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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2209 of 3959
10 January 2011 at 10:53pm | IP Logged 
ES: En este momento estoy escuchando "Destino España" en TVE, que esta vez ha visitado a unos españoles en Australia, pero en este momente se visita a estranjeros en España, como por ejemplo a un artista de Gambia con cabelos rasta que vive despues de ocho años en una pequena ciudud en el distrito de La Rioja. Pero sus ocho hijos viven en Gambia. Y ahora hay una dama de Logroño que se ríe todo el tiempo

In this moment I watch "Destino España" at TVE international. After a visit to some Spaniards in Australia we have now moved to Spain, where we visit an artist from Gambia who has lived in the Rioja area for 8 years - but his family is still in Gambia. And now we visit foreigners in Logroño. One good thing about this program (apart from the absence of background music) is that people just speak freely, not in the controlled manner of the News programs.

Apart from that I have been studying short passages from my Viennese Russian magazine and my brochures from Singapore.

Edited by Iversen on 10 January 2011 at 10:58pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2210 of 3959
11 January 2011 at 7:36pm | IP Logged 
BA I: Saya pasti harus menemukan sesuatu Bahasa indonesia untuk mendengarkan, dan para stasiun internet yang saya bisa akses via tidak benar-benar apa-apa yang menawarkan - berita minggu-tua dan seorang pengkhotbah berbahasa Inggris - bukan untukku. Saat ini aku mendengarkan radio dari Surabaya, dan ada sedikitnya diucapkan - tetapi dengan kualitas yang buruk. Salah satu hal yang saya mendengarkan adalah lokasi stres pada kata-kata. Salah satu buku saya mengatakan bahwa tekanan umumnya terletak pada suku kata kedua, dan yang lain (pemandu bahasa) berpendapat bahwa ada begitu sedikit perbedaan antara stres dan tak stres sehingga yang bahkan tidak perlu untuk memasukkannya dalam menulis fonetik. Namun, saya dapat mendengar bahwa tidak benar - ada perbedaan amplitudo jelas (/SurabayAAAAAAA/). Tapi untungnya jarang terjadi di tempat-tempat tak terduga.

I have to listen to some Bahasa Indonesia, but at I effectively had the choice between last years's news at Lipotan and an English speaking preacher at TVI. In despair I googled and found a radiostation from Surabaya - well, actually they show video too, but just of a man sitting in a studio and looking bored. But at least he speaks. I have been listening specifically for word stresses. One of my underdimensioned books about Bahasa claims that the stress generally is on the second syllable (but it doesn't say anything about what happens with and without a prefix), while another claims that there is so little stress that it isn't even going to mark it in the phonetic notation. Well, I can hear that there are stresses, and luckily mostly in the expected places. But sometimes I'm caught out, and not least when the speaker says something in English: a 'BlackberrEEEEE".

POR: E depois das minhas atividades bahasianas eu relaxei com um pouco português que eu encontrei no site de Ciencia Hoje (a pequena janela no lado direito com video 'streaming'). Ironicamente foi um reportagem sobre uma exposição na Cingapura..

Edited by Iversen on 11 January 2011 at 9:14pm

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Super Polyglot
Joined 6788 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
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 Message 2212 of 3959
13 January 2011 at 1:21am | IP Logged 
Kuikentje wrote:
You don't like the Christmas carols? I like them and I sing them also, and play on the piano.

No, Christmas charols are not my kind of favorite music. Actually I have spent 3 hours tonight listening to almost all the orchestral music of the Norwegian composer Johan Svendsen, whose most known piece is a 'Festival polonaise'.

This has of course meant less time for language studies, but I did manage to have a look at some printouts of Greek texts, including one about the female philosopher and mathematician Hypatia, who was murdered in 415 by a bloodthirsty mob inspired by the Christian patriach and saint (!) Cyrillus. I found it on a Greek homepage which mostly treats applied mathematics and mathematicians, but without mathematic formulas.

