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Studies: Mandarin, Finnish

 Message 129 of 408
26 August 2013 at 9:32am | IP Logged 

I've been linguistically lazy this weekend. So instead of trying to comply with my
grand plans and ending up not doing anything, I've decided to content myself with doing
some easy stuff: I started listening to a new ChinesePod podcast about a
落在出租车上的手机 and I've continued reading a bit of 《围城》. By the way, it's just too
bad there are only four novels in the same collection (Sinolingua's Abridged Chinese
Classic Series), because they are a perfect match for my level (or my laziness) when I
want extensive reading and no or very little dictionary lookup. I own two of those
novels and I intend to order the other two (巴金的《春》、《秋》).

I've had two "linguistic opportunities" this weekend: I spent two days hiking and
camping in the Ardennes with my youngest son. As is often the case in this Walloon
area, the camping place in which we stopped for the night was owned by Flemish/Dutch
people who, for once, spoke little to no French, so I had to brush up on my Dutch
quickly, which was great. And then, as I stopped in a pharmacy to buy a tick remover
(it seems you can't go out hiking for two minutes without hosting one or two of those
nasty bugs this year), there were two ladies trying to explain something to the village
pharmacist, who didn't understand their broken English. Not that he would have
understood perfect English anyway. It turned out the ladies were Chinese, so I had the
opportunity to impress everybody by helping them out. It was quite a surprise for them,
to come across someone who spoke (broken) Chinese in such a remote place. Fortunately I
had my phone and Pleco, so they could use it to write the all important word I did not
understand: 发炎. Maybe that's one of the things they will tell about their travel in
Europe when they get back :-)

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 Message 130 of 408
27 August 2013 at 8:53am | IP Logged 

Watched travel in Chinese, episode 6. I hate to say something negative about a useful
free resource but the acting is so bad it hurts.

Finished the ChinesePod podcast about the 落在出租车上的手机 including parroting and

Continued reading the transcript of the 锵锵三人行 show. While reading a novel or an
article, if I come across a sentence I don't understand, it usually boils down to
looking up the unknown words, and 8 times out of 10, I can make sense of that passage.
In this case, it's not enough: run-on, broken, free flowing sentences, slang,
digressions, etc. all tend to make things very hard to follow.

Continued reading 《围城》.

Usual vocab drills.

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Joined 4201 days ago

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Studies: Mandarin, Finnish

 Message 131 of 408
28 August 2013 at 9:45am | IP Logged 

Routine work mostly. But routine is, I believe, the most efficient language learning
tool. And the second most useful language learning tool is: breaking the routine.

So, I started work on a new ChinesePod podcast about a 会员卡.

I kept on reading the abridged version of 《围城》.

On NDTV, I watched a news item about a knife attack in a bus in 成都. I used ASC for
Android to loop through some sentences and use them as a dictation (in pinyin).

BTW, strange as it may seems, I'd never used that method to try and improve my
listening comprehension but it looks like it could be extremely useful and I intend to
do more pinyin dictations.

I watched a show on CCTV 4 about a very old 妹妹 and her even older 哥哥 who had been
separated by the civil war and who were reunited in Taiwan, and then another one about
an old man teaching 书法 to the kids of his community.

Usual vocab drills with Anki (general purpose deck), Pleco (words collected while
reading) and Skritter (characters).


Read a bit of Winnie Ille Pu.
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Joined 4201 days ago

443 posts - 581 votes 
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Studies: Mandarin, Finnish

 Message 132 of 408
29 August 2013 at 9:36am | IP Logged 

First, I read an article about the US having intercepted a phone call proving that the
Syrian army had used chemical weapons (美国截获电话记录证明叙政府军使用了化武) and then I
started reading a very long, detailed article about how the US also spied on the EU
(and the UN): 美国如何监听欧盟. "两个星期前,美国总统奥巴马还在记者会上 称,监听计划只是为了阻止恐怖袭
击" (two weeks ago, during a press conference, US president Obama had declared that the
only objective of the monitoring plan was to prevent terrorist attacks).
Finished the ChinesePod lesson about 会员卡 and started another one about 脚臭、 汗臭、 狐
臭、 口臭 and other forms of bromidroses (check that!). Yummy! By the way, the voice
actors are always excellent.

