amerika sushi baie gewild was, en soms mense het baie siek geword omdat hulle kon nie die alge of nadelig mikrobes verteer nie.
Ek dink ek kan nou 'n bietjie geskrewe frans verstaan.
Edited by mick33 on 10 April 2010 at 5:28am
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6800 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 1774 of 3959 10 April 2010 at 2:56pm | IP Logged |
Jeg sidder lige nu ved min computer og ser dansk fjernsyn. Der var for lidt siden et foredrag om holdningsmålinger. Foredragsholderen er blevet udsat for en Gallup-undersøgelse, og han skulle blandt andet svare på om valget af mobiltelefon var meget vigtigt, lidt vigtigt eller ikke særlig vigtigt for ham. Øh, sammenlignet med hvad? Jordens undergang eller længden på hans tånegle? Så spurgte han om damen havde flere af den slags spørgsmål. Halvtreds, sagde hun. Farvel, sagde han. Og jeg kan godt forstå ham. Når jeg er på rejse, ligger der som regel et skema, hvor jeg skal bedømme rengøringen. Øh, sammenlignet med hvad? En computerchip-fabrik eller den stedlige losseplads? Hvad nu hvis det der virkelig irriterede mig var musikken i lobbyen? Desværre regeres verden af folk der tror på den slags skemaer.
Nu sidder jeg og ser grønlandske nyheder, selv om jeg ikke forstår et klap. Men det lyder godt, og der er undertekster på dansk. Lige nu sagde damen "firetusinde tjinatinUT". Jeg spekulerer lidt på, om grønlænderne helt har opgivet deres eget talsystem - de må da for pokker have haft et, om ikke andet for at kunne tælle deres slædehunde.
SW: Jag har också tittat ett svenskt någon TV-program som jag tyckte var mycket viktigt (viktigere enn mobiltelefoner): det handlade om genetiska skillnader mellan neolitiska människor i Sverige till 4000 år sedan. Det fanns då två kulturer, trattbägarkulturen och den gropkeramiska kulturen, uppkallta efter deras respektiva gravkeramik. Trattbägarkulturen var den första jordbrukskulturen i Norden. Till Sverige kom den ca 4000 f.Kr. Senare kom gropkeramiska kulturen vid övergången till mellanneolitikum. Problemet är att några genetiker nu har undersökt DNA från de två sorters gravar, och de kan bevisa att de två populationerna inte är relaterade - gropkeramikerne kom förmodligen kom från öster. Och nu har arkeologerne ett problem, för de har envist hävdat att befolkningen stannade och att endast skick och bruk ändrades. Faktisk har de i 100 år skrattat åt deras föregångare som såg alla abrupta kulturelle förändringar som ett resultat av invasion utifrån. Vi såg en arkælog som helt enkelt vägrat att erkänna resultatet, FORDI det motsa "allt han visste om arkeologi". Det kommer att bli intressant att se resultatet av tvisten.
PS: Nu har jag bara en liten anmärkning: hade gropfolket verkligen så stora båtar att de skulla kunna segla över Bottenviken??
I'm sitting in front of my computer, watching Danish TV on my TV set behind it. I have seen a lecture by an expert in public opinion measurements. He was called from one of the Gallup institutes and asked whether he found the choice of mobile phone was very important, somewhat important or not important at all. Compared to what, he asked - the end of the world or the length of my toe nails, he asked. And "how many questions of that kind have you got?". "Fifty", the lady said. OK, goodbye. And I understand him. For instance there is often a questionnaire in my hotel rooms when I travel. "Please indicate on a scale from 1 to 5 how satisfied I am with the cleanliness of my room", etc. Well, compared to the dustfree hall in a computerchip factory or the local dump? And suppose my only grievance with a hotel was the music in the lobby? Unfortunately the people who believe in such mumbo-jumbo methods rule the world.
When I wrote the Danish text above I was just listening to the news in Greenlandic. I don't understand it, but it has an intriguing sound and there are subtitles in Danish. I just heard "firetusinde tjinatinUT" (firetusinde = four thousand in Danish, followed by a word in Greenlandic). And then I wonder: have the Greenlanders given up their own number system? I can't imagine that they haven't had one. Or did they just not have 4000 of anything?
Right now (while writing this version) I'm listening to a program with a young Finland-Swedish couple who visit Khajuraho). They have just asked for a lot of sentences in Hindi, and that also sounded funny. It is clear where the special Indian-English intonation comes from.
And finally: I have seen a program about Swedish archeology. From around 4000 BC there was the socalled "Funnelbeaker culture", later (around 3000 BC) followed by the socalled "Pitted Ware culture". The former was the first agricultural culture in Sweden (and Denmark), while the latter had strong elements of a hunter-gatherer society.
