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Iversen’s multiconfused summary

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Super Polyglot
Joined 6646 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan
Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
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 Message 25 of 42
06 December 2010 at 9:51pm | IP Logged 
Summary for November 2010

1 November 2010 (p.265)

AF: The reason that I haven't made a video in Afrikaans yet is that I have heard too little. However through I happened to find Radio sonder Grense, where there is a good selection of podcasts (only audio).

2 November 2010 (p.265)

AF: I have been listening three times to a podcast about astronomy, and I have noticed that Afrikaans is full of diphtongs, which remind me about South-German dialects ("Suidduitse").

Mick33 (AF): Hasn't heard German dialects, has been surprised to find an article about the influence of Southern German dialects on Afrikaans

3 November 2010 (p.265)

AF: I didn't imply that there was a direct influence from those German dialects, only that the sounds are vaguely similar.

6 November 2010 (p.265)

Magnus 13: Asks about details about the distinction intensive / extensive

7 November 2010 (p.265)

ENG: An activity is intensive if I study all the details, and it is extensive if I just plow ahead with as little concern for details as possible. Reading 'normally' without looking everything up is extensive, and so is watching TV and listening to radio. Copying, translating and making wordlists are intensive.

8 November 2010 (p.266)

GER: I have spent 4 days in München (Munich), Trento, Bolzano and Innsbruck., and I didn't have time to search for internet cafés.
DA: My morning flight was cancelled, so my first day stay in München was reduced to three hours...
GER: so I just had time to visit Zoo Hellabrun.
IT: Trento railway station had been converted into hell on Earth by a terrorist noise polluting adverticing agency. Day 2: I visited Castello del Buonconsiglio (Castle of the Good Counsel) and Museo Tridentino (natural sciences), and then I went to Bolzano and visited Ötzi at the Archological Museum. Bolzano reailway station also had those disgusting publicity screens, but luckily at a much lower noise terror level.
GER: Day 3: I had two nights in Innsbruck and spent one full day visiting the Alpine Zoo, two churches and four museums. Day 4: I had just three hours in central München and spent them on the Civic and Paleontological Museums. And of course I also bought science mags, both in Italy and Austria.
Fasulye (IT): Some of the Italian magazines can also be bought i Düsseldorf.

Kuikentje: Amused by the information that empress Maria Theresia didn't want pictrues of naked giants in her Castle at Innsbruck (Hofburg), so she had them painted over and replaced by familie oriented artworks. She also finds the noise pollution of Italian railways stations terrible - they should be calm.

9 November 2010 (p.266)

GER: In the magazine "Wissen" is there an article about language learning, but it is fairly bland. However there is one interesting piece of information: in the brains of bilingual persons new language are lodged with the old ones, in brains of monolingual persons new languages are put in a separate area.

11 November 2010 (p.266)

ENG: I have recorded a video in German-Danish-German-Italian about my epic four-day journey Southwards.
AF: I have also listened to an Afrikaans podcast about Afrikaans
BA: I made also some Indonesian wordlists.

14 November 2010 (p.266)

ENG: Better late than never - I have made my summary for October. I spent the weekend with my mother and sister. I had brought the TY Irish Grammar, which has won accolades in another thread, but I find it wanting in logic. I also brought an Indonesian phrase book and wrote a wordlist. And finally I brought along some printouts in Afrikaans.
AF: Example of mediocre machine translations from Afrikaans - but still better than nothing

Kuikentje: Finds both the 12 and the 24 hour time systems are confusing. Asks whether I have got a list over different ways of telling the time in different languages. Google can translate Yiddish, but not Latin - why not?
ENG: Latin is on the list now

Tractor: Even more confusing examples in German and Catalan

15 November 2010 (p.267)

ENG: Some examples of Danish time telling. It might be worth making the kind of list suggested by Kuikentje

Fasulye (ENG): Actually the clock will the the topic for her next lesson in Danish

ENG: More Danish time expressions

M.Medialis (ENG): The Swedes use the expression "5 i halv tre" when talking about 14.25

ENG: The same applies to Danish - I have added that to my previous message

Kuikentje (ENG): Wants to see the multilingual list over time expressions

16 November 2010 (p.267)

ENG: Interesting, but right now I haven't got the time. I listened to a series of podcasts about the hitory ofg the English language, including its origins - with Frisian as the closest modern relative to Anglosaxon.

18 November 2010 (p.268)

FR: I worked hard during this period, and Nov. 17 I had only time for some Greek after I got back home. But I woke up from a very detailed dream entirely in french, allegedly from Bamako (the capital of Mali, which I may visit next year). I felt it like some kind of compensation for my loss of study time.

Hobbema (ENG): Has always been critical of people who believe in "sleep learning". But if you actually speak a language in a dream it might speed activation, improve fluency and maybe even memory

ENG: I just mentioned sleep learning as a joke. But dreaming about a possible coming destination in a foreign language after a 'study time deprived' day is probably not a pure coincidence. Dreams where you know you dream are called 'lucid'.

20 November 2010 (p.268)

RU: I have read an article that was mentioned in a thread about a man named Melnikov, who claims to have become a language learning genius after he got a shrapnel through his brain. Unfortunaly his videos in languages like German and Danish are rubbish, - I think he resembles a performance artit more than a language genius.

Anya (RU): I have interpreted the signature line under the article wrongly - it couldn't possibly refer to the mental state of the female author.

21 November 2010 (p.268)

ENG: Yes, it was an error. I had just quoted the line without noticing the masculine gender of "живущий" ("living"). So instead it must refer to Melnikov "who lives in another dimension"

Romanist (ENG): Asks whether I have met anybody who had succeeded in learning Danish pronounciation (in adulthood).

22 November 2010 (p.268)

ENG: There is a certain variation in the way Danes pronoucne their language, so the question is not really whether the pronunciation is totally standardized, but rather whether the accent is identified as belonging to a foreigner. I have heard a few foreigners speak good Danish, but so far only those who have lived here. I refer to one person who even got prizes for her travelogues, but still had an accent.
The same phenomen is found in for instance Dutch - I found a surprising variation in the way native Dutch speakers pronounce their diphtongs when I listened closely to some podcasts from Dutch zoos.
To hear clearly spoken Danish you should go for old Danish films - in modern ones the pronunciatins has become much more slurred and unclear.

Romanist: The Danish pronunciation is "an issue". OBS: "Italian for Beginners" is a film, not a language course.

23 November 2010 (p.269)

IT: I have read "Focus Storia" on the way home from my job, with among other things a number of articles about the role the weather has played in history, both in the long run and in particular situations (including the one where a storm sank Kublai Khans fleet on its way towards Japan).
IC: Also an article about the sad end of the Norsemen on Greenland.
SCO: Furthermore an article about the 'blue men' of Scotland, the Picts ("pitti" in Italian), who succeeded in keeping the mightly away from their windblown territory, but who lost out to the Celts (before most of the Scottish population became Anglicized).

CAT: I have tried to find out who introduced the flying dot • into the Modern Catalan orthography (where it serves to separate "l•l" (long l) from "ll" (palatalized l). It was probably Pompeu Fabra.
LAT: I have listened to podcasts with the news in Latin from the Finnish radiostation "YLE". I noticed the many double letters in for instance the expression "toista uudelleen" ("repeat again").

Kuikentie: ('duplicated' ENG): the double letters of Finnish apparently give some problems with understanding and reading the language.

ENG: My example with double letters was at least authentic.

25 November 2010 (p.269)

GER: I read half the "Spektrum der Wissenschaft" on my way back from my job, with for instance an article about the theoretical energy loss through the expansion of the universe and another about the rich fossil site Messel (in Germany) - an analysis here as disclosed that 'El Niño" also existed 58 million years ago..
AF: I have also uploaded a video in Afrikaans to Youtube

Fasulye (GER): She could have assisted at a lecture about Messel, but was ill that day. "Focus Storia" has made a special edition about the history of mankind - sold even in Germany.

26 November 2010 (p.269)

GER: Messel is actualle just a tar and slate-pit, but maybe our best source of knowledge about the fauna and flora of the Eocene period.
ENG: My log has now passed its second birthday.

27 November 2010 (p.270)

ENG: Even though it was Saturday I passed by my workplace to fetch a small Russian dictionary which I wanted to mention in my upcoming Russian video (which I had been inspired to do because of a fairly heavy snowfall). However when I was sitting at my desk I decided to do the video there. When I returned home to redit the video I discovered that the audio and the video were badly out of synch. I covered the worst passages up with some photos from my trip in 2008 to Minsk, Moskva (Moscow), Vladimir and Suzdalj. Another error: I referred to my small Russian dictionary as "Collins". Wrong: it is a "Berlitz pocket Dictionary".

