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TAC’14 German, Sokoły, jäŋe, Celts, 文言

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Speaks: French*, EnglishC2, Mandarin
Studies: Japanese, German

 Message 1 of 22
31 December 2013 at 2:17pm | IP Logged 
This will be my language log for the TAC 2014. If interested (or mostly so that I don't lose it in htlal's deficient search tool), you can read my TAC 2013's log.


I've been studying languages for years now, and been a member of this forum and took part in the TAC for two years. During this time, I've learnt a lot about a host of languages, developed a greater linguistic awareness and overall I've been very happy with it, both on a human level as well as professionally, for the kind of linguistic skills I'm now equipped with.

I am still very much interested in learning about new languages, and the past two years have shown that I very easily give in to temptation. It is not a bad thing in itself, but as many of us have experienced, it's difficult to make any progress when one spreads himself so thinly across many languages. The TAC is all about consistency, and I want to make it my challenge this year to resist temptation and to start no new language other than those listed in this first post. Regardless of my progress, if I manage to stick to this one rule, I'll consider my year in TAC a success.

One might consider it's not that hard not to get onto new languages when my list of languages is already not quite short: this year, I'll devote my time to four languages, my "daily" list, and will have a few others on very low level maintenance. Here they are.

TAC Languages (daily focus)


As can probably still be seen somewhere in my TAC 2012's log, German is this language I kept failing at. Or so I thought: I assumed that since I hadn't become fluent simply through schooling (as opposed to English), then I had failed and conditioned myself to fail at German again and again.

Through time however, I have come to realise that not being good at German was simply the result of not putting the right amount of effort and not using the right learning strategies, and that there was nothing particularly terrible about German. In 2013's November 6WC, I decided I would read an entire book in German (EuroComGerm - Die sieben Siebe: Germanische Sprachen lesen lernen). It took me a bit longer than the six weeks I had initially planned to spend, mostly due to laziness and early festivities, but I did it. This may seem pretty trivial, but this has been a real revelation for me: I can do things in German!

Now full of the confidence that this mini-success brought to me, I am going to become "good" at German, and for now this will mean reaching a solid B2 in all of the four main language skills. To keep myself on track, I'll take the Goethe-Zertifikat B2 in early 2015 (their latest exam in 2014 is in June, too early).

To achieve this, I plan to replace as much as possible (I'm still working in the UK...) as much of my English life as possible by German: the books I read, the movies I watch, the music I listen to, the Wikipedia articles (that one's a big one!). All that, as much as possible, in German. Ideally, this log will also turn as much as possible into German, at least for the part dedicated to German.

Goals: Reach B2 and get it certified. Use as much German material as I can. Make German my default language.


Hungarian is the most recent addition to my list of languages, since I started it for November 2013's 6WC. The reason I started it is not particularly brillant: a very good friend of mine told me he was going to start studying it, the 6WC was approaching, and my closest colleague is a native speaker. Somehow I've found it one of the most exciting languages to study in quite some time, and decided to continue with it after the 6WC (i.e. for the last three weeks, hum...).

Where am I at? As of today, I'm a little over 75% through the Assimil book, which has been my only resource until now (along with the Wiktionary's amazing word segmentation). I am aware that this is not enough, but I now feel close enough to the end that I want to stick to it: as with other languages, I have spent time building this Anki deck with the sentences and use it as a way to actually assimilate the content of Assimil, and provide revision through time. As of now, I'm probably at A1.

This should keep me busy until the end of January, and from there I plan to diversify my learning activities to cover the various skills of language learning: I want to be able to read books (not fluently, but as best as I can), and have good enough listening and speaking skills to converse with Hungarian people and be able to enjoy fully a potential trip to Hungary. Let's call that goal level "B1": I am not very clear with what B1 vs A2 entails (and I take B1 to be higher than what many people seem to assume it is), nor am I confident that B1 is a realistic target for Hungarian in just one year, but I will do my best.

Goals: Get as close as possible to B1. Learn more about Hungary. Read a book in Hungarian.


Polish is another language I've started for a pretty dumb reason: I wanted to try the Michel Thomas method with a language I had neither ever studied itself (so no Spanish/German etc) nor a related language (so no Dutch). I've found the method to be so effective that it made me like the language.

After that, I didn't touch Polish until my Assimil Adventure, during which I covered the entire book. I've definitely learnt more about Polish, but I can't say I've retained much after the adventure had ended.