I continued reading 《围城》 and reached the part where the meaning of the title is
finally explained: "结婚好像被围困的城堡,城外的人想冲进去 城里的人想冲出来" (Marriage is like a
besieged fortress; those who are outside want to get in; and those who are inside wish
they could get out).

Usual round of vocabulary revision with Anki, Pleco and Skritter.

NB: I have no idea why some of the Chinese characters I write appear as a black square
with a question mark inside. Sorry.

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Joined 4201 days ago

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Studies: Mandarin, Finnish

 Message 133 of 408
01 September 2013 at 5:28pm | IP Logged 

I finished reading that long article about how the US has been spying on the EU. A
fascinating read with some interesting vocabulary about computing and, well, spying.
Maybe I can watch James Bond in Chinese now. How do they say "Shaken, not stirred"?

The article.

I continued reading many pages of 《围城》. Maybe I should count how many pages I read
daily, to motivate myself.

I finished the ChinesePod lesson about 狐臭、脚臭等. Then I started another one about 学游
泳 and I also finished it.

I went to the one local Chinese bookstore. They had the abridged versions of 巴
金's《春》 and 《秋》 (Sinolingua) and I bought both, as I will soon have finished 《围

I tried to watch the first episode of a series called 空镜子, but it looks like it's
still too difficult for me. Maybe I'll give it another try anyway.

I continued studying my vocabulary as usual with Pleco, Anki and Skritter.
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Joined 4201 days ago

443 posts - 581 votes 
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Studies: Mandarin, Finnish

 Message 134 of 408
02 September 2013 at 10:50am | IP Logged 

I don't have to tell HTLAL people that one of the big problem with older or traditional
language courses is that there is often too much L1 and too little L2. You are
supposed to learn Mandarin but, apart from a short dialogue, everything is explained in
English. I can't remember where I got that idea, but I thought that maybe that flaw of
many traditional courses could be turned to our advantage like this: use a course
designed for Chinese people learning your L1. So, on a whim, I typed "学习外语词汇" in
Youtube and, sure enough, I came across a long video which is supposed to teach English
but where the teacher actually speaks very clear Chinese (though slightly above my
comfort zone - and hence, perfect for extensive listening) most of the time, to explain
the use of some English words. And the proportions are now perfect: 90% Chinese, 10%

Enjoy this as an example.
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Joined 4201 days ago

443 posts - 581 votes 
Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin
Studies: Mandarin, Finnish

 Message 135 of 408
03 September 2013 at 10:07am | IP Logged 

Language learners are often advised to enjoy their hobby in their target language. As I
probably spend too much time reading *about* language learning, I thought I might as
well do it in Chinese so I found a long booklet called 《如何学习言语(外语)?》 and I
started reading it.

As it happens, the very first piece of advice given to language learners is to spend
less time worrying about the techniques and the methods and more time studying.

"太讲究方法和技巧会被其用战多的时间和精 ,而对学习的内容本身投入较少的时间和精 ,因此反而会影响学习的效果。"

The article.

I haven't found a Chinese equivalent of HTLAL yet. Any tip?

Started the ChinesePod lesson about 婚纱照。

Almost finished reading the abridged version of《围城》。

Usual vocab drills with Anki, Pleco and Skritter.
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Joined 4201 days ago

443 posts - 581 votes 
Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin
Studies: Mandarin, Finnish

 Message 136 of 408
04 September 2013 at 9:08am | IP Logged 

Finished reading 《围城》. Though it's only the abridged version I enjoyed it very much.
It's a sarcastic and bitter story set in a crepuscular China about rather pathetic
characters who don't seem to notice that the world is crumbling around them. The last
scene with the clock is poignant and I couldn't help but feel sorry for the foolish 方

I finished the podcast about 婚纱照。 I'm now used to parroting and shadowing while
walking to and from the metro station. Passers-by are amused. So am I.

I also listened to the old show I mentioned the day before yesterday: 英语词汇立体记忆.
The English they teach is often funny (Chinglish?) but fortunately the main point of
the show is to explain a series of English word in Chinese, so they speak Chinese much
more than English and it's the first time I can listen to a real Chinese show and make
something out of it. Time to celebrate.

I continued reading a bit of 《如何学习言语(外语)?》

I did the usual vocabulary drills.

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