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Super Polyglot
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9078 posts - 16473 votes 
Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan
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 Message 3257 of 3959
25 April 2013 at 7:09am | IP Logged 
I woke up early - but only because I took a nap around 23.00 which extended into the early morning. And therefore I didn't get through as much studying yesterday as I normally would have done. The focal points were the repetition of a text in Russian about supersymmetry in quantum mechanics (actually one of the easier texts in my collection), a couple of pages in my Latin Potter and the section about Sentosa Island in my Indonesian guide to Singapura (the aquarium there has however been extended since the guide was written - one source claims that it now is the beggest in the world).

BA I: Buku panduan saya sudah ketinggalan zaman dalam satu hal: akuarium di Sentosa sebenarnya telah diperluas sejak kunjungan terakhir saya, sehingga sekarang dilaporkan terbesar di dunia. Ketika saya mengunjungi Sentosa pertama kalinya, ada sebuah teluk dengan lumba-lumba merah muda jauh dari akuarium, dan akuarium tidak sangat besar. Ketika saya mengunjungi Sentosa terakhir kali (dalam perjalanan ke Sarawak) adalah lumba-lumba telah dipindahkan ke kolam renang di akuarium. Pulau ini menjadi lebih over-populasi dan kurang menarik, dan saya tidak bisa pergi melalui jembatan - saya harus mengambil kereta api dari Harbourfront mal. Lain kali saya mengunjungi Singapura, saya pasti akan mengunjungi akuarium, tapi harapan saya untuk sisa pulau akan mungkin telah dimenkecilkan.

DA: København har i øvrigt også fået et nyt akvarium ude på Amager, der skulle være enormt flot. Næste gang jeg besøger byen vil jeg helt sikkert besøge det, men det er vist godt at jeg ikke mødte op til åbningen og i dagene umiddelbart efter, for trafikken i området brød angiveligt totalt sammen.

Edited by Iversen on 25 April 2013 at 7:26am

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 Message 3258 of 3959
25 April 2013 at 9:41am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
DA: København har i øvrigt også fået et nyt akvarium ude på Amager, der skulle være enormt flot. Næste gang jeg besøger byen vil jeg helt sikkert besøge det, men det er vist godt at jeg ikke mødte op til åbningen og i dagene umiddelbart efter, for trafikken i området brød angiveligt totalt sammen.

DT: Det er interessant at laese! Jeg har et nyt fra Zoo Krefeld. Et lille naesehorn Kibibi er nu 3 âr gammel og skal flytte til Zoo Tallinn i Estland. Naesehornernemor Nane skal fâ en baby naesehorn i august 2013.

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3259 of 3959
30 April 2013 at 1:56am | IP Logged 
I have been away from my log for some days because of a internet challenged holiday in Sjælland (Zealand) with my mother and sisetr - much talk and little study in a cottage with an enormeous TV screen, cable and satellite TV, but not one single spot with enough light to read a book - except in the early morning before the two others started talking. I did mamage to copy and study a few pages in Greek and Icelandic, and read one text in Scots about the strange fact that the Scots have got a parliament and a givernment, but the English haven't got those things. Besides I read about a third of the Kauderwelsch Hungarian as a preparation for my visit there later this year - but unlike other participants in the upcoming conference I'm not going to try to learn Hungarian before my arrival. And finally I read the sections about prepositions and irregular verbs in my Irish grammar in the train back to my humble abode in Århus.

I have spent the evening organizing my photos so it is 2 o'clock now and too late for further comments on my epic journey to the Devil's island (as we call it here in Jutland because the our governement is located there).

GR: Und bezüglich Zoos und der Tierwelt: Ich sah das Dara O'Briain Wissenschaftsshow über dem ständigen Aussterben von Tieren - es wurde u.A. gesagt, daß wir gerade jetzt in der Zeitalter des sechsten weltweiten Mega-Aussterben leben - die schlimmste solche Ereignis seitdem die Dinosaurier ein Meteor in ihren Köpfen bekam vor rund 65 Mio. Jahren. Es wurde erwähnt, daß die Chinesen eine Million US-Dollar (oder war es Pfund Sterling?) jährlich verlangen um einem einzigen Panda zu Londoner Zoo zu vermieten - and dazu kommen 50.000 £ für Futter und 50.000 £ für die Tierärztliche Betreuung.. Ehrlich gesagt, das ist zu viel! Es könnte eine Menge Erhaltungsprogramme für dieses Geld gemacht werden. Lässt die Chinesen ihre Pandas behalten - Panda go home!

