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 Message 1649 of 3959
28 January 2010 at 3:18pm | IP Logged 
I have corrected the gender of "signe" in my latest French passage

And again thanks to SII:

I wanted to say something like "And this [argument] still applies/holds true/is valid"

(i.e. I still find it more important to have a handwriting style that is close to printed letters than to avoid the puzzled looks from native Russians who have learnt cursive handwriting). But I have clearly fallen victim to a 'false friend' by using a translation of 'apply'. Maybe "Этот аргумент остается в силе" ?

A question: I suppose you have seen the thread about Russian handwriting, where the 'normal' style is called cursive in English, while something that is very close to the printed letters is called block letters. How would you call this last handwriting style in Russian, - if it has a name and not just is seen as a bad habit?

Edited by Iversen on 31 January 2010 at 11:54am

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 Message 1650 of 3959
28 January 2010 at 10:58pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
I wanted to say something like "And this [argument] still applies/holds true/is valid"

(i.e. I still find it more important to have a handwriting style that is close to printed letters than to avoid the puzzled looks from native Russians who have learnt cursive handwriting). But I have clearly fallen victim to a 'false friend' by using a translation of 'apply'. Maybe "Этот аргумент остается в силе" ?

You can speak "аргумент", but it is better to say "причина": "И эта причина всё ещё (or остаётся) в силе (действует)".
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 Message 1651 of 3959
30 January 2010 at 12:54am | IP Logged 
I read some pages in a Greek language guide in the bus-back-home-from-work today, and I have had the pleasure of spreading my activites over a quite decent number of languages:

SW: Jag såg en svensk tv-quiz "På Spåret" där två lag måste gissa städor från en tåg- eller bilresa dit pluss några oerhört kryptiska informationer, och etterpå blir det en del frågor om platsen. Och idag var det Kiruna i norra Sverige, Amman i Jordanien och min hemstad Århus i Danmark. Hurra Hurra, vi har kommit på landkartan även i Sverige .. Men det gör mig besviken att en fråga var: vad het det första runalfabet? Svaret var "Futhark" (efter de första 6 bokstäver - "fuþark") - det var inte den första runraden, men en förenklad version av denna. Och kanske det var en för brutal förenkling, eftersom efteråt folk började sätta prickar för att särskilja ljud - de så kallade "stungne runor".

GER: Danach habe ich Kammermusik von Schubert gehört, unter anderem den FOrellenquintett UND die Klaverversion des Liedes von Liszt Ferenc. Ich bin dabei alle meine 9 Tonbänder mit Schubert-Musik durchzuhören, insgesamt mehr als 13 Stunden. Und gleichzeitig habe ich Mythbuster mit Dänischen Untertitel gesehen und Russische Wortlisten repetiert.

GR: Και τέλος, έχω αντιγράψει και μελετηθεί ένα τμήμα της φυλλάδια από την Καστοριά - αυτή τη φορά σχετικά με τις πλεών από 70 βυζαντινές και μεταβυζαντινές εκκλησίες, που βρέθηκαν στην πόλη. Όταν διάβασα για τη λίμνη, έμαθα λέξη οικολογικίς. Σήμερα έμαθα τόσο αρχιτεκτονική λέξη που κυριαρχεί η ανάγνωση.

And in a moment I will shut down the computer and go to bed. My Irish grammar lies ready on the chair beside it.. so either I'll learn some Irish or I'll fall asleep fast.


I have watched a Swedish geographical quiz, where my own own town suddenly turned up on the screen. One of the two teams made a gross blunder: they should guess a Danish female singer, and they said that they 'sat och bollade med några namn' (i.e. they were fiddling with some likely names). But in a Danish context that was not the best possible expression to use, because in Danish it means that they were f*** around with them. There was also an error in a question: the teams were asked about the name of the FIRST runic alphabet. The answer was "futhark" (after the first 6 letters), - but actually this wasn't the first runic alphabet, but a late simplification (or rather several slightly different simplications) of the old one, - and apparently the process went to far, because people started to put dots to separate different sounds - "stungne runer".

After that I listened to music by Schubert while watching Mythbusters (without sound) and making Russian wordlists, and finally I copied and scrutinized a section in my Kastoria brochures about the little old byzantine and postbyzantine churches in the town. An in a moment I shall in all likelihood be falling asleep while studying Irish grammar.

Edited by Iversen on 31 January 2010 at 11:54am

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 Message 1652 of 3959
30 January 2010 at 9:36pm | IP Logged 
... Und ich höre immer noch Schubert. Diesmal war es die instrumentale Teile der Oper Rosamunde, Fürstin von Zypern (!) und als Bonus das sogenannten Rosamunde-Quartett). Rosamunde... der arme Schubert hat dafür eine volle Stunde von Musik geschrieben, aber jede Quelle die ich nachgeschlagen habe gibt zu, daß das Libretto auch für operalibrettos ganz ungewöhnliche misgeglückt sein sollte. Es ist scheinbar seitdem 'verloren gegangen' (hehe!).

Et dans ce moment-ci j'écoute un show de 'stand-up': "les stars de rire". Pas la moindre idée comment ça s'appelle en français, et comme montre le titre de l'émission la resistance devant l'influx du franglais est en voie de craquer, même à TV5 . Mais dans les shows 'stand-up' Danois ou Anglais les participants ne se mettent pas autour d'une table entre les présentations pour mener une conversation intellectuelle.


I still listen to Schubert, this time the instrumental parts of the opera "Rosamunde", whose libretto was by common consent unusually rotten and botched-up - and opera libretti are generally not known for their literary qualities. 'Unfortunately' Helmina von Chézy's text has since Schubert's time disappeared from the face of the Earth - maybe someone decided to take action and rid the world of it? But as usual Schubert wrote some excellent music, and lots of it.