Fasulye (DU): Has now watched my video in Afrikaans, but can't judge my pronunciation. Asks whether I own the Kauderwelsch book about Afrikaans.

AF: No, I have many Kauderwelsch books about different languages, but not this one. I have got 1 dictionary, 1 old TY textbook, 1 literary book, some magazines and some printed pages in the languages. I had listened to around 10 hours of podcasts before recording the video.

27 November 2010 (p.270)

GER: Have finished the magazine "Spektrum der Wissenschaften", where the most interesting thing was an article who blamed glia cells in the body for some cases of cronic pain. Previously I had only heard about glia cells in the brain (it's the white fatty stuff).
RU: I have made wordlists out of my notes with unknown words from my Russian history book.
GR: I have read an article about the Nike Temple on the Akropolis of Athinai (Athens).
ENG: Now my log has passed 600.000 hits in slightly more than two years - and the thread will continue upwards toward the million hits mark!

Edited by Iversen on 28 December 2010 at 12:50pm

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Super Polyglot
Joined 6646 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan
Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
Personal Language Map

 Message 26 of 42
28 December 2010 at 1:57pm | IP Logged 
Summary for December 2010

2 December 2010 (p.270)

SP: Watching "Españoles en el Mundo" on TVE, a program in Spanish about Spaniars living in Belgium
SW: Have watched a Swedish nature film with films made by the viewers, - including one made by a 9 year old girl about three 'cows' (elk/moose) walking around in the garden of her family
NO: Have watched a program in Norwegian about a grocery store in a very small village
FR: the missing 'e' in "Grand'Place" is a reminder about the extinct Nominative case in French
DA: TVE has now moved to Bogotá in Coombia, and they visited the bakery where I also bought my cakes during my visit a few years ago. The crime rate in Colombia has gone down (at least in the tourist centres).
ENG: Have watched Mythbusters

3 December 2010 (p.270)

IC: In another thread I have given the link to, and this reminded me about a text in the old, almost extinct language of the Swedish island Gotland: Guutnic. I have mentioned it earlier in this thread.
DU: I even found a text about this language in Dutch (or rather Flemish).

6 December 2010 (p.270)

Kuikentje: Has met a nice Columbian girl. Finds the story about the 'cows' (moose) funny. In Belgium the cows are real cows.

SP: The reputation of Colombia as a dangerous place was based on some very real and quite disturbing facts, but the situation has become somewhat better. The bloody clothes of drug dealer Pablo Escobar can be seen in the basement of the Police Museum in Bogotá.

7 December 2010 (p.271)

LAT: I have read about a new eruption of ash from the Ecuadorian volcano Tungurahua in the Latin internet newspaper "Ephemerides". I visited the nearby town Baños some years ago.

Hakan D: Some corrections to my Icelandic text from 3/12, plus a link to Writes " Please tell me if you don't want any corrections on this thread."

ENG: I am grateful for corrections, but it don't write stuff here to elicit them. And with very little time to spend on a language like Icelandic there will certainly be errors. Hakan D has marked Turkish as his native language, so his level in Icelandic is impressive.

Romanist: Can second that. Would love to be able to read Icelandic literature, but is deterred by the allegedly horrible complexity of Icelandic grammar.

Hakan D: Icelandic is a very daunting task to cope with with only a couple of times a week

10 December 2010 (p.271)

ENG: I have spent a whole evening trying to figure out how to transfer the centent of the old homepage of my travelk club to a CMS system called Drupal.

ENG: have studied some pages of my Singapore tourist brochure in Bahasa Indonesia, using the parallel version in English.
BA I: A hyperliteral translation (+ Bahasa + regular English) of a passage about the last tiger in Singapore
ENG: Something about the Bahasa word "yang"

11 December 2010 (p.271)

LAT: I have read part of the Gesta Danorum by Saxo, a Danish chronicle from the 1200s.
GER: I have listened to music by the Viennese dynasty Strauß
ENG: Baby Triceratopses were quite different from the adults. Also something about the Mayan town Palenque (with partially audible interviews in Spanish)

ENG: I thought I should make a Latin video this evening, but instead I have been buried in Old High German adjectives all evening (with a reference to the relevant thread)

12 December 2010 (p.272)

LAT: I have made a video in Latin about Saxo and uploaded it to Youtube

15 December 2010 (p.272)

GER: I have now heard all my tapes with music by the Viennese Strauß family and instead I'm listening to music by the unrelated German Richard Strauß.
DA: I have spent a lot of time preparing the internet version of the club magazine of my travel club.
IT: I have read the first half of a special edition "Focus Storia" in the bus back home from my job. It theme was the development of early humans.
BA I: I have also made Bahasa wordlists.

Fasulye (IT): Knows this special edition well, refers to a passage where Homo sapiens is acused of eating baby Neanderthals.

IT: I have also read about this claim elsewhere, - it is based on some bones with distinctive scratch marks.
AF: Message to Chung: I ordered my Afrikaans dictionary directly from a bookstore in South Afrika.

17 December 2010 (p.272)

GER: Heard 1½ hour Richard Strauß, partly with a score. Like Wagner he writes most of his directions for the musicians in German, not Italian (which older German/Austrian composers used).
RU: I have read some texts about Georgian history, including the tale about queen Tamara.
ENG: After that I did some Bahasa wordlists, and finally I fell asleep while rereading Kauderwelsch's book about Irish.

18 December 2010 (p.272)

Kuikentje: She likes Ariadne auf Naxos by Richard Strauß and also some parts of Wagner's operas - but he didn't know when to stop. "In which language the conductors talk with their orchestra?"

19 December 2010 (p.272)
ENG: International conductors normally speak one or more of the main langiuages (ENglish, German, French, maybe Italian), and musicians can either understand these languages or they learn the meaning of the relevant words from the musical context. Examples from Debussy and Mahler. Das Rheingold, Die Valküre, Siegfried and Götterdämmerung by R.Wagner each lasts some 3-4 hours.

20 December 2010 (p.273)

Hobbema: All serious musicians are well acquainted with at least the common Italian, French, and German musical terms, and it is expected that each musician have the repetoire well prepared before they walk into the rehearsal hall. He has once had a German conductor who only spoke German to an American orchetra, but even this worked. Saw a picture of a blond woman in a house whee Wagner had lived and was from then on hooked on Wagner - in spite of the length of his operas.

21 December 2010 (p.273)

ENG: I have in some periods played in amateur orchestras, but luckily never under authoritarian conductors - and I am glad that I didn't have to earn my money as an orchestral musician. But there are even worse jobs around.
PLATT: I have listened to the second half of my one and only VHS tape in Low German. It was mostly about old people who had been digging pet all their lives - quite interesting in itself, but such programs testify to the idea that Low German is a thing of the past and only fit for rustic persons.
ENG: I have also watched Tony Robinson's series about rottne jobs, including that of the string maker (they are made from poo-filled sheep intestines)
BA I: A hyperliteral translation into English of the passage in my Singaporean brochures about the strict laws of that country.

22 December 2010 (p.273)

Kuikentje: A good idea to speak German to US American youth orchestras - that makes them more international. Has named some of her toy animals after famous composers. Orchestras must be extremely loud with all those trumpets, drums, screeching piccolos and violins.

GER: Nowadays most operas including those of Wagner are presened with scenography resembling futuristic airport terminals rather than those Germanic woods inhabited by dwarfs, valkyries, noble knights and fair maidens which Wagner had in mind.

24 December 2010 (p.273)

Kuikentje [GER/DA]: Merry Christmas...

.. Og godt nytår (happy new year) to everybody out there.

27 December 2010 (p.273)

ENG: I have spent Christmas with my mother and sister, but I did bring along some Bahasa and Russian study materials.
RU: After two months I have now started reading a Viennese magazine in Russian which I bought in Innsbruck.
BA I: Have have put 700 words in Bahasa into my ususal three column wordlists. I have slightly ad conscience for having dropped the Malaysian version of Bahasa, but all my main study texts have turned out to be in the Indonesian variant.
GE: I have of course also watched TV, including three hours about the Niebelungenlied, the complicated Medieval German poem which Wagner (mis)used for his Ring.
NO: And I have watched German, Norwegian and Swedish weather forecasts - here in Denmark it is freezing cold, but less so than further North in Scandinavia. Actually it is colder during the night than it is in a standard freezer.

28 December 2010 (p.273)

Kuikentje: It is also cold in Belgium, and there is lots of snow. Which colours are Danish Christmas decorations?

ENG: Different colours, - not just red and white as our flag.

Arthus (ENG/RU): corrections to my last passage in Russian.

