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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2010 of 3959
24 August 2010 at 1:30am | IP Logged 
{QUOTE=Paranday]I hope you can make the video downloadable from somewhere, if only upon request via a PM. I can't watch anything online, need to download the file, which I can do from YouTube. [/QUOTE]

I couldn't split the video from Sunday because any split that resulted in pieces of less than 10 minutes would cut right through the demonstration section. Instead I made two smaller videos of resp. 6'30" and 9'40", which I have uploaded to the server for the homepage of my travel club, but only in low quality and only for a very short time. Members who want to see the result can PM me (as suggested by Paranday), and then I'll send the links. I still don't want to see myself on Youtube.

On top of that I have spent some time uploading some files to that website and doing other tasks for my club, I have listened attentively to 90 minutes of guitar music by F.Sor(while writing down the themes), and all in all I haven't had any time to study today. But I did watch TV:

SV: Jag har först och främst sett en utmärkt naturfilm på svenska TV - de visar många bra naturfilmer där. Den skapades av BBC som del av en trilogi, men har forsynats med svensk tal hela vägen. Jag kom inn i filmen, medan det med en höghastighetskamera visats hur humlan kan producera uppdrift nog till att flyga - det är något med att vrida på vingarna. Sedan ble fladdermössens flygteknik analyserad, följt av svampsporer som uppskjutas med raketfart, glödheta dödliga bubblor som skjutas iväg från en pistolräkas klor og 'sprites' som kan bildas på toppen av åskmoln och nå många mil i luften trots att de bara varar en tusendels sekund ... och de har förmodligen aldrig tidligare fotograferats. Den sammanhållande tråd i sändningen var höghastighetskameraer, och om en vecka kommer att visas allt det dolda i världen som kan göras tillgänglig med röntgenkameraer. Fascinerande!

While doing other things (as described above) I have been watching a program on Swedish TV, and dubbed totally in Swedish. Originally it is made by BBC as part of a trilogy, and the theme is the things that become visible if you can use a high speed camera. Next week they will be studying the world through X-ray cameras.

EDIT: I have been reading some of the comments and explanations and terms and and and... on Youtube's site. I noticed that videos now can be up to 15 minutes, but I haven't yet seen videos of that length (except from 'partners').
Besides I have found out that you can limit the access to your videos, so that you need a precise link to access them. Hm, ... that might be a relevant information. But there is still much about Youtube which I don't like.

Edited by Iversen on 14 September 2011 at 1:41am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2011 of 3959
24 August 2010 at 10:40am | IP Logged 
RO: Din fericire am posibilitatea să lucrez la domiciliu prin intermediul calculatorului meu, aşa că pot testa un program ca muncă, în timp ce am urangutani la TV si sunt ascultând ştiri româneşti din Evident, nu-mi pot concentra pe toate (şi evident pe deasupra ca muncă, după toate, să fie cel mai important lucru în acest moment al zilei) -, dar atunci am auzit doar ştirile din nou şi din nou pâna ca am auzit de tot..

Luckily I have the possibility to work work from my home via my computer, and today I'm using this possibility due to a downtown meeting. So right now I'm testing an update to application as a task for my employer while I have orangs running around on my telly and I'm listening to romanian news podcasts. Of course I can't concentrate on listening, but then I just run the clips several times..

Edited by Iversen on 24 August 2010 at 10:43am

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 Message 2012 of 3959
24 August 2010 at 1:25pm | IP Logged 
I've seen a number of videos that go over the 10 minute mark on YouTube; I believe one of Splog's videos was something like 11 or 12 minutes. I don't know if he's a "partner" though.
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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2013 of 3959
25 August 2010 at 1:13pm | IP Logged 
If the new limit is 15 minuts then Josht doesn't have to be a partner. However I have also read that new partners are restricted to 15 minutes, - only old partners can exceed that timespan.

