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Senior Member
Joined 5247 days ago

3335 posts - 4349 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 201 of 415
01 May 2014 at 8:27pm | IP Logged 
Today is the first day of the Super Challenge and is also a holiday here. I still
haven't managed to do anything apart from regular study, but it was fine to be able to
study anyway. That means I only added a couple of minutes and pages to the SC which are
related to my daily activities.

I decided to add Wieso Nicht as audio, as the pages are short with big fontsize and
would only qualify as children's books. I added Culture Talk as video too, they are
short but combined with the Ted Talks they account for almost the whole daily quota I
need to meet for Georgian. I am counting Tutu's episodes as 10 minutes, since I skip
the intro theme and the credits.

I've created an Excel sheet at Skydrive. I am updating it daily, and adding the exact
activities in comments. I know this will make the file rather heavy but I still haven't
though of an option.

I haven't done any Chinese reading or any Russian at all for the SC. I have a birthday
party to attend today, so I'm not counting on being able to do anything. I still have
to sort out Russian videos as well as decide which is going to be my Chinese reading
and how to count it in page numbers - how many hanzi make a page?
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Senior Member
Joined 5247 days ago

3335 posts - 4349 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 202 of 415
02 May 2014 at 11:22pm | IP Logged 
Second day of the Super Challenge. My emphasis on the SC doesn't mean my learning
activities as a whole are neglected. I'm still doing a lot of textbook/podcast study
which doesn't count for the SC. Besides, I'm studying Papiamento which isn't a SC
language and will start Estonian.

I'm updating the worksheet at Skydrive daily. I decided I am only going to write
commentaries on the resources I'm using when this implies a new resource. So, yesterday
I logged 5:30 minutes of German from Wieso Nicht podcast. Today I logged 4:30 more. It
is implied these come from a new Wieso Nicht lesson. Same goes for the other resources.
I've started to watch a new French film, so I wrote its name and this will be my French
resource so far. In the case of series it is a little more complicated because it's not
always obvious it is over. I may finish earlier because I don't have access to any more
episodes, or the series may still be taking place.

I could finish up the schedule today as well, which means I managed to study during two
days of the extended holiday. That didn't make me feel tired, I did other activities
(went to the gym in the morning since today isn't a holiday proper like yesterday). If
I weren't studying my languages, I'd be watching TV all day long with boring stuff.
Today I didn't watch any American TV series, though, nor did I read from the Papiamento
book as I don't leave it here at home. I might not do anything else because I have an
appointment in the evening.

Yesterday I read my first 2 pages in Chinese for the SC, from Ant Tribe. It looks quite
interesting. It's fascinating to choose random combinations of two characters in the
Chinese text and try to grasp a meaning, and then you look up the next word and already
forgot what the previous one was =D I'm obviously exaggerating. It will get easier on
the go (and faster, I hope). I'm really excited about this part of the SC, and if I
manage to read even basically in Chinese after it I will feel like I've accomplished a
life goal. It's wonderful to be able to take a glance at such a different culture and
actually start to have an understanding.

I'm looking forward to a lot of the SC materials: the Chinese series, the Norwegian
films, the German series from DW - I have yet to find actual native series for German.
I already got dubbed ones, but I'm having so much fun watching them in English...I
don't feel like adding a 4th American show right now, anyway. If I feel like adding up
another show, I'll try to get it in German.
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Joined 3950 days ago

110 posts - 155 votes 
Speaks: English, French
Studies: Russian, Turkish, Modern Hebrew

 Message 203 of 415
03 May 2014 at 9:12am | IP Logged 
I see you mention american tv series. If it is part of your studies, and if you like history, I found a wonderful series on the american civil war: (I can't link or pm yet...)

Anyway, it has many episodes, first hand accounts of events, and authentic photos etc, no reenactments. Oh, and the people reading the texts (diaries mostly) have varied american accents.

Edited by Penelope on 03 May 2014 at 9:21am

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Senior Member
Joined 5247 days ago

3335 posts - 4349 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 204 of 415
05 May 2014 at 10:06pm | IP Logged 
Thank you Penelope, sounds interesting indeed!

Not much to update this monday. I didn't do much regarding the SC, apart from watching Poor Nastya (Russian). I have zero Russian reading so far, it's my weakest skill. I didn't even read from KGGS, and the reason is it is dealing with really complicated syntax topics, with subordinates that also have unfamiliar vocabulary in both languages (German and Georgian). I have trouble understanding the word order for both the Georgian sentence and the German translation, as they are quite different from each other and from Portuguese or English. It really isn't worth skimming through those important pages just to speed up my German SC and my Georgian study as a whole.

I have only 1 1/2 hour left and I will try to split it through Russian and Chinese. I decided I'm going to keep counting minutes and ignore the rule for the episodes. It makes things simpler.
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Senior Member
Joined 5247 days ago

3335 posts - 4349 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 205 of 415
06 May 2014 at 8:48pm | IP Logged 
I'm not receiving email notifications, so it will be hard to catch up with my friends' logs. I could still browse the forum for the other subforums but there's just so much going on at the Logs subforum, most of which I'm not following, that it is not practical. Hmm well 'Active Topics' still works well, maybe even better.

Yesterday after posting here on my schedule I only managed to watch Chinese series. They can get really addictive. I try not to do more than 10 minutes from each, I'm currently watching three of them. I also watched one episode of TBBT and later on the evening, while attending a lecture and waiting for it to start, I read a bit more from Benny's book.