The last step in my study of Polish is relatively recent: after finishing decks for Breton and Norwegian, and realising how efficient it was to retain the content of the textbook I had just studied (without trying to go further, and spending only a few minutes a day), I decided to revisit my Polish and created a deck for it between July and September, deck that I am still reviewing daily. Here again I have improved, and there are definitely sentences and phrases I can say without even thinking of it, but I still really feel that I have gotten nowhere in Polish.

My goal for this year is to change that, to go from "I have studied Polish and I can't have a conversation nor be confident about any case ending past the simplest ones" to something like "I can read (somehow) a book and have a conversation". Basically, I'm aiming at the same level in Polish as I am aiming for Hungarian.. or perhaps better said, at something like my current level in German. Not so sure about how to proceed, but 2014 will be for me the year I learn how to actually learn a language, rather than just study it, so I have to find out how to learn a language and develop all skills (not just reading..).

Goals: Reach B1. Learn more about Poland.

Classical Chinese

I am proud to say that Classical Chinese is the language I've been the most consistent with: I think I can date back the time I started studying it to something like mid-2010, and I have been studying it quite regularly for around two years. Last year, I've even read an entire book of 550 pages entirely in Classical Chinese. I can't say I can read fluently anything, but it's been a long way to reach this point, and I'm quite proud of this achievement.

Now that I have reached that point, my goal will simply be to read more, and here there are two angles I want to take:

-Prose: By prose, I basically mean everything apart from poetry. During my trip to China this summer, I have bought about all the books I might want to read for a long time, totalling around 15,000 pages. It will take me years to read this, so I'd better get started. The book I've read in 2013 was a fairly easy one, a mixture of stories and moral discussions on various topics.

Now I want to get better acquainted with the top classics, things like the Four Books, the classics of Taoism (Laozi, Zhuangzi, Liezi) and other major philosophical books. I will start with these for the simple reasons that they are rather short (and I like finishing books, rather than spending 2 years going through the 10 tomes of some history book) and extremely well studied, which will be useful to understand the meaning and improve my comprehension of this idiom.

Goals for prose: Read as many books as I can, probably the following: the Classic of Filial Piety, Laozi, Shangshu (one of the Five Classics) and the Four Books. These are fairly short (100~200p each), which suggests I could be able to read them during the first half of the year, at which point I may decide between re-reading them, or starting one of the histories I have or some philosophy. The main goal here will be to read a bit every day as far as possible.

-Poetry I don't know much about poetry, in any language. The most I've read about was in Classical Chinese, with the book Chinese Through Poetry. Poetry poses some extra challenge, for many reasons: first, there are many different genres which obey different composition rules. Second, poems were often written by the literati for the literati, which means there is a lot of cultural background and references to know about to understand poems. Third, since this is poetry, the vocabulary is much more varied, and the syntax is so different from prose that one can consider them as separate idioms. One last thing is that, as opposed to prose, pronunciation actually plays a great role in poetry: since classical poetry was composed over centuries, by people speaking different dialects and 'Chinese' pronunciation evolving during that period of time, rhymes or sound similarities that are supposed to create rhythm and draw parallels between several lines can be obscured. It is commonly said that classical poetry sounds better in Southern dialects like Cantonese / Minnanhua than Northern ones like Mandarin, thanks to a more conservative pronunciation.

Goals for poetry: I have bought a book called How to Read Chinese Poetry, which introduces chronologically all the types of poems, place them in their historical and cultural contexts, explains the major themes of Chinese poetry that a reader should be aware of to understand the content. I intend to go through this book as a sort of "primer to Chinese poetry", to gain an awareness of precisely what I ought to be aware when reading poetry. After that, or perhaps along with that, I have several books of poetry that I'm quite interested in: 小学生必背古诗70篇 (70 Old Poems that Primary School Students MUST Learn) because most of them should be known by Chinese people, and In Such Hard Times, a collection of poems by Wei Yingwu, a guy who specialised in complaining about his life (something that, as a Frenchman, I'm pretty much an expert at!). I may or may not attempt to learn some of them, and might or might not learn them with Minnanhua's pronunciation. This may be more of a week-end endeavour, when I have more time, but I may reconsider that later in the year.

