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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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 Message 1321 of 3959
23 September 2009 at 11:40am | IP Logged 
I wonder how is made your brain Mr.Iversen .....
How can you switch from one language to another , from an alphabet to another , without get a little nuts...
There is maybe one section of your brain for English, another for greek, another for Italian and so on ....and how they communicate to each other??
I think that a brain of a polyglot is different.....
Polyglottery is not only study,it must be something else...

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 Message 1322 of 3959
23 September 2009 at 4:27pm | IP Logged 
EUROPANTO: Forse ego sum facte un poco nuts? Aver von ma synsvinkel autó to tråd non è fundamenteel diferente vun celui të Europanto, behalwe at rimango amb um taal mai longtemps do que nel thread dou Europanto, waar eg have încercat na schimb de språk at jede Woord.

Maybe I am a bit nuts? But from my point of view this thread is not fundamentally different from the one about Europanto, except that I stick to one language longer here than in the Europanto-thread, where I tried to change language at every word.

Edited by Iversen on 23 September 2009 at 8:52pm

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 Message 1323 of 3959
23 September 2009 at 9:15pm | IP Logged 
Iversen, ga jij nu voor jouw log ook tags / keywords toevoegen? Ik heb dat bij mijn eigen log gedaan en doe dat vanaf nu bij alle threads, die ik ga lezen.

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 Message 1324 of 3959
24 September 2009 at 4:56am | IP Logged 
DU: Nee, ik denk niet dat ik zal keywoords zetten. Wat zou het zijn? Paleontologie? Astronomie? Musea? Klassisch muziek? Morphologie? Veele van de categorieën in deze log zou geen taalkundige concepten, en verschijnen alleen hier. Er woord ook soms behandelt taalkundige ideeën of specifieke uitdrukkingen, maar als je niet geïnteresseerd bent in een bepaalde taal, dan is het trefwoord ook niet nuttig. Deze draad is niet een lexicon, die je open om iets te vinden over een bepaald onderwerp. Het is eerder als een tijdschrift, ofschoon met zeer korte artikelen.


I'm not going to put keywords - at least not right now. What should they be - paleontology, astronomy, museums, classical music, morphology? Besides, if you aren't interested in a certain language, what interest is there then in reading about a certain expression in that language? I don't see this thread as a lexicon where you can search information om a specific concept. It is more like a multilingual magazine, but with shorter articles than an ordinary magazine.


DK: Jeg har i øvrigt tilbragt aftenen med at behandle min rejseklubs postkort.
I have in otherways [='by the way'') spent eveningThe with to withhandle my travelclub's postcards.

På vores hjemmeside er der hver måned en liste over de postkort
On our homepage is there every month a list over the postcards

vi har fået fra medlemmerne fra deres 'nye' lande og territorier,
we have got from membersThe from their 'new' countries and territories,

indscannet og med tekst (og deres håndskrift er ikke altid nem at tyde).
in-scanned and with text (and their handwriting is not always easy to decode).

Men vi får flere og flere medlemmer, og de er helt tossede med at sende postkort.
But we get more and more members, and they are totally mad about sending postcards.

Denne gang var der 52 (tooghalvtreds*), og det taqer lang tid bare at læse dem,
This time were there 52, and it takes long time just to read them,

tooghalvtreds <--- to og halvtredje sinds [tyve]
(two-and-half-three-times-[twenty]) = 2 + (- ½ + 3) x 20 ) = 52
....I have written something about the Danish number system somewhere

- og endnu længere at skrive dem af.
- and even longer to write them off (= copy them).

Jeg gør det fordi jeg lovede at gøre det, mens der endnu kun kom ganske få kort,
I do it because I promised to do it while there yet only came quite few cards,

men også fordi det er sjovt at høre fra de rejsende medlemmer,
but also because it is fun to hear from the travelling members,

når man nu ikke selv kan rejse så meget som man gerne ville.
when one now not self can travel as much as one gladly would.


IT: Nella rivista Italiana 'Focus' ho letto oggi dello telescopo Herschel e dei nuovi telescopi spaziali che lo sostituirà, per esempio il satellite europeo Planck che deve studiare la radiazione cosmica di fondo - che si può vere come l'ultimo echo dello stesso 'Big Bang' - una radiazioni dispersa oggi tanto da apparire come la radiazione di un oggetto 'caldo' solo di 4-5 gradi sopra la temperatura assoluta minima, 0º Kelvin. Se lo mette a 1.5 millioni di chilometri dalla Terra, dalla parte oposto rispetto al sole.

I still read articles from my copy of the Italian 'Focus' from September in the bus back home from work, and today I read among other things (such as new digital technology to make you feel that you are inside another body) about one of the space telescopes of the post-Hubble generation, namely the European Planck telescope, which has a limited but important task: to make a thorough registration of the cosmical brackground radiation. This radiation can be seen as the last remnant or echo of Big bang, i.e. radiation that is now so disssipated that it appears like the radiation of an absolutely black object with a temperature of just some 4-5 degrees over the absolute zero, 0 K. This may not be quite as flashy as the pictures of faraway nebulae we have received from Hubble , but the astronomers are quite interested in that radiation.

