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Musik från Skandinavien!

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 Message 121 of 133
13 December 2013 at 3:26pm | IP Logged 
Drömhus - Hålla dig nära

Caramell - Explodera

Edited by Medulin on 13 December 2013 at 3:27pm

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 Message 122 of 133
21 December 2013 at 12:24am | IP Logged 
utu wrote:
Oh, funny coincidence (if this can be called a coincidence...?)! Were you familiar with his band too?

Well, the Swedish trad-folk world isn't that big, and if somebody plays an "exotic" instrument (e.g. mandolin), chances are that people from the same circle know the musician.

By the way, the band is relatively new, but yes, I've seen them once (earlier this year).
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 Message 123 of 133
26 December 2013 at 4:59pm | IP Logged 
Very nice topic. Music is often the easiest and most entertaining way to discover a language.
I have to say that despite being a country with a very small population, the faroense do make good music and their ballads really stand out against most of the songs posted here. Congrats!
Anyway, I guess Sweden, Norway and Danmark have a lot more to offer. Could you suggest popmusic or other easy-listening music from those countries?
With a quick search on youtube, I came across Veronica Maggio (I really like her as a singer) and a lot of swedish music, while I haven't found much about Norwegian music (with the remarkable exception of a number of black metal bands, it looks like local songwriters and bands prefer English language) or Danish (only Rasmus Seebach and Kim Larsen plus tons of rap music or old-fashioned stuff)
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 Message 124 of 133
26 December 2013 at 6:50pm | IP Logged 
There surely is music in Norwegian, you just have to look. While in Oslo, I bumped into an album release of the hiphop band Karpe Diem. Kaizers Orchestra sing in Norwegian, as do (did) Folque. I'm sure I've heard singer-songwriter Henning Kvitnes do something in Norwegian as well.
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 Message 125 of 133
27 December 2013 at 10:23am | IP Logged 
Medulin, you've made my day! That's the kind of music I miss... In theory it's the same crap as last Britney's singles today, but somehow I prefer the old school much more...

SchwarzerWolf - you've forgotten about Medina :] If it comes to Norway...
Forlat, I had to paste it :P

P.S. Utu, I already love you, irrespective of your sex.

Edited by prz_ on 27 December 2013 at 10:38am

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 Message 126 of 133
27 December 2013 at 2:39pm | IP Logged 
Medina is Danish and I don't like her music so much. :p
I also found out Vinni on youtube, even if his most famous song is inspired by a song of Halvdan Sivertsen, it's still nice. But generally speaking he's another scandinavian rapper.

Vinni - Sommerfuggel i Vinterland

This is Lene Marlin:

Lene Marlin - Kanskje du behøver noen
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 Message 127 of 133
09 January 2014 at 4:13pm | IP Logged 
This is currently one of my favorite Norwegian songs. I believe it came out a few months ago, but I still hear it quite a lot on the radio. It's one of those songs that make me stop whatever I'm doing in order to just listen and enjoy.

Oh, and I also find the lyrics very beautiful.

Louis Jacoby - Til dagslyset kommer

Bli hos meg til dagslyset kommer
La vinternatta tro den er blitt sommer
Gi meg all din varme
Slipp håret så det flommer
Bli hos meg til dagslyset kommer

Vi møttes i et veikryss inni sjela vår i kveld
På den veien der hvor livet går seg vill
Flyet går så tidlig
Og da må vi ta farvel
Så hold meg så jeg kjenner jeg er til

Nå har vi blitt så nær som to mennesker kan bli
Om noen timer må vi la hverandre gå
Denne natta vil vi bære med oss inn i evig tid
La oss leve våre drømmer her og nå

Bli hos meg til dagslyset kommer
La vinternatta tro den er blitt sommer
Gi meg all din varme
Slipp håret så det flommer
Bli hos meg til dagslyset kommer

Ved daggry vil du låse døra inn til hjertet ditt
Og slippe nøkkel'n ned i jakkelomma mi
Aldri skal ditt hjerte banke like sterkt og fritt
Som i denne natt som sakte drar forbi

Og snart så er det tomrommet som jeg skal bære på
Og som bare du kan fylle opp en gang
Intet blir som før etter alt vi deler nå
Som tekst og tone i en avskjedssang

Bli hos meg til dagslyset kommer
La vinternatta tro den er blitt sommer
Gi meg all din varme
Slipp håret så det flommer
Bli hos meg til dagslyset kommer

Bli hos meg til dagslyset kommer
Bli hos meg til dagslyset kommer

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Joined 4052 days ago

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 Message 128 of 133
18 January 2014 at 3:36pm | IP Logged 
laban wrote:
Here's an Icelandic song by Sykurmolarnir (the Sugarcubes) I really like

The thing is, I've been looking for the Icelandic lyrics for over a year now, scouring
the net and asking in many forums - all to no avail. I even tried asking for people to
transcribe them for me, but Icelandic speakers are almost non existent online. Perhaps
someone here would be able/willing to help out somehow *crossing fingers* :)

I know I'm replying really late but here are the lyrics if anyone wants them:

Bíddu mín undir stóru vatni
Bíddu mín ég verð að fara
inn í stóru borgina
hún sýgur mig ákveðið til sín
Bíddu mín undir stóru vatni
Bíddu mín ég kem
Slappaðu af og lokaðu augunum
Bíddu mín ég kem í sumar
Við hittumst aftur við vatnið
eftir öll þessi ár
Þú sagðir: Komdu!
Ég elska þig, elska þig
Þú veist ég kem aftur
Haltu í þér andanum
og hjúfraðu þig að klakanum
Bíddu mín undir stóru vatni
Bíddu mín og teldu upp að tíu
Svo rístu upp og opnar augun
Ég fer...
Nú var vatnið ísilagt og kalt
Yfir ísinn við gengum oní* vök
Ég hvarf upp, í gegnum ísinn horfi ég á þig
leggjast yfir
Ég fálmaði, fálmaði og kyssti í gegnum ísinn
Ást, ástín þín
Ég vil þig
Bíddu mín undir stóru vatni
Bíddu mín og sönglaðu
Hún kemur, hún kemur, hún kemur
Bíddu mín, ég kem
Ég var bara út í vatnið oní undir ísnum
Ég var bara að að höggva niðri við vatnið
oní undir ísnum
ég var bara, eitthvað orðinn skrýtinn
því ég faðmaði, fálmaði
og kyssti brjóstið
því þú vildir koma til mín
nei, bæ, bæ
undir... yfir... vatnið... ég kem
Bíddu mín undir stóru vatni

*ofan í

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