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lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4301 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 41 of 408 26 April 2013 at 9:20am | IP Logged |
Usual vocabulary chores: HSK4, HSK5, 2500 most frequent characters and random
vocabulary found while reading.
Started reading chap. 4 of 《中国进行时》, about 宠物。
Read an article about 阿什顿's visit to China. 人权组织呼她在北京提出人权的问题。
Listened to Chinese Learn Online lessons 125 and 126 again. They are important and
interesting (subject: economics 101) and there are still parts that I don't quite
understand. I have not read the transcriptions yet.
Then, while shopping, listened to the first part of an audio version of 余华's 活着,
which allowed me to confirm the sad truth: my listening comprehension is still
terrible. I didn't understand much, though I've read the novel in Chinese about 6
months ago. In the few sections I've studied more in-depth, I could catch three
quarter of a sentence here and two key words there, so I could follow the plot, but
that's about it.
As if that test was not humbling enough, I then listened to a BBC news podcast in
Chinese - twice - and I don't even now what they were talking *about*.
Ah, well. Maybe one day.
Fue a la librería española y compré una revista de historia y cultura que me parecía
interesante. Hay artículos, entre otros, sobre Ortega y Gasset y sobre el arte gótico
en España.
Studied my vocab queue in Learning With Texts.
Read Caesar I.23-25 in Learning With Texts.
At night, while washing the dishes, I listened to nuntii latini news. I could
understand much of it even before I listened again while reading.
Studied my vocab queue in Learning With Texts.
Read an article about bugs in the IT system for the management of medical care in
Southern Finland. And then another one about the guy I talked about yesterday, Antti
Kaikkonen, who has resigned after all, because he "järjesti vaalirahaa väärällä
tavalla". Does that mean that he kept the money for himself? Or that he invested it in
some sunny tax haven? Or that he simply drank it on vappu last year?
Edited by lorinth on 26 April 2013 at 9:20am
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| lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4301 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 42 of 408 27 April 2013 at 10:20am | IP Logged |
Usual vocabulary drills: HSK4, HSK5, 2500 most frequent characters and random
vocabulary found while reading.
Read part of a long (and difficult) article saying that some 瑞士政治家建议通过公投来制止“大
I have a book with short, funny 成语故事. I've read some of them some time ago. There is
accompanying CD. As I had a long car drive, I took the CD and listened to it for the
first time. Result: those stories that I had read some time ago, I could more or less
follow and understand some sentences in full or some words. Those stories I'd never
read, I could just catch one word here and there, but not the plot, nor the general
meaning. BTW I'm often amazed by the high quality of Chinese audio books.
Studied my vocab queue in Learning With Texts.
While driving, I listened to Molendinarius' audio recording of a Latin reader written
by a certain Chickering. The book is thought out a bit like Oerberg's: it starts with
very simple sentence parts and builds from there until you have long, convoluted,
Latin-sounding sentences. Then the story is told backwards, hence every piece is
repeated many times in different syntactic environments. So it looks like Oerberg's
method, but condensed into each sentence... Very interesting. I listened to parts 00-
Studied my vocab queue in Learning With Texts.
Edited by lorinth on 27 April 2013 at 10:33am
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| lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4301 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 43 of 408 29 April 2013 at 11:31am | IP Logged |
Vocabulary: finished the first pass of HSK5 vocabulary with Anki. I won't start HSK6 at
once: I want my SRS queue to go down a bit, and take the time to think about my
strategy for continuing to acquire vocabulary. I'd be inclined to use more paper in the
As I had a long car drive, I listened to the CD of《自行车王国》, from the series "FLTRP
Graded Readers-Reading China". That's what they call level 2B. For reading practice,
this book may be a bit too easy for me but, for listening practice, it is perfect,
because it is just slightly above my level. So this got me thinking that, seeing as the
listening exercises I have done to date are, globally, a failure, I have to change my
strategies. One way could be to listen more while reading. It may sound obvious
to many people, but that's an exercise I haven't done much up to now. This series of
readers might be the perfect fit for that because the texts, as far as I can tell after
a first glance, are quite easy to read but not that easy to understand while
listening to the CD.
He leído un artículo sobre el filósofo Ortega y Gasset y su tiempo. Si el artículo
mismo era interesante - es un autor que no he leído nunca - además había cierto número
de palabras y expresiones que yo no conocía. A pesar de que hace años que no he
estudiado activamente el vocabulario español, decidí comprar un cuaderno y anotar
dichas palabras.
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| lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4301 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 44 of 408 30 April 2013 at 9:05am | IP Logged |
Vocabulary: HSK 4, HSK 5, random words and basic characters.
Read part of an article about 参加叙内战的比利时穆斯林年轻人。
Reviewed some vocabulary in Learning with Text.
