CheeseInsider Bilingual Diglot Senior Member Canada Joined 5174 days ago 193 posts - 238 votes Speaks: English*, Mandarin* Studies: French, German
| Message 65 of 110 09 December 2010 at 10:49am | IP Logged |
Hi Lisa,
here is a postcard of my town. It is not very big, but it is nice. Please tell me more about your town. How many people live in it? What is particularly nice about your town? Where do you go in the evenings?
Bonjour Lisa, voici une carte de ma ville. Ce n'est pas très grand, mais je l'aime. Pouvez-vous me dire un peu plus de votre ville? Combien de gens y habite? Quel est particulièrement bon dans votre ville? Où aimez-vous aller à les soirs?
Intermediate: (answer to having won a tour through the USA)
Thank you very much. I am so glad I won the prize. I would like to travel to the USA in July because of my job. Will I be able to see my cousin Ann in Dallas? I know the tour only goes through Houston... Also I would really like to go swimming in the ocean. I hope there will be time for that.
Yours sincerely,
Michelle Dubois
Merci beaucoup! Je suis très content que je l'ai gagné! Je voudrais visiter en Amérique dans juillet pour mon travail! Puis-je voir mon cousin Anne à Dallas? Je sais que le voyage irai en Houston seulement. Je voudrais aussi aller nager dans l'océan. J’espère que j'aurai le temps de le faire.
I'm not even going to try the advanced! :P hahaha
I know you said not for it to be a literal, down to the point translation. So I changed the wording, but tried to maintain the core message behind the paragraph.
Please be kind when pointing out mistakes. I honestly tried my best and I don't mean to butcher your language in any way.
Edited by CheeseInsider on 09 December 2010 at 11:02am
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ibraheem Groupie United States Joined 5417 days ago 84 posts - 106 votes Speaks: English* Studies: German, Russian, Mandarin
| Message 66 of 110 26 December 2010 at 5:06pm | IP Logged |
Hi Lisa,
here is a postcard of my town. It is not very big, but it is nice. Please tell me more about your town. How many people live in it? What is particularly nice about your town? Where do you go in the evenings?
Hallo Lisa,
Hier ist eine Postkarte meiner Stadt. Sie ist nicht sehr gross, aber so nett. Bitte schreib mir etwas ueber deine Stadt. Wie viele wohners gibt sie? Was ist besonders schoen in der Stadt. Wo gehtst du nachts?
Auf Wiedersehen,
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sjheiss Diglot Senior Member United States Joined 5736 days ago 100 posts - 174 votes Speaks: English*, Basque
| Message 67 of 110 30 December 2010 at 4:35am | IP Logged |
I'd like to attempt the first two in Unified Basque. The first one was pretty easy, but the second one was a bit hard. Hopefully I did good on them. :)
Kaixo Lisa,
Hona hemen nire hiriko postal. Ez da oso handia, baina polita da. Indazu argibide gehiago zure hiriri gainean, mesedez. Zenbat biztanle bizi dira hirian? Zer da bereziki polita zure hiriz? Nora zarete zuek joaten gauetan?
Eskerrik asko. Ni saria irabazi dudalako oso pozik nago. Nik Estatu Batuetara bidaiatu nahiko nuke uztailean, nire lan eta. Nire lehengusu Ann bisitatuko ahal dut Dallas-en? Badakit itzulia soilik Houston-en zehar joaten dela. Ni ere benetan itsasoan igeri egitera joaten nahiko nuke. Aukera hori egiteko izango dela espero dut.
Adeitasunez agurtzen zaitut,
Michelle Dubois
Edited by sjheiss on 04 January 2011 at 2:03am
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Jon1991 Groupie United Kingdom Joined 5417 days ago 98 posts - 126 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, French, Russian
| Message 68 of 110 02 January 2011 at 8:31pm | IP Logged |
Hi lads, this is a great idea to practise language skills :) Here is my attempt on the beginner and intermediate levels on Spanish and French. I tried to do the advanced level but the grammar and vocabulary was too challenging. Please excuse the fact that there are no accents typed; I also didn't attempt Russian as typing in Cryllic on my computer requires me to go through a transliterator and I'm short of time. I would much appreciate people correcting my work so I can learn by my mistakes.
Hi Lisa,
here is a postcard of my town. It is not very big, but it is nice. Please tell me more about your town. How many people live in it? What is particularly nice about your town? Where do you go in the evenings?
Espanol - Hi Lisa, aqui es una postal de mi puebla. No es muy grande pero es agradable. Por favor dime mas sobre su puebla. Cuantos personas viven alli? Que es agradable sobre su puebla? A Donde vas en las tardes/A donde ir en las tardes?
Francais - Voici une carte postale de ma ville. Il/ce n'est pas tres grande mais il est/c'est agreable. S'il vous plait dites-moi plus sur votre ville. Combien des personnes habitent/vivent la? Quelle est agreable sur votre ville? Ou allez-vous dans la soiree?
