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Studies: German, Japanese, Hungarian, Sanskrit, Portuguese, Turkish, Mandarin
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 Message 25 of 74
11 May 2009 at 3:10pm | IP Logged 
Short summary for 4 months.

English. I keep listening to audiocourses/audiobooks. I can't estimate if my speaking fluency is improved: I feel it depend on a lot of things: especially on people who I am speaking with. It is rare then a person is patient enough to wait me formulating my great idea. I feel shadowing is not good for me but I have no excuse to neglect "back translation".

French. Je n'ai pas l'impression d'avancer. Je peux tenir conversation sur tous les sujets, mais ça m'étonne plus. Ma prononciation laisse à desirer. Je parle beaucoup moin avec les Français autochtons dans mon nouveau labo...

Spanish. Escuchando mucho puedo decir mas

Italian. Questa lingua prenda piu del tempo. Spero che sara una delle mie lingue "attive". Lavoro con "Assimil" ma non molto.

Japanese. Studing kanji a little, parallel text reading, seeing films...In short, activity neither regular ne intensive. So no progress...

German. Parallel text of reading: a half of "Vorleser"...I do not feel a lot of progress: so the activity was not sufficient. Also a was listening to a radio quite a lot, I hope I will accumulate some listening comprehension.

Arabic. Reading a little bit textbooks, no regular activity

Hungarian. I stick in the very beginning of "Assimil" course...

Greek. A little bit of parallel texts.

Mandarin. A little bit of listening.
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Studies: German, Japanese, Hungarian, Sanskrit, Portuguese, Turkish, Mandarin
Studies: Ancient Greek, Hindi

 Message 26 of 74
14 May 2009 at 2:10pm | IP Logged 
122-125 TAC days

General observations. I am very interesting in parallel textes in different languages (not Bible). I find wonderfull that in french historical places one can find information summary in different languages. For example, last year I brought from Saint-Malo the summary listes in 6 languages.

English. I was listening audiobook "Tess of the D'Urberville" by Thomas Hardy. This is annoying old-fashion story about seduced girl...

French. Il y une semaine, je suis allée voir l'opera "Werther" de Massnet. La musique est trés bonne, mais je n'ai pas trop aimé le personage de Werther.

Spanish. Canciones de "Mecano" ("Rosa es una rosa") y Nilda Fernandez (versos de Lorca:"Por el arco d'Elviro").

Italian. Guardavo l'emizzione in che gli esperti della TV parlavono se abbia il futuro per gli talanti. Uno comico diceva che no, che lui era obligato di partire.

German. Radio.

Japanese. I attacked the information list about Saint-Malo castle.

Mandarin. Reading textbook "300 phrases": there are easy phrases and substitution exercises.

Sanskrit. Training to type in devangary script in my computer. The target text is "Brahman and three thief" (from The Panchatantra - ancient compilation of Indian tales). In this tale a brahman is mistaken, that is not typical for Panchatantra tales: in the most of them a brahman show examples of intelligence).

Greek. Parallel text, with world list (texte is a tale about a king who has no child)

Russian. Почему бы и нет? А то ведь так не долго и родной язык позабыть (шутка). Начала читать "Черную легенду" Льва Гумилева: о взаимоотношениях Руси и народов Великой Степи (ужасных татаро-монголов). Как считает Гумилев, негативное отношение к нашим степным соседям - предвзято и исторически необосновано. Ны что ж, посмотрим...Во всяком случает, потрясает личность автора, который первую свою книгу написал в тюрьме! В предисловии ученик Гумилева объясняет, как сложилось предвзятое отношение европейцев к России. В глазах европейцев Россия и Монголия - единое целое. Доказательство тому - существование русского языка в школе восточных языков в Париже. Я тоже была поражена, что русский язык преподается как "langue d'O". Хотя есть здесь некоторое противоречие: если роль степных народов в истории России была положительной (а не трагедией, как это преподносит официальная версия, то что мы изучали в школе - татаро-монгольское иго), Россия и Степь - друзья, тогда что же плохого в том что европейцы нас отождествляют?
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Joined 5593 days ago

636 posts - 708 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, FrenchC1, English, Italian, Spanish
Studies: German, Japanese, Hungarian, Sanskrit, Portuguese, Turkish, Mandarin
Studies: Ancient Greek, Hindi

 Message 27 of 74
19 May 2009 at 9:00pm | IP Logged 
126-131 TAC days

English. Listening to "Tess of the D'Urberville"...Also listening to Assimil "L'Anglais par l'humor". Funny thing: when I heard "in the rush hour" firstly I understand as "in Russia"! I thought: "British peaple have a joke about us..."