IT: Ieri sono stato a un incontro di lavoro con pranzo nel centro di Århus. Qui un mio collega ha chiesto alcune informazioni sulla città di Roma a causa di una prossima visita. Mi ha colpito che ricevo spesso questioni sulle destinazioni turistiche, ma quasi mai sulle lingue. Questo mostra quanto è esotico studiare le lingue straniere.

ES: Post la lunĉo estis tro malfrue por revenigi la mia oficejo, tial mi restis en la centro de urbo kaj aĉetis retkameraon - ne pro meti videojn la Youtubo, sed ĉar mi supozas ke registradon de videoj estos bona (kaj malfacila!) metodo al trajno mian parolkapablon.

Yesterday I had a meeting in downtown Århus, and afterwards it was too late to go to my office, which is outside the centre - so instead I went on a shopping spree and bought a webcam... not to put videos on Youtube, but because my experiences with the wordlist videos have convinced me that video production can be a good (and hard!) way to train one's speaking skills. In principle thinking and speaking to oneself should give the same effect, but you definitely make a greater effort when there is a camera.

Edited by Iversen on 25 August 2010 at 1:20pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2014 of 3959
27 August 2010 at 11:35am | IP Logged 
It seems that I'm getting into the habit of study in my armchair until it's too late to switch on my computer. So this is about my activities yesterday. Please note that I'm very much in doubt about the way to express past tense in Bahasa, where verbs don't have tense. Instead the temporal information is given through other words in the sentence. And there is probably a lot of idiomaticity in the choice of those words.

BA: Kemarin, saya lem foto-foto liburan saya dari perjalanan terakhir saya ke album - saya kuno sedikit, tapi saya juga menambahkan foto ke komputer saya. Butuh beberapa jam!

POR: Ao mesmo tempo eu vi obviamente TV - principalmente o Travel Channel. Primeiro, houve um programa de uma hora sobre um viagam a Cabo Verde. Visitei o país em 2006, depois de uma aprendizagem accelerado dum mes que me levou a um estado onde eu podia realizar conversas curtas, mas não fazer uma viagem completamente monolíngual. Cheguei na ilha plana e queimada Sal, mas fugiu o mais rápido possível para São Vicente (com a cidade Mindelo) e de Mindelo à ilha verde e montanhosa de São Antão (embora que na transmissão foi utilizada a ortografia errada de Santo Antao).

Em seguida, temos visitado Portugal, e ao momento do meu ultimo viagem là eu tinha aprendido bastante Português para falar sóment esta linguagem. Na emissão os itinerantes eram um homem e uma mulher, e os locais que foram apresentadas estavam geralmente na região de Lisboa ao Cabo da Roca, e uma detalhe curiosa foi a reação da mulher ao ouvir o homem dizer Lisboa em vez de 'Lisbon'. Infelizmente, o resto do programa foi em Inglês.

BA: Setelah foto-foto, Saya belajar sedikit lebih banyak teks saya tentang Gunung Mulu, dan aku membuat daftar kata-kata dari teks.

Yesterday evening I spent several hour gluing my photos from Southeast Asia into my photo album (yes I know, I'm something of an anachronism - but at least I also keep them in digital form on my PC). While doing this I watched Travel Channel from first Cabo Verde, then Portugal. And when I had finished the photos I studied a short passage from my Gunung Mulu text intensively and made a word list with words from that text. And after that I didn't feel like doing anything more.

Edited by Iversen on 27 August 2010 at 11:46am

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 Message 2015 of 3959
27 August 2010 at 6:08pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
POR: Ao mesmo tempo eu vi obviamente TV - principalmente o Travel Channel. Primeiro, houve um programa de uma hora sobre um viagam a Cabo Verde. Visitei o país em 2006, depois de uma aprendizagem accelerado dum mes que me levou a um estado onde eu podia realizar conversas curtas, mas não fazer uma viagem completamente monolíngual. Cheguei na ilha plana e queimada Sal, mas fugiu o mais rápido possível para São Vicente (com a cidade Mindelo) e de Mindelo à ilha verde e montanhosa de São Antão (embora que na transmissão foi utilizada a ortografia errada de Santo Antao).