ENG/RU: I had left one sentence imcomplete. My attempt to rescue it:"с обширной смотреть на парки и на сады Австрии" ("with an extensive look upon the parks and gardens of Austria")

Arthus (ENG/RU): better version: "с обширным обзором парков и садов Австрии", where "обзор" means review, coverage, overlook, overview

30 December 2010 (p.274)

ENG: "обзор" is just perfect
SCO: 29/12 I uploaded a video in Scots, where I (contrary to my usual practice) read aloud from a travelogue written after a short Easter break in Scotland
ENG: Mike Campbell "Glossika" examined the concept of negation raising in a video, and that inspired me to a rant about the benefits of quantitative analysis in grammar

BA I: I have had 100 viewers for my Scots video in just one day, and since Laoshu mentioned my Youtube channel I have had so many subscriptions and comments that it filled one page in my gmail box. I'm happy that I don't get millions of viewers because then I couldn't do anything but deal with service messages and answer comments.
GR: I have spent some more time studying my Athens guide
POR: And I have listened to the first of 13 videos with an interview with the Brazilian polyglot Freire.

Edited by Iversen on 31 December 2010 at 1:50am

1 person has voted this message useful

Super Polyglot
Joined 6646 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan
Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
Personal Language Map

 Message 27 of 42
07 February 2011 at 3:52pm | IP Logged 
Summary for January 2011

1 January 2011 (p.274)

GER: Prosit Neujahr, and something about the traditional New Years concert from Wien (Vienna).
BA I: I have been studying Bahasa Indonesian, using my two parallel tourist brochures from Singapore
DA/ENG: A picture of my mothers Christmas tree (I don't have one myself), plus the Danish and English names for some of the things you put on it

Solfrid Cristin (NO): Norwegian pixies are apparently different from the Danish ones
Anya (RU): С Новым годом! .. I had forgotten "C"
Meelämmchen (ENG): Not entirely positive statement concerning this year's New Years Concert concert

2 January 2011 (p.275)

DA: More about Danish pixies (and about Father Christmas), including some from TV that speak half English, half Danish.

3 January 2011 (p.275)

ENG: Listened to Bahasa through internet TV, first the Indonesian version , afterwards the Malaysian one, accessed through the portal Read also a printout about David IV of Georgia in Russian.

5 January 2011 (p.275)

ENG: Watched TV in English about the Snowball Earth theory and other things relating to the early hstory of life on this planet.
GER: Watched German TV about the family Hagenbeck who founded and still runs the zoo at Hamburg. Something about the way I wrote my New Norwegian text
NNO: An attempt to write in New Norwegian, plus something about this type of (written) Norwegian. A reference to some internetpages, including one about the piece "I Dovregubbens hal" by E.Grieg and another about the Medieval Norwegian king Magnus Barefoot.

6 January 2011 (p.275)

GR: Made wordlists in Greek based on my guidebook to Athens
FR: Studied some pages at (in french), including one about the newly discovered human species who was found in the cave Denisova in Sibiria. Also something about the 'Hobbit' from Flores.
ENG: An English source claims that Ötzi - the Iceman from the Austian/Italian border - didn't have direct descendants in the modern world.
FR: Maybe the method of successive reformulation I used to produce my New Norwegian text could also be used to produce something in Old French or Occitan.

Proposition (ENG): Some minor suggestions (more commas!) and corrections to my recent French utterances, plus some sites with Old French stuff.

ENG: Maybe I should put more commas in my French texts
FR: Another article at futura-sciences suggests that the Neanderthals also had the gene FOXP2, which is essential for human language.

Proposition: Strange at one gene can have such an important role

7 January 2011 (p.276)

FR: Something more specific about the role of FOXP2. BEsides I have watched a TV program about Vincent van Gogh (in English), - and precisely when I was riting about Neanderthals they showed a pictures of Neanderthals by van Gogh's teacher Cormond.

POR: Something about articles I have read on the Brasilian site It also has scientific articles, but partly with a leaning towards the bizarre - as evidenced by the methods used by certain Japanese monks on order to become living mummies... and in their opinion also Buddhas.

Hobbema (POR) doesn't want to become a Buddha

10 January 2011 (p.276)

RO: I spent the weekend at my mother's house, and aft that I have written an article about Vardzia in Georgia for my travel club. And finally I have relaxed with a selection of jokes in Romanian on the site, while at the same time listen to internet TV from Moldova - at least until they started to sing Christmas carols.
ENG: Articles about/partly in Bahasa Indonesia at

SP: Watch "Destino España" on TVE, a program about foreigners in Spain and Spaniards living abroad. Apart from that I have been studying short passages from my Viennese Russian magazine and my brochures from Singapore.

11 January 2011 (p.277)

BA I: Tried to find some internet TV at wwi, but found nothing really interesting. Instead listened to some radio from Surabaya - with a video showing the man sitting in a studio. Listened specifically for the stress in Bahasa I as my books give conflicting information about this.
POR: Some Portuguese from 'Ciencia Hoje' - strangely fittingly a program about Singapura .

12 January 2011 (p.277)

Kuikentje (ENG): likes Christmas Carols.

13 January 2011 (p.277)

ENG: I don't like Christmas Carols. Instead I listened for 3 hours to almost all the instrumental music of the Norwegian composer Svendsen.
GR: Read a printout about the female Greek mathematician Hypatia, who was savagely murdered by the bloodthirsty mob of a Christian saint.

Kuikentje (ENG): Svendsen's favorite instrument seemed to be the cymbal, haha.

ENG: In a TV program in English Belgium was said to have 5 languages. I know the three (Vlaams, Wallon and some kind of German), but what about the last two?
DA (Sønderjysk): my reaction to a program with a man named Søren Ryge-Petersen, mostly in the dialect of Southern Jutland. As a preparation I also read some articles from the magazine of the Southern Jutish club.
AF: Afterwards something about "Nederlands vir dummies" (Dutch for Afrikaans speakers)

Kuikentje also finds the bit about 5 languages confusing.

14 January 2011 (p.277)

Staf250: Found the link to Dutch for Dummies interesting.

15 January 2011 (p.278)

ENG: Greetings from London, where I have been spending a couple of days (on my way to Africa). Listened to a discussion in the tube between a girl who corrected "the painguins" of her friend - it should be Peenguins". The painguins of London zoo are due to be moved to Whipsnade.

16 January 2011 (p.278)

Kuikentje (ENG): found some critical comments about the former penguin pool of London Zoo.

Hobbema: thinking about ways to write down the utterances of penguins in something akin to Pinyin.

Kuikentje: There is a game called Pingu on the internet.

31 January 2011 (p.278)

FR: My two week absence from the forum was due to a trip to Burkina Faso and Mali - something about the (few) books and (many) prints I brought to Africa to keep my languages happy, and also about a situation where I translated the Bulgarian version of the program for the tour to English - which was only possible because I already knew the Danish version and a smattering of Russian.

Edited by Iversen on 10 May 2011 at 8:34pm

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Super Polyglot
Joined 6646 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan
Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
Personal Language Map

 Message 28 of 42
28 February 2011 at 3:56pm | IP Logged 
Summary for February 2011

1 February 2011 (p.278)

DA: Have made a video about my trip to Mali and Burkina Faso in January - but it is not good enough

2 February 2011 (p.278)

Kuikentje : comments to my tour description from Jan. 31

FR: The Dogons in Mali generally don't have electricity (nor penguins), so in the 'campements' for teourist the use generators - but only in the evenings. In Djenné I learned about language teaching in primary school from the local headmaster. A photo of the alphabet in Peul + pedagogical drawings.

Kuikentje: can't read the writing on the photo, suggests that I store a bigger photo at something called Photohost.

3 February 2011 (p.279)

EN: An enlarged, but cut version of the photo, now without the text specimen below the alphabet. Besides I have made a new video about the tour and uploaded it to Youtube.

Kuikentje: laments that I dropped the text speciment instead of following her advice about photohost.

7 February 2011 (p.279)

EN: I agree that Kuikentje's suggestion is good, but I'll think it over. There is a small WIkipedia in Fulfulde = Peul ('peul' is the French name for one of the languages in Mali.
POR: I have been reading about astronomy at the site From here I quote a sentence with at least four different kinds/uses of infinitives in Portuguese.
LAT: The index for January for my log thread is ready.

8 February 2011 (p.279)

Solfrid Cristin (EN): Has read an article (in Danish) about my interrail tours on the homepage of my travelclub. She was involved in the meetings between the railway companies when the zone system was established.

NNO: My answer in approximative Nynorsk - and something about how I produced it by successive substituting New Norwegian elements for elements in a text in standard Bokmål. One curiosity: when I opened Facebook to read about a Nynorsk group the built-in texts of Facebook were in Irish Gaelic. I must have pressed a button somewhere.

10 February 2011 (p.280)

IT: Summary of a dream in Italian

11 February 2011 (p.280)

BA I: Studied my two guidebooklets from Singapore. Progress.
DU: Listened also to organ music by Jan Pieters Sweelinck.