This morning I really spent a long time on Memrise. Maybe more than 30 minutes. It gets on my nerves when that happens, so much watering on stuff I already know. My only hope is that the HSK 4 gets rid of this repetition and present mostly new characters, I wouldn't mind doing only half a chapter each day if this was the case.

One side effect within the SC is that you end up focusing on the active skills. I haven't joined Sharedtalk since then. I did chat in French and Norwegian a lot and less so in German, but with friends, over known subjects. I joined a voicechat with those friends too on Sunday but we spoke mostly in English. What happens nowadays is that I'm busy with stuff such as Anki and Memrise and so I play the podcasts while still at home, working on them. No time for sharedtalk then. I need to work better on this. I don't want to leave it as a whole. I miss the German/Portuguese exchange I'm no longer having.

It was easier to read KGGS today, which means my German is getting a bit better, and so is my Georgian, as I got both the explanations and the sample sentences with little trouble.
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Senior Member
Joined 5247 days ago

3335 posts - 4349 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 206 of 415
07 May 2014 at 8:30pm | IP Logged 
I'm a bit tired thanks to sleep deprivation - I had to be at the gym earlier the past two days and so I slept for less than six hours the past two nights - more tomorrow, then it is over. Yet I woke up with a joy, a desire of learning that seems to get more intense each day. I'm thankful to the opportunities of having access to so much knowledge and to be able to learn alongside with so many people who are friendly and insightful. I woke up thinking 'this is going to be another day when I'm going to learn new, interesting stuff and that will make me happy'. I'm not just learning languages. The more you advance, the more you realize languages are just means and you can learn any subject. I am coming across loads of different stuff throughout the resources I'm using for 'learning languages': just today I learn about another region in China, Chinese calligraphy, life in Germany, tourism in Georgia, the 80's history in Sweden, medieval towns in France and Spain, I saw a panoram of Marseilles and watched a talk about open source farm hardware/tractors. All this is happening thanks to my decision of learning languages. I think I started with a nice pool of languages which allows me to see a little from each part of the world, even though right now I'm wanderlusting for the Baltic countries, Turkey and the ASEAN region.

I find 'Speak Chinese' quite an appropriate textbook at an earlier intermediate stage. I'm not having much trouble understanding the dialogues after a few look ups and I'm learning grammar the way I like the most: sample sentences which I can copy/paste and translate.

Other than that, I've been logging almost an hour of Chinese video each day. I hope I'm going to have time for the Russian show too, today. If things go as planned, I will.

I liked the Georgian Embassy's page on FB. There is going to be a festival of Georgian movies from May 21st to May 26th. I can't make it to go to Brasília for a week, but I'm glad to take note of the filmlist, and there are recent films on it. Way to go, Super Challenge!

ჩემი ბებია (My Grandmother) 1929
ფიროსმანი (Pirosmani) 1969
მონანიება (Repentance) 1986
გაღმა ნაპირი (The other bank) 2009
გაიღიმეთ (Keep smilling) 2012
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Senior Member
United States
Joined 4335 days ago

472 posts - 893 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: German, Russian, Cantonese, Japanese, French, Hungarian, Czech, Swedish, Mandarin, Italian, Spanish

 Message 207 of 415
08 May 2014 at 3:34am | IP Logged 
My Grandmother is a really really bizarre, but quite delightful comedy. Unfortunately the US DVD has Russian intertitles and an annoying English voice-over.

Edited by YnEoS on 08 May 2014 at 3:34am

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Senior Member
Joined 5247 days ago

3335 posts - 4349 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 208 of 415
08 May 2014 at 9:47pm | IP Logged 
It was the Soviet Age, maybe it was made in Russian anyway, which doesn't make it a less Georgian film :)

Yesterday I had to work overtime and so I watched a bit from each of the Chinese shows - it is by far the language with most minutes at my SC. I also managed to watch half an episode of extr@ auf Deutsch as well as Bednaya Nastya (how can she be 'poor' being so nasty?). I also also following the great suggestion of Smartscube from Team Deuxième. Wish I could find books in French or German on this topic, too. I still have to organize myself for reading more, it's just that reading is more tiresome to organize, it's not simply hitting the 'Play' button. So, as I worked overtime, I also missed my evening meeting and got home earlier, enough to sleep well and get on track with that. Nada como um dia após o outro.

I worked with Memrise on advance in the evening and that is indeed what takes the most out of my morning. Today I even got to a point at which I had to 'kill time' before going to work! I joined Sharedtalk and Skype but no invitations. At least I noticed I can still make it a habit. I could watch Tutu and listen to the Chinese and the Russian podcasts as well as do Anki and finish Memrise.

I watched a I kveld med ylvis episode with hardcoded English subtitles on a black background, which means they were originally in Norwegian! Finding them would be idea for me, even though at the current stage I can follow the Norwegian audio alongside and get everything when the sentences are kept short. On the other hand, I'm also doing this with Russian, which is even more impressive at this stage.

The guest today was Atle Antonsen, from Dag. Very inspiring to notice I'm really getting into the Norwegian showbiz, to the extent of actually looking forward to seeing actors from one show at another one.

I'm seeing real progress at my Georgian reading. I hope I can announce a change in status by the end of the year.

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