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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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 Message 761 of 3959
24 April 2009 at 4:14pm | IP Logged 
My own solution:

I have downloaded and installed a virtual keyboard for many languages. It can be found on the following website:

I see a Turkish keyboard on the screen and I point with my mouse cursor on every letter. Like this I can write more fluently in Turkish. But as I wish I can change the same keyboard into writing Spanish, French or what else.

Edited by Fasulye on April 24 2009 at 4:01pm

PS: My virtual keyboard also writes Russian or Greek!!!

Edited by Fasulye on 24 April 2009 at 4:15pm

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 Message 762 of 3959
24 April 2009 at 6:55pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:

I took the test (which consists of isolated sinustones followed by tones from an electronic piano) and to my surprise I scored way below the treshold! Disaster! The end of the world! But then I found another test, where the answers were given after the test, and suddenly I saw the problem.

I clicked on "test" but this was the result:

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I know that I haven't the absolute pitch, but I can hear very well the little differences of intonation and notes in relation, for example if I play one note on the piano, I can sing the others and my intonation's correct, but without a note I can't know which it is.

I saw the picture of the parrot and listened the singing. He likes opera :-) Parrots are wonderful I think. I didn't see the other video, only the one about aphasia and amusia. It seems like the words amuse or amusing, although it's not amusing if you've amusia. I think it's better they name it "amusica" but then you would think of "a musical". I din't understand if this thing is the incapacity of hear the tones (all the notes sound the same) or if it's the rythm also I suppose it's the tones. Therefore for an amusic (the person?) he/she hear chords and everything as one note? it must be very boring. I'm wondering about the type of sound, not the pitch, but the "timbre" (I can't find a translation of this word). Can the amusics hear the difference between a violin, piano, clarinet or other ones? I find it immediatley evident on which instrument a person plays a thing, excepted sometimes the string instruments, those sound similar sometimes (not the high notes on the violin or the double bass, but for example the high notes on a cello, the viola and sometimes violin although I know that the "timbre" has another quality.
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 Message 763 of 3959
24 April 2009 at 11:34pm | IP Logged 
I have corrected the link to the pitch test. People with amusia can't hear whether one melody is the same as another one and mostly not even which one of two tones is higher if they are less than one halftone apart. But I don't think that all tones sound the same, and I guess that they can learn to distinguish between a guitar and a trumpet, but probably not between two instruments of the same type, like to brass instruments.

It would be interesting to know how such people can speak tonal languages - they should in theory have a problem doing it, but according to this page they somehow find a way to deal with such languages.

A related notion is that of tonedeafness, where precisely the ability to discriminate notes is the main criterion. A somewhat primitive test for that one here.


SP: El recuento de palabras de hoy: palabras españolas! He utilizado tres dicionarios:

Gyldendal Spansk-Dansk ordbog (54.000 entradas): 19.500 palabras = 36%
Carl Bratli: Spansk-Dansk ordbog (almeno 200.000 entradas): 34.400 palabras = 17%
Langenscheidt Praktisches Wörterbuch Spanish<->Deutsch: 17.600 palabras. Aqui solamente hay la indicació que contiene 60.000 entradas (palabras y espressiones). Dunque conocí mas que 28%, y no puedo dar un porcentaje mas exacto.

El Langenscheidt amarillo cuenta palabras y espressiones. Esto puede ser lógico desde un punto di vista linguistica, ma hace más dificil comparar mis resultados con los resultados con otros idiomas y dicionarios, dado que yo no cuento espressiones conocidas, solamente palabras (lexemos o entradas). La cifra de 34.400 está evidentemente tan alta porque he utilisado un dicionario enorme (2,1 kg), - solamente mi 'Webster New Twentieth Century Unabridged' en Inglés es mas grande con 4,2 kg

CAT: Vaig comprar el meu pròxim viatje: intento visitar Girona i Barcelona en Maig para parlar una mica de català (o castellà amb gents que no sapiguen parlar la llengua propia de Catalunya). En València he llegit molt Valencià i ascoltat-ho en un museu i a la televisió, però no he trobat ninguna oportunitat per a parlar Valencià. En Girona i Barcelona crec que es més fàcil trobar gent que realment vulguin parlar català.