13 February 2011 (p.280)

DA: Attended a travel club meeting in Odense
IC: Something about the patron saint of Odense, Knud den Hellige - who wasn't saintly at all
BA I: Still using my booklets from Singapore

14 February 2011 (p.280)

Fasulye (DU): Has bougt two dictionaries IT-DU & DU-IT in Venlo plus the magazin "Wetenschap in Beeld" for just 4,95€. It has a homepage at

DU: Thanks for the link. It would be strange if there weren't scientific magazins (with homepages) in Dutch.
BA I: I succombed to the temptation of making a video in Bahasa.

Fasulye (DU): Corrections to the Dutch passage above
Kuikjente: How to make more legible corrections with different fonts - misspelt the name of Fasuly
Fasulye: Finds it cumbersome to mark corections with bold and italics. Misspells Kuikentj
Kuikentje: Got the point - 'Fasulye' is spelled with a final e

15 February 2011 (p.281)

DU: congruence and word order errors in my Dutch - I need to study

16 February 2011 (p.281)

GR: I have read about the SETI project and other weird things at The people behind it try to find life in the Universe. I doubt that any truly advanced civilisation would interpret TV programs like X factor and Big Brother as signs of intelligent life on Terra. .     
ENG: I have also watched a program on DIscovery Science about the possibility of establish human colonies on Venus. It can't be on the extremely hot surface, so instead they suggest floating colonies in the upper atmosphere.
DU: I have read some articles and answered some quizzes at the homepage of the Dutch version of "Historia". As late 1944 a British woman was sentenced to a fine of 5£ for sorcery - at least they didn't burn her alive.

Kuikentje: A few corrections. Besides: weird also is that all witches were women. No men.

Fasulye: Asks whether there really are sign of active volcanoes on Venus, as claimed by me. Also mentions the eimmense air pressure at the surface and those 96 % carbon dioxide.

17 February 2011 (p.282)

ENG: There are actually signs of active volcanoes on Venus, but it seems that the volcanism thee more is something like the Siberian traps which ended the Permian on Terra, or the Deccan traps that ended the Triassic. About witches: a few men were actually burned for sorcery - but most were women.
ENG: On the way home from my job I got the idea for a new video: one about my books (grammars and dictionaries). Besides I have studied a Dutch homepage about geology and paleontology:

18 February 2011 (p.282)
Panaday: Likes the new video, feels inspired to buy more books. Asks for materials about Breton, Faroese and African languages.

Kuikentje: Some sorcerers are good and that the others are bad, but she isn't one of them. Sad because she has discovered that she can't vote for posts at HTLAL.

ENG: I can't restore Kuikentje's voting ability. I haven't got anything on Faroese because I can read it on the basis of my Icelandic + Danish. I have a few tiny books about Breton - the bookstores in Strasbourg only had one Assimil, and besides I have got one German Kauderwelsch. Finally I list my meagre collection of books about African languages - mostly Kauderwelsch.

20 February 2011 (p.282)

Kuikentje can still not vote. She likes my video.

EN: I still can't help, and now I even have a problem with my own computer [EDIT: fixed now].
DU: I have studied Dutch word order, using texts from

21 February 2011 (p.283)

Meelämmchen: Asserts that my German pronunciation is good, and that my remarks about Low German (Platt) make sense. Adds that the renaissance and later may have been dark periods, but so was the Medieval Age - the crusades practically invented progroms.

GE: I'm happy that Meelämmchen apparently also have listened to my Low German video - some Germans, even Northern Germans, might not be able to understand it. Short remark about "mæhlam" and "bæhlam" in Danish. And no diminutive forms. There ware definitely progroms long before the crusades, but it is correct that the crusaders murdered and stole and looted everybody and everything within sight in Palestina.

Kuikentje: A picture of a cuddly lamb.

ENG: We have few diminutives in Danish, maybe because they would collide with our postclitic articles.

Kuikentje: Remembers that I have told Fasulye about the Danish postclitic articles. Wouldn't expect something like that in a Germanic languages - but maybe in Hungarian.

RO: Then it is also strange for a Romance language like Romanian to have them.
EN: Besides they are found in Bulgarian and Albanian - but not Hungarian (link to

Meelämmchen: The whole history I think is actually a dark age, but the medieval age probably was a period when there shone especially few lights. The name Meelämmchen is an old German word culled from a poem.

Kuikentje: Likes Weird that a Slavic language like Bulgarian has articles at all.

22 February 2011 (p.284)

Meelämmchen: German lamb say "mee". English ones say "beh" and in Danish they apparently say "mæh". The aforementioned poem is from the collection "Des Knaben Wunderhorn".

Kuikentje: Why is it "toll" that the poor lamb in the poem is in pain??

EN: Thanks to Meelämmchen for being so patient with Kuikentje and me.
ES: I have decided to participate in the Esperanto world congress in Copenhagen. And it turned out that it then would save me some money to become a member of the organization for one year. I have studied some ESperanto texts from Esperantean Wikipedia, including one about the double bassoon - more interesting than the usual lofty babble.

23 February 2011 (p.284)

Meelämmchen: Something about the prevalent no-nonsense attitude to pain and suffering in children's poems and the Buddenbrooks.

Paranday: Refers to a replacement for the double basson: the 'Kontraforte'. Asks whether I am a double reed enthousiast (all members of the basson family have a double reed in the mouth piece).

EN: No. I have learnt to play the recorder, violin, cello and piano in that order. But I have also composed music, and therefor I have studied the fingering tables for all kinds of wind instruments.
RU: I have studied an article about parks in Austria in Russian (from a magazine I bought in Innsbruck)
LA: I have tested the translations from Latin of Google Translate, and they are not good. As texts I used articles from Ephemeris, including one about Lukaschenko.

25 February 2011 (p.284)

LA: Studied a short text from Ephemeris about the return of Baby Doc to Haiti.
FR: I met some Haitians when I visited Trinidad last your - but they didn't speak creole (otherwise I would probably have had problems understanding them)
ES: I have now paid my entry to the grand Esperanto Congress in Copenhagen - but I don't intend to stay the whole week, just long enough to establish whether I can understand them.

Kuikentje didn't know that children had to learn that the lambs hurt themselves and that this is something you can (and should) worry about. But yes, some people may have to learn it through poems and books.

ENG: some people seem to revel in writing (and reading) texts that describe unpleasant things, and I have always wondered why. I am (or rather was) sitting at a computer screen at the library of Kolding, on my way to a family visit. I carried the following items:
RU: I had borrowed a Russian textbook too see what it is all about - Свидание в Петербурге".
BA I: A Bahasa language guide
ES: Assorted texts from Wikipedia in Esperanto
DA: some half finished wordlists - and somewhat unexpectedly a number of bilingual Irish-Danish texts. I have had to minimize my involvement with Irish due to other projects.

Meelämmchen: Maybe old children's poems in German weren't intended to be very pedagogical. All children's stories have a moral, don't they?

Kuikentje: Can we discuss a different subject, please?

Meelämmchen: OK, Iversen could get enervated about too much chatting on his log

26 February 2011 (p.286)

Lingoleng: Quotes the poem about Meelämmchen and interprets it. Apparently it can be sung while scaring your child.

OZ-hestekræfte asks why I used the word "just" in a Danish passage - hopefully not a loan from English?

27 February 2011 (p.286)

Meelämmchen: (about the poem) Didn't know about this practical use
Tractor: The word "just" in Danish is ultimately Latin, but arrived through German, not English

ENG: How to use "just" in Danish, plus something about the word "at gide" (past tense: "gad").

Lingoleng: Happy to contribute to the discussion about lambs, children's poems and Des Knaben Wunderhorn. Will send a PM if he finds more material about the subject.

28 February 2011 (p.286)

GER: I just know that Gustav Mahler was very interested in Des Knaben Wunderhorn, but haven't read the poems and prefer his instrument music.
LA: I have listened for more than one hour to a lecture about humanity in Latin by 'Aloisius Miraglia' (Luigi Miraglia?), who speaks excellent and very fluent Latin - with consonantal 'v' like me (not the 'oo' sound which according to some scholars is more correct (but who cares?).

SPA: I have been listening to Spanish TV while writing in English here at HTLL.
ENG: .. and that made me think about ways to train the ability to switch between several languages.

Edited by Iversen on 10 May 2011 at 8:35pm

1 person has voted this message useful

Super Polyglot
Joined 6646 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan
Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
Personal Language Map

 Message 29 of 42
31 March 2011 at 2:21am | IP Logged 
Summary for March 2011

2 March 2011 (p.287)

EN: I have studied Russian and Bahasa and continued my longterm project of marking verbs with and without infixes in my Romanian Teora dictionary
DA (quote from newspaper): After protest the university of Copenhagen will not stop teaching 20 'small' languages - only Dutch is killed off.