Intermediate: (answer to having won a tour through the USA)
Thank you very much. I am so glad I won the prize. I would like to travel to the USA in July because of my job. Will I be able to see my cousin Ann in Dallas? I know the tour only goes through Houston... Also I would really like to go swimming in the ocean. I hope there will be time for that.
Yours sincerely,
Espanol - Muchas gracias. Estoy tan contento que yo gano el premio. Me gustaria viajar a los Estados Unidos en julio porque de mi trabajo. Puedo ver mi prima Anne en Dallas? Yo se que la excursion solo va a Houston. Ademas, me gustaria ir a nadar en el oceano. Yo espero que habra tiempo para eso.
Francias - Merci beaucoup. Je suis tres heureux que j'ai gange le prix. Je voudrais voyager a la Etas Unis a cause de/parce que mon travail. Puis-je/pourrais-je voir mes cousins a Dallas? Aussi, je voudrais faire la natation/aller la nager dans l'ocean. J'espere qu'il y aura du temps pour cela.
Edited by Jon1991 on 02 January 2011 at 9:05pm
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heitung221 Triglot Newbie Hong Kong Joined 5120 days ago 9 posts - 12 votes Speaks: English, Cantonese*, Mandarin Studies: Japanese
| Message 69 of 110 10 January 2011 at 1:43pm | IP Logged |
Micoh wrote:
Well, I haven't been learning Cantonese for too long, so this is
probably REALLY off,
but here's my try!
Hi Lisa,
here is a postcard of my town. It is not very big, but it is nice. Please tell me more
about your town. How many people live in it? What is particularly nice about your town?
Where do you go in the evenings?
Cantonese (Jyutping)
Nei5 hou2 Lai6 Saa1,
Ni1 zoeng1 ming4 seon3 pin2 jyun4 zi6 ngo5 ge3 sing4. M4 hai6 hou2 daai6, daan6 hai6
hou2 leng3. M4 goi1 nei5 waa6 ngo5 zi1 nei5 ge3 sing4 dim2 aa3? Jau5 gei2 do1 jan4 aa3?
Dim2 joeng6 go3 sing4 hai6 dak6 bit6? Nei5 zik6 zi1 hau6 ceot1 gaai1 bin1 dou6 aa3?
Joek3 han6
呢張明信片源自我嘅城. 唔係好大, 單係好靚. 唔該你話我知你嘅城點呀? 有幾多人呀? 點樣個城係特別? 你夕之後出
約翰 |
I'd prefer this,
呢張明信片係喺我嘅城市度嚟。 嗰度唔係好大, 但係好靚。 唔該你講多啲關於嗰度嘅嘢俾我知呀? 有幾多
人住喺嗰度呀? 嗰度有嘜嘢特別呀 ? 你黃昏會去邊度呀?
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vilas Pentaglot Senior Member Italy Joined 7012 days ago 531 posts - 722 votes Speaks: Spanish, Italian*, English, French, Portuguese
| Message 70 of 110 10 January 2011 at 3:08pm | IP Logged |
Hi Lisa,
here is a postcard of my town. It is not very big, but it is nice. Please tell me more
about your town. How many people live in it? What is particularly nice about your town?
Where do you go in the evenings?
Interlingua :
Salute Lisa .
Ecce un carta postal de la mi citate . Illa no es multe grande sed es belle. Per favor dice me plus super le tu citate . Quanta gente vive ibi ? Que es particularmente gratiose super le tu citate ? Ubi vos va le vesperas?
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Ubik Senior Member United States Joined 5368 days ago 147 posts - 176 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Latin, Arabic (Egyptian), German, Spanish
| Message 71 of 110 10 January 2011 at 10:42pm | IP Logged |
You know whats funny...I understand every word of that Interlingua post. Granted, I was familiar with the English version, but Im pretty sure I would have understood it regardless.
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vilas Pentaglot Senior Member Italy Joined 7012 days ago 531 posts - 722 votes Speaks: Spanish, Italian*, English, French, Portuguese
| Message 72 of 110 11 January 2011 at 1:52pm | IP Logged |
Ubik wrote:
You know whats funny...I understand every word of that Interlingua post. Granted, I was familiar with the English version, but Im pretty sure I would have understood it regardless. |
Ubik you speak English (More than 50% of the words in English come from Latin)
and you study latin also . Interlingua is the modern form of Latin with a simplified grammar (easy like the English grammar) It can be understood by many people without studying it. I meet sometimes,for reasons of work, Roumanian immigrants that don't understand Italian very well, so I start to speak in Interlingua and they understand everything.
Ubik tu parle anglese (plus de 50% de parolas angleses veni de latin) e tu studia latin aunque. Interlingua es le forma modern de latin cum gramatic simplificate( facil como le gramatic anglese) Illa pote esse comprendite de multe gentes sin studiar. Io incontra a vices, per ration de labor, immigratos Rumanianos que no comprende Italian multe bon , ergo io initia parlar in Interlingua e illes comprende tote.
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