Edited by Iversen on 26 April 2009 at 2:59pm

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 Message 764 of 3959
25 April 2009 at 9:01am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
I have corrected the link to the pitch test. People with amusia can't hear whether one melody is the same as another one and mostly not even which one of two tones is higher if they are less than one halftone apart. But I don't think that all tones sound the same, and I guess that they can learn to distinguish between a guitar and a trumpet, but probably not between two instruments of the same type, like to brass instruments.

It would be interesting to know how such people can speak tonal languages - they should in theory have a problem doing it, but according to this page they somehow find a way to deal with such languages.

A related notion is that of tonedeafness, where precisely the ability to discriminate notes is the main criterion. A somewhat primitive test for that one here.

Wow, let's test our musical ablities! As I have nothing such as Iversen's "chambertone A" in my mind, I'm completely chancless in the test of the absolute pitch. With my two instruments I never had to play endless toneladders, like piano players have to.

But give me two guitars and a reference tone, I can accord the strings of both guitars accoustically within 10 minutes!

I was curious enough to try the tonedeaf test and I scored 77,8 %. So neither am I tonedeaf nor am I anything more than very average concerning my musical talent. So this result matches my self-estimation. To find out what the training result of such a test would be, I did the same test for a second time and my score was 83,3 %. I would say that this test can very well be used as a musical training excercise.


Edited by Fasulye on 25 April 2009 at 9:18am

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 Message 765 of 3959
25 April 2009 at 9:23am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
CAT: Vaig comprar el meu pròxim viatje: intento visitar Girona i Barcelona en Maig para parlar una mica de català (o castellà amb gents que no sapiguen parlar la llengua propia de Catalunya). En València he llegit molt Valencià i ascoltat-ho en un museu i a la televisió, però no he trobat ninguna oportunitat per a parlar Valencià. En Girona i Barcelona crec que es més fàcil trobar gent que realment vulguin parlar català.

SP: !Entiendo esta lengua catlana! Es una buena idea viajar al norte de Espana para hablar el catalán y el castellano. Barcelona me pare una ciudad my interesante, porque me gusta la architectura de Antoní Gaudi. !Buon viaje!


Edited by Fasulye on 25 April 2009 at 9:24am

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 Message 766 of 3959
25 April 2009 at 12:15pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:

It would be interesting to know how such people can speak tonal languages - they should in theory have a problem doing it, but according to this page they somehow find a way to deal with such languages.

maybe it's how the throat feel: for high notes the throat's feel differently, and they've learned of the reactions of people when they understood the correct tone.

Iversen wrote:
A related notion is that of tonedeafness, where precisely the ability to discriminate notes is the main criterion. A somewhat primitive test for that one here.

yes, this test is stupid. I made about 4 of those but was fed up and didn't continue for all the other melodies or the result. I think it's not a good test of tonedeafness but only of memory. I can't do this test not because of tonedeafness (I've excelletn hearing) but because i can't remember those long phrases.

Fasulye wrote:
Wow, let's test our musical ablities! As I have nothing such as Iversen's "chambertone A" in my mind, I'm completely chancless in the test of the absolute pitch. With my two instruments I never had to play endless toneladders, like piano players have to.

I haven't absolute pitch as well. In my opinion, absolute pitch is not musicality: musicality is more, for example feel the music, and express it also, it's a sensitivity. This tonal inability to differentiate which the doctors name "amusia" is very limited. The neurologist told in his video that it's not to see with hearing, but the brain. I don't agree with him because I find that it's hearing: the brain's interpretation of hearing. the action of the hear is just the pyhsical change of waves into something which the brain interpret at significance. the tones are this also - in the tonedeafs (amusics) the brain has not this capacity. I see it like this: most of deafness is because of a malfunction of the hear, but in tonedeafs this malfunction's in the brain. I find this not music, but hearing. Music isn't hearing: hearing is the method 99% of people use for appreciate the music but this isn't the same. In my experience neurologsts are very nice people (excepted one who was truly idiot), but nevertheless it's allowed have your own opinion.

fasulye wrote:
But give me two guitars and a reference tone, I can accord the strings of both guitars accoustically within 10 minutes!