Όπως ανέφερα και στο αγγλικό κείμενο, έχω διαβάσει για το γυναικείο φιλόσοφος και μαθηματικός Υπατία στην ιστοσελίδα Αλλά κατά τα άλλα το βράδυ μου πάει να ακούσει την Νορβηγή ορχηστρική μουσική του Ιόχαν Συένσεν.

Edited by Iversen on 14 September 2011 at 1:24am

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Super Polyglot
Joined 6788 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
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Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
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 Message 2214 of 3959
13 January 2011 at 10:58pm | IP Logged 
Kuikentje wrote:
Svendsen's favourite instrument is the cymbal, he love it haha! I didn't like this piece, but it's not as bad than the annoying Johann Strauß's music. I absolutely hate the Vienna's new year's concert music.

Right now where I'm about to write something here I see Travel start a program about Belgium. And the travelling reporter triumphantly say that Belgium has 5 languages. Well, Dutch, French, a bit of German (dialect) and ... Never mind, it is more than enough for one country.

Synnejysk: Tidligere å æ awten så æ et program, wo jen ve' nafn Sørn Ryych Petersen besøcht si barndoms ægn, og te ve de a den befand sich syt for æ dansk-tysk græns i en landsby ved nafn Awtrup*, talte han synnejysk med fowk o ægnen - det veest a it te at han ku' - i hans anner programmer taler han altid riichsdansk. Han snakket for eksempel mæ tow gammel brødder, som ble indkaldt som wærnpleechtich soldater i æ tysk hær unne æ krich. Det tøvs de itt var sjov! De kennt osse Ryches får, som fik startet now teater og anner ting. Han væ læer.

* "Agtrup": rigsdansk udtale: aktråp, rynnejysk udtaal: auwtråp

"Dialæcht æ it så tåsse!", som te a de sier i æ blaj sin Synnejysk forening

Rigsdansk (DA): Tidligere på aftenen så jeg et program, hvor én ved navn Søren Ryge Petersen besøgte sin barndomsegn, og ved det at den befandt sig syd for den dansk-tyske grænse i en landsby ved navn Agtrup, talte han sønderjysk med folk på egnen - det vidste jeg ikke at han kunne - i hans andre programmer taler han altid rigsdansk. Han snakkede for eksempel med to gamle brødre, som blev indkaldt som værnepligtige soldater i den tyske hær under krigen. Det syntes de ikke var sjovt! De kendte også Ryges far, som fik startet noget teater og andre ting for længe siden. Han var lærer.

Dialekt er ikke så tosset, som det siges i den Sønderjyske forenings medlemsblad

AF: En in 'n oomblik sal ek iets lees oor Nederlandse op Afrikaanse webwerf Nederlands vir (Afrikaanse) dommies.

Earlier in the evening I have been watching a program with a man called Søren Ryge petersen, who visited his childhood region in the countryside to the South of the Danish-German border (it is called "Sydslesvig" in Danish, and there is a sizeable Danish speaking minority there). In accordance with the traditions of that place he spoke pure Southern Jutish - I actually didn't know he could do that as he always speaks Standard Danish in his other programs (with just a shadow of Jutish intonation). For instance he visited two old brothers who had survived being drafted to the German army during the second World war. They also knew his father, who had been a very actvie man who for instance started a theater for the Danish minority.

As a preparation for writing this I read through some pages in the magazine of the Southern Jutish organisation, which has the purpose of preserving the Southern Jutish dialect. But the spelling isn't standardized so I had to base some of it on the pronunciation, which I remember fairly well (maybe I'll do a video in that dialect some time in the future).

And in a moment I'll study the content of an Afrikaans homepage with "Dutch for (Afrikaans) dummies".

Edited by Iversen on 14 September 2011 at 1:25am

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 Message 2216 of 3959
14 January 2011 at 3:26pm | IP Logged 
De link Afrikaans-Nederlands vond ik interessant Iversen, dank U.

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