Bubblyworld Newbie South Africa http:/ Joined 4370 days ago 7 posts - 11 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Xhosa, French, Japanese
| Message 81 of 88 23 March 2013 at 4:12am | IP Logged |
In Xhosa, "Kukho inyoka ayingeenyawo."
Literally, "There's a snake without feet."
Figuratively, it means that there is trouble on the horizon.
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Jinx Triglot Senior Member Germany reverbnation.co Joined 5777 days ago 1085 posts - 1879 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English*, German, French Studies: Catalan, Dutch, Esperanto, Croatian, Serbian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Italian, Spanish, Yiddish
| Message 82 of 88 23 March 2013 at 3:00pm | IP Logged |
I think I already posted earlier in this thread about my love for Serbo-Croatian swearing. Since then I've found a new website with a great list of creative insults. Several of them are misspelled, which makes me a bit leery of the site, but they're lots of fun to read in any case. Definitely not for the faint of heart!
Here are a few of my favorites:
- "Gle kurtsa ti na biciklu" = "There goes your dick on a bicycle."
- "Da Bog da te majka u cevapu prepoznala." = "May your mother recognize you in a hamburger."
- "Jebem ti prvi red na sahrani" = "I f*** the whole front row at your funeral."
- "Da Bog da ti kuca bila na CNN-U" = "May your house be live on CNN (means: I hope NATO will bomb your house)."
- "Jebem ti majku na mrtvackom vozu za Sabac u pola noci u levo uvo u punom mjesecu." = "I f*** your mother in her left ear on a hearse going to Sabac at the midnight on the full moon."
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FELlX Diglot Groupie France Joined 4854 days ago 94 posts - 149 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: French*, English
| Message 83 of 88 23 March 2013 at 4:55pm | IP Logged |
- "baiser comme un lapin", literally "screw like a rabbit" (have sex quickly),
- "fumer comme un pompier", literally "smoke like a fireman" (Equivalent: "smoke like a chimney"),
- "être muet comme une carpe", literally "be mute as a carp" (Equivalent: "be silent as a stone").
Edited by FELlX on 23 March 2013 at 4:56pm
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doubleUelle Bilingual Tetraglot Groupie United States Joined 4119 days ago 67 posts - 95 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English*, Russian*, French, Japanese Studies: Spanish, Thai
| Message 84 of 88 28 November 2013 at 7:32pm | IP Logged |
I don't know if this one has been mentioned yet (I browsed through the first few pages
of this thread but couldn't be bothered to go through all of it):
Japanese: 猫舌
Transliteration: neko-jita
Literal translation: "cat tongue", "[to be] cat-tongued"
Explanation: someone who hates/dislikes hot food and drinks. The expression comes from
the fact that cats' tongues are very sensitive to heat, and so they won't eat/drink hot
I have to admit that this is an expression that has come in handy a lot for me, as
someone who absolutely cannot stand hot foot/drinks (I eat my soup and drink my coffee
cold, etc).
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Ibryam000 Diglot Newbie France Joined 4749 days ago 37 posts - 50 votes Speaks: French*, English Studies: Bulgarian, Spanish
| Message 85 of 88 25 February 2014 at 11:07am | IP Logged |
FELlX, "baiser comme des lapins" actually means "have sex a lot". But yeah.
Edit: Sorry, did not see you wrote "comme un lapin", then it means "have sex
quickly" indeed.
Edited by Ibryam000 on 25 February 2014 at 11:11am
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DavidStyles Octoglot Pro Member United Kingdom Joined 4025 days ago 82 posts - 179 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English*, German, Italian, Spanish, Latin, French, Portuguese, Norwegian Studies: Mandarin, Russian, Swedish, Danish, Serbian, Arabic (Egyptian) Personal Language Map
| Message 86 of 88 25 February 2014 at 11:55am | IP Logged |
Some French idioms of which I'm fond:
Tuer les mouches à quinze pas
(to kill flies at 15 paces)
[to have bad breath]
Manger son certificat de naissance
(to eat one's birth certificate)
[to die]
Enculer les mouches
(to sodomize flies)
[to be unnecessarily pedantic, à la "to split hairs"]
Être une allumeuse
(to be a match, as in the kind that's a little wooden stick with sulphur stuff on the end to start fires)
[to be a cocktease]
Edit to add, sometimes neither France nor England want to own something, and each blame it on the other:
Filer à l'anglaise
(To leave in the English way)
[to take French leave, to make a sudden departure]
Un capot anglais
(an English cap)
[a French letter, a condom]
Toast anglais
(English toast)
[French toast, a bread product]
Edited by DavidStyles on 25 February 2014 at 12:11pm
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Mooby Senior Member Scotland Joined 6189 days ago 707 posts - 1220 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Polish
| Message 87 of 88 25 February 2014 at 3:54pm | IP Logged |
Some Polish ones on with a theme on gingerbread:
stary piernik lit. 'old gingerbread' = an old fogey (crusty old man)
dzidzia piernik lit. 'baby gingerbread' = an older woman dressing as if she's much younger. [Equiv. English phrase: 'Mutton dressed as Lamb']
co ma piernik do wiatraka? lit. what has gingerbread to do with a windmill? = What's that got to do with it? Said in response to someone changing the topic of conversation for example.
Edited by Mooby on 25 February 2014 at 4:10pm
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Ibryam000 Diglot Newbie France Joined 4749 days ago 37 posts - 50 votes Speaks: French*, English Studies: Bulgarian, Spanish
| Message 88 of 88 02 March 2014 at 10:45am | IP Logged |
Some french metaphorical expressions to say "to f**k" or "to have sex" that I like and find very funny (nowadays, you won't hear these often though):
- planter le javelot dans la moquette
- faire crapahuter le flemmard
- dire bonjour à sa moitié
- tirer sa chique
- dérouiller son braquemart
- empapaouter
- dégraisser son hareng saur
- battre le beurre
- tremper son biscuit
- frotter la couenne
- mettre la cheville dans le trou
- amener le petit au cirque
- remuer le gigot
- faire sprinter l'unijambiste
- chatouiller le nénuphar
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