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Italian the lazy way

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 Message 33 of 53
10 February 2015 at 12:12pm | IP Logged 
UN PO' DI ItalianO

Ho deciso che correrò la mia prima mezza maratona a maggio. Una mezza maratona è lunga 21,1 chilometri. Non ho mai fatti una corsa tanta lunga. A dir la verità, non ho mai partecipato ad una corsa vera. Ho solo corso da sola, senza folla, ma corro tre volta alla settimana e qualche volta corro più di dieci chilometri.

Mi piace correre. Normalmente, indosso i miei Vibram FiveFingers (guanti per i piedi). Ora però ho comprato le scarpe perché in inverno spesso fa troppo freddo fuori per correre senza scarpe, e devo allenarmi per la mezza maratona.

Correrò la mezza maratona da Huelgoat a Carhaix-Plouguer in Bretagna. Bene, lo spero. Non sai mai. Vedremo, vero?
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 Message 34 of 53
15 February 2015 at 1:38pm | IP Logged 


I did some actual reading about Italian grammar this week: unstressed pronouns as I have been encountering a few previously unfamiliar ones in Lo Hobbit. I also finally found a rule for when you're allowed to add a pronoun to the end of a verb.


With two episodes worth of very mature cards and two episodes quite mature, I finally started a new episode. Going through 50-100 brand new cards might not actually take much time, but the cards start piling up when you've done several episodes in short order.


Read half of the second chapter, which was only 3% of the book. No surprises really.


I am very happy with my new RSS feed and Facebook additions. Throughout the day, I'll see things like this:

And not only will I get a few stolen moments of translating Italian, but I also get to feel like Italian is already part of my life, rather than something I'm studying so that I might one day incorporate it into my life.

Una Volpe nella Neve — un post sul cambiamento pieno di rivelazioni, magari prima di leggerlo bevetevi un cordiale (1,473 words) was an unusually difficult article. In general, the articles from Academia della Felicità are signficiantly more difficult than the ones I read from other sources. That's a good thing, though. So much of what I encounter in Italian is ridiculously easy given how little time I've spent on the language (but not necessarily "ridiculously easy" in general), so it's probably good for me to have to struggle a bit more once in a while and realise just how little I really do know.

I read another article called Correre mi ha salvata (804 words), which wasn't necessarily very well-written, but which spoke to me because I have been through something not entirely dissimilar that I won't get into here. This is why I chose to learn Italian in this high native imput way, though... because I want to connect through the language, rather than spend a lot of working at connecting with the language, through "more appropriate" learning materials.

Valentine's Day is impossible to escape, isn't it. Much as I tried, I still ended up reading an article called Cos’è l’amore? (1,028 words) and watching the associated video. I was happy to note that I understood nearly every single words of Italian in the video. That said, they were short and simple sentences.

Hardly an full article, but longer than the blog entries I usually don't count since they're super short: Restyling di un vecchio divano (379 words). It's the first blog entry of more than two or three sentences for which I did not need to look anything up (there were words I did not know, of course, but not ones that affected comprehension as such).

I also watched the second 40 minute lesson of Storia dell'Arte Greca e Romana, on the topic of La colonizzazione greca in Occidente. I ended up very confused two-three times when the lecturer appeared to suddenly out of context talk about something like tu ucciderti even if sounded a bit more like tu uccidede. That's about the time when context kicked in and I realised he was talking about Θουκυδίδης (Thucydides).

Lastly, I cooked. If it can be considered following a recipe when you pretty much just read the ingredients list to make a pizza and then go with your own better pizza dough recipe. I did have to read quite a few recipes before being inspired by this pizza alle melanzane though.


Yesterday, I wrote about La mia settimana (My week) on Lang-8, and got a few corrections (though far fewer than I expected). I did not really expect to get much out of corrections this early (one has to be able to somewhat understand why one was wrong in the first place in order to learn, after all), but it feels like I'm learning. So, here goes La mia settimana:

Questa settimana ho regalato una Moka ("una caffettiera Italiana" qui in Francia) a mio marito. È una Moka per fornello a induzione, quindi non è la Moka tradizionale — ha un look più moderno. Adesso possiamo fare il vero caffè. Non abbiamo mai avuto una vera caffettiera. Abbiamo sempre fatto il caffè direttamente nella tazza con un filtro in plastica. Il gusto è tanto diverso! In passato ho bevuto il caffè solo al ristorante o alla caffetteria perché non mi piace il caffè fatto a casa. Sfortunatamente, non parlo Italiano abbastanza bene per descrivere la differenza.

Inoltre, ho ordinato i semi per il nostro orto e un nuovo fondotinta che non compro da due anni perché sono parsimoniosa.

Oggi ho eliminato la tinta su un muro nel soggiorno. Sono molto stanca. Il rinnovamento è un grande lavoro e casa mia è molta vecchia e ha bisogno di tanto rinnovamento! È stata costruita nel XVIII° secolo.

Domani andremo al cinema. Vedremo "Loin des Hommes", un film francese con Viggo Mortensen.

Edited by eyðimörk on 15 February 2015 at 1:44pm

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 Message 35 of 53
20 February 2015 at 11:48am | IP Logged 

It has been two months now since I started this journey.

When I set out, I did not expect my relationship with Italian to change this much or this quickly. I have gone from feeling that it's "kind of cool how closely Italian and French resemble each other" to being enamoured. In silly romantic talk: it's as if though I found a piece of myself that I did not know was missing. I wonder if I will feel the same way a month from now.

