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monox D. I-Fly’s Arabic and Japanese Log

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Monox D. I-Fly
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Joined 5203 days ago

762 posts - 664 votes 
Speaks: Indonesian*

 Message 65 of 403
22 February 2016 at 1:44pm | IP Logged 
Learnt that the Kanji 貝 (kai) means "shellfish". Wondering why the meaning isn't "spider" instead. I mean, it consists of 目 (me) = "eye" and 八 (hachi) = "eight". Now what animal has eight eyes? Spiders! Who the hell decided that 貝 means "shellfish"? I can't even see the correlation!
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Monox D. I-Fly
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 Message 66 of 403
22 February 2016 at 6:16pm | IP Logged 
Today I learnt to understand the stroke order of grade 1 Kanji using my Nokia phone (well, actually they're Chinese characters). Now I already knew the stroke order of the 19 first Kanji. Here are the list of the phone buttons used to make the characters:
一 = 1
二 = 11
三 = 111
四 = 25351
五 = 1251
六 = 4134
七 = 15
八 = 34
九 = 35
十 = 12
百 = 132511
千 = 312
日 = 2511
月 = 3511
火 = 4334
水 = 2534
木 = 1234
金 = 341124
土 = 121
I typed the day Kanjis in my phone and sent it to my fellow language nerd in my workplace. This exchange happened.
Me: "日月火水木金土"
Him: "Ich kann nicht die Schrift lessen"
Me: "I am learning to memorize the stroke order of writing Kanjis. Because you're the only language nerd here besides me so I sent it to you."
Him: "How many characters have you memorized?"
Me: "12 which I sent sometime ago + these 7 (those are the one whose stroke orders I've already memorized. If it's just the Kanji, I have only memorized 51."
Him: "What is stroke order?"
Me: "The order of how to write a letter. Like when our friend writes the letter d, she writes the curved part first then continues to the vertical line."
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 Message 67 of 403
22 February 2016 at 6:34pm | IP Logged 
Monox D. I-Fly wrote:
Learnt that the Kanji 貝 (kai) means "shellfish". Wondering why the meaning isn't "spider" instead. I mean, it consists of 目 (me) = "eye" and 八 (hachi) = "eight". Now what animal has eight eyes? Spiders! Who the hell decided that 貝 means "shellfish"? I can't even see the correlation!

Yeah, I don't know. Don't expect it to make much sense -- you just have to memorize these things.
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Monox D. I-Fly
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Joined 5203 days ago

762 posts - 664 votes 
Speaks: Indonesian*

 Message 68 of 403
23 February 2016 at 12:29am | IP Logged 
cathrynm wrote:
Monox D. I-Fly wrote:
Learnt that the Kanji 貝 (kai) means "shellfish". Wondering why the meaning isn't "spider" instead. I mean, it consists of 目 (me) = "eye" and 八 (hachi) = "eight". Now what animal has eight eyes? Spiders! Who the hell decided that 貝 means "shellfish"? I can't even see the correlation!

Yeah, I don't know. Don't expect it to make much sense -- you just have to memorize these things.

I was debating over this with my former crush last night.
Me: "Sis Cal?"
Her: "Yes?"
Me: "Do you know the Kanji 貝?"
Her: "Kai = Shellfish"
Me: "Why doesn't it mean spider?"
Her: "蜘蛛"
Me: "Wew... Looks complicated... Though I can see the Kanji "mushi" there... Well, I mean 貝 consists of 目 (eye) & 八 (eight). The animal which have 8 eyes is spider... Why can the meaning be shellfish? :o "
Her: "It's more about the shape than what the Kanji consists of. What did you do applies to words which have two columns."
Me: "Doesn't look like a shellfish in my eyes :o . You can see it as a shellfish :/ ?"
Her: "Is it that hard to memorize a Kanji which only has 7 strokes? 土 this one doesn't look like either earth or soil to me."
Me: "I have memorized it... It just doesn't make sense to me... Please tell me how do you see that as a clam... (regarding the 土) Plus minus, human nature, humans live on earth... *random stretch* "
Her: "Thats ur answer then..."
Me: "You haven't answered my question yet... Still curious how do you see 貝 as a shellfish... :3 "
Her: "面倒くさいなアンタ. Somehow."
Me: "Sulking, eh? Okay okay."
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Monox D. I-Fly
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Joined 5203 days ago

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 Message 69 of 403
23 February 2016 at 11:44pm | IP Logged 
My conversation with her last night.
Me: "Emmm... I want to ask again?"
Her: "What?"
Me: "Rin = Garden, Mori = Forest; or Rin = Forest, Mori = Jungle?"
Her: "Do you know their Kanjis? It is obvious that the Kanji "ki" in "mori" amounts 3 means it is a jungle which is thicker than usual forest whose Kanji "mi" amounts 2. Not to mention that what you read as "rin" uses onyomi reading, the kunyomi is "hayashi". Please download ZKanji."
Me: "Well, I know their Kanji, for both "hayashi" and "mori" (I sent it to you via SMS). So, the translation is correct if Rin = Forest & Mori = Jungle?"
Her: "You can say so."
Me: "Thanks for the info. Damn, that means my flashcard for "mori" is wrong, and I wrote it with a board marker, too."
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Monox D. I-Fly
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Joined 5203 days ago

762 posts - 664 votes 
Speaks: Indonesian*

 Message 70 of 403
24 February 2016 at 6:08pm | IP Logged 
Surprised that the Arabic word for "see" is رأى instead of بصر. I mean, isn't the Islamic God السميع (the all-hearing) and البصير (the all-seeing)? Can someone point out to me the difference between رأى and بصر as well as their specific use?
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Monox D. I-Fly
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Joined 5203 days ago

762 posts - 664 votes 
Speaks: Indonesian*

 Message 71 of 403
25 February 2016 at 6:20pm | IP Logged 
Today's Kanji is 立. I like the shape because it looks similar to Hangeul's "phieup" (ㅍ) which reads as an "f" Not to mention that the Arabic word for 立 is "وقف" which also contains the letter "f". So, I imagine to write the word وقف to Hangeul. Unfortunately I don't know how to type "waqfun" in Hangeul via computer, though.
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Monox D. I-Fly
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Joined 5203 days ago

762 posts - 664 votes 
Speaks: Indonesian*

 Message 72 of 403
26 February 2016 at 6:05pm | IP Logged 
Today's Kanji: 休 (yasu = rest)
To memorize the Kanji, I imagine that the Kanji 休 consists of the Kanji 人 (hito = person) dan 木 (ki = tree). So, the picture is like someone leaned to a tree.
To memorize the meaning, I remember the phrase "oYASUminasai" which is spoken to people go to sleep.
The Arabic for 休 is راحة (rohah), which can be read as "rohat" due to the ta' marbutah. This surprised me, since I didn't know that the Indonesian slang word for "rest", which is "rehat", was derived from an Arabic word. All along this time I thought it was derived from Batavian language.

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