I must have a reference tone also.

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 Message 767 of 3959
25 April 2009 at 8:18pm | IP Logged 

NL: Ik wil maar even over het nieuwste project berichten, wat ik in de planning heb. Ik ben dus bereid om een interview te geven op You Tube over "language learning" en misschien ook "polyglottery", maar dat zal alleen doorgaan, als ik een goede technische opnamekwaliteit kan garanderen. Mijn vriend zal de rol van journalist spelen en - vanuit de achtergrond - mij in het Duits, Nederlands, Engels en Esperanto vragen stellen over het leren van talen. Omdat mijn vriend geen Frans, Italiaans en Spaans spreekt, moeten we ons op de genoemde 4 talen beperken. In het Pinksterweekend zullen wij een proef-videopname maken en de opnamekwaliteit ervan evalueren. Mochten wij de technische kwaiteit voldoende vinden, dan kunnen wij interviewvragen gaan verzamelen en misschien hebben ook mensen uit dit forum interessante vragen over het leren van talen aan mij, die ik dan kan beantwoorden, natuurlijk 4-talig. Mocht het technisch überhaupt gangbaar zijn, om een goede video te maken, dan zal die heel anders worden, dan wat er tot nu toe op You Tube onder "polyglots" te vinden is. Het gaat mij niet om een "show-off", maar het is meer dat ik informatie wil geven, dan wel op een polyglotte manier. Ik hoop dat wij dat project technisch kunnen realiseren en nu eerst maar moet ik tot Pinksteren wachten voor de eerste proefopname.


Edited by Fasulye on 25 April 2009 at 8:22pm

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 Message 768 of 3959
25 April 2009 at 10:37pm | IP Logged 
Fasulye wrote:

LOL!! Jouw titels lijken iets uit de krant zoals b.v.


Duitsland: de Duister polyglot Frau Fasulye heeft bewezen dat vrouwen inderdaad multilingual kunnen zijn en dat op hoog niveau.

Van onze reporter in de Ukraïne: Na het bekeken van de opname van Frau fasulye, is Kenski vol verslagen en heeft beloofd nooit meer iets tegen vrouwen uit te spreken. Zijn landvolk zijn zo blij met zijn uitspraak dat de president een nationale vakantiedag heeft verklaard. Hij heeft ons in een exclusieve interview verder vermeld dat Kenski niet alleen geen kritiek meer over vrouwen zal maken, maar dat hij überhaput niks meer te zeggen heeft en dus vanaf nu zijn vieze mond permanent en totaal zal dicht houden.

Van de Nobelprijs: Polyglott redt de wereld tegen strijd Kenski en zijn haat.

Het gaat mij niet om een "show-off", maar het is meer dat ik informatie wil geven,

nee, dat is helemaal niet zoals show-off. ik had een opname van mezelf daar geplaatst van twee piano stukken die ik speelde, en ik maakte ook een paar foutjes; dat ging ook zeker niet om show-off. Als iemand dat denkt kan hij/zijn dood vallen. Youtube is op school verboden, ook door mijn ouders :-( een tijdje kon ik niet eens filme kijken, nu wel, maar zelf iets uploaden niet. Dit geldt trouwens ook voor myspace, facebook enz allemaal verboden en/of blokkeerd. Mijn ouders hadden ruzie met andere ouders want de anderen vinden dat we helemaal geen internettoegang nodig hebben maar mijn ouders vinden het voor de hele wereld belangrijk en ook alle tieners. Mijn vader kan makkelijk zulke dingen winnen hahahahaha!!!

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