Other Languages (weekly focus & maintenance)

This section contains languages that fall in one of these two categories:
-continue studying at a slow rhythm, something like a weekly contact. For several of them, it only means finishing building the Anki deck from the Assimil book, and then move them to the maintenance section. These will be Arabic, Breton, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Spanish and Italian.
-languages that I vaguely maintain, or rather for which I try to have the slowest decay possible, through reviewing the deck I've already completed. these will be Norwegian and Minnanhua (Minnanhua might come back to the main list if I travel to China this year, but this will be temporary anyway).

A very quick description of each of them.

I'm only at lesson 25/77, and I would like to progress further since I really love the script and the grammar, but I don't have time. Maybe some other year. One lesson a week will lead me to completion of the book.

I've finished the new Assimil in TAC 2013 and am very happy with the progress. Now I'm working through the old Assimil (being at 19/77), on which I'll comment more later. Breton should be part of my "TAC languages" list (it is one, since I'm part of team Celts), but since I plan to study around 1~2 lessons per week, this is definitely a secondary language this year. Let's say it's just my 5th most important language this year.

Part of the Egyptian team, it's hard to decline the offer and a rhythm of 1~2 lessons per week should be manageable, given that I have already studied the entire book a year and a half ago during my Assimil Adventure. I just hope to cover it again, maintain it with Anki, and have fun.

Lesson 66/100, doing 3 lessons per week in one sitting. Should finish by May and just maintain it from there. Or practice with flatmates/colleagues.

Purely maintenance here. I considered having it part of my TAC languages, but three and two halves is more than enough. Once I'm decent at German, I'll resume my quest for other Germanic languages.

Lesson 64/100, maintenance only until I finish Italian, at which point I'll finish the last 36 lessons and put it back to maintenance only. Or practice with colleagues.

Maintenance only, with possible reactivation and vocabulary expansion if and when I go back to China. I'm sitting on a knowledge of around 850 words, I hope to expand a bit and above all develop more "sentence" skills.


Just read again that underlined sentence in the Background section.


As part of my language studies, I'll be part of a few TAC/non-TAC teams:

-Team *jäŋe / *ledús which covers Hungarian.
-Team Sokoły which covers Polish.
-Team Celts which covers Breton. Nobody else studies Breton over there this year, but the other team members are nice people and there is still a common interest in Celtic languages.
-Is.t n(j).t r n(j) km.t for Egyptian. I'm sure it's going to be a lot of fun, and the motivation of the other members will help me!

Haven't planned joining any team for German yet, since it seems too big, but I'll try to follow some logs for hindsights.


For the past two years, I've tried to stick to a monthly report: it holds me accountable for progress, and it's relatively quick for me to read back to get a perspective on everything I've achieved or not during the year.

This year, I'll try to do that as well, but I will also try to do better. I want to establish intermediate goals for myself, and publishing them here may be the opportunity to receive some feedback on the relevance of these goals and, I hope, to receive some advice from more learners more experienced/talented than me. Taking ideas from logs of other people, I'll also try to post more "about" the languages I'm learning, what I think makes them interesting, some personal discoveries and difficulties, as well as about the process of learning: in that area, I have nothing to teach to anyone, and I will do this mostly to receive feedback: I want to become better at learning languages!


We live in this great era when technology can help us a great deal, making us more efficient in our learning. I'm not considering that technology is the only way to go (and I buy more books than I should), but I believe there is a lot of room for tools to emerge. I work as a Natural Language Processing engineer and have a degree in both text and speech aspects of language technology (machine translation, information retrieval, speech synthesis & recognition, etc).

Apart from becoming better at my languages, I also want to develop some tools for language learners (well, for myself, but it can probably generalise well), either generalist or language-specific. Through time, I have built many tools that I use every day to assist me, but I'm also interested in something bigger and cooperative, so here it is: if some people with programming skills (desktop and/or mobile), designing skills, ideas etc are interested, we could get together and try to build something useful for the community. In any case, this year I plan to learn programming on Android and will try to do this by building some kind of app for language learners.

I'll try to have a section on tools from time to time, and hopefully ideas can flow.


A lot of stuff planned for this year. A quick summary: my goals are German B2, Hungarian & Polish B1. The rest is pretty much secondary. Let the adventure begin!