4 March 2011 (p.287)

ESP: I have received the confirmation for my participation in the Esperanto world congress in Copenhagen - I wonder whether there is a room for 'crocodiling' (speaking other foreign languages)
LAT: Link to and examples from a Neolatin dictionary compiled by D. Morgan

Fasulye (ESP): Has not yet received the 'Dua bulteno' with the congress program. No room for 'aligatorejo'

5 March 2011 (p.287)

ESP: I have also not received the program, just a confirmation mail
ENG: I have made a 6 language video about my first interrail tour in 1972. Have listened to videos by Glossika and Syzygy

6 March 2011 (p.287)

SP: I have read most of one issue of magazine called Eco, which is written for Germans who study Spanish
RU: Woke up in the middle of the night because of noise, read some Russian
GER: I have watched Buten un Binnen on NDR, which in spite of the Low German name is a program in High German - among other things about the defense minister Guttenberg, whose doctoral dissertation constisted of unacknowledged quotes
PLATT: Afterwards a program called Frühschoppen, which in spite of the High German name was a talkshow in Plattdüütsch - yipee!
ENG: Afterwards some Englishmen tried to invent the mother of all mousetraps

7 March 2011 (p.287)

Oz-hestekræfte (DA): thanks for a breakdown of the uses of the Danish word "just" (from February 27), where also "at gide" was mentioned. Remembers an episode where this word was used by Oz' cousin.

DA: More about "at gide"
NG: Afterwards some Englishmen tried to invent the mother of all mousetraps

8 March 2011 (p.287)

ENG: Have done wordlists in Greek, Bahasa Indonesia, Russian and Icelandic, and also watched 1/2 hour of Cataklan on an old VHS tape

Fasulye (ESP): Has received the congress bulletin and watched a program about Utah dinosaurs on Phoenix (an excellent German TV station), including one called Utahraptor

Kuikentje (GER): If Utharaptor wnt to California it would become a "CaliforniaBesucherausUtahraptor". Esperanto is sometimes comrpehensible, sometimes suddenly not. Has anybody visited a Disney park?

Fasulye (GER): Has visited Disneyland. Advises Kuikentje to work on her English instead of taking up new languages. There is a club for Esperantists in Wallonia (the Frenchspeaking part of Belgium)

Kuikentje (GER): Finds it frastrating that her English isn't better inspite of a lot of reading. Is the magazine of the Wallonian Esperanto-club expensive?

Fasulye (GER): too expensive.

ESP: no papers yet
SP: I have watched a program in Spanish about weird and sometimes unpractical pets, like snakes. monkeys and a pig called Simon.
ENG: Most dinosaurs in the US have been found in a stretch of dry and rugged landscapes along Rocky Mountains, and Utah is in the middle of this. I once visited a small town called Dinosaur. But no Disney park.
ESP: The same thing in Esperanto.
ENG: Kuikentje's problem with English probably is caused by a bad start. Advice: study as if it was a new and unknown language - that's what I do with Norwegian, which I already can understand perfectly.
GER: If the paleontologists found "CaliforniaBesucherausUtahraptor" in California, how could they then know that it was a visitor from Utah?

NNO: An attempt to write in New Norwegian and an authentic quote from Ida's blog in that language form. Links to a number of clips on Youtube about different Norwegian dialects.

9 March 2011 (p.288)

ENG: I quote something I wrote on a blog about silent periods

10 March 2011 (p.289)

Kuikentje (SP): Snakes are interesting, but she doesn't like the dangerous ones. (ENG): would like to visit Dinosaur. Acknowledge that she jumped into English. Is one of the Nordic languages an old version of the others (i.e. Icelandic)? Afrikaans is like a cute baby language for Dutch speakers. The paleontologists would know that one Utahraptor was on holiday when all the others were staying back home in Utah. And finally: it looks like Esperanto is some kind of exclusive club like Mensa - and she hates Mensa.

Fasulye (GER): You can't compare Esperanto and Mensa - everybody can learn Esperanto, but only those with an IK above 130 can become members of Mensa.

Arekkusu (ENG): Clubs that require a specific minimum skill to enter exist every where. Being a Mensa member doesn't make you a snob. Neither does speaking Esperanto.

Fasulye (ENG): Plea to end the discussion about Mensa

11 March 2011 (p.291)

Fasulye (DK): Her Danish teacher is also going to make a lecture on physics, though not in Krefeld

ESP: I have now received the plastoc member card for the Esperanto club, but still not the admission papers for the congress. I have read parts of the forum at, including threads about Lilith and Latin.

Fasulye (ESP): Has booked her hotel for the congress

ESP: I have already reserved a hotelroom, but not for the whole week.

Fasulye (ESP): Logical if I don't know my level and don't know whether I can understand those Esperantists. She expects every hotel in Copenhagen to be(come) full - with 2500 participants in the congress. Has not yet found the Bella Center on the map.

ESP: Its on Amager and can be reached both by bus and train (also from Malmö in Sweden)

12 March 2011 (p.292)

Fasulye (ESP): Visits Nijmegen in the Netehrlands, also visits the bookstores there. Won't pay 42 € for a book about dinosaurs.

Kuikentje (DU): Has decided to learn to play the viola ('altviool' in Dutch)

DU: Some links to music on Youtube featuring the viola. A viola isn't cheap.
ENG: One more video, this time about text copying as a pedagogical tool
RO: Have copied some texts in Romanian about astronomy (from - quote about the exoplanet WASP-a2b, which has a truly abominable climate
GER: Have watched a German TV program about the places in Croatia where the western films based on novels by Karl May (once very popular there, but virtually unknown elsewhere).
CAT: Have read Wikipedia articles in Catalan about paleontology, including the one about the Ediacarian fauna.

15 March 2011 (p.292)

Kuikentje (DU): Has already got a viola. Likes the virtuoso Bashment, isn't too happy about the special clef used for viola music.

16 March 2011 (p.292)

DU: Something about different clefs. It is not a big deal to learn the special C clef for the viola

Kuikentje (ENG): OK, the clef is not a big problem. Not practicing for three days is. The things that happened i Japan are sad (earthquake, tsunami, smashed reactor) - will donate money.

17 March 2011 (p.292)

IT: Italy celebrates its 150th universary sice the unification, and there has been a long TV progtram on raiuno - I have only seen some parts of it, though. I have ordered a copy of Eco's "La struttura Assente" through the local library and intended to reread it - I first read it while I was studying in the 70s. But this time I have found the book slightly boring, although the style of Eco is clear and crisp.
RU: I have made some trilingual texts in Polish/Russian/Danish as a prepartion for a short visit in April.
ESP: At last I have received the bulletin for the Esperanto congress in July.

Fasulye (ESP): Good that the bulletin came. She intends to spend the whole of Saturday 13 July to get to Copenhagen by train - and Sunday 31 to get home.

20 March 2011 (p.293)

DA (with hyperliteral translation): I have visited my mother and sister, and I brought "La Struttura Assente", "Grammatik kurz und Bündig" from Pons. I found the later more interesting.
FR: I also brought a book in Danish about the castles in the Loire valley, - we visited 14 of those in one week a few years ago, so I have left the book at my mother's house.

Polyglossia (FR) Some corrections to my French passage above

Fasulye: Thanks for the hyperliteral translations. The 'kurz und bündig' series from Pons is excellent.

FR: Thanks to Polyglossia for the corrections - I had made some quite gross errors, but some of the corrected passages were not really errors, I you can trust Google hit numbers. And there was one passage that was a deliberate attemp to mimick Middle French from the main period of castle building.

21 March 2011 (p.293)

Polyglossia (FR): Doesn't not intend to keep me from exploring the nooks and crannies of the French language

Kuikentje: "icelle" is still used in juridical French

22 March 2011 (p.293)

GER: I have worked on overtime so no time for studies. However I have some comments to my Polish Pons grammar and grammars for Slavic languages in general, - for instance I find it wrong to see the present of imperfective verbs and the simple future of perfective verbs as different forms. Morphologically there is only one form, and the difference in meaning follows naturally from the difference in aspect.

25 March 2011 (p.293)

ENG: Still busy at my job.
CAT: While working at my computer at home I could listen to toutistical podcasts from the National Radiostation of Andorra, mostly in Catalan, but partly in Spanish.
GR: Watched a program about the Minoans (in English) at the History Channel.
FR: After that some programs in French,
DA: .. and then something about the brain in Danish, including a scathing review of the grotesque operating methods of the inventor of lobotomy.
FR: A five part series about men and robots - with the thesis that we may choose to become androids soon. After that a series about wawe theory in physics and cosmology.

