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 Message 57 of 408
09 May 2013 at 10:58pm | IP Logged 
A very busy day - but not for languages.


In addition to the usual vocabulary drill (review of HSK5 words - not HSK4-, plus the
most frequent 汉字, plus random words collected while reading), I did a "three-
dictionary session".

I found an interesting article about 钻石劫案 (diamond robbery) committed in Brussels
airport in February. Today31名嫌疑人被拘留. This goes to show that the vocabulary learnt
while reading the comic 名侦探柯南, last month, was in fact very useful. I had no time to
read the entire text, I may continue tomorrow.
The article.
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 Message 58 of 408
10 May 2013 at 8:40pm | IP Logged 

Vocabulary: HSK4 and HSK5 (review only), characters (review + 2 new characters),
vocabulary collected while reading (review + 20-30 new words). 

Finished reading the article about 比利时5000万美元钻石的劫案. It reads like a written
version of Guy Ritchie's picture « Snatch » which, it's no coincidence, also starts in

Read another article about a subject that is currently jeopadizing the commercial
relations between the EU and China: 关于中国的光伏板,委员会计划采取行动解决 所谓的倾销问题。


Reviewed my vocabulary queue in LWT.
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 Message 59 of 408
10 May 2013 at 8:59pm | IP Logged 
lorinth wrote:

The book is 黄金时代, by 王小泼。 It's available online on several sites (e.g. I don't know exactly when it was written, but
it was probably in the 1990s (see Wikipedia article on Wang Xiaobo). It's not only that
sex is alluded to in this novel, it's the main subject. For the main character (the 她
in the sentences we've been discussing), sex is the only way to escape the stifling and
hypocrite atmosphere of the 知识青年 period. Well, at least that's how I understand it.
I've posted some brief comments on the book while I was reading it, if you're

You're right to say that contemporary Chinese literature is relatively shy, much more
so than ancient literature... 金瓶梅 is bolder than many modern books, in this regard.
Though some books by 余华 are also slightly more raunchy, particularly 兄弟, which I've
read in French (though I've read 活着 and 许三观卖血记 in Chinese).


If it was written in the 1990s, then it's not that weird. Mainstream writers don't usually put sexual stuff in their book, unless it's for comic relief. Books like 金瓶梅 are not taken seriously, but rather were manually copied and spread around for sharing purposes only. Anyway, despited being officially banned for centuries, 金瓶梅 still exists, so no matter what dynasty it is, people like to read books with sexual content - human nature I guess.
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 Message 60 of 408
13 May 2013 at 9:32pm | IP Logged 
11-12 May


Vocabulary: HSK4 and HSK5 (review only), characters (review + 2 new characters),
vocabulary collected while reading (review + 20-30 new words/day). 

While shopping, I listened to all 25 chapters of FTRP Graded Readers, level 3B,  好一朵
茉莉花。 As expected, I'll have to listen to it again while reading.


Mientras leía cuentos de Bolaño, subrayé palabras que no conocía. Hoy, busqué dichas
palabras en mi diccionario para hacer una lista del tipo « Gold Book ». Sobre tres o
cuatro páginas, parece increíble el número de palabras que aparentemente no están en
los diccionarios en línea que utilizé, incluído el mismo diccionario de la Real
Academia, por ejemplo: rechuchas, canita, culiado, canterano, mediopunta (los dos
últimos creo que entiendo, seguramente términos futbolísticos).

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 Message 61 of 408
14 May 2013 at 9:06am | IP Logged 

Chinese vocabulary: HSK5 (review only), characters (review + 2 new characters), random
vocabulary (review + 20-30 new words).

On BBC News in Chinese, read an article saying that
通过贷款在英国读书的海外学生不能在毕业之 后逃避还债的义务
(foreign students who have borrowed money to study in the UK cannot avoid
reimbursing after they have finished studying

And another short one about the interesting subject of 高温承压用合金钢连钢管, imports of
which are doomed because 中国要进行反倾立案调查 (an antidumping investigation will be
initiated by China concerning some kind of alloy steel tubes

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 Message 62 of 408
15 May 2013 at 8:53am | IP Logged 

Chinese vocabulary: HSK4 and HSK5 (review only), characters (review + 2 new
characters), random vocabulary (review + 20-30 new words).

