   * Biography
     · 1774 to 1798
     · 1798 to 1802
     · 1803 to 1806
     · 1807 to 1814
     · 1814 to 1817
     · 1817 to 1820
     · 1820 to 1823
     · 1823 to 1830
     · 1831
     · 1831 to 1833
     · 1834
     · 1834 to 1836
     · 1836 to 1838
     · 1838 to 1841
     · 1841 to 1843
     · 1843-1849
     · Recapitulation
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Biography of Cardinal Mezzofanti
Home > Mezzofanti > Biography

CHAPTER I (1774-1798)
Birth and family historyLegendary talesEarly educationFirst mastersSchool friendsEcclesiastical studiesIllness and interruption of studiesStudy of languagesAnecdoteOrdinationAppointment as Professor of ArabicDeprivation of professorship

CHAPTER II (1798-1802)
Straitened circumstancesPrivate tuitionThe Marescalchi familyThe military hospitalsManner of study-the Magyar, Czchish, Polish, Russian, and Flemish languagesForeignersThe ConfessionalIntense application

CHAPTER III (1803-1806)
Appointed as Asssistant Librarian of 'the Istitato di BolognaCatalogue RaisonnéProfessorship of Oriental LanguagesPaper on Egyptian obelisksDe Rossi - correspondence with himpolyglot translationsCaronni's account of himVisit to Parma,PezzanaBodoniPersianIllnessInvitation to settle at ParisDomestic relationsCorrespondenceTranslations

CHAPTER IV (1807-1814)
Labour of compiling CatalogueHis skill as linguist tested by the Russian EmbassyDeprivation of ProfessorshipDeath of his motherVisit to Modena and ParmaLiterary friendsGiordani's accountGreek scholarshipBucheron's trial of his Latinity Deputy Librarianship of UniversityVisitors - Lord Guilford Learned societies

CHAPTER V (1814-1817)
Restoration of the Papal GovernmentPius VII. at BolognaInvites Mezzofanti to RomeRe-appointment as Professor of Oriental languagesDeath of hisfatherNotices of Mezzofanti by TouristsKephalidesAppointed head librarianPupilsAngelelliPapers read at Academy

CHAPTER VI (1817-1820)
Tourists' Notices of MezzofantiSociety in BolognaMr HarfordStewart Rose Byron The Opuscoli Letterari di BolognaEmperor Francis I. at BolognaClotilda Tambroni Panegyric of F. AponteLady Morgan's account of Mezzofanti Inaccuracies The Bologna dialect M.Molbech

CHAPTER VII (1820-1828)
Illness - Visit to Mantua, Modena, Pisa, and LeghornSolar EclipseBaron Von ZachBohemianAdmiral SmythThe Gipsy languageBlumeArmenian - Georgian - FlemishPupils - Cavedoni,Veggetti, Rosellini - ForeignersDaily duties - Correspondence — Death of PiusVII. - Appointment as member of Collegio dei ConsultoriJacobs' account of himPersonal appearanceCardinal Oappellari - Translation of Oriental Liturgy - Mezzofanti's disinterestednessBirmese

CHAPTER VIII (1828-1830)
Visit of Crown Prince of Prussia - Trial of skill in languagesCrown Prince of SwedenM. Braunerhjelm - Countess of BlessingtonIrish students - Lady BellewDr. Tholuck - Persian couplet - SwedishCornish DialectFrisianAbate Fabiani - LettersAcademy of the Filopieri

Political parties at BolognaM. Libri's account of Mezzofanti - Hindoo Algebra - Indian literature and history - Indian languages - Manner of studyRevolution of Bologna - Delegates to Rome - Mezzofanti at RomeReception by Gregory XVI.Visit to the Propaganda - Dr. Cullen - Polyglot conversation - Renewed Invi-tation to settle at Rome- Consents - Calumnies of revolutionary party - Dr. Wordsworth - Mr. MilnesRemoval to Rome

CHAPTER X (1831-1833)
Rome a centre of many languagesMezzofanti's pretensions fully testedAppointments at RomeVisit to the Chinese College at Naples - History of the CollegeStudy of Chinese - Its difficulties - IllnessReturn to Rome - Polyglot society of RomeThe PropagandaAmusing trials of skill - Gregory XVILibrary of Propaganda rich in rare books on languagesAppointed First keeper of the Vatican Library - Letters

The Welsh language - Dr.ForsterDr.BainesDr.EdwardsMr. Rhys PowellFlemish - Mgr. Malou - Mgr. WildeCanon Aerts - Pere van CalvenPere LegrelleMezzofanti's extempore - Dutch versesBohemian - The poet FranklConversation on German and Magyar Poetry-Maltese - Padre Schembri - Canonico FalzouPortugueses - Count de Lavradio

CHAPTER XII (1834-1836)
The Vatican Library - Mezzofanti's colleagues - College of St. Peter's - Mezzofanti made Rector - His literary friends in RomeAngelo Mai - Accademia della Cattolica Religione - He reads papers in this Academy - Gregory XVI's kindness - Cardinal Giustimani - Albani - Pacca - ZurlaPolyglot party at Cardinal Zurla's in his honour - Opinions regarding himNumber of his languages - Mr. Mazzinghi - Dr. Cox - Dr. WisemanHerr Fleck - Greek EpigramHerr Fleck's criticisms - Mezzofanti's LatinityHis English - Dr. Baines - Cardinal Wiseman - Mr. Monckton Milnes - Mezzofanti's style formed on books - Lady Morgan's opinion of hisEnglishSwedish Literature - Professor Carlson - Count Oxen-stjernaArmenian Literature - Mgr. HurmuzPadre Angiarakian Arabic of SyriaGreek Literature - Mgr. Missir - Romaic - Abate Matranga - Polish LiteratureSicilianThe Poet Meli

CHAPTER XIII(1836-1838)
CalifornianOttawaAlgonquinArabicAlbaneseCingaleseChineseAfrican languagesLetters

CHAPTER XIV (1838-1841)
Cardinal priestCardinalFinancesResidencesPolyglot tributesFrugalityAbbadiesAbyssinianBasqueCriticsModesty

CHAPTER XV (1841-1843)
Author's own testimonyPhysical aspectEnglishEnglish dialectsEnglish litteratureEnglish churchPropagandaPolyglot recitationPolyglot conversationIrishPolyglot poemsCharacterHumor

CHAPTER XVI (1843-1849)
Favorite nephenSisterLater yearsEnglishNorth American LanguagesCriticismSpanishOther languagesRussianPolishHouse of CatechumenDeath of Gregory XVISicknessDeath

IntroductionDefinitionStagesTableLanguagesAnalysisReader's recollectionSystem to study languagesNatural GiftMental ProcessLiterary circlesRegretsCriticismsWriterConclusion

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