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 Message 2609 of 3959
16 September 2011 at 8:51am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
IT: Stasera ho ascoltato un v=AVQa-8SEtmU">corso della lingua Sarda su Youtube. I 'professore' Ricu Burriccu
parla talvolta Italiano, talvolta Sardo, e quando parla il Sardo ci sono generalmente
sottitoli. Ci sono molti corsi di diverse lingue sull'internet e su Youtube in
particolare, ma spesso sono composti soltanto di una lunga serie di parole con
traduzioni da diversi campi semantici. Questo seria sulla lingua Sarda è piu
divertente, neché io preferirebbe clips con più Sardo e meno musica (se non si tratta
del suono di qualche insetto)

Ahahah bellissimo! :D
Peccato che il giovane conduttore parli un sardo piuttosto "sporco", decisamente troppo
influenzato dall'italiano (sopratutto a livello di vocabolario). Lodevole iniziativa
comunque, assolutamente!

Eccoti un video (sottotitoli in SARDO ed Italiano) decisamente più interessante:


Hope you enjoy it :)

By the way, we should add SARDINIAN to the list of languages members can add to their
own profile ;)

Edited by Fabrizio on 16 September 2011 at 8:55am

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 Message 2610 of 3959
17 September 2011 at 2:28am | IP Logged 
Grazie a Fabrizio per l'intervista con Argiolas Maria Efisia - tutto una mezz'ora in sardo. Ho trovato alla stessa pagina tutta una raccolta di 313 interviste in lingua sarda qui - tutti con sottotitoli, il che è indispencabile perché senze sottotitoli io non avessi potuto comprendere le testimonianze. Non intendo apprendere il sardo come lingua attiva, ma vorrei sapere qualcosa su essa, e vorrei anche qualche competenze passive in questo lingua.

Thank to Fabrizio for referencing the 30 minuts interview with an elderly lady speaking pure Sardic. Especially since I found at the same site a list of 313 interviews in Sardic plus a lot of clips in Italian. But I'm not going to try to learn it as an active language.

Apart from that I have had my 25 years jubilee at my job today, and my colleges gave me a multilingual document (my secret has been discovered!):

Dilecti Niels

Est hoc ostendi tibi hodie celebratur propter celebratur propter XXV annis in usum publicum ministerium!

25 летны юбилей

Desejamos-lhe uma grande parabéns no dia e boa sorte no futuro

Με εκτίμηση"

There are a few errors which can be blamed on Google translate .... but it's the thought that counts.

Edited by Iversen on 17 September 2011 at 2:30am

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 Message 2611 of 3959
17 September 2011 at 6:22am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:

Apart from that I have had my 25 years jubilee at my job today, and my colleges gave me a multilingual document (my secret has been discovered!):

Dilecti Niels

Est hoc ostendi tibi hodie celebratur propter celebratur propter XXV annis in usum publicum ministerium!

25 летны юбилей

Desejamos-lhe uma grande parabéns no dia e boa sorte no futuro

Με εκτίμηση"

There are a few errors which can be blamed on Google translate .... but it's the thought that counts.

Congratulations! For me it's very impressive when people get the chance to stay so long at one workplace. It's like my parents who also had "lifetime-jobs". My longest job only lasted 3 years.

That your colleges - who aren't language-oriented people at all - build together a multilingual message of congratulation - is a high sign of appreciation and a sign that they acknowledge you as a polyglot.

So kudos to your work!


Edited by Fasulye on 17 September 2011 at 6:42am

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 Message 2612 of 3959
19 September 2011 at 9:34am | IP Logged 
It is also worth noting that they didn't use languages which I don't know - such as Chinese or Japanese. I suspect that that they have found HTLAL through Google and checked the language list!

Apart from that I don't work in a "ministerium" in the modern sense, but in something called a "region".

Edited by Iversen on 19 September 2011 at 9:35am

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 Message 2613 of 3959
21 September 2011 at 12:46am | IP Logged 
RU: В этот вечер, я слушал музыку Чайковского, читая о монголо-татарского нашествия в очередной раз. Если вы читали о датской истории в тринадцатом веке, возможно вы бы читал о войне в Эстонии, - но ни слова о беды русских, которые были покорены Батыя хана, внука Чингис хана. Но, к счастью общий правитель правителя умер Огадеи, и Бату-хана поспешил домой - так отложенная Европа. Впоследствии я сделал российский список слов с шестьюдесятью словами.

GR: Στη συνέχεια, έκανα ένα λεξιλόγιο με περίπου 50 ελληνικές λέξεις απευθείας από το λεξικό.