I also did not expect Italian to be integrated into my daily life to this extent or this quickly. I suppose that my long struggle to make French a natural part of everything I do laid the groundwork.

I did expect was to be able to use a lot of native materials quite quickly, but I never anticipated just how quickly I would be able to get by "on my own". I fully expected to read The Hobbit as a parallel text, for example, but that isn't necessary at all.

I have learnt some things about myself: such as that, whenever possible, I prefer stumbling a bit with native materials over following a lesson plan designed for someone else.

I have also learnt that I don't play well with "musts" unless I have a very specific goal (e.g. getting my French to the level where I could write for French media, since writing is part of what I do for a living), so anything that looks like it might be homework is going to get seriously neglected in Italian.

I have stuck much less to the Buffy l'Ammazzavampiri plan than I originally expected to. This is mostly because after three-four episodes I found that I could already follow episodes that I had not studied, even without English or Italian subtitles. I do, however, understand them significantly better having studied them, so I really should keep working through them one by one.
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Russian Federation
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 Message 36 of 53
20 February 2015 at 3:07pm | IP Logged 
Congratulations on your progress! I loved Buffy cards :)
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 Message 37 of 53
20 February 2015 at 9:00pm | IP Logged 
Congratulations eyðimörk . I have started Italian 1 month ago and I share some of your feelings, though I'm still quite attached to French to think I will end up find Italian easier. I still haven't started native materials in Italian anyway because my focus now is getting my tourist talk comfortable for my trip in late March.
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Studies: Breton, Italian

 Message 38 of 53
21 February 2015 at 11:35am | IP Logged 
flaviadeluce wrote:
Congratulations on your progress! I loved Buffy cards :)

Thank you! That's so kind of you to say! :)

Expugnator wrote:
Congratulations eyðimörk . I have started Italian 1 month ago and I share some of your feelings, though I'm still quite attached to French to think I will end up find Italian easier. I still haven't started native materials in Italian anyway because my focus now is getting my tourist talk comfortable for my trip in late March.

Thank you, Expugnator!

Italian is so much easier than French (and more loaded with positivity) for me simply because I already understood >99% of what I read and heard in French by the time I started with Italian, I already had a firm (although not perfect) grasp of French grammar, I had already spent months and even years setting up my life in such a way that I could integrate a[nother] foreign language into my daily life. Italian is riding on the tailcoats of years of work and years of figuring out what works and doesn't work.

Getting tourist talk down sounds like a sound strategy! I hope you have fun in Italy! :)
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 Message 39 of 53
22 February 2015 at 12:05pm | IP Logged 


I gave Radio Arlecchino (Episode 1) a try. I can't say that I learnt any new grammar during this first episode, but I enjoyed being able to follow the story so I'll give the second episode a try too.

Otherwise I've been very lazy with grammar this week. As in, not opened the book once.


I finished chapter two, in which signor Bilbo and i nani are captured by tre troll by the name of Berto, Maso e Guglielmo.

I also made some subs2srs cards for the first film. I will probably not go through the whole film, but I felt like doing something new, I'm on a bit of a Tolkien-kick, and my DVDs have both Italian sound and subtitles so why not?


This week I read:

Il regalo più bello (678 words)

La cucina può dare la felicità? (219 words)

Anche i runners competitivi sono delle belle persone (394 words)

5 modi per Diventare Terribilmente Infelice (1,655 words)

Essere donna (runner) oggi (449 words)

Alla scoperta del frutto della pitaya (249 words)

Divani "Ghost"(589 words)

Roma-Feyenoord, scontri agenti-tifosi a piazza di Spagna: feriti. Danni alla Barcaccia (616 words)

I lavori del mese di Febbraio(473 words)

The latter taught me an Italian proverb concerning Candlemas (doesn't every European language have half a dozen proverbs concerning the weather on Candlemas?):

"Se il giorno della Candelora è bello e luminoso
l’inverno sarà ancora a lungo disastroso.
Ma se è nuvolo o piove per la Candelora
l’inverno sarà finito e non ritorna ancora."

I watched:

Nothing! I really thought that I'd have time to watch another lecture, but I didn't.


On Thursday I faced my biggest challenge so far, in this two month long quest: I corrected a beginner Swedish-learner's entry, writing all of my comments in Italian. "Exhausting" doesn't even begin to describe the experience.
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 Message 40 of 53
06 March 2015 at 2:58pm | IP Logged 
The week that never was stole my last post, so here it is again:


Well, that was a crazy week. Between work, running and renovations, I've had very little time for Italian.


I finished reading the pronoun chapter. I thought I was going to have time for prepositions and a podcast, but... no.


I read my half-chapter, which is very unimpressive because it's a short chapter.


This week I read:

Atena, Neith, Tin Hinan: Le Dee/Regine del Mediterraneo — a 538 word blog entry about goddesses.

Noi. Che ci vogliamo così bene. — a 500 words blog entry about truth and friendship, with a video about homemade pasta.

Perché è importante bere acqua — a 561 word blog article about the importance of drinking water when running.

Esplora il significato del termine: Iraq, le milizie cristiane: «Contro gli assassini Isis c’è una via: armarsi» — a 790 word news article about ISIS.

I watched:

The third 40 minute lesson of Storia dell'Arte Greca e Romana, titled: L'orientalizzante I: La Grecia. It went okay. I probably shouldn't watch these after a long day of work and a 10 km run, because I kind of lose focus after 20 minutes and have to focus very hard after that.

I cooked:

Pizza rustica con tonno e cipolle rosse. My husband is really enjoying this new "learning Italian" hobby of mine.

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