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Hekje Diglot Senior Member United States Joined 4755 days ago 842 posts - 1330 votes Speaks: English*, Dutch Studies: French, Indonesian
| Message 129 of 140 04 December 2013 at 8:09pm | IP Logged |
Hey Julie,
Since the TAC 2014 sign-up thread has just gotten off the ground, I was wondering: would you be interested in
joining a Team Dutch? I think it'll be tons of fun to have an official place where we can all support each other.
Let me know your thoughts! I tried to PM you, but it seems that your inbox might be full. :-)
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| Serpent Octoglot Senior Member Russian Federation serpent-849.livejour Joined 6649 days ago 9753 posts - 15779 votes 4 sounds Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish
| Message 130 of 140 06 December 2013 at 4:51pm | IP Logged |
A guess about the full not really full inbox bug.
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| Kez Diglot Senior Member Netherlands Joined 4409 days ago 181 posts - 212 votes Speaks: Dutch*, English Studies: Swedish
| Message 131 of 140 09 December 2013 at 2:43pm | IP Logged |
Julie! Hur går det med din svenska? Kanske vi kan organisera en sista Skype samtal av det
här året med några vikingar. Är du på?
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| Julie Heptaglot Senior Member PolandRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 6955 days ago 1251 posts - 1733 votes 5 sounds Speaks: Polish*, EnglishB2, GermanC2, SpanishB2, Dutch, Swedish, French
| Message 132 of 140 12 December 2013 at 8:59pm | IP Logged |
The last three weeks were even crazier and busier than usually... I should mention that I have been stuck with a large translation assignment for over a month, and I use most of my free time for this (is still a 'free' time then? ;)). I love conference interpreting but I do not really like translating, and I particularly dislike translation assignments which take longer than a week... It just feels like too much of a burden. I cannot really relax, feel guilty every time I am not translating (yeah... talking about work-life balance), and I generally keep looking forward to the end. My apartment is a mess, and so are my language learning habits. Still, at least I get paid for working with languages. I could do a lot worse, I guess.
Now a few words of my update. I got to speak some German as I spend the last few days in Germany. My Swedish is getting better - I spent another two hours, talking in Swedish with a Swedish native speaker, and my conversation skills clearly improved just because of this additional practice. This, in turn, motivated me to study Swedish a bit more. I watched a few episodes of the Swedish Idol (and I could understand a lot, although there were obviously quite a few situations which left me completely puzzled), and right now I am watching this year's Julkalender (available for free here, with Swedish subtitles). My Dutch did not improve a lot in the last three weeks, apart from my grammar probably - not surprising, considering that I did not do a lot (but I did write - with the use of dictionary - a long text of ca. 400 words). I learned some French (podcasts mostly), Spanish (practicaespanol.com) and Icelandic (classes), but nothing really worth writing more about. I also read or listened some 'quality' media in German and English (as part of the consistency thread, which I want to get back to as soon as I have been finished with my current job assignment.
Unfortunately, my fear of interferences was not conpletely unfounded. I am having terrible Swedish-Dutch interferences at the moment (in both directions, mostly little, 'functional' words, more in speaking than in writing), and the problem has clearly gotten bigger since I started talking more in Swedish. I have started making lists with Swedish and Dutch words next to each other to become more aware of this. It seems like sometimes my brain just cannot tell the difference, and it is frustrating even though I know this should be over at some point.
Interestingly enough, I got to hear quite a lot of Russian and Belorussian in the last few days. The more I listened to this (live), the more I was able to understand (with Belorussian being generally somewhat easier and closer to Polish). I definitely have to start with the Project Russian some time soon... maybe the second half of 2014, if the circumstances are favorable. Or 2015?
@Amerykanka, I got your e-mail. I will answer you soon (with some language corrections), and the Christmas break sounds good :).
@Serpent, które forum masz na myśli? I tak, popatrzeć NA coś :). Chociaż sama bym raczej napisała: "zajrzyjcie na forum".
@Hekje, I would love to join a Team Dutch! (I might not be the best team member, though, as the Vikings have learned this year...) Due to my stay in Luxembourg, the first quarter of 2014 will be very much French-oriented... but Dutch will definitely be my language of focus after that.
@Hekje and Serpent - indeed, my inbox does not seem to work anymore. I think this bug is due to the changed limit of messages (it used to be 100 messages several years ago but now it must be somewhat lower, as 100 private messages are a pro member feature). Still, I have no idea how many messages I should delete, and whether this would even help.
@Kez - det går inte så bra med min svenska men i alla fall kan jag säga mer nu :). Din idé med en Skype samtal med några vikingar är fantastisk, tror jag. Jag skulle vilja prata med er.
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| Serpent Octoglot Senior Member Russian Federation serpent-849.livejour Joined 6649 days ago 9753 posts - 15779 votes 4 sounds Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish
| Message 133 of 140 12 December 2013 at 9:49pm | IP Logged |
mam na myśli podforum tamtego foruma ;))) ale właśnie chodzi o zespołach w nowym roku.
Yay Team Dutch! there won't be a slavic+romance team this time, btw. but there will be advanced teams for French and English.
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| Serpent Octoglot Senior Member Russian Federation serpent-849.livejour Joined 6649 days ago 9753 posts - 15779 votes 4 sounds Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish
| Message 134 of 140 12 December 2013 at 9:58pm | IP Logged |
Also, are you sure it was actualy Belarusian?
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| Julie Heptaglot Senior Member PolandRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 6955 days ago 1251 posts - 1733 votes 5 sounds Speaks: Polish*, EnglishB2, GermanC2, SpanishB2, Dutch, Swedish, French
| Message 135 of 140 12 December 2013 at 10:12pm | IP Logged |
Serpent wrote:
Also, are you sure it was actualy Belarusian? |
Yes, I am 100% sure, it was a seminar with participants from Belarus (among other countries) and it was interpreted PL<>BY (and partly BY>RU, RU<>PL, plus PL<>DE by myself :)). I could not always tell the difference between Russian and Belorussian, though, i.e. I was not always sure what I was listening to at the moment, and some participants would code-switch, sometimes even in the middle of one short statement. A Russian participant I talked to said she was able to understand Belorussian at some times but failed completely at other times. She also said that Polish and Belorussian sounded quite similar to her (sometimes she was not able to identify the language spoken) and that her general comprehension (of Polish and, particularly, of Belorussian) increased in a few days. All in all, this was a really interesting experience.
Edited by Julie on 12 December 2013 at 10:12pm
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| Serpent Octoglot Senior Member Russian Federation serpent-849.livejour Joined 6649 days ago 9753 posts - 15779 votes 4 sounds Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish
| Message 136 of 140 13 December 2013 at 12:10am | IP Logged |
Wow, I'm jealous! :P
Any particular reason for using Belarusian at the seminar?
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