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FabricioCarraro - TAC’15 Pushkin, Rätsel

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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 281 of 439
23 August 2013 at 6:44am | IP Logged 
Привет, ребята!

Сегодня был долгий день. У меня вчера была бессоница, не знаю, почему, но я лёг спать и не мог заснуть. Спустя некоторое время я решил вставать и я остался на компьютере до 4 ночи, смотря видео в Youtube. Потом, у меня, наконец, получилось заснуть и я встал в девять с половиной и ходил на работу. У меня было много работы, но я нашёл время, чтобы немного заниматься голландским.

Я также познакомился с русской девушкой из Ростов-на-Дону в Italki, очень добрая и хорошая, мы разговаривали на время.

Сейчас уже поздно и я сильно устал, но я хотел, по крайней мере, что-то написать.
Ну, до завтра, мои друзья!
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 Message 282 of 439
23 August 2013 at 7:14am | IP Logged 
It's great to see you writing in Russian lately - you seem to have made so much progress this year mate!

You mentioned that you're conversing more often in Russian with your wife these days. How's this working out so far?

Every time I've tried this in the past, I've probably fallen back on English far too quickly. My wife's really patient with me when I do occasionally give it a go, and says she'd love to switch to Russian more often, but the truth is her English is pretty much near-native now after years of study and immersion, and I'm a lifetime away from this level.

The hardest aspect for me is that I just get so damn frustrated with not being able to communicate even the most basic constructions at times, not alone all the beautiful subtleties and nuances in Russian that a native speaker has mastered and takes for granted. I'm closer to a pumpkin than Pushkin right now, I fear.

One day, in a galaxy far far away, maybe this will all come quite naturally, grammar/stress mistakes and non-native phrasing will be a thing of the past, and we can all chat in Russian with ease and laugh about this over a cold beer and a tasty bowl of borscht (lol)...

Edited by Teango on 23 August 2013 at 8:46am

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Winner TAC 2012
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russoparabrasileirosRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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989 posts - 1454 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, EnglishB2, Italian, Spanish, Russian, French
Studies: Dutch, German, Japanese

 Message 283 of 439
26 August 2013 at 9:00pm | IP Logged 
@Teango Thanks, man! We're talking in Russian when I go to the gym, that's our deal hahaha she doesn't do it every time, but for now I won't complain since I'm finally getting some Russian at home =P
I know you feeling, for us is much easier to go back to Portuguese, but only practice will lead us to, if not perfection, at least being able to function well in the language. I'm looking forward to the beer + borshch, at a restaurant at the end of the universe...


Aujourd'hui nous allons parler en français!

Mon weekend était cool! D'abord, dans le samedi ma femme et moi sommes allés déjeuner avec son beau-frère, qui était à São Paulo pour ses affaires. Nous avons mangé dans un restaurant russe, et c'était délicieux!!

Ensuite, je suis allé à le quartier "Santa Ifigência", qui est comme un "Chinatown", où on peut acheter de tout. J'y suis allé pour acheter une guitare. Ma femme me l'avait donné pour notre anniversaire de 3 ans de mariage, mais elle l'avait acheté dans l'internet et la guitare è arrivée cassée. Donc, nous avons repris l'argent et j'en ai acheté une nouvelle. =) Je suis très heureux!
J'ai déjà essayé d'apprendre à jouer de la guitare une fois, quand j'étais à l'université, et j'en ai appris un peu, mais je rêve de pouvoir le jouer vraiment bien. J'espère que cette fois il serait mieux!

Dans le dimanche nous sommes restés chez nous, mais j'ai lit un peu en hollandais et j'ai aidé ma femme à preparer ses leçons de russe.

Au revoir!
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 Message 284 of 439
26 August 2013 at 11:26pm | IP Logged 
Quelques petites remarques:

Samedi (on a pas besoin de "dans le") (sauf quand il s'agit d'une habitude: le samedi
je joue au foot, ça veut dire chaque samedi)

allé au quartier russe (à + le n'existe pas)

où on peut acheter tout (sans de)

sur Internet (Internet ne prend pas l'article défini), sur la Toile fonctionne aussi

Repris l'argent? Tu veux dire quoi? Que vous avez été remboursés?

J'ai lu (c'est irregulier ça)

jouer de la guitare, donc je rêve de pouvoir en jouer bien (le est utilisé quand il
s'agit d'un complement d'objet direct) (mais cette phrase me semble un peu lourd, il
vaut mieux trouver une autre construction)

Il sera mieux (il s'agit d'un futur, non un conditionnel)

Bref, tu écris bien :) Peut-être il y a des autres fautes, mais je laisse aux
francophones en trouver plus.

Edited by tarvos on 26 August 2013 at 11:34pm

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 Message 285 of 439
29 August 2013 at 2:41pm | IP Logged 
fabriciocarraro wrote:
Привет, ребята!