French. J'ai regardé l'emission sur le reserve naturel des oiseaux. Ils organisent les sorties pour les personnes malvoyantes et les font toucher les oiseaux. Ils disent que les oiseaux, comme les chiens, ressent l'handicap.
J'ai continue "Les aventures d'un espion japonais en Tibet" (Hisao Kimura and Scott Berg). Hisao Kimura, un japonais, a traversé l'Asie en guerre des années 1940, déguisé en lama mongol. Il a apri la langue mongol dans un monaster, et c'étaient les enfants ces meilleures professeures parce que ils riaient chaque fois quand il faisait la faute.

Spanish. Canciones, dando un paseo.

Italian. Ascoltavo "Italiana in Algeri". Me fa ridere che Algeri di Rossini e abitato con turcos. Se no, me piaciono le opere di Rossini con le donne brave (Rosina, Isabella).
RaiUno: notizie della Turchia - molti personi uccidi in salone de nozze in uno villagio.
Continuo leggere Umberto Eco.

German. In Radio Bankrotten wird diskutieren. Werbung (Reklame) ist shlimmer Dinge für Sprachestudieren nicht, weil Worte wiederholen. Aber das nervenaufreibend ist.
"Der Tod in Venedig": ich bin in Wort(e) Wald verleben gehen (abgelegen)...
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636 posts - 708 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, FrenchC1, English, Italian, Spanish
Studies: German, Japanese, Hungarian, Sanskrit, Portuguese, Turkish, Mandarin
Studies: Ancient Greek, Hindi

 Message 28 of 74
23 May 2009 at 7:12pm | IP Logged 
132-135 TAC days
English. Two weeks after my trip from Strasbourg (where I am living now ) to Paris for UK visa and for the collaboration with my old lab which is in Gif-sur-Yvette (southern-west to Paris). There I studied a funny phenomenon named "sex-ratio" distortion. Normally in the progeny of Drosophila (a fruit fly - the best model for us, geneticists), we observe 50% of females as well as males. Females produce the gametes with X chromosome only while males produce two kinds of gametes - X and Y. So the combination XX and XY determine the sex of offspring (descendant). But there are X-chromosome called "distorter". The male carrying such a chromosome have about 90% in the progeny. This phenomenon was also shown for another animal and plant species.
Listening to "Tess". The passage about her return to her ill mother...
I start reading Kerouac "On the road". The hero split up with his wife met Dean - guy who was born in the road.
Spanish. Escuchando canciones de "rebelde" Janette.
Italian. Commincio a leggere "Il giro del mondo in aspettativa" di Andrea Bocconi. Parla delle persone che riesgano a sparire de sua vita ordinare. Il fuga non e sempre fisica: anche fuga dalla poesia e posibile.
German. Zwie Wochen nach mein Reise näch Paris (aus Strasbourg) für Arbeit. Ich würde spazieren gehen wenn ich Zeit hätte.

Hungarian. My only activity is listening to "Assimil" during walking and ... listening to my Hungarian colleagues speaking...I am very glad if I can recognize some worlds: "semmi"(nothing), "kőzőnőm" (thanks), "párizban" (in Paris), "nem" (no)
Nehéz a magyar nyelv

Hindi. Listening to audiocourse during walking. I like such a thing as language transparence: room is "kamra"! (कसरा) with a long final "a"

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636 posts - 708 votes 
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Studies: German, Japanese, Hungarian, Sanskrit, Portuguese, Turkish, Mandarin
Studies: Ancient Greek, Hindi

 Message 29 of 74
27 May 2009 at 8:44pm | IP Logged 
136-139 TAC days

English. Listening to "Tess". So this unlucky (unfortunate) girl have had a child...The child die. So I have listened a passage about his death and christening just before death: Tess baptise him herself because her farther forbid her to invite a parson. Then she left home go to work to some far place to forgot and restart her life. There she met a man...I do not know yet what happened but in another passage I had listened she is prisoner. So apparently it is more interesting than I thought.

