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Advancing Korean, Year 5/6: TAC15 東亞

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 Message 1 of 344
25 January 2012 at 6:33pm | IP Logged 
TAC 2015 - Korean - starts on page 38 here

TAC 2014 - Korean - starts on page 29 here

TAC 2013 - Korean, Persian, Mandarin - starts on page 18 here

Log Overview for TAC 2013 (Korean):

- Listening to Korean Radio shows p.18 m.140
- Speaking practice, new language tandem p.18 m.143; p.19 m.148
- Watching movies and dramas without subtitles p.18 m.143
- Reading strategy for bilingual books p.19 m.148

February -> April
- Improvements in reading p.20 m.153+156
- Improving Listening skills with podcasts before sleep p.20 m.156
- Giving up on Anki p.20, m.156
- TOPIK practice test, score improvement p.20 m.159
- Impressions from sitting the Intermediate TOPIK test p.21 m.161
- Starting my 2nd Korean novel p. 20 m.156; p.21 m.168

- Review of 2 new podcasts/radio shows p.22 m.170
- Resolution to learn more grammar, practice sentences and explanations for -으니까 pattern p.22 m.174

- TOPIK results: passed level 4 - high intermediate p.22 m.175

- Reflection on active studying slump & how I integrate Korean in everyday life p.23 m.180
- The difficulties of TOPIK Intermediate p.23 m.181

- Progress on reading my 2nd novel (page 100) p.23 m.184
- Starting to write diary in Korean p.24 m.185
- Discussion about subtitles p.24 m.185-191

- Starting to use the goldlist method p.24 m.191
- Threshold of language improvement p.24 m.191
- Reading improvements and plans p.25 m.193
- Changes to TOPIK format and plans for TOPIK advanced p.25 m.193+195
- Discussion about good intermediate-advanced grammar books p.25 m.193-200

TAC 2012 - Korean

Current Level: passed TOPIK level 2, now high Beginner active, low Intermediate passive

Weaknesses: Vocabulary (Verbs, Adjectives, abstract Nouns), Writing, Speaking (spontaneous active use of Grammar)

- pass TOPIK level 4 = high Intermediate (until late October)
- read a book in Korean with relative fluency (until end of 2012)

Study Methods:
- learning the 3000 words recommended for the Intermediate TOPIK test with Anki (10 new words per day)
- language tandem for speaking practice (once per week at least until August)
- writing essays on lang-8 (I'll try to write 2 per month)
- Integrated Korean Beginner 2, Intermediate 1 & Intermediate 2 books for grammar (2 chapters per month?)
- Iyagi podcasts on talktomeinkorean for listening/reading (as much as I like!)
- Korean Movies and Dramas for listening comprehension (as much as I like!)
- reading some children's poems and Papepopo Manhwa (now and then)

Log Overview for TAC 2012 (Korean):

- Vocabulary stories p.1, m.4+5
- Korean Indie music on Youtube p.2, m.9
- Where to find the TOPIK word lists p.2, m.11

- Starting to read extensively p.2, m.13
- Learning Chinese through Korean, video lessons p.3, m.17
- Naver Children's Book Videos p.3, m.18
- TOPIK practice test p.3, m.18

- Starting to study Hanja p.3, m.20
- Finished first book in Korean p.3, m.20+22
- How to address people in Korean p.3, m. 24; p.4, m.25+26+29
- Starting to learn with sentence+audio cards in Anki p.4, m.26
- How to study Anki leeches p.5, m.36+38
- Discussion about the structure of Korean grammar p.5, m.39+40; p.6, m.41

- Beginning grammar revision p.6, m.43
- Challenge: 1 month, 100 verbs from lyrics p.6, m.44
- Dealing with Wanderlust p.6, m.45+47
- Free online material: G.L.O.S.S. by DLI p.6, m.48; p.7 m.50

- Reading comprehension p.7 m.51+52+53
- Start of the Super Duper Challenge p.7 m.52
- Log entry in Korean p.7 m.53
- TOPIK practice test p.7 m.54
- more about TOPIK p.7 m.55; p.8 m.57+58