Eu estou estudando um pouco algumas das diferenças são, entre o Português do Europa e Português do Brasil, o mesmo que há diferenças entre o Espanhol do Europa e Espanhol do America Latina. Nenhuma surpresa, as diferenças são principalmente de pronúncia e idiomática, mas eu posso ver que o entendimento é difícil, se alguém é só um estudante, e não um estudante que pode falar fluentemente. Em qualquer caso, as viagens às vezes pode dar uma boa motivação para o estudo.

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2016 of 3959
27 August 2010 at 10:13pm | IP Logged 
POR: Há também algumas diferenças gramaticais. Por exemplo, as regras da posição dos pronomes pessoais átonos são muito diferentes entre os dois tipos de Português (especialmente no caso do arrastar-se do pronome átono antes da terminação do futuro e condicional - esta é uma característica do Português Português). Outro exemplo: o infinitiu pessoal, que é muito mais comum em Portugal do que no Brazil).

FR: La meilleure description des differences entre le portugais européen et brésilien que j'aie vue se trouve dans le livre "Manuel de Langue Portugaise (Portugal - Brésil)" de Paul Teyssier (Paris 1976), - je ne sais pas si on peut toujours se procurer de ce livre.

LAT: Hodie in urbe vicinae Horsens fui ut festo medievali suo videre (et audire!). Aliquot mille homines vestem medievalem induunt ... credunt. Facte multis sibi vestem rinascimentalem induunt quia magis splendida sit, sed fastum bonum nihilominus est - et musica vetus mihi valde gaudet.

GER: Weil es viele ausländische Gäste und Musiker dort gab habe ich heute ganz viele Sprachen gehört. Es gab Musiker aus Deutschland (und sie spielen in der Regel laut und bastant, was mir gefällt - heavy metal medievalis!) , und ich habe auch einige deutsche Instrumentmacher zugehört wenn sie mit einander und Gäste gesprochen haben.

IT: Ci erano anche musicisti Italiani e un gruppo di sbandieratori, vale a dire gente che giocano con grande bandiere, che gettano nell'aria per far gli spettattori dir Ohhhh.

LAT: Etiam ecclesia clare festo interest, concenti chorali atque missa in linguae latinae - sed ego non adfui curat.   


In addition to the differences in pronunciation and idiomatics between European and Brazilian Portuguese there are also some grammatical differences, for instance in the position of unstressed personal pronouns (including the peculiar case of pronouns that wedge their way in between the root and the ending of verbs in the future and the conditional - mostly in European Portuguese). Likewise the inflected infinitve is mostly used in Europe.

I have spent more then four hours today at the Medieval festival of Horsens, a town near Århus. Thousands of people have dressed up as medieval persons ... they think . Actually most of the more flashy upper-class costums are modelled on Renaissance models, but it is pretty, and people are happy so who would complain? I even saw one Scotsman in tartan - hurray. The music is varied and mostly very colorful - and often also quite loud, even without loudspeakers. In the Renaissance - and most of the stuff they played are from that period rather than the 'real' Middle Ages - there was 'loud' music and 'quiet' music. But quiet music would drown in an outdoor festival like this.

There were groups and visitors from many different countries, so I heard several languages: German, English, Italian ... well not least Italian, because at least one band had apparently brought their fans and/or family. The banner-throwers ("sbandieratori") were also from Italy, but I don't know from which town. In earlier years they came from Siena, which has proud traditions in the noble art of throwing banners in the air and catching them again.

In my own town, Århus (Aros in Latin), the "Århus Festuge" (festival week) has started, but I am only going to visit one exhibition (about technology in the future) ... the rest is rather boring compared to the Medieval festival of Horsens.

Edited by Iversen on 27 August 2010 at 10:43pm

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