27 March 2011 (p.294)

ENG: I finished one of my time demanding projects at my job Friday at 20.30. So I could study languages all the day Saturday, apart from a two hour pause. I studied Bahasa Indonesia from 8 to 10, Russian from 10-12, went shopping and had my lunch break 12 to 14, and from 14 to 18 and from 22 to 24 I spent time on Polish, using my trilingual printouts (Polish/Russian and Danish).
BA I: wordlists belonging to a certain text copy should be kept with that copy
RU: something about the format of my trilingual printouts
IT: While studying I listened Italian baroque music by Guiseppe Tartini - and then I discovered that some of the violin concerts from my first cassette collection (from the 60s until around 1990) had not been transferred to my second collection (made in 1991-92) - now I'll have to make a revision of the whole collection to find all similar cases. In the evening watched a program about the Romans at the History Channel - and luckily with all the interviews in the original languages with Danish subtitles.
LAT: The thing about the program about the Romans once again, this time in Latin.

28 March 2011 (p.294)

ENG: Read some things in Esperanto, including an article from the ESP Wikipedia about the bassoon.

30 March 2011 (p.294)

ESP: I have listened to some podcasts in Esperanto from Radio Verde (Canada) - with references to people living with pigs and painting apes.
Ger: I received a packet with books from a week ago (including Petzoldt and Sorge's book about 500 German zoos), but haven't had time to read them. Now I'll use the Kauderwelsch booklet about Swiss German as night table reading.

Fasulye (ENG): Asks about the amount of morphological information in Gyldendal's Dansk-Hollandsk ordbog. Her Langenscheidt dictionary is not quite good enough.

Kuikentje: Asks whether people have painted the monkeys or the monkeys have painted pictures themselves. And whether people were actually living with the pigs in their pigsty. She will be away from the forum for 1 or 2 weeks.

ENG: The persons had the pigs running around like dogs, - I have forgotten whether they also allowed them into their bedrooms. And the monkeys (or rather apes. mostly chimps) were actually painting abstract paintings. There has also been experiments with painting elephants.

Kuikentje: OK, good that the pigs were in the houses of the humans and not the humans in the pigsty - but they should also have some mud to wallow in. She want to see paintings of the elephants.

Fasulye: They have had painting chimps in Krefeld Zoo - and people liked their abstract art and paid good prices for it.

DU: A few quotes from the Gyldendal dictionary to illustrate the level of information . And some links to elephant art for Kuikentje.

31 March 2011 (p.295)

Fasulye (DU): Impressed by the Danish-Dutch dictionary of Gyldendal - it even contains IPA codes.

Edited by Iversen on 10 May 2011 at 8:36pm

1 person has voted this message useful

Super Polyglot
Joined 6646 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan
Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
Personal Language Map

 Message 30 of 42
10 May 2011 at 8:25pm | IP Logged 
Summary for April 2011

1 April 2011 (p.295)

IT: I have made an oldfashioned music cassette with music of Antonio Vivaldi & co. - a few words about him
CAT: Something about an Esperanto museum in Subirats in Catalunya
RU: Read an article from the Russian Wikipedia about Tonga and another about the Austronesian languages
GER: "Wovon man nicht reden kann, darüber muss man zweigen" (Zitat Wittgenstein)

Fasulye (ENG): Incredible that elephants can paint

2 April 2011 (p.295)

ENG: The world is full of amazing facts. One of them is the Polish past tense. HAve watched a program about the childhood of Steinway & sons

3 April 2011 (p.295)

ENG: An technical essay about the Polish verbal system, compared to to its Russian counterpart

4 April 2011 (p.296)

AF: Studied excerpts in Afrikaans from

6 April 2011 (p.296)

ESP: Read an article in the Esperantean Wikipedia about feathered dinosaurs (first found in a parasitic homepage)
RU: Read an article in the Polish Wikipedia about feathered dinosaurs and made a trilingual translation: Polish, Russian and Danish
ENG: Finally an article about the same theme in Dutch, plus articles in Esperanto and German about the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt, Germany. From there to an article in Irish - spelled my way through it with a Google translation to ehlp me.

Lingoleng: At first I thought this is a very sophisticated way of insulting "The Irishpolyglot", but ... (because I had made a spelling error: " Irish polulation")

ENG: No such intent.

7 April 2011 (p.296)

ENG: Something about changes in study methods when you learn more and more new languages. Conclusion: the changes in my methods can be explained by external factors, such as new developments on the internet

10 April 2011 (p.296)

ENG: Back from a family visit
FR: My mother's cable company still delivers French TV5 with Russian subtitles. Watched a program with short documentaries, called ADN, including one about an astronomical interpretation of the cave paintings.
PLATT: Watched "Frühschoppen op Platt" on NDR until my sister arrived - she doesn't fancy Low German

12 April 2011 (p.296)

ENG: Program the previous evening: did wordlists and copied sections from my guides to Singapore in Bahasa Indonesia. I have stopped writing hyperliteral translations cause I now understand at least half of a new text and can see how it is constructed. Copied sections from an old, but completely unused textbook in Polish from 1979. Did wordlists in Russian, read some texts about paleontology in Afrikaans. Watched TV, including Norwegian NRK1 and Spanish TVE

14 April 2011 (p.297)

ENG: Copied the Polish and Russian sections from a trilingual printout containing articles about orchestras from Wikipedia (ie. the polish original and a Google translation into Russian) and made a wordlist. Copied a page about the demise of the old Sumerian language from the Russian Wikipedia. I then switched to Bahasa Indonesia and studied the sections about shopping malls in my guide to Singapore. From there to the description of the Erechteion in my Greek guide to Athens (the temple 'with the ladies'), and finally I used a text in Afrikaans about old cultures in that part of the world as my goodnight reading. And it worked - I fell asleep.

Kuikentje: The painting elephants are incredible
Teango: Indeed amazing!

16 April 2011 (p.297)

ENG: I made a video in Norwegian, but postponed uploading it. Planned my Easter holiday, which should go through Gdańsk and Warszawa thanks to a new flight route to Gdańsk. Something about the Polish alphabet.

17 April 2011 (p.297)

POL: Greetings from Gdańsk.

20 April 2011 (p.297)

Kuikentje (DU): The forum feels quite dead. She has decided not to study.

26 April 2011 (p.297)
EN: Back home from my Easter Holiday to Poland and Germany,. Celebrated it by makign a silly video partly in Polish after just one month af study. Spent my first evening after the trip watching TV, including a quiz with S.Frye on BBC Entertainment which contained several sentences in French. He claimed that just 20% of the population in France spoke 'proper' French 150 years ago - the rest spoke dialects, related languages like Occitan or totally unrelated languages.

Kuikentje: Welcome back. She intended watch the silly video, haha, but didn't expect to understand it. Knew about Frye, but hadn't seen him speak French. Has to learn about statistics and make some graphs in a computer program. Question about Easter present.

27 April 2011 (p.298)

ENG: It is easier to make a video than to participate in a free discussion in a new language.
DA/GER/DU/ENG: Something about Easter and about my family. I travelled alone through Poland and rejoined my family in Neumünster, and then we stayed in Lübeck from Thursday to Monday. Gave my sister all entry tickets during this period as a birthday present. Bought 4 German magazines. Have decided to upload my pseudo-Norwegian video.

Fasulye (DA): Which magazines?

28 April 2011 (p.298)

GER/PLATT: Names of the four science magazines

Fasulye (GE): Knows the four magazines.

GER: Have 'plattified' my previous entry from this day

Kuikentje (ENG/GER): Finds that the birthday present for my sister was great. How old is my mother? Prefers Easter decorations to Christmas decorations. "What you think about the wedding in England tomorrow?" (referring to a British royalty marriage).

ENG: "I'm not going to watch it". My mother is 83 years old, agile and great at solving crosswords.

Edited by Iversen on 10 May 2011 at 8:33pm

1 person has voted this message useful

Super Polyglot
Joined 6646 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan
Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
Personal Language Map

 Message 31 of 42
10 May 2011 at 9:24pm | IP Logged 
Summary for May 2011

1 May 2011 (p.299)

Kuikentje (ENG): Has a friend who's good at solving crosswords as well, but hate them. She didn't want to watch the wedding as well, but watched some of if with some other some girls.

LAT: Spent the weekend at my mother's house. She noticed I was working on something - it was a Neolatin wordlist, and I gave her some examples which she found funny (like French fries= "patatae frictae"). Watched a program in German about the last days of the Western Roman empire, but not that over-advertized wedding..