- Studying with audio sentences p.8 m.59
- Finished 2nd book in Korean p.8 m.60
- On essay writing (with sample) p.8 m.60+63

- Half-Year Review and Planning p.8 m.64
- New SRS deck AJATT style p.9 m.67
- Text chatting in Korean p.9 m.67
- Extensive Reading above one's level p.9 m.68

- Finished 3rd book in Korean p.9 m.71
- Example of new SRS picture cards p.9 m.71
- Starting Hanja study (this time for real) p.10 m.74+79
- About meeting Koreans on- and offline p.10 m.74
- The sound of Korean compared to other East Asian languages p.11 m.82+83+85

- Dealing with Hanja Radicals p.11 m.87+88; p.12 m.90
- Finished 4th book in Korean p.12 m.91

- Listening Comprehension Progress p.12 m.94
- Review of the German-Korean meeting p.12 m.95
- Studying Korean outside of Korea: Doubts p.12 m.95
- On reading: intensive, extensive, bilingual p.12 m.95+96, p.13 m.98+100
- Essay-writing improvements (with example) p.14 m.105
- TOPIK practice test, met 1st TAC goal p.14 m.109

- Finished 5th book in Korean p.15 m.113
- Download Anki Cards: TOPIK Intermediate Nouns 1/3 p.15 m.114
- watching News with script (요즘 북한은) p.16 m.119

- Reading Korean literature p.16 m.121+126
- Essay-writing (with example) p.17 m.130+131
- Finished 6th & 7th books in Korean, met 2nd TAC goal p.17 m.133
- Introducing four Korean Podcasts p.17 m.133
- TAC 2012 Evaluation p.17 m.134

Korean Grammar Patterns (for personal reference)

Noun modifiers:
-(이)며 And, or (similar to -하고)
-조차 even
-토록 to that extent
-으로서 As a...
-(으)로써 by means of
-끼리 (only) among, by ourselves/themselves

Verb modifiers (final):
-아/어야겠다 I guess (I) should, I had better...
-어/아 달라고 하다 Ask so. to do sth.
-기로 하다 Decide to do sth.
-어/아 놓다 To do something in preparation/in advance
-답니다 I/They say, it really is/does, you see (abbreviation of -다고 합니다)
-듯하다 It seems that, it looks like... (similar to 것 같다, used more in writing)
-고 말다 Finally end up doing
-도록 하다 Make it so that, get so. to do sth.
-다시피 하다 Almost do sth.
-었더라면 ... -었을 텐데요 If one could have done something, one would have been
-ㄹ까 싶다 I suspect that..., I wonder if perhaps...

Verb modifiers (mid-sentence):
-도록 So that, in order to, to the point; until (formal version of -게)
-ㄹ 수록 The more... the more...
-(으)나 But (formal version of -지만)
-(으)며 While doing sth. (similar to -(으)면서)
-자(마자) As soon as, when, no sooner than
(으)ㄴ 지 ... (됐다) it's been ... since ...
-나 마나 It is all the same if you do or not
-ㄴ 채(로) intact, as it stands, with no change
-더라도 even if, no matter how

Useful expressions:
-을 생각할 때마다 Whenever I think of... (-이/가 생각날 때마다)

Edited by druckfehler on 04 January 2015 at 3:32pm

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Joined 4814 days ago

1181 posts - 1912 votes 
Speaks: German*, EnglishC2, Korean
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 Message 2 of 344
27 January 2012 at 1:57am | IP Logged 
배울 수 없던 말들 - the words I couldn't learn ^^

"너에게 할 수 없던 말들" - the words I couldn't say to you
from this song: 말 - 브로콜리 너마저

So I got this word list comprising roughly 3000 words off the TOPIK website. Added to the 2000 words that are used in the test for beginners, these are supposed to be the most common in the intermediate test. I've calculated that I need to learn 10 per day to have all of them memorised in time for the test in October. However, 3 days in I've realised doing so in alphabetical order is just not going to work. It's not contextual enough.

