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Pauline Triglot Newbie Belgium Joined 5621 days ago 22 posts - 21 votes Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 1345 of 3959 29 September 2009 at 4:32pm | IP Logged |
wenn's dir lieber ist, dass ich hier nicht schreibe, dann würde ich verstehen und keine Argument machen. Sag's mir entweder hier oder in PM und ich schreibe ab sofort nicht mehr, kein Problem. das ist mir lieber als ich schreibe und lästig falle, was ihc überhaupt nicht möchet,und auch nicht tue (aber das kann nur wenn ich es weiß ich kann nicht raten weil dann kann's schief gehen).Danke.
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magister Pro Member United States Joined 6688 days ago 346 posts - 421 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Turkish, Irish Personal Language Map
| Message 1346 of 3959 29 September 2009 at 5:42pm | IP Logged |
Willkommen zurück!
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 1347 of 3959 29 September 2009 at 5:44pm | IP Logged |
Nein, nein, ich sehe gerne daß du hier schreibst (auch gerne mit kleine Bilder - ich wurde oft ganz überrascht wenn ich sah was der magische Vogel mir während meiner Abwesenheit geliefert hatte, und ich vermute daß Pauline jetzt diese Tradition fortsetzen werde)
Edited by Iversen on 29 September 2009 at 5:46pm
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| Pauline Triglot Newbie Belgium Joined 5621 days ago 22 posts - 21 votes Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 1348 of 3959 29 September 2009 at 8:28pm | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
Nein, nein, ich sehe gerne daß du hier schreibst |
ich freue mich sehr.
(auch gerne mit kleine Bilder - ich wurde oft ganz überrascht wenn ich sah was der magische Vogel mir während meiner Abwesenheit geliefert hatte, und ich vermute daß Pauline jetzt diese Tradition fortsetzen werde) |
da hast du recht :-)
Vielen Dank!!! Dein Avatar ist klasse. Wie kann ich dieses Bild als Avatar setzen?
Edited by Pauline on 30 September 2009 at 12:52am
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 1349 of 3959 30 September 2009 at 12:00am | IP Logged |
GER: Avatars kosten leider Geld, weil man dann Pro-Mitglied sein muß (oder Moderator, oder beides).
IT: Mi trovo ora di nuovo di fronte al mio computer, e ho bisogno di trovare qualcosa da scrivere. Bene, c'è per esempio la televisione. Ho accidentalmente scelto di vedere Raiuno, che apparentemente sta commemorando i quiz ed altri programmi di divertimento dagli ultimi 30-40 anni. Questo 'quodlibet' confuso è ben più difficile da seguire che le notizie perché i participanti gareggianno per essere il più spassoso di tutti, e perciò giocano con la lingua (un uomo dice in questo momento qualcosa come "mrre pszu srdeutkle mio bambino .. balena balena ... pino l'ozio PIIINO l'ozio"). Non ho il minimo idea di ciò che voglia dire, ma il suo pubblico è ovviamente gli Italiani e non me, e gli altri participianti sono marginalmente più accessibili per une povero straniero che si ha smarrito nel mondo degli indigeni Italiani.
SP: Y mientras que describí los excesos de los Italianos, el programa terminó y cambié al canal español TVE. Acá se habló de los problemas que la policía danesa tendrá debido a la brevisima visita de Barrack Obama. Y todo esto porque los estadounidenses quieren ver los Juegos Olímpicos en Chicago - no sé porqué. Además, hube un fuerte terremoto en Samoa. Y l'Union Europeo quiere limitar el nivel de ruido que los auriculares pueden producir ... idea espléndida, aunque sean los burócratas de Bruselas a tenerla.
GR: Έχω διαβάσει σήμερα ορισμένα άρθρα στην Ελληνική έκδοση του "Science Illustrated", μεταξύ τωυ οποίων ενου άρθρου σχετικά με τις μαύρες τρύπες. Μάλλον δεν έχουν μάθει πολύ νέος, αλλά ο καλύτερος τρόπος για να μάθετε λεξιλόγιο σχετικά με ένα θέμα είναι να μελετήσει ένα άρθρο ή βιβλίο σχετικά του θέμα. Τώρα ξέρω για παράδειγμα ότι το όνομα tou "Event Horizon" εíναι 'ορίζοντας γεγονότων στα ελληνικά, η "singularity" ονομάζεται η 'μωναδικóτητα' και η θεωρία γενική σχετικότητα φέρει το όνομα εíναι "the general theory of relativity" στα αγγλικά . Αν και ένα "wormhole" έχει ένα ελληνικό όνομα: σκουληκότρυπα
I'm sitting in front of my PC, and I have to find something to write about. OK, let's start with Italian TV. Here I have landed in the middle of something that seems to be a celebration of quizzes and other kinds of entertainment from the last many years. And because everybody strives to be the most funny they play with the language - speaking fast, speaking in strange sociolects, and somethings speaking pure nonsense as far as I can ascertain. But this program was made for the Italians, and in general I can understand what is said.
