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Team Sleipnir TAC 2015 - Team Thread

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Senior Member
Joined 4603 days ago

1076 posts - 1792 votes 
Speaks: German*, EnglishC2, Swedish, Norwegian
Studies: Danish, French, Finnish, Icelandic

 Message 105 of 170
23 March 2015 at 2:36pm | IP Logged 
March Challenge

This is still work in progress, I'll just drop some links for now (which I've read). I
read news in Norwegian and Danish more or less regularly, but I never care to post it

Bokmål: Ikke farlig hvilket språk
elevene velger

Putin sketch
Skadeleg for ungdom å stå opp tidleg

that's it for today, other languages will follow

vi ser ord som bilder inte som bokstaver

Is this really news? I remember this English printout hanging in the office where the
inner letters of words were swapped and it could still be read. It's probably also the
reason why I am so bad at reading Gothic script. Back when I didn't even study Danish I
had an easier time reading Holberg in Danish with Latin script than in German with
Gothic script. Many of the Danish words were known from Norwegian of course.

edit: this forum still fcuks (see what I did here) up the links *grml*

Dansk: Kan ikke komme af
med huset

Jamen så gå dog ned med prisen!

Edited by daegga on 25 March 2015 at 6:01pm

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Senior Member
Joined 5248 days ago

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Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 106 of 170
23 March 2015 at 10:15pm | IP Logged 
March Challenge - Expugnator

For Mars Utfordringen bestemte jeg meg for å lese en artikkel fra Aftenposten. Denne artikkel handler om barna av innvandrere til Vest-Europa og deres (barnas) situasjon i hjemlandet. Det sies i artikkelen at noen ganger er barnas situasjonen i hjemlandet ikke så forferdelig og det gjør godt å bli forlot igjen hjemme av foreldrene sine hvis det forårsaker at barna lærer å bli mer selvstending. Jeg har blandende følelser om det. Jeg tror det kan gjør godt for en tenåring å lære å ta vare på et hus, men samtidig synes jeg at det finnes nesten alltid konsekvenser at ett barn ikke får bo og vokse med foreldrene sine når det er mulig.

Artikkelen henges her: Forsker: Ikke bare negativt med mor, far og barn i ulike land
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Joined 4603 days ago

1076 posts - 1792 votes 
Speaks: German*, EnglishC2, Swedish, Norwegian
Studies: Danish, French, Finnish, Icelandic

 Message 107 of 170
26 March 2015 at 9:43pm | IP Logged 
Föredragen från Grammatikdagen i Uppsala

Kos dykk!
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 Message 108 of 170
31 March 2015 at 9:34pm | IP Logged 
Phew! I scraped by just in time: it’s half past nine here and the month is practically over!

March Challenge

Artikel: När matematikerna blir de nya kulturarbetarna

Artikeln behandlar vad det betyder att använda big data för att skapa konst.

Idag kan forskare samla massor av data från sociala medier och websidor som Wikipedia, Netflix och Spotify. Matematikerna från en ny statistikbransch, den så kallade data science, analyserar denna enorma mängder data och tack vare ännu precisare algoritmer förutspår människors beteenden.

Att veta vad publiken möjligst kommer att göra eller vad publiken helst önskar spelar en stor roll när man vill sälja en tjänst eller en produkt.

Nu startar dataanalysen används inom kultursektorn så att organisationer och företag som producerar och säljer musik, litteratur, teater, TV och film kan bli mer kommersiellt effektiva.

Men allt detta är problematiskt. Frågan är nu vad händer till konsten när matematikarna och deras algoritmer ersätts för kreativitet och geni inom kulturvärlden. Kan konstbaseras på data och ännu spelar kulturens roll: att utmana och väcka nya tankar?

EDIT: cancelled some weird characters that I didn't type.

Edited by Emme on 31 March 2015 at 9:39pm

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Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 109 of 170
30 April 2015 at 12:14am | IP Logged 
I would like to apologize to all fellow members for my absence this month and the lack of a challenge. I was on holidays part of the month and when I came back things started to get much more troublesome at work, to the extent that I almost never had the quality time for reading the forum calmly or performing any output tasks. I ended up leaving some posts unread at my email, and one of them was Emme's above which I used to remind me that I still had to come up with a challenge for Team Sleipnir. So I kept postponing it till it was too late. I'm really sorry for that.

Since there is no coming back at our tridimensional reality, I would like to propose a challenge for May. I thought in terms of the 100-challenge we saw at other threads, but I'd like us to deal with words so we can, for example, focus on those that aren't English or German cognates, for instance (I still have interference from Norwegian when trying to speak German). This challenge would also have an output extension.

What do you people think? Feel free to suggest another challenge, we can always set this one further.
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Senior Member
Joined 4603 days ago

1076 posts - 1792 votes 
Speaks: German*, EnglishC2, Swedish, Norwegian
Studies: Danish, French, Finnish, Icelandic

 Message 110 of 170
30 April 2015 at 12:27am | IP Logged 
Expugnator wrote:
I thought in terms of the 100-challenge we saw at other threads,

Could you put in a link to one of those posts? I have no clue what you are referring to.
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Senior Member
Joined 5248 days ago

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Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 111 of 170
30 April 2015 at 12:38am | IP Logged 
It goes like this:


Pick one activity and do it 100 times this month.

Someone can choose to read 100 pages; someone else, study 100 words.

The basic unit is the month but you can adjust to your needs, it is quite light and flexible.

I for example chose to write 100 words a week. Some other people wanted to watch 100 minutes a day of their TLs. Of course you can make it ridiculously easy as reading 100 characters the whole month, but then you will only be fooling yourself.
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Senior Member
Joined 4297 days ago

308 posts - 414 votes 
Speaks: Italian*, English
Studies: German, Swedish

 Message 112 of 170
01 May 2015 at 10:05am | IP Logged 
I have a question: how are we going to track our progress? Do we post weekly or everything at
the end of the month (if f.e. I wanted to do the 100 written words a week challenge)?

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