Read chap. 8 of 《中国进行时》, about the new (when the book was written) opportunities
offered to Chinese people who wish to travel abroad. That chapter is way easier than
the previous one.

Read almost all of a long article about 欧盟委员会进行的调查
concerning 两个中国网络设备供应商的不公平贸易行为。
(an investigation (that might be) initiated by the EU Commission concerning the
(allegedly) unfair trade practices of two Chinese network equipment suppliers

And, finally, read a fairly long article about an event organised in Brussels by
法轮大法学员 on the occasion of 法轮功创始人李共志先生的生日。


Reviewed part of my vocabulary queue in LWT.


Reviewed part of my vocabulary queue in LWT.

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 Message 63 of 408
15 May 2013 at 10:21pm | IP Logged 

Yesterday was my birthday and my wife offered me a subscription to ChinesePod, wow,
thanks sweetheart. Now I have to think about how I will integrate some regular
ChinesePod-related activities in my learning routine.

My elder daughter offered a comic in Chinese called 蜡笔小新, which I'd never heard
about before. It's written in traditional characters, so I'll have to familiarise
myself with at least some of them if I want to read the book.

I confirmed my registration to HSK4. From now on, I'll probably read and listen less
random (read: interesting) stuff and concentrate on unexciting HSK mock tests. As I
don't have the time to do entire mock tests (it takes 1 hour + the time necessary for
analysing my results), I intend to use my commuting time to listen to the oral parts
while reading their transcriptions. Quite a minimal preparation, but hey, doing
unsatisfactory stuff beats doing nothing.

So I started listening to/reading a mock HSK4 test, no 10 in a book called 新汉语水平考试
- 四级 - 模拟式题集, Beijing Language and Culture University Press.

I did the usual vocabulary drills (HSK4, HSK5, frequent characters, random vocabulary)
but it took longer than usual, as it seems I'm playing catchup with my SRS queues. A
big cleanup is being envisaged for the near future. I'd rather review my vocabulary
while reading interesting texts than by using spaced repetition systems.

I tried the ChinesePod interface on a computer and on my phone, just to start
exploring, and ended up listening to one intermediate level dialogue about 租车见客户。


Cleared up the vocabulary queue in LWT.


Cleared up the vocabulary queue in LWT.

Listened to some older nuntii latini news for about 20 minutes.
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Joined 4201 days ago

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 Message 64 of 408
16 May 2013 at 10:07pm | IP Logged 

Vocabulary: HSK5, HSK4, frequent characters, random vocabulary.

Listened to the ChinesePod lesson I had started yesterday, read the transcript, did the
exercises, glanced at the vocab, did some chorusing with the help of the great Android
app (and Audacity, to slow down some sentences that were too spoken too fast for my
mouth and tongue).

Read 2 pages of 天下无贼。 I had seen the picture 2 or 3 years ago. Although I wouldn't
have understood much were it not for the subtitles, I found it was a good movie. Then,
a few months ago, I read the Chinese version of the short story which inspired the
movie. I thought it was even better: the movie is action-packed and freely develops and
distorts many aspects of the story, while creating some subplots that are absent in the
story - which doesn't mean it's a bad thing. But the short story itself is a literary
jewel, much more poetic and moving than the film. I had read the short story within
Pleco reader a few months ago. Today I opened the paper version and was pleasantly
surprised by the fact that I could actually read it for the pleasure and mostly without


As I had read in Mike245's log that the Instituto Cervantes offered an online test to
assess one's level in Spanish, I immediately took it and was told that "según esta
prueba, Usted puede realizar los niveles C 1.3-C 1.4 del AVE".

Acabo de leer los cuentos de Bolaño titulados "Putas asesinas". Parece que los Chilenos
que se fueron de su país en 1973 huyeron un mal concreto, directamente violente y
personalizado para encontrar, en todos los rincones del mundo, el Mal absoluto, aún más
terrible e indicible ya que se halla en cada de nosotros. El último cuento, en
particular, es una obra maestra.


Listened for about 30 minutes to the audio version of Comenii Vestibulium (read by

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