Now a team of geneticists have proved that the two cultures aren't closely genetically related, - the pitted-ware people may actually have come from regions to the East of Sweden. And some classical archeologists are furious. One such individual flatly declared that he refused to believe the result because "it went against everything he knew about archeology". In fact the current orthodoxy of archeology is that populations aren't supplanted by invasion, they just changes their habits. And to make matters worse this paradigm supplanted the one of archeologists from the 19. century who actually did believe in the arrival of foreigners as an explanation for sudden cultural changes. And it can't be easy to see your dogma crumble just like that.. It will be interesting to see how this catfight continues.
PS This thread has passed 300.000 hits since yesterday (300.847 hits, to be precise).
Edited by Iversen on 12 April 2010 at 4:27pm
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6800 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 1775 of 3959 11 April 2010 at 4:38pm | IP Logged |
... and now it spells 302.451 hits. Not quite at the level of porn or (some) viral videos, but far more readers in one day than I could have had in a month if I had written in Danish. Definitely an argument for writing in an international commonspeak.
DA: ... men ikke hele tiden (but not all the time).
RO: Ieri am petrecut câteva ore cu un proiect ne-obişnuit: adăugarea la informaţii în al meu dicţionar Teora Româneşte <-> Englez. Verbele româneşti puteau să aibă un infinitiu care se termină în -a, e sau I / I. Dacă ei încet în -a au de obicei un infix (a lucra - eu lucrez) şi în cazul cu -i/î au de obicei un alt infix (a bulgări - eu bulgăresc (= eu arunc bulgări de zăpadă)). Dar nu se poate avea încredere, pentru că există şi verbe fără infix: a arunca - eu arunc. Deci am nevoie s-a poate vede dacă un verb a un infix sau nu.
Curios, acest lucru nu este menţionat în meu dicţiona Teora, nici în celalte dicţionare mele cu o singură excepţie: un mare vechi dicţionar monolingv românesc din perioada comunista. Deci am început acum să pune puncte maro sau verde cu toate verbele în Teora, conform cu presinţa sau nu de un infix. Am reuşit doar să facă A-B-C ieri, dar această treabă trebuie să fie făcut.
Yesterday I took upon myself the task of ameliorating my otherwise excellent Teora dictionary (ENG<->ROM). The problem is that Romanian verbs often have infixes - but not always, so you ought to be able to see this in any decent dictionary. But of all my Romanian dictionaries the infixes are only indicated in my old fat monolingual dictionary from the communist era, which isn't practical to used (apart from being obsolete in several respects - it is from 1958). So now I have started to put brown and green dots at all verbs, depending on the presence of non-presence of an infix. Yesterday I got through ABC, so it is a long way to go yet ... but it has to be done.
IT: Gli studenti dell'italiano conoscono tali infissi nei verbi della terza coniugazione sul -ire: finire --> io finisco. Il loro nome scientifico Italiano è 'infisso incoativo', e ultimamente provengono dal latino ...
IT: ... ubi infixum -sc- indicabat aspectum certi verbi "incohativum", id est "inceptum nec finitum". Sed in sermonibus italica daciaque "-sc" modo elementum morphologicum est, cui sensum proprium deest.
The -sc is also found in Italian verbs of the 3. conjugation, and ultimately it goes back to Latin where it marked certain verbs with an 'inchoative" meaning (call it aspect) - verbs that indicated actions that had started, but not yet ended. However i Italian and Romanian the infixes have just become morphological quirks without any special meaning.
PS: I found a link to this article about some popular misconceptions in language learning in a message from Cainntear. And I was almost hoppin' with joy when I saw one myth after the other being mercilessly routed by a certain Jan-Arjen Mondria from Groningen. I found confirmation for almost everything I have been preaching about for the last couple of years in this field, and the only problem is that it won't change the way languages are taught 'out there' - the myths are already too engrained in the mind of the language teachers and pupils of today. This link will enter my 'favorites' with a honorable mention.
Edited by Iversen on 12 April 2010 at 9:36am
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newyorkeric Diglot Moderator Singapore Joined 6476 days ago 1598 posts - 2174 votes     Speaks: English*, Italian Studies: Mandarin, Malay Personal Language Map
| Message 1776 of 3959 12 April 2010 at 10:36am | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
I'm sitting in front of my computer, watching Danish TV on my TV set behind it. I have seen a lecture by an expert in public opinion measurements. He was called from one of the Gallup institutes and asked whether he found the choice of mobile phone was very important, somewhat important or not important at all. Compared to what, he asked - the end of the world or the length of my toe nails, he asked. And "how many questions of that kind have you got?". "Fifty", the lady said. OK, goodbye. And I understand him. For instance there is often a questionnaire in my hotel rooams when I travel. "Please indicate on a scale from 1 to 5 how satisfied I am with the cleanliness of my room", etc. Well, compared to the dustfree hall in a computerchip factory or the local dump? And suppose my only grievance with a hotel was the music in the lobby? Unfortunately the people who believe in such mumbo-jumbo methods rule the world. |
Those are some great and hilarious answers. Even worse in my opinion is research trying to compare happiness across cultures. How the heck can you compare peoples' happiness across cultures when there is no possible common point of reference?
Edited by newyorkeric on 12 April 2010 at 10:37am
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