Edited by Iversen on 24 September 2009 at 5:38am

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 Message 1325 of 3959
24 September 2009 at 11:03pm | IP Logged 
Fasulye wrote:
patuco wrote:
Iversen wrote:
the Latin version of "Astérix le Gaulois"

Where did you get it from? Amazon?

Iversen wrote in his log that he bought the Latin Asterix book in a bookshop in Hamburg. In Germany there are several Latin Asterix books available in normal bookshops.


Thanks for the information and apologies for both the late reply (school's started, so I'm quite busy) and for not having read Iversen's log religiously and discovered this for myself.
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 Message 1326 of 3959
24 September 2009 at 11:27pm | IP Logged 
ROM: Am primit astăzi un pachet cu două gramatici, ambele de Routledge: Romanian An essential Grammar şi Finnish An essential Grammar. Dar gramatica finlandeză nu este de loc esenţială pentru mine in acest moment, este o investitie pe termen lung. În schimb, gramatica română destinate a fi utilizat: eu am o gramatică română în limba suedeză de A.Lombard, care este foarte bună (chiar dacă a fost scrisă din partea ortografiei vechi) - dar este aproape imposibil să citeşte, pentru că este imagina unui manuscris dactilografiat. Gramatica nou nu este aşa de detaliată, dar foarte clară şi transparentă.

PLA: Mien Bus-book vundaag was ines barber: "geiht da ok'n beten fixer?' Ehrlich, ik weet nich of dat fixer geiht, aver ik weet dat de dame nich grote Letters mag. Die Book is utgeven in 2006 vun't Quickborn-Verlag, in desülfe Format wie de bööken vun min plattdüütse Hööftleverant Ina Müller. Aver ineS barbeR kommt ok gut an - sie heef pli un schrieft goot, aver kann nich zo geschickt wie de Ina 'n Situatschoon of de kopp stellen.

SW: Jag har också sett en av de utmärkta naturliga sändingar på svenska TV TV1 - denna gång fra Öland. Den ingår i en serie besök i de cirka 20 svenska län, och man letar efter deras officiella djur och deras officiella växter. Växten är på Öland en blyg liten gul blomma som heter något med sol---. Fågeln är mer känd: det är faktiskt näktergalen. Men de flesta som hör svenska näktergalarna känner sig lurade: deres röst är inte särskilt välljudande. Faktum är att näktergalen har firats av poeter sedan urminnes tider inte als är samma typ som bor i Sverige, men en helt annan art, som endast lever i Medelhavsregionen.


I have today got the two grammars I ordered through the internet, one for Finnish and one for Romanian. I needed the Romanian because my very thorough Romanian grammar (written in Swedish by Alf Lombard) is made as the copy of a typewritten manuscript, and it is almost unreadable - besides it uses the old typography from before Ceaucescu's fall, but I could live witrh that, The new grammar (by Ramona G.Davies) is less comprehensive, but much more readable and simple in its layout. I'm going to read it over the weekend. The Finnish essential grammar is not essential for me right noew, - I see it as an investment for the future.

I have finished my Italian Focus magazine, so today I used a booklet in Low German, written by ines barber (sic), but in the same size and style as the three books I already own by Ina Müller. Ines Barber ist auch witzig und worth reading, but she can't turn a situation on its head as elegantly as Ina M.

Among the TV programs I have watched I'll mention one from Sweden, a visit to Öland which is part of a series where the reporter from SV1 and a local biologist try to find the official animal and the official plant of each 'län'. In this case the plant was a rare lille yellow flower, whereas the animal was the very wellknown nightingale. The trouble is that the Swedish Nightingale doesn't sing well at all (and no, I don't mean the long dead operasinger Jenny Lind). The poems that have praised its song since antiquity were written in the Mediterranean area, and there they have a much more melliflous kind of nightingale. And the nordic poets also wrote in laudatory terms about the nightingale, even though their nightingale sings like a drunken seaman with hiccups.

patuco wrote:
... apologies for both the late reply (school's started, so I'm quite busy) and for not having read Iversen's log religiously and discovered this for myself.

So you could in principle have missed that I have written about your airport, which has a public road crossing its tarmac (see 21/9).

Edited by Iversen on 24 September 2009 at 11:59pm

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 Message 1327 of 3959
25 September 2009 at 2:16am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
I have written something about the Danish number system somewhere

my non-Danish Scandinavian acquaintances would say something like "ingen kommentar" about. :P I don't mind because I have always been above average when it comes on math.

IT: Nella rivista Italiana 'Focus' ho letto oggi del telescopo Herschel e dei nuovi che lo sostituiranno, per esempio il satellite europeo Planck che studia la radiazione cosmica di fondo - che si può vedere dall'ultimo eco dello stesso 'Big Bang' - una radiazione oggi dispersa tanto da apparire come la radiazione di un oggetto 'caldo' solo di 4-5 gradi sopra la temperatura minima assoluta, 0° Kelvin, se lo si posiziona a 1.5 millioni di chilometri dalla Terra, dalla parte opposta rispetto al sole.

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 Message 1328 of 3959
25 September 2009 at 11:31am | IP Logged 
The etymology of the Danish words for 50 (halvtreds), 60 (tres), 70 (halvfjerds), 80 (firs) and 90 (halvfems) shows that we once had a numbersystem based on the number 20 (presumably invented by barefoot people). But those who learn the language now should just learn the words without doing the mathematics inherent in them.

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