And right now I'm listening to a stand-up show in French at TV5. The title "Stars du rire" montre à quel point le franglais est en train de s'imposer. Un autre signe - j... sorry back to English ... but right now there is a man who speaks French with a Southern accent, and I got distracted. Mooon Dieu! In fact I don't know whether there IS a truly French word for 'stand-up comedy'. But there is one thing that is different from the Danish and English versions: between each act there is an serious interview at a table with the participants.   

Edited by Iversen on 31 January 2010 at 12:04am

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 Message 1653 of 3959
31 January 2010 at 9:17am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
... Und ich höre immer noch Schubert. Diesmal war es die instrumentale Teile der Oper Rosamunde, Fürstin von Zypern (!) und als Bonus das sogenannten Rosamunde-Quartett). Rosamunde... der arme Schubert hat dafür eine volle Stunde von Musik geschrieben, aber jede Quelle die ich nachgeschlagen habe gibt zu, daß das Libretto auch für operalibrettos ganz ungewöhnliche misgeglückt sein sollte. Es ist scheinbar seitdem 'verloren gegangen' (hehe!).------

I still listen to Schubert, this time the instrumental parts of the opera "Rosamunde", whose libretto was by common consent unusually rotten and botched-up - and opera libretti are generally not known for their literary qualities. 'Unfortunately' Helmina von Chézy's text has since Schubert's time disappeared from the face of the Earth - maybe someone decided to take action and rid the world of it? But as usual Schubert wrote some excellent music, and lots of it.

You understand a large amount of Schubert's music! Certainly more than I do, I must say. But I read your post, and soon after that I was listening to Schumann's Symphony No. 1 in B flat, which I happened to hear on the radio, and I said to myself, "Self, you must tell Iversen not to spend much time on Schumann, for Schubert has a much more interesting story to tell." And then I realized, I was not listening to Schubert, I was listening to Schumann! I had the wrong Schu (shoe)!

Sorry, musician's humor, I suppose. But I laughed anyway.

Edited by Hobbema on 31 January 2010 at 9:18am

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 Message 1654 of 3959
31 January 2010 at 12:23pm | IP Logged 
GER: Robert Schumann wird oft heruntergeschätzt, und das ist eigentlich nicht fair. Um die Zeit wo er Clara Wieck geheiratet hat (die selbst eine gute Komponistin und gefeierte Pianistin war) hat er eine Eksplosion von hervorragende Werke geschrieben, und dazu gehört auch die Erste Sinfonie ("Frühling"). Die zweite und dritte haben auch sehr viel schönes an sich, aber erst der vierte und letzte seiner Sinfonien ist wieder ein Prachtwerk wie die erste. Einige seiner Instrumentalwerke sind auch hervorragende, darunter das Klavierquintett.

Einige seiner Kritiker haben die Instrumentation seiner Werke getadelt, aber es ist schwer zu sagen wie sie verbessert werden konnte, ohne die spezielle Schumann'ske Atmosphäre ganz zu verderben. Und eines ist sicher: die Kritiker könnten dazu nicht beitragen. Übrigens war Schumann selbst Musikkritiker, und seinerzeits vielleicht mehr berühmt dafür als für seine eigene Werke. Aber glücklicherweise hat er nicht versucht die Werke anderer zu verbessern.

Wenn ich mit Schubert fertig bin, werde ich zuerst die Werke der Clara and danach die (etwas zahlreichere) von Robert Schumann durchhören.


Robert Schumann has sometimes been denigrated as a mediocre composer, not least for his instrumentation, but mostly by people who couldn't write anything themselves at the same level. His best period was around the time where he wed the young pianist/composer Clara Wieck, - in one year he spewed out more quality music than most composer do in a whole lifetime, and the first symphony is one of those works. The fourth is also a masterwork, and from the chamber music I would point to the Piano Quintett.

PS: After the Unfinished no. 8 the best symphony by Schubert is in my opinion no. 5, - no. 9 (7) in C is also good, but ve-----eeery long. It has been discussed whether no. 9 was in fact no. 7 (which otherwise is missing from the series). But I have in my collection Newbould's reconstruction of the true no. 7, which is a good and solid work, but clearly not at the same high level as the genuine symphonies.

Edited by Iversen on 31 January 2010 at 1:22pm

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 Message 1655 of 3959
31 January 2010 at 2:09pm | IP Logged 
ESP: Cxi-monate mi ne vizitis mian Esperanto-grupon en Düsseldorf. Kaj en decembro gxi neniam renkontigxas. Dum la tago de la renkontigxo en januaro mi havis labor-konversacion en alia urbo. Pro tio mi lasis la vojagxon al Düsseldorf. Kiam mi estis en Nijmegen antaux unu semajno mi havis la eblecon dum 30 minutoj paroli Esperanton kun du Esperantistoj antaux ke la aliaj gastoj venis, kiuj volis paroli nederlande.

Por mi estas tutklare, ke se mi el iuj kauzoj ne povus viziti Kopenhagon en 2011, mi tutcerte dauxrigos la lernadon de la dana lingvo, cxar mia motivado estas sendepende de tiu vojagxo. Versxajne en la autuno aux la vintro 2010 mi devos anonci min por la kongreso en Kopenhago cxe UEA.


Edited by Fasulye on 31 January 2010 at 6:59pm

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 Message 1656 of 3959
31 January 2010 at 10:34pm | IP Logged 
(summary moved)

Edited by Iversen on 07 June 2010 at 2:55pm

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