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 Message 57 of 292
18 March 2012 at 1:37pm | IP Logged 
This method of transcribing is working out really well. I've done another one "Les Yeux Grands Fermes"

There are mistakes, of course, and the translation from Fr to Eng is not particularly good. After weeding out all the mistakes I didn't want to spend much time on the translation -- don't need to -- since the main purpose of the exercise is checking and correcting my misakes by looking up each word, each conjugation, each preposition. I know I make a lot, and it takes an hour to listen-pause-write, and then clean up the transcription. For my French, this is better than lang-8. Lang-8 just gives me the correction. I rewrite it, it's a mechanical exercise. With transcription I'm actually trying to solve a puzzle. So here's what I did:

Au moins de Février deux mille douze, votre magazine Ecoute vous emmène dans le parc de loisir Francais.
At the end of February 2012, your magazine Ecoute will take you to a leisure parc in France.

Depuis une quinzaine d’ années, il voit leur frequentation augmenter regulièrement.
For/Since about 15 years, it sees its (number of visitors) increase regularly.

Nous allons aujourd’hui nous intéresser au Futuroscope près de Poitie dans l'ouest de la France.
We are going to be interested in Futuroscope today, near Poitie in the East of France.

Ce parc est consacré à la technologie de l'image.
This park is devoted to image technology.

L'une des attractions dans ce parc est très originale et vous propose tous simplement de devenir aveugle pendant une vingtaine de minutes.
one of the attractions in the park is very original and proposes quite simply that you become blind for about 20 minutes.

Elle s'appelle Les yeux grands fermés.
It's called "Eyes wide shut" (or something like that; I couldn't find it in the internet)

Par groupe de quinze, les visiteurs s'engagent dans un parcour plusieurs salles.
Visitors engage in a parcour of many rooms in groups of 15.

ils sensent un noir absolute.
They sense total blackness.

Ils ne peuvent se diriger q'avec leurs autre senses.
They are only allowed to lead themselves with their other senses.

oh! il y a nombres pièges du Parcours
There's a number of traps in the course

. Heureusement un guide nonvoyant est la pour les aider.
Luckily a seeing guide is there to help (them/the visitors)

l'objective de cette attraction est bien évidement de faire comprendre les difficultes que rencontre des aveugles tous les jours en le manière dans aller seulement.
The objective of this exhibit is obviously to make understood the difficulties that blind people are confronted with everyday, in going alone.

There were a number of words that I'd never used or knew how to use like "consacre" and "loisir". The most important thing for me is that Ecoute is not too fast, not too slow but just riiiight :) This episode of Ecoute is easier than some of the others (I'm judging by the number of words in the podcast; Nicola Dambre speaks slower.) I'd say this one is B1. I tried RFI and it was too difficult, probably C1.

A really nice bonus to this exercise is it's training me on what to watch out for. After transcribing/checking about 3-4 of these podcasts, I'm now more aware of verb/subject agreement and for French in particular, noun/adjective agreement!

edit: typos

Edited by Sunja on 18 March 2012 at 4:15pm

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 Message 58 of 292
04 April 2012 at 3:49pm | IP Logged 
Things have slowed down a bit now that it's Spring Break. We've got a nice 4-day weekend coming up here and France as well, starting with Friday ( de congé pour faire le pont).

I haven't done much of anything. Just a few days ago I started scrambling to make up for all the -days lost- (see date of last post to get an idea how far behind I am!). So, when I say "scrambling" that means I can't recall exacting what I've been doing.

In a nutshell:

I'm trying to make it my goal of translating one text per day (anything, as long as it's B2/C1) from English or German to French. It's the fastest way to find grammar mistakes and correct them. I'm also transcribing articles from Revue de la Presse, which is excellent for listening. Boy, it's tiring! I get as far as the 3rd paragraph article and then I have to stop. I really like this type of excercise for picking out dates and percentages, which is really hard in French, IMO. In French you have to perform a small calculation everytime a date whizzes by and I know how hard that must be in a testing situation, so I've been practicing.

Ah yes, the test has been on my mind a lot lately..

B2 or C1? -- that is the question. I really shouldn't push beyond what I know now. I still can't speak with confidence, although I don't think it would take but a few days of intensive practice to get there. The problem is there's not that much time left before June. I only need B2 for my job as a tutor. The gymnasium level kids learn French up to class 13, which is B2. They have 19-yr-old graduates that tutor French -- if they can do it, so can I. *sigh* C1 would be so much better but I'm afraid as it stands now, I'm not up to that point.

I'm looking forward to the 4-day weekend and I'll try to do better at keeping track of my hours. I'm really motivated to get some studying done! Here goes!

Edited by Sunja on 04 April 2012 at 7:44pm

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 Message 59 of 292
04 April 2012 at 7:43pm | IP Logged 
I had the same kind of dilemma with JLPT. I didn't know whether to aim for N4, which I could pass tomorrow with no work, N3 which I hope I can pass with some work or N2 which I might pass with a lot of work. In the end I went for the middle option but part of me still thinks about how embarrassing it will be if I fail!