2 May 2011 (p.299)

ENG: Just after returning from my holiday in Poland and Germany I made a video in Polish - after something like one month of effective study time. It elicited one message from a Polish speaker, who suggested that I use not only the speech synthethizer of Google translate to learn a better pronunciation, but also the synthethizer of

4 May 2011 (p.299)

ENG: Read/copied texts: first trilingual printouts in Polish/Russian and Danish (including one text about the timely end of Mr. Laden), then a text about the quadrature of the circle in bilingual Greek-Danish and finally something about the shopping center Raffles Place in Singapore i Indonesian. Read about the Greater Zimbabwe ruins in Afrikaans as goodnight reading.

5 May 2011 (p.299)

BA I: I have been copying page after page from my Singapore guide in Bahasa Indonesia - today I made the corresponding wordlists.
GR: Then I copied and studied a text about Euclid, the great Greek mathematician who gave geometry a solid foundation.
RO: Made some printouts in Romanian. Searched for the word "magazin" - forgot that the normal word for magazines in Romanian is "jurnal", so instead I ended up with a lot of commercial pages about shopping centres and department stores. Noticed that these commercial pages almost unanimously had dropped the traditional orthography with diacritics.

ENG: Answered a PM from another member as follows: "The general rule for taking up new languages ought to be that you should wait until you have brought previous languages at least up to the high intermediate level or (better) basic fluency, but I must admit that I haven't quite stuck to this rule the last couple of years. My time planning is based on what I feel like doing and on the materials I have got in any given moment."

6 May 2011 (p.299)

AF: Woke up early and read an article about the Karoo region in South Africa in Afrikaans
GE: Read an article in the German "Science Illustated" about a new South-African Australopithecine in the bus back home from work
ENG: In the evening I watched a program about the early history of mankind on the History Channel, and once again the theory came up that that the clicks on some Southafrican and at least one Eastern African language testify to the earliest history of human languages in general - but in my opinion it could just as well be a later, purely African development.

7 May 2011 (p.299)

ENG: Made a video in Latin and uploaded it. Afterwards I read the last part of my "Science Illustrated" in German and watched an astronomy program by Stephen Hawking (the genius in the wheelchair) - after I pause I noticed that there was some babble about going to distant exoplanets to save mankind. Used the expression "solar years"

Fasulye: It should be "light years", which is a measure of distance

ENG: Indeed .Apart from that I have found out that the babble about travelling to a far away planet cirkeling the star Gliese belonged to another TV program, - my apologies to Mr. Hawking.

Kuikentje: Asks how the colors of the forum can be changed, - she is not a fan of the orange color.

Tractor: Firefox menu > Preferences … > Content > Colors… > Deselect "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above".

Kuikentje: Thanks to Tractor - the orange color on her screen is history now.

8 May 2011 (p.300)

Aldous: There is such a thing as "solar year," but it is used when talking about calendars, which can be based on the movements of the Sun or the Moon.

ENG: Thanks to Aldous for the explanation.

9 May 2011 (p.300)

ENG: Yesterday I spent 5 hours doing updates on the homepage of my travelclub. We will be changing our platform later this summer, so I fear that there will be more toil and labour coming my way when the old content has to be transferred. However in the long run our members should be able to do much of the updating themselves, leaving more free time for my studies.
POL: Studied a Polish text about Lidl and another about the economy of poevrty (with the help of a Google translation).
GR: Afterwards a text in Greek about the Attika Zoological Park the the airport of Athens.

10 May 2011 (p.300)

BA I: Made wordlists with more than 200 Indonesian words.
SP: Watched a program about unusual homes in Spain, followed by a Swedish program about a hospital for poor people in Quito, Ecuador.
EN: Watched stand-up from Apollo on BBC, followed by the quiz with S.Frye - who corrected a wrong Middle English verbal form in an answer made by one of the participants.
After midnight I stumbled over a clip on Youtube, where a teacher named Keil conducted a Latin class in fluent Latin.
GR: Different Greek words for 'to Google'

12 May 2011 (p.301)

EN: Made wordlists in several languages (Greek, Polish) and copied one page about the Karoo in Afrikaans
IT: woke up at 4 o'clock and used the opportunity to watch Italian TV: somewthing about Palazzo Farnese in Roma and about the town Trento, whose railway station has been converted into a torture chamber

16 May 2011 (p.301)

ESP: I spent the weekend outside my home driving around in a hired car. However I also found time to study Esperanto grammar and idiomatics. It seems to me that Zamenhof chose to give the ending -a to to wrong series of pronouns.

17 May 2011 (p.301)

EN: Something about the depressing developments in foreign language teaching in Denmark - more English and less of everything else. Also something about meaningless runic texts.

18 May 2011 (p.301)

EN: I had lost my intenet connection at home, but bought a net card an installed it, so now I'm online again.
ESP: I read about black storks and white storks in the Esperanto Wikipedia.

20 May 2011 (p.301)

BA I: I listened to the recorded news in Bahasa Indonesia at TV Liputan and tried out two speech synthethizers: Google translate and one named A Capela, where you can insert and hear an original text instead of its translation. After that some Russian internet TV and Polish wordlists.

Kuikentje: has seen white, but not black storks.

23 May 2011 (p.301)

EN: In Europe I have only seen white storks, and they have almost disappeared from Denmark. Outside Europa I have seen other species.
GER: During the weekend I visited my family, and in the train I read an old special issue of Spiegel Wissen about sleep.
ESP: I also read some texts in Esperanto about the presumed number of Esperanto speakers.
RU: I made Russian wordlists from a micro dictionary.
EN: I watched a program about art and culture in Benin and Mali, mostly in English but with some interviews in French. Actually I visited Mali in January.
BA I: At National Geographic I found a very interesting program about a spurious ape named 'orang pendek' ('little man') which is claimed to live on Sumatra - and no, it was not the Orangutan.

Fasulye (ESP): something about the unexpected name for India in Esperanto: I used Barato, which is a derivation from the name of a large and very old poem, Mahabharata. The modern country is called Baratio or Baratujo.

25 May 2011 (p.302)

SP: Registered postcards for my travel club while watching a program in Spanish about 'the evil eye', with scenes from Toledo. I'm going on a mini-holiday to Madrid, Palma, Barcelona and Girona (unless another Icelandic volcano makes trouble)..
IT: Later this year I'm going to Roma and Sardinia on another short trip.

26 May 2011 (p.302)

IT (+ SAR): Something about the Sardic language and the attempts to agree on a written standard, based on a homepage with original documents in Sardic (quote and link given).

Kuikentje: The Spanish economy is bad and there is a large unemployment. She likes something called "remolacha" (apparently something you can drink)

27 May 2011 (p.302)

SP: I had to look remolacha up on the intetnet, found some videos about it
GER: I have made a video about the German language series Kauderwelsch, which has both hyperliteral and more ordinary translations of its examples

Fasulye (GER): Amazed by the number of books I have got from that series.
Kuikentje (SP): Has studied the Youtube videos about remolacha (GER) and also the video aboiut Kauderwelsch.

ENG: Something about idiomatic expressions and why hyperliteral translations are good for you

28 May 2011 (p.302)

Kuikentje: comments to my remarks about hyperliteral translations - they may be useful and funny, but it's the ordinately translation you have to used in a concrete situation.

ENG: The point with hyperliteral translations is not to find a suitable thing to communicate to others, but to internalize the original throught behind a foreign expression.
SP: I have watched Spanish TV while making wirdlists in Polish and Russian. Afterwards I copied a Russian text about translations and something more about the Karoo in Afrikaans.
EN: Watched a series of programs about mass extinctions, including the one that ended Ordovicium. Maybe it was caused by a gamma flash from outer space.
SP: Then something about Galacians living abrad (in Castilian)
EN: Finally something about the bones of king Tut an his family. And yes, he was the son af Ekhnaton. Sorry for not writing this in Coptic or with hieroglyphs.

29 May 2011 (p.303)

Kuikentje EN: She also notices the direct translation first occurs in her mind, but she still has to be able to produce an idiomatic translation to others.
SP: People from Galizia in Spain are called "Gallegos". Is Galician a language?
EN: "I like very much those sweet hieroglyphs"

30 May 2011 (p.303)

EN: Something about Galician ('Gallego'), which alternatively is seen as a language and as a dialect of Portuguese (or Portuguese a dialect of Galician, for historical reasons). Also some statistics.

Kuikentje: A fine gif picture showing the moving borders between the languages on the Iberic peninsula.

Tractor (SP): links to discussions about the status of Gallego.

CAT: Have watched the weather forecast (and other news) from Spanish TVE
GER: Have listened to videos about 'geocaching' from in Schwiizerdütsch - it is something like a hide and seek game for grown-ups.

Edited by Iversen on 21 June 2011 at 4:20pm

1 person has voted this message useful

Super Polyglot
Joined 6646 days ago

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 Message 32 of 42
29 June 2011 at 5:28pm | IP Logged 
Summary for June 2011

1 June 2011 (p.304)

Kuikentje (EN): A new version of a gif picture which shows the moving borders between the languages on the Iberic peninsula.