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| lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4301 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 45 of 408 30 April 2013 at 9:43pm | IP Logged |
As usual I studied some vocabulary: HSK4 (review with Skritter), HSK5 (review with
Anki), characters (review + 2 new characters, with Anki) and random vocabulary found
while reading (with Pleco and a notebook).
I deleted a good part of my SRS queue in Pleco (which only includes words collected
while reading). The reasoning is that I don't learn Chinese to study vocabulary, but to
be able to read Chinese. So the time spent reviewing vocabulary should not be longer
than the time spent reading, listening, etc. If I delete my SRS queue, or part of it,
AND I keep on exposing myself to Chinese input, the words which I did not know will
crop up anyway in the texts I read or hear, so there's not much harm, if any.
My rule of thumb is that I delete the SRS queue when the number of reviews on a
particular day exceeds 100.
I don't do that with my other lists of vocabulary though (HSK and 2500 basic
Started reading chap. 5 of 《中国进行时》, about cars in China.
Read an article about 欧盟的光子学领域。(photonics) 这个领域和信息技术、生命科学、安全等有关 系。
Read another article saying that 2009年至2012年比利时军方共出售35架直升机与2 飞机。
In Learning With Text:
- studied my vocabulary queue
- read Caesar I.26.
In Learning With Text:
- studied my vocabulary queue
- I read two very short texts taken from Selkouutiset about Afganistanin
presidenttin vierailusta Suomeen and Prahassa räjähdyksestä.
Empecé a leer un libro de Roberto Bolaño titulado "Putas asesinas".
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| lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4301 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 46 of 408 02 May 2013 at 10:00am | IP Logged |
Vocabulary: HSK4 (review with Skritter), HSK5 (review with Anki), characters (review +
2 new characters, with Anki) and random vocabulary found while reading (with Pleco and
a notebook).
Read an article saying that 意大利总理莱塔访问德国。
Continued reading Oerberg's Roma Aeterna, chap. XLV (equivalent of Livy I.54, 55).
Listened to, and then read, YLE's nuntios latinos, but I had no time to
elucidate those parts I hadn't understood. Let's call that "extensive" studying, so
that it sounds more serious than it really is :-)
Listened to parts 4 to 11 of the audio version of Chickering's reader. Once again, it's
a paraphrase of Livy's first book.
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| lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4301 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 47 of 408 03 May 2013 at 9:04am | IP Logged |
Finished reading chap. 5 of 《中国进行时》, about cars in China, and started reading chap.
6 about 中国的住宅。
Read an article about 爱尔兰总统的看法 concerning 目前的危机 and 欧盟领导人处理此次经济危机的方式。
Music. Ah, so many web sites will tell you to learn languages through music. Only, the
genres I listen to most avidly are jazz and classical music - unsung music, for the
most part.
Jazz does not seem to be very popular in China either. The (Chinese) Wikipedia article
on jazz has sections on 美国﹑英国﹑荷兰﹑芬兰﹑日本,但关于中国 的爵士乐没有什么。
据那篇文章,张学友发行了一张爵士乐专辑。 不过张学友说广东话。
Read another article saying that 意大利新总理先后访问了法国和比利时。 他们讨论了欧盟的未来。
Listened to/Read lessons 1-4 of 自行车王国。
Oh, and I forgot to mention the usual vocabulary-related tasks: review of HSK4
(Skritter) and HSK5 (Anki), frequent characters (Anki) and random words collected while
reading (Pleco and paper).
Reviewed a rather long vocabulary queue in Learning With Texts.
Reviewed an equally rather long vocabulary queue in Learning With Texts.
To make vocabulary reviews in LWT more pleasant, I could also re-read the texts I have
added to my LWT database and mark words as "well known" (or not) when I see them in
context. I'll try that tomorrow.
Las historias de Roberto Bolaño que estoy leyendo tienen algo que ver con la "vida es
sueño", sino que se trata de una pesadilla semidespertada.
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| lorinth Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 4301 days ago 443 posts - 581 votes Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Latin Studies: Mandarin, Finnish
| Message 48 of 408 06 May 2013 at 9:31am | IP Logged |
Friday 03 May
My subscription for Skype classes has run out. I don't intend to renew it, for a
variety of reasons, mainly because it's pretty expensive and because the timetable,
though very flexible, is not always easy to combine with family and professional life.
This will leave a big blatant gap in my learning routine, as the opportunities I have
to actually speak Chinese will drop down to zero. I'll see what I can do about that.
I finished chap 6 of 《中国进行时》.
Vocabulary: HSK4 (review with Skritter), HSK5 (review with Anki), characters (review +
2 new characters, with Anki) and random vocabulary found while reading (with Pleco and
a notebook).
In Learning With Text, I reviewed my vocabulary queue and read Caesar I.27.
In Learning With Text, I reviewed my vocabulary queue and read two short texts titled
"EKP on laskenut ohjauskorkoa" ja "Finnair irtisanoo työntekijöitä".
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