French. Il y a deux semaines, j'ai regardé une émission intéressante sur Stonehenge: l'étude des dents des gens de l'age de bronze permet au chercheurs savoir ou vivaient les hommes. Un pauvre homme souffrant de la douleur des dents s'était rendu à Stonehenge et a été tué...
Hisao Kimura. C'est un jeune homme qui s'est lancé dans l'avanture pas pour les raisons politiques mais pour l'amour de l'avanture.

Italian. Informazione (due settimane fa): il papa visita Gerusalemme e Giordania. "Fiat" rischia chiusura. Parlavano anche del elezione europee.
"Il giro del mondo". L'eroe che era en la crisi spirituale voleva andare a India . Ma l'agenzia lo(gli) offriva il giro del mondo (racconta della fata).
"Isola". In inizio del libro l'eroe e sulla barca nàufraga aspettando il'attacco del nemico misterioso. Poi la sua vita e raccontata e la sua problema - il Alter Ego, fratello chi no essiste ma sempre gli da gli colpi.

Japanese. 京(みやこ)miyako totemo i des (deshta).

German. Schlafen vor TV... Drei Wochen nach ich habe "Alle Chris hassen - Chris hasst den Vatertag" gesehen. Der Sohn Geschenke für seiner Vater sucht. Ich habe das Humorprogramm gesehen. Aber ich konnte leider nicht verstehen.

Russian. Продолжаю читать "Дантес и Гончарова" Леонида Гроссмана. Книга написана в стиле мемуаров, от лица секунданта Дантеса - убийцы Пушкина. Комично выглядит император Николай - любитель пышных церемоний. А Дантес - просто жертва страстей? Кто ж теперь их разберет?Поражает фантазия писателей исторических романов - писать о людях, живших невесть сколько лет назад, как будто они сидят рядом с тобой...Конечно, они изучают исторические материалы...
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Joined 5593 days ago

636 posts - 708 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, FrenchC1, English, Italian, Spanish
Studies: German, Japanese, Hungarian, Sanskrit, Portuguese, Turkish, Mandarin
Studies: Ancient Greek, Hindi

 Message 30 of 74
31 May 2009 at 8:13pm | IP Logged 
140-143 TACs days

English. Continue "L'anglais par humor" from 28 chapitre it become more difficult

French. C'est halucinant! J'ai entendu à la radio qu'il y a les écrivants publiques (commes les filles...) qui proposent leurs services pour vous écrir la biographie: tel que vous voulez!
J'ai lu un guide turistique sur Londre. ça fait plaisir de savoir que dans un hotel dont le prix sont au-dessus de 150 euros l'accueil est tres cordial.

Italian. Come al solito, ho problema di memorizzare le cose facile: il peggiore e le giorni de la settimana e numeri.
"Assimil": Ascoltavo lezzione 79 (sulle feste). Ho imparato la lezzione 5. E dificile di realizare tutti "le sfumature" ("nuance" en francese) del uso del modo congiuntivo.Facevo "world list" con terza e quarta lezzione.
Guardavo l'emizzionne sulla produzione e consumazione di cafe: "nuovo petrolio" di nuestri giorni".

German. Drei Wochen nach: Radio hören(et?) Papas Besuch nach (im?zu?) Iordanie.
Fernseher: Information, Unterhalt (?Gespräh, Unterhaltung) mit arbeitene Krise übrigens. Ich habe "Zusammen ist man weniger allein" gesehen. Der Film ist nach dem Roman von Anna Godava gedreht: meine Tränen trocknen. Ich weiβ (kenne) Tema.
"Die Vermessung der Welt" (world list).

Japanese. 20 kanji

Mandarin. Parallel text reading: Den Cze.

Hindi. Listening to audiocourse during walking.

Russian. Перечитываю одну из моих любимых книг: "Защита Лужина".