EN: Comments to the map: 1) the language situation in Valencia, 2) the Aran Valley (where Occitan is spoken). Summer holiday on Sardinia - actually in the far North where also Corsican should be spoken

Tractor (EN): the Aran Valley is actually shown, but it is easy to overlook

EN/DA: A quote in Old Danish (with a translation into Modern Daish) from the site Diplomatarium.

2 June 2011 (p.304)

Kuikentje: Gallego is alive and well. And she would like to visit Corsica, but Sardinia would also be OK

Tractor: 1) how to split a dynamic gif on a Mac

Kuikentje: it worked!

Tractor: 2) how to slow the picture shifts down - will probably only be possible with a special program

Kuikentje: found the program "Graphic Converter", which can do it. But the effect disappeared when the picture was saved.

4 June 2011 (p.305)

Kuikentje: it was saved correctly, but her upload site only accepts jpg's. Saw a Galician the day before.

PabloV: More about Galician/Gallego - thinks that it is a language, not just a dialect of Portuguese (nor Portuguese a dialect of Gallego). There is mixed form with Spanish called "Castrapo"

Tractor: asks about the use of Gallego and explains how to turn off auto correct on an IPad

PabloV: Gallego is mostly spoken in the countryside

5 June 2011 (p.306)

Fasulye (SP): "Kriewelsch", which is spoken in Krefeld, is a Dutch dialect. Didn't now much about Gallego before Pablo's post.

PabloV: More about Gallego. Also interested in German, but first French.

Kuikentje (EN): remembers that Fasulye has written that "Kriewelsch" is almost extinct. (DU) Asks why Fasulye always put her name under her posts. Asks PabloV whether he would prefer seeing Galicia as part of Portugal or Spain or independent. Thought that Franco was Galician? And what about León?

PabloV: Yes Franco was Galician, and during his reign his hometown was renamed after him. Galicia is part of Spain and has been so for many years.

7 June 2011 (p.307)

EN: I have just returned from a short trip to Spain and found this discussion about Galicia, which I haven't visited since 1991. Quotes an example of Gallego from a brochure from the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza in Madrid.
SP: I visited Madrid, Mallorca, Cataluna.
CAT: Did speak to a number of persons down there, but not long and complicated conversations. My receptionist Can pastilla (Mallorca) spoke the local variant of Catalan. In this dialect the definite article is something with an 's', not an l (as in Sardic).
EN: I'll make a video about the trip
GER: Emperor Karl V of Germany etc. become Carlos I when he became Spanish king.

Alacritas: Likes my log thread, but doesn't understand everything everything in it

Pablo V: his teacher used to say that being the fifth in Germany but the first in Spain was an epiphany. The person, product, idea or whatever which is the fifth in Germany will be the first in Spain.

EN: the flight with Iberia was a nuisance because the seat rows were absurdly close, but I brought their bilingual flight magasine back with me. I didn't buy magazines before I left Girona because the shop at the railway station was closed, but I found one book about Catalunya in Catalanya at the airport.

8 June 2011 (p.307)

Tractor (CAT): 's' in the Mallorquin article is the same as that of Sardic - both come from Latin ipse, not ille

SP: During my voyage I studied some bilingual texts in the evening, including one in Bahasa about paleontology and one in Esperanto about the astronomer Herschel and his sister Caroline, who found Uranus and wanted to call it George (!!)

10 June 2011 (p.308)

DU: I read a homepage in Dutch about the Willet-Holthuysen Museum in Amsterdam. They are also represented in the digital project "Museumtours"

Kuikentje: something about an upset blackbird

14 June 2011 (p.308)

GR: Visited my family during the weekend and brought along some bilingual texts, including one about Greek dialects past and present and one about the oldest members of Indoeuropan language family in India.
SP: Have uploaded a video in English, Castilian and Catalan about my trip to Spain

Kuikentje (SP): Photos?

SP: Sorry, no photos.

16 June 2011 (p.308)

DA + hyperliteral EN: I'm vurently reading a book that for once represent a positive attitude to disorder
PO: Read about supermassive black holes in Polish
BA I: .. and about Little India in Singapore in Bahasa Indonesia
SP: Watched the news from TVE Internacional about unrest in Spain
CAT: including attempts to block the access to the local Catalan parliament in Barcelona

17 June 2011 (p.308)

EN: I spent the evening reading, studying and making wordlists in Polish, Russian and Bahasa (plus half a page of Afrikaans from a text collection which I found on my notestand below some other bilingual oddities)
IT: Watched a show from Piazza Campidoglio in Roma with Rumanian music and guests, including the pan flute virtuoso Gheorghe Zamfir. The female presenter said a few sentences in Romanian.
EN: A homepage with rare English words - I quote some I knew and some I didn't know, and then I complaint that some of the words really weren't unusual enough for such a list

18 June 2011 (p.309)

Mick33 (SW): claims that he just knew 3 or 4 of those words (despite being a native speaker)

EN: Mick33 surely also knows "lama" (one of the words I think are too common)

Kuikentje: would like to see a similar site for other languages

19 June 2011 (p.309)

Kuikentje: describes something called "stampin up", which can be used for making Christmas cards and things like that

EN: I'm listening through all the interviews at the polyglot Project (

20 June 2011 (p.310)

Mick33 concedes that he knows the word "lama". Looked "ladrone" up - it means 'thief'

Newyorkeric: yes, it is an Italian word for thief.

Kuikentje: .. and Spanish too. "Laicity" (French Laicité) is a wellknown notion in France because of the attempts to separate political power from the Catholic church. Some words on the list would actually just be understood using cognates.

EN: I did write several words on the 'unknown' list although I understood them because I didn't know they were used in English. With really preposterous words I often remember where I have seen them.

Meramarina (EN): Bad sign that I have written " preposterous" in many colours. Saw meny of the medical terms years ago, when she wanted to take a test in 'codification', but was barred from doing so unless she took an expensive course

21 June 2011 (p.310)

EN: Horrorfilm on Danish TV (in English) about the economical beakdown and the events on Wall street that led up to it.
LAT: Comment to another thread where Cainntear wondered why the letter 'c' is supposed to have been hard in all positions in Classical Latin, when all the Romance languages have different pronunciations in front of different vowels, plus a reference to ideas emperor Claudius had about a spelling reform in Rome
ESP: Studied and copied text about the Danish poet Oehlenschläger
BA I: Something about an Indonesian politician who vehemently denies being corrupt
GR: Read something about Greek children and the internet
EN: To Meramarina - the school whose test she wanted to take apparently wantrs to get the money from the course
LAT: while searching for information about Latin 'c' I accidentally found a travelogue written in 'Vulgar' Latin by a Spanish nun between 363 and 540

23 June 2011 (p.310)

I have made a video about the interviews at the Polyglot Project, made some copies in diferent languages and read about personality types in English.

Paranday: Likes those podcasts from the Polyglot Project

Cabaire: Comments to Claudii thoughts about new Latin letters, including a halved 'h' to indicate a vowel midway between i and u

EN/LAT: More about this subject, based on other sources than the one mentioned by Cabaire. "Pronuntatio" actually means the act of pronouncing something, not 'pronunciation'

Kuikentje: Shocked that a school would demand 1000 US$ for a course about prefixes

Meramarina: codification is actually a difficult and noble occupation, where you have to know ICD-9 (International Classification of Diseases) and CPT (Current Procedural Terminology), each about a thousand pages long

EN: So the prefix thing would just be a minor element in the course - but still the school wanted a lot of money for the course before letting people take the test. Next invention might be that they demand 1000$ to teach you how to count.

Meramarina: Hopes to find something similar to do

IT: one of the few and far between blessed evenings where Italian Raiuno showed the scientific program Superquark
SP: Listened at Youtube to a fast-speaking 13 year old Spaniard who translated on the fly from Egyptian hieroglyphs. Also clips with the same person at 19-20 years where he has grown up to become a fast-speaking adult genius.

26 June 2011 (p.312)

EN: The videos from the Polyglot Project reminded me of a book named "Success with Foreign Languages" (by Earl W. Stewick), so I also made and uploaded a video about that book. It descreibes 7 successful, but very different language learners.

29 June 2011 (p.312)

ESP: I have started to work my way slowly and carefully through the Yearbook 2011 from the Esperanto World Organization.
EN: When I took the bus back home from my job I was surrounded by a mixed group of foreigners - heaven knows what they did in the vicinity of my workplace, but of course I used the opportunity to eavesdrop.

Edited by Iversen on 29 June 2011 at 5:46pm

1 person has voted this message useful

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