Therefore I'm going to adjust my method. I'll print the whole list and go through it several times. The first words I'll add to Anki are those that are familiar or vaguely familiar to me. In the meantime I'll keep exposing myself to other study material, so after I've gone through the whole list once I'll start again at the beginning and employ the same method. The end is still going to be horrible because then I'll be stuck with all the words I haven't encountered before... But on the whole I think this is a far more sensible approach. I'll also go through the 2000 words used in the beginner test to see if I've missed any. I didn't study for beginner TOPIK using the word list at all, so there might be some words left that I'm still not familiar with.

Edited by druckfehler on 27 January 2012 at 6:47am

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 Message 3 of 344
27 January 2012 at 4:40pm | IP Logged 
druckfehler wrote:
However, 3 days in I've realised doing so in alphabetical order is just not going to work. It's not contextual enough.

That sounds like exactly what I ran into. I have two book sources (Korean Essential Vocabulary 6000 For Foreigners and Survival Korean Vocabulary) which are both based on the same list of "6000 essential vocabulary", each split into "A", "B", and "C" words (with "A" being the most common, however SKV uses * symbols rather than A, B, C). The former is sorted alphabetically and the latter by topic. A while back I was mining words from KEV in alphabetical order (but only for a given letter class of word) and while working through the "B" words, I had to stop as it was boring and the words weren't sticking very well.

While I have gone back to mining words (not just collecting them from lyrics, TV shows, etc. which I still do as well), I'm using the SKV book instead which sorts them topically and thus seems more useful (since I can pick which topic I want to learn and then go learn the words from that section).
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 Message 4 of 344
28 January 2012 at 12:28am | IP Logged 
Warp3 wrote:
I had to stop as it was boring and the words weren't sticking very well.

While I have gone back to mining words (not just collecting them from lyrics, TV shows, etc. which I still do as well), I'm using the SKV book instead which sorts them topically and thus seems more useful (since I can pick which topic I want to learn and then go learn the words from that section).

I guess any language teacher could've told us so... But I thought I could somehow do away with common sense :)

I read about your experiences with the two books in your thread. Seeing that it's sorted by topic SKV sounds pretty good. I might actually look into that.

I've gone through the TOPIK beginner wordlist (1500) yesterday and was fairly surprised that there are about 100 words I had no memory of whatsoever. 360 others felt like they were just about to slip my mind, so I'll focus on making them stick before I tackle the bigger list.

I'm experimenting with creating context, so I've written a ridiculous little story containing today's 10 words. It was actually pretty fun and it seems to work, too. I more or less memorised them by writing, now I just have to reinforce that over time by repetition.

커튼 도둑

가구 사러 가구점에 갔는데 가게 가운데에 내 마음에 드는 개나리무늬 커튼을 봤다. 하지만 가격이 너무 높아서 못샀다. 그래서 눈 딱 감고 커튼을 가위로 잘라서 훔쳤다. 그건 나에게 간단한 일이었다. 근데 나중에 버스에서 지하철로 갈아타면서 상점 직원을 다시 만났다. 그 분은 공 모양으로 감은 커튼을 봤을 때 너무 화가 나서 나에게 간단히 감을 던졌다.

Curtain Thief

I went to a furniture store to buy furniture, when I saw a forsythia-patterned curtain I liked in the middle of the store. But because the price was so high I couldn't buy it. Therefore I closed my eyes shut tight, cut the the curtain down with a pair of scissors and stole it. That was an easy thing for me. But later, while I was changing from bus to subway I met the store employee again. When he saw the curtain coiled into a ball he got so angry that he simply threw a persimmon at me.