Turkish. "Assimil" reading
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636 posts - 708 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, FrenchC1, English, Italian, Spanish
Studies: German, Japanese, Hungarian, Sanskrit, Portuguese, Turkish, Mandarin
Studies: Ancient Greek, Hindi

 Message 31 of 74
06 June 2009 at 6:18pm | IP Logged 
144-148 TAC days

English. OK, if I am listening to "Tess" in my morning walk/jogging it worth to continue reading (making world list). I get the idea of the book although I read only half and I listen to incomplet fragments of text. This book is about fatality and ireversibility of young errors. The girl had a misaventure, a baby, baby die and she is strong enough to start a new life in a new place. She met a man who fall in love with her and it is reciprocal. But...she will not be happy. One wrong step and you are in shit forever.
Seeing "The mark of vampire". Such a pretty old film (and another one I adore is "Dracula death and loving it")
I was performing some exercises described in Castaneda's book "Magical passes". Perhaps it's just a psychological effect but I already noted what Castaneda's books help me in real life...considering the fact I never got a hallucinogen plants. But the exercises aimed to "collect (pick)" the energy make me feel full of energy (or just a little bit more than usual)

French. En étudiant l'allemand j'ai decouvert un mot interessant "Mittel" qui correspond à la fois à "moyen" et "moyenne". C'est marrant!

Italian. Studiavo un po la grammàtica
Guardavo un po Rai Uno, il meteo. La prima volta sento l'espressione "tempesta del sole". Non so se esiste en altri lingui
Commincio a svegliarmi prima di 6 ora senza sveglia. Incredibile. Guardo la TV e bevo un cafe. Force commincio a adottare le abitudine del "sonno monastico" del poliglota celebre (famoso). O force sono molto preocupata per lavoro scientifico che faccio: la preparazzione del seminario, per esempio, le domande possibile?
Sto leggendo le conversazione con Carlos Castaneda, me piace un sacco, è uno degli miei autori preferiti. Possiamo considerarlo come "science-fiction", ma c'è una forza del argumentazione degli libri suoi che eccita, aiuta e non me lascia negli momenti bruti della vita.

Spanish. Escucho CD "Antologia de la poesia de amor". Hay obras de Lope de Vega, Garcilaso de la Vega, Miguel de Cervantes etc. El ritmo es un poco rapido para mi. Pero entiendo.

German. He-he: ist "te", nicht "et"! "World list" mit die klassische Musik
Ich habe Lust ausgehen aber war zu Hause geblieben
"Pons" Deutshprogramm hören.
"Punkt" sehen: Nord Korea Nukleik Programm Test, Australia - die Flut (? das Hochwasser)

Turkish. Hayat çok güzel! OK I guess I start to study Turkish. Why add one more language? Every time I have excuses. For Turkish I have quite strong motivation: I have Turkish colleagues in my lab. The alphabet is not difficult, the only thing that surprise me:"c" pronounce as "dj". So, starting world list.
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Joined 5593 days ago

636 posts - 708 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, FrenchC1, English, Italian, Spanish
Studies: German, Japanese, Hungarian, Sanskrit, Portuguese, Turkish, Mandarin
Studies: Ancient Greek, Hindi

 Message 32 of 74
15 June 2009 at 9:25pm | IP Logged 
148-156 TAC days

English. So, I was in Cambridge. A nice city. Espetially, the river bank with small boatles. And a very interesting architecture of numerous colledges. A lot of dogs, the durks...A lovely place for living. But sandwiches I bought in a shop near railway station were too big for me even after a journey of trip without eating a great stuff.
To absorb as much of the language as possible, I have spent evenings with TV (in my place I have only BBC in English, and I don't like it)

French. Il y a une chose interessante en Anglaiterre - c'est les tarifs hors heures de pointe (off peak ticket); ça motive les personnes qui n'ont pas besoin vital de voyager avant 9h30 à donner les places aux travailleurs serieux?

Italian. La vita...per non complicare le cose è meglio che sia un processo dall alchimia profonda interna. Se ci mettiamo anche consigli, da chinque provengano, mi sembra che divent ancora piu dificile darsi ascolto...insomma, sto leggendo Andrea Bocconi "Il giro del mundo". L'eroe parla del presagi: era innamorato di una donna imposibile, camminava per le stradine di Fiesole, ha alzato lo sguardo e ha visto un cartello con scritto chiaro: "Strada senza uscita"

Japanese. Asai 六 (roku) ji des:
起きる (okiru) muzukashi mondai des. 茶わん (chawan) ga arimas. いい (ii) des. 茶わん (chawan) ga 欲しい (hoshii) desu.
英吉利 (igirisu) 旅行 (ryokou) des

German. Ich fahre mit dem Zug nach London und Cambridge. Ich mag ein wenig Wörten Listen.

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