Сегодня был долгий день. У меня вчера была бессоница, не знаю, почему, но я лёг спать и
не мог заснуть. Спустя некоторое время я решил встать и просидел за компьютером до 4
ночи, смотря видео на Youtube. Потом у меня, наконец, получилось заснуть, я встал
полдесятого и пошел на работу. У меня было много работы, но я нашёл время, чтобы
немного позаниматься голландским.

Я также познакомился с русской девушкой из Ростова-на-Дону в Italki, очень добрая и
хорошая, мы разговаривали какое-то время.

Сейчас уже поздно, и я сильно устал, но я хотел, по крайней мере, что-то написать.
Ну, до завтра, мои друзья!

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Winner TAC 2012
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russoparabrasileirosRegistered users can see my Skype Name
Joined 4658 days ago

989 posts - 1454 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, EnglishB2, Italian, Spanish, Russian, French
Studies: Dutch, German, Japanese

 Message 286 of 439
29 August 2013 at 9:01pm | IP Logged 
Спасибо @Марк и @Tarvos!


Ciao amici!

Questa settimana sono un pò malato =/ Sono andato al CouchSurfing meeting martedì, ma ero così stanco e non mi sentivo bene, perciò pure il mio inglese sembrava arrugginito. Grazie ai miei amici tedeschi, ogni volta che ci vado ho più voglia di imparare la sua lingua.
Oggi mi sento un pò meglio, e penso che finalmente andrò in palestra! \o/

Oltre a questo, ieri sono arrivati due pacchetti che avevo comprato. Uno di loro è un libro di radici di parole russe, per esempio, c'è la radice "да", e lui dice che questa radice di solito ha il senso di "dare", e in seguito dà diversi esempi di parole con questa radice e sua applicazione in una frase. Sembra molto utile!
Nell'altro pacchetto c'erano due fumetti in olandese cui avevo chiesto ad un'amica di inviarmi. Due buone notizie! =)

A dopo!
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Speaks: English*, Italian, French
Studies: Spanish

 Message 287 of 439
30 August 2013 at 12:48pm | IP Logged 
Some of my thoughts on the French corrections:

I'd have said "où on peut tout acheter". "Acheter tout" doesn't sound right to me...

To be strict, should be "Ma femme me l'avait donnée" and "elle l'avait achetée" as "la guitare" is feminine. And "è arrivée" should be "est arrivée", but I'm sure this is just a typo influenced by Italian or Portuguese!

I think "je rêve de pouvoir bien jouer" sounds more natural, although it's hard for me to say exactly why. "En jouer" seems technically correct, but I've had a lot of conversations about music with French people, and if you've already mentioned "la guitare", they will always say "tu joues depuis combien de temps ?", "tu joues bien ?", "tu joues dans un groupe ?", etc., without any sort of pronoun to reference the instrument.

I'd also have put "une fois" after "j'ai déjà essayé", rather than at the end of that sentence, but I don't know if that's any more or less valid! I agree with Tarvos that the whole sentence is a bit awkward.

"Peut-être il y a des autres fautes" should be "peut-être qu'il y a d'autres fautes" or "il y a peut-être d'autres fautes" (or even "peut-être y a-t-il d'autres fautes", although that's quite formal)... but the "des" becoming "de" before an adjective that comes before a noun isn't a very strict rule in speech and you will hear French people say "des grandes maisons" instead of "de grandes maisons" and so on.

Overall, yeah, you're doing well - these are small points, and I'm also of course not a native speaker; I'm sure one could clear some of these up and maybe indeed find more.

And I can also try for the Italian, but my Italian is less advanced so I'm not sure about a lot of the subtleties, especially when it comes to word order which is a lot more free than in French...

"Un pò" should be "un po'" - but many Italians make this mistake!

I think "a parte questo" sounds better than "oltre a questo". Not sure if it's any more correct though.

"due pachetti che avevo comprati" - although again this isn't really strict in speaking.

I'm not sure about "uno di loro", I think that's only correct if you're talking about people as opposed to objects but like I say... I'm reeeeally not sure about that, I'd need to ask an Italian! "Uno è un libro" is maybe better, or join it to the last sentence, "due pachetti... di cui uno è un libro". Same for "lui dice": I'm not sure if "lui" to talk about an object is correct. If any Italians are reading this... help!

"e sua applicazione" - "e la sua applicazione"

"cui avevo chiesto" should maybe be "che avevo chiesto"... I think... damn this is so much harder than for French.

Keep it up! And it's about time I started writing in my languages again, since I'm sure I make my share of mistakes!
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 Message 288 of 439
30 August 2013 at 3:01pm | IP Logged 
I'd have said "où on peut tout acheter". "Acheter tout" doesn't sound right to me...

Depends on whether it's an adverb or used as the object of acheter, I think. But I
agree you can put "tout" in front.

The "en" is necessary here because you are making a reference back to the guitar.
Otherwise it's "play what?" In casual speech you'll drop it, but not in writing. The
"le" is wrong in any case. But I would actually drop the entire pouvoir thing and
rephrase the sentence. The responses you give are all not referring back to the
instrument because they're asking a wholly different question (i.e. the guitar is not
important, the playing is).

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