Today's words:

가구 / furniture
가운데 / in the centre
개나리 / forsythia
가격 / price
감다 / wind up, coil around; close, shut
가위 / scissors
간단하다 / simple
갈아타다 / transfer (traffic)
간단히 / simply
감 / persimmon

Edited by druckfehler on 28 January 2012 at 12:33am

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 Message 5 of 344
29 January 2012 at 7:26pm | IP Logged 
Sunday, 29th of January - 1st Week

song: 토이 - 혼자있는 시간 (The Time Alone)

I've decided to do weekly updates to keep myself accountable. I'll introduce a song in each of those. It's mostly going to be indie music, because I'm not a big fan of KPop and there are lots of great indie bands and artists in Korea.

On to this week's review. I've been writing little stories with my 10 daily vocabulary words for four days now. When I'm unsure about grammar I look for similar example sentences in the naver dictionary and I get corrections for my stories on lang-8, which is great. I can even learn new grammatical structures that way and everyone's very encouraging. It's time-consuming to write those silly texts, but it's a lot of fun and I'm already noticing that it becomes easier for me to write in Korean when I do so everyday. The words also stick a little better when I use them. I think it's going to be my main study routine for a while.

I'll post today's story, because I'm very pleased with the way it turned out:

과거만 생각하셨던 공무원

어떤 공무원께서 계셨는데 그 분은 과거만 생각하셔서 좀 슬프셨다. 오래 전에 그의 가장 친한 친구가 그를 배신해서 관계를 다 끊으셨다. 그때부터 과학밖에 관심이 없으셨다. 어느 공휴일에는 이 공무원님께서 공원에 가기로 하셨다. 오래전부터 집에서 직장까지만 가셔서 신기한 것들 많이 못 보셨다. 어떤 여자분이 그에게 공짜 관람표를 드렸는데, 공원에서는 재미있는 공연들이 많았다. 공무원께서는 관광하기를 너무 좋아하셔서 좋은 사람들도 만나게 되셨고, 그래서 다시 사람을 믿기로 결심하셨다. 그래서 공중전화를 찾으셔서 옛 친구들에게 전화를 걸으셨다.

The civil servant who only thought about the past

There was a civil servant who only thought about the past, so he was a little sad. A long time ago he was betrayed by his best friend, so he severed all his relationships. From then on he had no interest in anything, except for science. One day, on a bank holiday, that civil servant decided to go to a park. For a long time he had only gone from his house to his workplace, so he hadn't been able to see many fascinating things. Some woman gave him a free ticket and there were many interesting performances in the park. Because the civil servant liked the sightseeing so much and met many nice people, he decided to trust in people again. So he looked for a payphone and called his old friends.

new words: 공무원 - civil servant, government employee, 과거 - the past, 관계 - relation, relationship, connection, 과학 -science, 공휴일 - bank holiday, 공원 - park, 공짜 - freebie, 공연 -performance, 관광하다 - do sightseeing, 공중전화 - payphone

I also did language tandem on Friday and my speaking really sucks. Just switching to German instead of getting everyone frustrated is too tempting. I have to practice more. I hope writing will eventually also improve my speaking skills.

new grammar:

-기로 하다 Decide to do sth.

Edited by druckfehler on 29 January 2012 at 7:39pm

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 Message 6 of 344
29 January 2012 at 8:46pm | IP Logged 
Interesting tidbit: Except for 공짜, the "new words" you listed that start with 공~ are actually from the same 한자 character (公) which generally means "public".

For example: 휴일 = holiday, break; 공휴일 = public holiday (i.e. a government-recognized holiday)
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 Message 7 of 344
30 January 2012 at 2:31am | IP Logged 
That website with the Korean grammar is incredible-- I haven't seen it before. I already knew one meaning for -기로 하다 but there were many more. Thanks for posting it!

Also, I'm glad you're posting indie music. I've been trying to find more Korean indie music but it's hard to find anything other than Kpop.
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The Real CZ
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 Message 8 of 344
30 January 2012 at 2:54pm | IP Logged 
You just have to meet the right people on the internet for indie music. I've found out a
lot of good indie and underground hiphop from people I met on Soompi and 6theory
(allkpop's forum.)

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