Edited by vermillon on 03 January 2014 at 4:52pm

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Speaks: French*, EnglishC2, Mandarin
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 Message 2 of 22
31 December 2013 at 2:17pm | IP Logged 
I will try to keep a list of the learning material, resources and other tools that I am using in my studies. This post will be edited from time to time.

Language Learning Resources

-Assimil "perfectionnement allemand" superpack (the new edition with 70 lessons, entirely different from the one I had bought last year with only 56 lessons). Until now, this is the best textbook I have ever seen: it's interesting, the dialogues are pleasant, and they're packed with comments on those little words that you usually don't translate and that make you sound closer to a native. If only we could have this quality of textbook for all the languages we're studying..
-Hammer's German Grammar & Usage: to clarify anything that I wouldn't understand.

-Assimil "le hongrois" superpack, which is my first contact with Hungarian.
-Ungarische Grammatik by Tamás Forgács: a nice 450p hardback, probably covering much more than I can absorb this year. And it's written in German.

-Basic Polish - A Grammar and Workbook, as the title suggests, it's a beginner's book, but I really need to get a solid grounding in grammar before I can go anywhere.
-Polish - An Essential Grammar: bought it long ago, and not sure how much I'll use it, since I have a more complete one..
-Polnische Grammatik, also a meaty grammar written in German.
-Assimil "le polonais sans peine". I've been through the more recent edition by the same author, and it seems there's more covered in the old one, and also the grammar is better explained (however, it's quite clear that it wasn't carefully proof-read..). I'll go very slowly through this one, since I'm more interested in other activities.
-First Year Polish: bought it because it was on sale, and the content actually looks pretty good, the grammar well explained and it teaches verb phrases (/idioms?) quite well, which is usually difficult to find anywhere.
-Intermediate Polish, which is the continuation of First Year Polish. Same comment as above.

-Du's Handbook of Classical Chinese Grammar: not sure I would buy it again. It's very thin (and a good chunk of it is taken by 5 stories, you'll wonder why they're in this book, but anyway), and therefore doesn't cover much more than any textbook would. It can be useful to understand better all the usages of a specific particle, but unfortunately not much more.
-Chinese Through Poetry: It is of course Classical Poetry. This textbook aims at teaching the language used in Chinese poetry, and only that. It's fairly well done, and the many poems it contains all have cultural notes that will help the reader get a better idea of how to interpret the countless cultural references classical poems contain.
-Hidden Meanings in Chinese Art: I've just received it and leafed through it, and it seems to be an amazing tool for anyone who wants to delve into Chinese arts (painting and poetry, I would suppose).
-How to Read Chinese Poetry: A Guided Anthology: this is the book I'll use for a while to get more familiar with Chinese poetry. It covers every genre of poetry since the 詩經 Classical of Poetry, and is quite pleasant to read.



-I use an Android tablet with Pleco installed on it. I was lucky enough to install it at the right time and get the handwriting recognition for free, which is the only item of the paid version I'm actually interested in. I would say this handwriting recognition is amazing, it is beyond anything I could expect, it recognizes anything I write, no matter how sloppy I draw characters, which is great because I check stuff while I'm reading, so it needs to be quick. I bought the 古汉语大词典 to be plugged-in, and this is about the entire reason I bought a tablet in the first place: you can't read Classical Chinese properly without a good dictionary, and those are huge, so an electronic format is the best thing I could dream of to help me in my study (next step would be a portable teacher, of course!).

Edited by vermillon on 09 January 2014 at 6:46pm

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 Message 3 of 22
31 December 2013 at 2:18pm | IP Logged 
A second place holder to be edited soon.
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 Message 4 of 22
31 December 2013 at 8:06pm | IP Logged 
That's an impressive list of languages, and I hope you achieve every one of your goals in 2014. Good luck, vermillon!
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 Message 5 of 22
01 January 2014 at 7:49pm | IP Logged 
Teango wrote:
That's an impressive list of languages, and I hope you achieve every one of your goals in 2014. Good luck, vermillon!

Thanks :) With a bit of luck, I'll reach all of these! Good luck with your goals as well, and it's nice to be your (double!) team mate again this year. May we go far.