And while I wrote the more or less Italian text above the program ended, and to avoid the commercials I switched to the Spanish channel TVE, where I watched the news. By a funny coincidence they talked about all the extra work the Danish police has to deliver because Barack Obama has decided to visit Copenhagen (in addition to all the extra work caused by a big conference on ecology). While he is here there will be little time to fight crime. But it is even worse for Chicago - that poor windblown town risk being burdened with something as troublesome and disturbing as the coming Olympic games! Did poor Chicago really deserve that terrible fate?
Earlier today I read some articles in the Greek version of "Science Illustrated", including an article about black holes. I didn't learn much about astronomy, but I learned a number of very useful words or expressions: the Greek words for black hole, event horizon, singularity and Einstein's General theory of Relativity". Even the humble wormhole has a Greek name: σκουληκότρυπα
Edited by Iversen on 30 September 2009 at 1:44pm
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 1350 of 3959 30 September 2009 at 3:56pm | IP Logged |
FR: A mon lieu de travail j'ai aujourd'hui travaillé avec des tableurs, - un travail un peu monotone, mais qui permet qu'on écoute à quelque chose, et j'ai par hasard trouvé un entretien en Français avec Daniel Tammett, - le Asperger qui a démontré qu'il pouvait apprendre l'Islandais dans une semaine (et apparemment il a fait quelque chose de pareille avec la langue Allemande) - et on a suffisament discuté dans ce forum comment il a pu faire cela.
ENG: From there I continued to clips with Steve Kaufmann, but this time with a twist. Most of his 127 video clips are in English, and I have written something about some of them earlier in this thread. This time I noticed that he has made some videos in Portuguese, French, Russian and Swedish (and Japanese, though I had to skip that one), and even though some people have quibbled with his level they serve the purpose, - he has stated that he wanted to e able to ead and listen to those languages, but perfection in speaking was not his key issue as he rarely would interact with natives speaking those languages (I recognize the situation!). I like his frank and iconoclastic attitude to language learning, but I still find it strange that he hasn't found a way to make grammar learning as fruitful for him as vocabulary learning. I don't use his system (LingQ), but it seems that it comes with spoken and written texts plus popup dictionary lookups, the only component that is missing is grammar. But we are just different on that point.
In a 7-part double interview he is juxtaposed to Robyn Matthews, who has written a book about language learning, where grammar apparently is more important - but in those parts I have listened to she just advocates learning conglomerats of words (they have been called chunks somewhere on this forum)
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| Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5983 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 1351 of 3959 30 September 2009 at 9:32pm | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
FR: A mon lieu de travail j'ai aujourd'hui travaillé avec des tableurs, - un travail un peu monotone, mais qui permet qu'on écoute à quelque chose, et j'ai par hasard trouvé un entretien en Français avec Daniel Tammett, - le Asperger qui a démontré qu'il pouvait apprendre l'Islandais dans une semaine (et apparemment il a fait quelque chose de pareille avec la langue Allemande) - et on a suffisament discuté dans ce forum comment il a pu faire cela.
I've watched this video and it was very interesting. He speaks veyr well french I think, his accent's English but not bad. I wacthed him in another programme as well, when he met with Kim Peek, about who he talked little bit as well in this video for exmaple the incredible thing: Kim Peek read simultaneously two pages LOL!!!!
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Fasulye Heptaglot Winner TAC 2012 Moderator Germany fasulyespolyglotblog Joined 5932 days ago 5460 posts - 6006 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) 1 sounds Speaks: German*, DutchC1, EnglishB2, French, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto Studies: Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish Personal Language Map
| Message 1352 of 3959 30 September 2009 at 10:08pm | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
FR: A mon lieu de travail j'ai aujourd'hui travaillé avec des tableurs, - un travail un peu monotone, mais qui permet qu'on écoute à quelque chose, et j'ai par hasard trouvé un entretien en Français avec Daniel Tammett, - le Asperger qui a démontré qu'il pouvait apprendre l'Islandais dans une semaine (et apparemment il a fait quelque chose de pareille avec la langue Allemande) - et on a suffisament discuté dans ce forum comment il a pu faire cela. |
J'ai écouté ce video. Ses opinons sont interessants parce qu'il appartient à la minorité des savants. Et il parle bien le français avec une grammaire correcte et un peu d'accent anglais.
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