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rymdoctopi Newbie United States Joined 5381 days ago 1 posts - 1 votes
| Message 25 of 133 19 December 2009 at 7:38am | IP Logged |
I am brand new here and barely know a lick of Swedish. This forum seems to be one of the only ones relaxed enough to help me (I mean you even have a music thread!)
I have loved Swedish language pop and rock music for some time (Dungen, as of late) and there is a song that I have fallen in love with. The band Björns Vänner from Malmö have done a cover of Weezer's "Across the Sea" in their native tongue and I desperately want to have the words to see in Swedish.
I have found the song available to stream online:
http://www.klicktrack.com/klicktrack/releases/bjorns-vanner/ staffanstorp/1
My one wish is that someone could transcribe the words for me to keep!!
I just hope this isn't against any rules, I read all I could on the forum to see if this type of request is generally shunned - but everyone seemed pretty awesome.
Tack så mycket!
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| cordelia0507 Senior Member United Kingdom Joined 5765 days ago 1473 posts - 2176 votes Speaks: Swedish* Studies: German, Russian
| Message 26 of 133 28 January 2010 at 12:11am | IP Logged |
Jag har alltid gillat den här och den verkar ha haft en rennaissance på senaste tiden.
Ultima Thules version med TEXT.
Mer musikalisk version, med amatörvideo av skolungdomar.
En lördagsafton, då ungdomen i byn ej ens vid sabbatens inbrott avbröt sin yra dans, kom en främling till gillet, tog ledningen av dansen och föreslog till slut en slängdans eller "slinker". Dansen begynte: främlingen, som var ingen annan än "den lede" själv, var förste man i kedjan, och sedan följde de unga hand i hand. Som en virvelvind bar det åstad genom alla rum ur gård i gård, in genom dörrar och ut genom fönster. Ingen förmådde slita sig lös, och en dräng, som i förtvivlan högg sin fällkniv in i en dörrpost för att hålla sig fast, fick hela armen avsliten. Allt vildare gick dansen över åker och äng upp till Hårgabergets spets, och där fortsattes den ej blott tills livet flytt ur de dansande, utan ända tills deras ben var uppslitna; ja, huvudskallarna fortfor sedan att hoppa, tills även de var förnötta. Därför är ännu i dag Hårgabergets topp slät som ett jämnslipat stengolv |
Edited by cordelia0507 on 28 January 2010 at 12:13am
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| laban Triglot Groupie Israel Joined 5749 days ago 87 posts - 96 votes Speaks: Modern Hebrew*, English, Italian Studies: Norwegian, German
| Message 27 of 133 09 February 2010 at 10:28pm | IP Logged |
here's one of my classical favorites :
Folque - Harpa
Lyrics :
det bodde en binde ved en strand,
harpa toner var og fin.
to fagre døtre hadde han
fa la la la la la la la la la
den eldste til den yagre sa:
harpa toner var og fin.
la oss net til elven dra.
fa la la la la la la la la la
den yagste gikk føre som ea sol
harpa toner var og fin.
den elkste etter som orm i jord.
fa la la la la la la la la la
den yagste satte seg på en stein
harpa toner var og fin.
den eldste dyttet, hun var ikke sein.
fa la la la la la la la la la
hun strakte ut sin hvite hand,
harpa toner var og fin.
og ropte søster hjelp meg iland.
fa la la la la la la la la la
hvis jeg ikke hjelper deg,
harpa toner var og fin.
så vil din kjæreste ekte meg.
fa la la la la la la la la la
det var to gjetere på den strand
harpa toner var og fin.
og de så liket som fløt i land.
fa la la la la la la la la la
de tok fra hennes kropp et ben,
harpa toner var og fin.
og lagde av det en harpe ven.
fa la la la la la la la la la
de tok to lokker av hennes hår
harpa toner var og fin.
og harpa gyklne strenger får.
fa la la la la la la la la la
til søsterens bypllup ble harpa bragt
harpa toner var og fin.
og på en strubbe der ble den lagt.
fa la la la la la la la la la
det var senere på denne kveld
harpa toner var og fin.
at harpa splite av sev selv.
fa la la la la la la la la la
de den første strengen lød,
harpa toner var og fin.
den fortalte om brunden onde dåd.
fa la la la la la la la la la
de den andre strengen slo,
harpa toner var og fin.
bruden som forsenet sto.
fa la la la la la la la la la
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jeff_lindqvist Diglot Moderator SwedenRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 6836 days ago 4250 posts - 5711 votes Speaks: Swedish*, English Studies: German, Spanish, Russian, Dutch, Mandarin, Esperanto, Irish, French Personal Language Map
| Message 28 of 133 10 February 2010 at 1:50am | IP Logged |
Ja! Folque har jag lyssnat mycket på, och det finns fler låtar med dem på Youtube.
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| OlafP Triglot Senior Member Germany Joined 5362 days ago 261 posts - 667 votes Speaks: German*, French, English
| Message 29 of 133 14 February 2010 at 4:11pm | IP Logged |
Det är min dag idag, eftersom jag upptäckte tre älvorna som kallar sig "Ulvens Döttrar".