Goals for January

I will try to create the habit of thinking of concrete goals every month for the languages I study, and report them here. My wish in doing this is that it will give me enough discipline to stay on track, and to re-assess where I'm at, how far I am from my goals, and above all to realise when I've been doing the same thing for too long and it's time to change: I know that I've been particularly prone at doing the same thing over and over, usually "following this textbook" and "learning more vocabulary". Sure, these two are good, but they tend to make me build passive skills, and I definitely want to be an active user of my 3 main languages, which means I need to pay attention to what I'm doing and try to steer my activities towards a more balanced regimen.

This month may be a slight exception (oh, how convenient..): I feel that I am still very weak in Polish and Hungarian, and that may mean trying to consolidate a bit the base before going onto more interesting stuff. Also, since this is the first month and that I'm not sure how this will all fit in, I will try to have relatively modest goals, and increase from there once I see how to combine this all. This will also mark the return of a timed log, for me to be able to track how much time I spend on which activities, eliminating leeches and see where I can get those extra minutes of study every day.


Course: For Christmas, I got Assimil Perfectionnement Allemand. The reason I got it is twofold: it has an MP3 cd, which makes the creation of cards in Anki cheap, and the content is actually great, from the first lessons I can tell that this is really a book that's going to push me forwards and equip me with a better German, both colloquially and more formally. It's full of expressions and little words that are otherwise difficult to learn apart from a lot of exposure. I plan to complete the book by the end of June, leaving me at around 3 lessons per week, enough to progress (they're much meatier than the "Sans peine" version), and few enough to do other things.

Vocabulary: Two years ago, I went through the entire B1 vocabulary as suggested by the Goethe Institut, a list of around 3500 words (that's quite a strong B1!). I still have the deck, so I figured out I might want to use it. My goal is to have a very strong command (=active?) of that vocabulary by the end of the year. I'll just resume using this deck, since I've already done the work.

In terms of vocabulary, I've also started using gold lists during the 6WC. Everything that I find interesting I will put in gold lists, as they seem to be a relatively cheap and efficient way to increase my passive vocabulary. I have no target for these, apart from keeping on the top of them.

Reading: My main source of vocabulary is reading, and as said in my first post, I want to switch from reading in English to reading in German. That's a convenient way to hit an entire flock of birds with one stone. I intend to read about all my other study topics in German (see 2nd post, "resources", once I've made it). This month, it will mean reading two books: Deutsche Geschichte, 200 pages about German history, hopefully I will become less ignorant after reading this, and Die Kelten, 120 pages about what we know about the Celts: since I'm part of the Celts team, this seems more than appropriate.

Writing: I like the idea of writing as a preparation to speaking: I have more time to build more correct and more complex texts, and once finished, I can sort of rehearse them to make the content mine and gain confidence in speaking. I will try to write a couple of texts every month, probably picking topics from Sprachprofi's 100 Essay Topics. Two a month already seems insurmountable to me, so this is the real challenge: overcome my apprehensions and increase my confidence (I know that I can read, now I need to discover that I can write, or make it become so).

Listening & Speaking: No plans for that this month, but I need to find German TV series to watch, tutor/language partner somewhere (probably italki), and I'm keeping the idea of transcribing short excerpts of German audio for listening practice.

Summary (aka tldr): Reading two books (320p), 12 lessons of Assimil (->14) Perfectionnement, writing 2 essays, review 600 vocabulary cards (may correspond to 300 words)


I still have 20 lessons of Assimil to complete. This is a pretty demanding activity, because my deck is in its growing period and that means around 100-120 sentences to review every day, which keeps me busy for a good 50 minutes, to which I should add the actual study time of the new lessons. This means that for this month, Assimil+Anki will be my only activity, but that from next month, I'll be done with Assimil and Anki's revision load will slowly decrease, giving me more room for other activities and develop what I'll have learnt by then.

Summary: Finishing Assimil (20 lessons) and keeping Anki under control.


Polish is really the language I'm not sure what to do with, I'm afraid. As said in the first post, I've only been doing Assimil and clearly I didn't get the same sort of benefit I got from other languages (Breton, German, Norwegian, and to some extent Hungarian). I think it is mainly due to the more complex morphology that I haven't really internalised: Assimil is somehow about "not learning by heart", but this has limits, and month after I completed the deck, I still have a mature success rate of only around 79% (vs Breton 89%, Norwegian 91%, German 94%). There is a very clear correlation in terms of how I feel confident with the language and the success rate of my mature cards, and 79% is clearly something bad. I need to fix that.