Edited by Iversen on 30 April 2013 at 2:26pm

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 Message 3260 of 3959
30 April 2013 at 6:48pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
GR: Und bezüglich Zoos und der Tierwelt: Ich habe die Dara-O'Briain-Wissenschaftsshow über das ständige Aussterben von Tieren gesehen. Es wurde u. a. gesagt, dass wir gerade jetzt im Zeitalter des sechsten weltweiten Mega-Aussterbens leben - das schlimmste solche Ereignis, seitdem die Dinosaurier vor rund 65 Mio. Jahren einen Meteor auf ihre Köpfe bekamen. Es wurde erwähnt, dass die Chinesen eine Million US-Dollar (oder war es Pfund Sterling?) jährlich verlangen, um einen einzigen Panda an einen Londoner Zoo zu vermieten - und dazu kommen 50.000 £ für Futter und 50.000 £ für die tierärztliche Betreuung. Ehrlich gesagt: Das ist zuviel! Es könnten eine Menge Erhaltungsprogramme für dieses Geld gemacht werden. Lasst die Chinesen ihre Pandas behalten - Panda go home!

Ich habe mir mal erlaubt, deinen Text zu korrigieren, weil einige Fehler darin waren. Ich hoffe, das hilft dir weiter.

Zum Thema kann ich leider nichts beitragen, weil ich viel zu selten in den Zoo gehe, obwohl es bei mir in der Nähe einen sehr schönen Zoo gibt: die "Wilhelma" in Stuttgart. Sehr sehenswert, falls du mal in der Gegend bist.

Edited by Josquin on 30 April 2013 at 6:49pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3261 of 3959
01 May 2013 at 11:37am | IP Logged 
GER: Grammatisches Geschlecht in Deutsch ist ein bekanntes Problem, und eine Menge meiner Fehler gehören in dieser Kategorie. Besonders "die show" war ein Problem, weil ich dort das Geschlecht eines Lehnwortes aus Englisch erraten mußte. Andere Fehler, wie Mehrzahl statt Einzahl nach "Es könnte eine Menge .." sind eher überraschend, weil ich hier hätte gedacht, daß "eine Menge" die Verwendung von Einzahl erforderte. Und dann gibt's Probleme wie "zu Londoner Zoo" --> "an einen Londoner Zoo", wo "zu" offensichtlich falsch ist und "an" richtig", aber wo es wohl "an den Londoner Zoo" sein sollte, weil es dort nur einen Zoo gibt. Ich habe ein Bißchen gegoogelt und dieses Beispiel gefunden "Etwa ein Jahr nach ihrer Geburt wurde sie an den Berliner Zoo abgegeben" (über ein weibliches Nilpferd). Aber mit dem bestimmten Artikel und andere Arten von Adjektive wäre "-er" wohl unmöglich (z.B. "an den zweitgrößten Zoo Deutschlands").

Der Wilhelma Zoologisch-Botanischer Garten Stuttgart ist bestimmt sehr schön, und bei meinem Besuch dort im vergangenen Jahr hat mich besonders ihre Aquarium-Abteilung beeindruckt. Aber "Wilhelma Zoo und Aquarium und Botanischer Garten" ist wohl zu langwierig..

Edited by Iversen on 01 May 2013 at 12:04pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3262 of 3959
01 May 2013 at 7:59pm | IP Logged 
IT: Oggi è il 1 Maggio, Festa del lavoro - o "Arbejderbevægelsens internationale kampdag" (= "il giorno internazionale di lotta del movimento dei lavoratori") come dicono qui in Danimarca. È una giornata mezza libera e perciò il mio luogo di lavoro è stato admirabilmente tranquillo tutto il pomeriggio. Ho scelto di restare qui per programmare qualche ore, ed allo stesso tempo ho potuto ascoltare video di scienza in Italiano da Youtube, come per esempio Meteoriti sulla Russia, cosa è rimasto?, La televisione del futuro , Oltre l'HD: oloscopia, 3D e 4K, Gravità e relatività - Geo Scienza e La Scienza Oscura 1x05 (la lista non è completa). In questo momento alcuni archeologi eretichi si sforzano di me convincere che il sfinge sia costruito almeno 10.000 anni fa. Ma non sono convinto.