Bön för Östersjön:
Det var kärlek vid första ackordet. Jag köpte deras CD "Värm ditt blod" på Amazon just nu.
Kan någon förklara skillnaden mellan en ulv och en varg? Båda översättas som "wolf".
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| Ari Heptaglot Senior Member Norway Joined 6509 days ago 2314 posts - 5695 votes Speaks: Swedish*, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin, Cantonese Studies: Czech, Latin, German
| Message 30 of 133 14 February 2010 at 4:32pm | IP Logged |
Ulv och varg är samma sak. "ulv" låter något ålderdomligt och otäckare (som till exempel "Fenrisulven"). Inom
fantasylitteratur använder man ibland ordet "ulv" för att beteckna en varelse som är som en varg fast större och
Du kan översätta "ulv" som "warg" på engelska, det har ungefär samma konnotationer.
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| OlafP Triglot Senior Member Germany Joined 5362 days ago 261 posts - 667 votes Speaks: German*, French, English
| Message 31 of 133 14 February 2010 at 9:46pm | IP Logged |
Thanks for sorting this out. I'm going to write this post in English, otherwise it will take me all night. Well, as it seems, the latest CD that the "Daughters of the Wolf" released in 2009 isn't available at retail. Shame on this "music" industry that produces tons of primitive junk to rip off 13-year-olds and those who never make it beyond that point, and ignores really talented and well-educated musicians. So you have to order this CD, which also contains "Bön för Östersjön", at their website:
One of the three sisters, Isabella, has a blog (http://isabellasvardagsvisor.blogspot.com/), where I found the lyrics of
Bön för Östersjön
Det finns en droppe, blå och klar
i varje hjärta
Den glömdes kvar
av havet
när det födde oss
till liv på land
Så vet vi
när vi lyssnar
förbi orden, genom bruset:
sjökalvarnas blommiga dans,
sandmusslornas stillsamma glans
Att blåstången är ett vaggande bo
för alla de mjukskinnade små
och sjöstjärnorna lyser
ett annat ljus i djupet
där torsken krusar bottnen
med sitt skägg
Att havet är i oss
och vi ur havet
Står vi på stranden
och längtar efter
enkelt mod och möten?
Stort flödar ljuset
över sund och flador,
och havet slutar inte
svara oss:
Att havet är i oss
och vi ur havet
(Carina Karlsson)
Here is my attempt of a translation. The middle part is a sequence of clauses that all refer back to the last line of the first part. It looks a bit weird in English, but maybe I just got something wrong:
Prayer to the Baltic Sea
There is a drop, blue and clear, in every heart,
Which is a relict from the sea,
When it bore us to live at land,
So we know/recognise, when we listen beyond words, through the noise:
Some jellyfish's flowery danse,
Some sandshells' silent splendor,
That blue seaweed is rocks being alive,
Since all the soft-skinned small beings (?)
and starfish(s) give off
A different light in the depths,
Where the cod crawls at the ground with its beard,
That the sea is in us and we are from the sea.
Are we standing on the beach and yearn
for simple courage and an encounter?
Strongly flows the light over straits and lagoons
And the sea doesn't stop replying to us:
That the sea is in us and we are from the sea.
One more thing, now that I'm at it. One of the sisters, Johanna Grüssner, recorded a jazz album with the pianist Mika Pohjola, which is called "Nu blir sommar". The cover looks horrible, but the content is amazing. The songs are mainly traditional Swedish tunes with a jazz piano accompaniment. The only exception is a Swedish version of the well-known ballad "What are you going to do the rest of your life". This CD is amazing. The song "Den blomstertid nu kommer" is an a-capella arrangement with four overdubbed voices in a kind of jazzy counterpoint. I've never heard anything like that before. Johanna's voice is crystal-clear, which is another reason to get if you're learning Swedish. Man, what a discovery! I still feel like in fairyland.
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| Ari Heptaglot Senior Member Norway Joined 6509 days ago 2314 posts - 5695 votes Speaks: Swedish*, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin, Cantonese Studies: Czech, Latin, German
| Message 32 of 133 14 February 2010 at 10:10pm | IP Logged |
Good translation. However: "blåstång" does not derive its name from "blå", but rather from "blåsa" (blister),
of its appearence. It's actually quite green.
"Den blomstertid nu kommer" is sung at the last day of school before summer in just about every public school
Sweden, performed by a choir of schoolchildren. It's a pretty pretty song.
If you like acapella and Swedish, I trust you've heard The Real Group (http://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=VUe1boOWeHo)? If not, you're in for a treat. They do a lot of songs in English, but many
in Swedish, too. For
some reason their maybe most famous song "Alla talar med varandra" is not on YouTube, but a lot of other good
stuff (like the great "Den makalösa manicken") is.
EDIT: Checking out their other videos, be sure not to miss this impromptu performance
v=XcRlBQF2AYc). It's pretty impressive. Seems they're popular in Korea?
EDIT: Having trouble getting the links to work.
Edited by Ari on 14 February 2010 at 10:20pm
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