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 Message 137 of 270
21 September 2008 at 6:23am | IP Logged 
sei wrote:
Hencke wrote:
Niin, tänään on siis se merkkipäivä. Kaksi vuotta tuli just täyteen.
What I could come up with is, "Two years just came full"? That doesn't make sense to me... So if someone could explain this point to me, I'd appreciate.

Congratulations on your effort ! You got pretty close on the literal meaning, except in this construction the verb "tulla" does not translate as "come". The meaning is more along the lines of "become" or even "reach".

It means that this thread just turned two - "just reached the point of two full years of age" if you will. You can think of the combination "tulla täyteen" as "reach fulfillment", or as reaching some kind of limit.

Also note that the word "just", handy as it is, and meaning approx. the same thing as "just" in English, is very colloquial and wouldn't do at all in formal language.

Edited by Hencke on 21 September 2008 at 6:33am

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