I have no experience of the DALF but I wonder if speaking is your biggest worry, is it possible to find someone willing to talk to you for an hour or so and give you some honest feedback before you commit to a level?
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 Message 60 of 292
04 April 2012 at 8:01pm | IP Logged 
g-bod wrote:
I have no experience of the DALF but I wonder if speaking is your biggest worry, is it possible to find someone willing to talk to you for an hour or so and give you some honest feedback before you commit to a level?

edit: oops, I misunderstood the question. Rephrase:

I'd have to find someone online. My daughter's French teacher would have been a good choice but she's on maternity leave right now. There's not too many French speakers in my neck of the woods..

I'm not worried for the moment. I need to becomed more accustomed to how the language is used before I open my mouth. I don't think C1 will be possible, but who knows? There's still a little bit of time left!

Edited by Sunja on 04 April 2012 at 8:04pm

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 Message 61 of 292
07 April 2012 at 2:11pm | IP Logged 
I've decided to learn about as much French vocabulary as I can during this four-day weekend. I started with the dictionary and picked out words at random, but then I noticed that after a several hours (between Thursday and Friday), the dictionary started to get kind of boring,

so I've dug up one of my Lernkrimis "Coups de Feu a Versailles" which is listed by the Compact publishing house as B2. I'm going to finish the book and the excercises before Tuesday -- I hope.

I'm also working through one of the DELF B2 books "200 activités". I only paid 4€ "used" at Amazon and now I know why -- it didn't come with a CD --! Oh well.

All of that should put me in a good place as far as reading and writing are concerned.

As long as I'm filling in some gaps in my vocabulary, here's a few phrases and words that I need to learn for this level. The translation may be flawed but it's enough to get me started:

à bout -- at the end
faire la grasse matinée -- sleep in
allergie a la poussière -- dust allergy
bain de foule -- walkabout ("Bummel" in German)
la confiance -- trust, confidence
la confidence -- secret
pas du tout du goût de -- not at all (somebody's) taste
il n'en revient pas -- he doesn't realise
zone de stationnement interdit -- no parking zone
arriver sur place -- to get (somewhere)
l'entrée principale -- main entrance
le panneau -- sign
propres frais -- (one's) own expenses
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 Message 62 of 292
07 April 2012 at 6:32pm | IP Logged 
After about two hours of reading my book and doing the exercises in between chapters, I've got a good idea of where I am and what I need to work on.

Here's some more words I need to know,

les piétons -- pedestrians
s'envoler -- to fly away
l'ombre -- shade
un emplacement -- location
plein de bosses -- bumpy
la croissance, croitre -- growth, to grow
digérer -- digest
surveiller le poids -- watch the weight
se noyer -- drown
service d'aide medicale d'urgénce (le SAMU)
infirmier -- doctor
pompier -- fireman
boucher -- butcher
menuisier -- carpenter
tout mouillé -- completely soaked
repartir -- devide
ralentir -- slow down
une grenouille -- a frog

I've ordered another Lernkrimi (B2) so I can continue filling in the gaps in my vocabulary. I have my newspaper subscription, and I've also ordered another book full of crossword puzzles and word games for strengthening (again) my vocabulary.

The only thing left for me to do is to get it done, so here goes!

Edited by Sunja on 07 April 2012 at 6:42pm

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 Message 63 of 292
08 April 2012 at 8:06pm | IP Logged 
Easter Sunday has been super busy -- not exactly a productive day for French. We've been doing family stuff today, and my family members are discussing politics and religion and I've decided to take a break to come in and report that. needless to say I haven't gotten very far with my book.

I also didn't real much because I got sidetracked in part because of another post I'd made, referring to articles about popular testing topics. I found an article about chirurgien plasticien and boy, it got me thinking. I made a mind map with the help of the article. I'd like to continue with it tomorrow. Unfortunately none of the passive knowledge (the translating and the reading) has crossed the threshold to speaking. The key is vocabulary. If I don't know the vocabulary well enough I can't use it. It seems so close and yet so far. I may be one of these people that blurts everything out in the end, or not at all. Time will tell.

oops, I'm being called back into the bear pit..

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 Message 64 of 292
09 April 2012 at 1:34pm | IP Logged 
This has been a great four days and I'm a little disappointed that I'm about to be thrown back into my busy schedule, struggling to steal a few precious minutes of French/Türkish out of the day.

I'm a bit down. All the work I've done has left me with a rather sobering assessment of my skills and the glowing optimism I felt on Thursday has definitely died down. No more "I'm king of the world" speeches in front of the Academy he-he.

I've got a lot of work to do to fill in the gaps in my vocabulary and grammar. It's keeping me from writing and speaking at the level I want to be at. I think my output level is still trudging along at B1 (⌒_⌒;) I've done exercises in both preparatory books and B1 is no problem when it comes to comprehension (90% correct) but speaking and text production is still too much of a struggle. Unfortunately I've been making too many comprehension mistakes in the B2 book (40%) and that's mainly because of my lack of vocabulary.

I'd like to improve but it doesn't look very promising! End of the school year is always super busy for me. I work in the late afternoons and evenings, and I also have to make sure my kids don't fall behind in -their- studies. Those two things definitely take priority over my hobby.

Still, I'm motivated to try and make it work.

EDIT: just a side note, if anyone is interested in Turkish, I'm reading for the "Super Challenge" and I'll be posting comments at my blog
I decided not to do it here because I need a larger space for the 100 books and 100 films I'll be doing!

Edited by Sunja on 14 April 2012 at 7:33pm

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