Grammar: What I seem to be missing is a better knowledge of grammar, especially the noun/adjective declensions for which I'm totally in the fog. I've found a cheap second-hand copy of Routledge's Basic Polish, which covers all the basic grammar (nouns, adjectives, verbs) that I need to master better, so my immediate goal is going to be to go through it. I'm at lesson 5 and I feel I already have a better sense about what happens in those cards I've kept failing at. Now I'm left with 35 lessons which I plan to slowly cover until the end of March: this is a relatively easy target, so I may try to get faster than that.

Vocabulary: I have never studied vocabulary in any systematic way for Polish, and I can feel it: I can find the word for nothing. Since my goal this year is B1, I'm going to aim for around 3000 (more or less) active words, which I'll draw from the glossary of "First Year Polish" which they call "Polish Lexical Minimum": that's a pretty good list indeed. I believe I'm going to use Anki for retention, since I want to be very solid on these 3000 words, I just need to figure out how to layout my cards. Anyway, for January, the goal will be to cover 450 words, probably a good start to start using with my newly learnt grammar knowledge.

I'm also interested in learning about the difference between ź and ż, ć and cz, ś vs sz etc. I know the theoretical difference (and I believe I can pronounce them), and the retroflex ones are supposed to be there in Mandarin as well, but until now I haven't managed to hear the difference, which is a problem when it comes to recalling spelling. Same could be said of e vs y. I need to find resources covering that (apparently FSI doesn't have much for Polish).

Summary: Cover 12 lessons of Polish grammar. Learn 450 words. Learn to hear the difference between the retroflex and the alveo-palatal consonants in Polish.


This month, I'll read 孝經, the Classic of Filial Piety. It's around 90 pages, so this is a very easy target. I might read it twice, or move onto another book when I finish it.

Other languages

Arabic: Maintain and do 5 lessons. (now at 25)
Breton: Maintain and do 5 lessons. (now at 19)
Egyptian: Learn the basic hieroglyphs from emk's deck, and get to lesson 10. (now at 0)
Italian: Maintain and do 10 lessons. (now at 66)
Norwegian, Spanish, Minnanhua: Maintain.

Edited by vermillon on 05 January 2014 at 12:20am

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 Message 6 of 22
01 January 2014 at 9:41pm | IP Logged 
Comme nous avons beaucoup de langues en commun (sans être membre de la même équipe, sauf
pour l'égyptien), je vais faire attention à ton journal (comme d'habitude).

Juste une autre question - quand tu étais à Paris, as-tu visité le Ti Ar Vretoned?
Apparemment, on pratique le breton fréquemment là-bas (c'étaient eux qui m'ont interviewé
il y a quelques semaines)

Edited by tarvos on 01 January 2014 at 9:41pm

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 Message 7 of 22
02 January 2014 at 6:05pm | IP Logged 
Looking forward to learning a lot from this log! We're at similar backgrounds for German,
and a sense of urge for finally using it. I plan on goong through the Assimils and start
reading books in German on other topics of my interest. Since I'm not on a German team, I
hope we can discuss a bit at this log.
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 Message 8 of 22
02 January 2014 at 10:43pm | IP Logged 
tarvos wrote:
Juste une autre question - quand tu étais à Paris, as-tu visité le Ti Ar Vretoned? Apparemment, on pratique le breton fréquemment là-bas (c'étaient eux qui m'ont interviewé il y a quelques semaines)

Non, jamais visité et à vrai dire, je n'en avais même jamais entendu parler (bon, on ne peut pas dire que j'aie cherché non plus..). Il faut dire aussi que je n'habite pas à Paris même (Sud de l'Oise) et que je rentre rarement en France depuis environ quatre ans, donc ça prédate largement mon apprentissage du breton. Tu as fait l'interview à distance, ou bien tu t'es rendu sur place?

Expugnator wrote:
Looking forward to learning a lot from this log! We're at similar backgrounds for German, and a sense of urge for finally using it. I plan on goong through the Assimils and start reading books in German on other topics of my interest. Since I'm not on a German team, I hope we can discuss a bit at this log.

Pas de problème, cet espace est libre pour qui veut s'y exprimer. Et sens-toi libre également de t'exprimer dans la langue de ton choix (du moment que c'est une de celles qu'on a en commun...). J'espère arriver à me pousser à écrire une partie de ce journal en allemand (voire autres), on verra ce que ça donne...

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