It's 1 May today so it's a half holiday here in Denmark - which means that I have spent a very tranquil and productive afternoon here at my job, doing some programming in VBA while listening to videos about popular science at Youtube - mostly Geo Scienza, but also a couple of dubbed programmes about 'dark science' and other recorded TV programmes. I had watched both the dark programmes before in English - including the one which told about Nikola Tesla, the mad Serbian genius who invented ACDC, the remote, radiowawes etc. It also mentioned the wild hypothesis about the Tunguska incident being the result of a Teslaian experiment gone awry. But I don't quite believe that. I have also watched a video where some heretic archeologics claimed that the Sphinx was at least 10.000 years old. I remain unconvinced, but it is worth thinking about just what it would take to prove those claims. A datable mummy in a hidden passage might be enough, but not much less than that.

Right now I'm listening to another program about Egypt, and they just mentioned that the snake god in Old Egypt was called Apophis. A fitting name for the asteroid which is supposed to pass us at a distance of 35.000 km April 13 in 1929. But that's further away than the one which hurled past us a few months ago so we may actually survive once again. And now I'm going home. I intend to read some more of my Kauderwelsch Ungarisch in the bus.

Edited by Iversen on 03 May 2013 at 12:56pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3263 of 3959
03 May 2013 at 11:14am | IP Logged 
I have lots of mono- and bilingual texts in my flat and in my bags. Some I have read, some I have studied and some I dropped because they weren't as interesting as I had expected. Yesterday evening I made printouts of about seventy pages with new texts in about a dozen languages so that I can clean up and get rid of old stuff which I just carry around without any purpose. And in the process I found some interesting new sources and returned to some old ones which I haven't visited recently.

For instance I was pleasantly surprised to find a long and detailed account of dinosaurs with feathers in the Dutch version of Wikipedia. Somehow the plumed critters look more homely than the naked ones - for instance the dreaded Deinonychus from Jurassic Park apparently looked like a little fluffy souvenir from a zoo shop. And I once again visited the homepage of Lifandi Visindi, but then I also discovered a possible related homepage with questions and answers about scientific topics. So now I know everything about finds of ammonites in Iceland ("Finnast steingerðir ammonítar hér við land?") - answer: there aren't any, and there can't be any because Iceland didn't exist while the ammonites existed. Nice to have that thing settled.

I can also relive my own Inca trail experience through Spanish travelogues. And I'll soon know everything worth knowing about basil because I have copied texts in Russian and Modern Greek about this useful herb, which I regularly add to my pizzas. Speaking about pizzas, I included a print of a Greek article about this culinary item which looms heavily on my own diet. Likewise it can't come as a surprise that there are long and detailed discussions on Italian homepages about the way genuine Neapolitan pizzas should be made. I may read them to get a foothold in the lofty realms of Italian gastronomical discourse .. but as I say, I don't have to eat pizzas with thin, standardized toppings just because barefooted Italian mountain dwellers couldn't afford rich, variated and inventive food. Last time I got a pizza in Napoli they poured oil over it .. so much for Italian cuisine!

Edited by Iversen on 03 May 2013 at 11:36am

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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 3264 of 3959
03 May 2013 at 9:33pm | IP Logged 
ESP: Iversen, cxu vi partoprenos la Universalan Esperanto Kongreson en Rejkjavik en julio 2013? Mi scias, ke Richard Simcott intencas iri tien. Ankaux mia nederlanda amiko Jan kaj sia vivpartnerino iros al la Universala Kongreso en Islando. Sxi jxuste pro tio decidis eklerni Esperanton.


Edited by Fasulye on 03 May 2013 at 9:34pm

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