SCO: This eenin ah wis listening tae music o the great Tchaikovsky awhile ah wis reading aince agane aboot the Mongol conquist o auld Russia. If ye read aboot Deenish historie ye may find twa-three words aboot Deenish kings meking war in Estonia, but ye shannae even suspeck that Batu Khan wis sairly dingin Russia tae scones a short syne after. If the Russians hadnae defended theirsels ferosely an diverted Batu Khan tae Ogatei (heir o Djinghis) did the wirld a service by deein sae that Batu had tae streek rite back tae Mordor ... than Westin Eurepe would have been in deep shit! After these horrible grues ah did some wordlists in Russian an Greek fra dictionars as a recreation. An airlier the day, ah did a wee bit o surfing aan the internet.

BA I: Saya sedang mencari bahan bacaan dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dan saya membuat print out sekitar Sarawak, Kuching, Kuala Lumpur dan Kalimantan. Tetapi Wikipedia di Indonesia menyebabkan banyak link ke halaman yang tidak ditulis belum, dan itu sialan menyebalkan!

SCO: Next ah did some prints o articles frae the Scots Wikipedia, bit this ane has even more hales than a Swiss cheese or Indonesian Wikipedia sae ah had tae content mysel wi short articles on themes o middlin interest fae ye Scottis readership like Kuala Lumpur, Faium, Killarney an Cairo (tho the article aboot Cairo wis quite long).

PLA: Vun Egyp in Scots to Ägypten op Plattdüütsch - die Plattdüütsche Wikipedia hett een gresig grote Artikel över dies Land - so groot dat ek nich önners het uutprintet hüüt: 11 Sieden mit Etymologie, Geografie, Klima, Inwahners, Religion un Historie. Un 't geeft da bannig veel Historie!

IC: Og svo áfram til Íslands Wikipedia, sem þó ekki vissi svo mikið um Egyptaland - aðeins eina síðu A4. Ég prentaði því enn frekar eitt grein um Norðurpólinn og annað um Kanada.

Edited by Iversen on 21 September 2011 at 3:16pm

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 Message 2614 of 3959
21 September 2011 at 11:03am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
I spent the weekend with my family, and on the way there and back I succeded (as planned) in reading the rest of Os Lusiadas. I didn't find the mythological parts interesting, but in such a serious work at that time it was seen as necessary to relate everything to Greek mythology (or in some cases history).

There were serious works that didn't involve Greek mythology. In the case of the Lusiads, Camoes was deliberately evoking the Aeneid, and so incorporating Greek mythology is necessary for the effect.

Iversen wrote:
One minor character which I found interesting wasa certain Monçaide (a moor) who functioned as Vasco da Gama's interpreter - unfortunately it isn't specified how he managed to interpret a conversation between da Gama and an Indian ruler named Catual. Maybe through Arabic?

The Portuguese met Monçaide in Calicut, where he had been living for some indeterminate period of time prior to their arrival. So that's how he knows the local language. And apparently he knows Castilian from the fact that he's originally from the Maghreb.
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 Message 2615 of 3959
21 September 2011 at 2:26pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
RU: В этот вечер, я слушал музыку Чайковского, читая о монголо-
татарского нашествия в очередной раз. Если вы читали о датской истории в тринадцатом
веке, возможно вы бы читал о войне в Эстонии, - но ни слова о беды русских, которые
были покорены Батыя хана, внука Чингис хана. Но, к счастью общий правитель правителя
умер Огадеи, и Бату-хана поспешил домой - та отложенная Европа. Впоследствии я сделал
российский список слов с шестьюдесятью словами.

В этот вечер я слушал музыку Чайковского, читая о монголо-татарском нашествии в
очередной раз. Если вы читали о датской истории тринадцатого века, возможно вы читали о
войне в Эстонии, - но ни слова о бедах русских, которые были покорены ханом Батыем,
внуком Чингисхана. Но, к счастью, верховный правитель Угэдэй умер, и Бату-хан поспешил
домой - та отложенная Европа. Впоследствии я сделал список из шестидесяти русских слов.
Что значит "та отложенная Европа"?

Edited by Марк on 21 September 2011 at 2:27pm

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 Message 2616 of 3959
21 September 2011 at 3:16pm | IP Logged 
Марк wrote:
Что значит "та(к) отложенная Европа"?

I wanted to express something like "thus letting Europe in peace/aside for a while". Batu had to return to Mongolia to participate in the choice of a successor for Ogadei Khan, but actually he never got back to his project, which was the conquest and (if necessary) utter devastation of everything at the Western end of the enormous Mongolian empire.

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