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Mick’s 2012 log Teams *jäŋe / *ledús & Žá

 Language Learning Forum : Language Learning Log Post Reply
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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5990 days ago

1335 posts - 1632 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Finnish
Studies: Thai, Polish, Afrikaans, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, Swedish

 Message 65 of 108
10 June 2012 at 10:31am | IP Logged 
Some random thoughts on various languages:
Polish - Listening helps me get used to how a language sounds and I definitely believe I made a mistake when started learning Polish by learning vocabulary grammar but never listened to it being spoken or sung, and then I actually complained about pronunciation!?!? My flawed thinking was that listening to radio broadcsts or music wouldn't help me with Polish since Slavonic languages sound different than Germanic and Romance languages, but that was wrong, besides that I could have been singing along to intersting music like Justyna Steczkowska or ... Well now that I've found Justyna Steczkowska I may not want to listen to anything else again I especially love her strongly rolled r. I can't write a sentence but the total amount of time I spent on Polish so far is less than 15 hours. After that amount of time I couldn't write in English or Afrikaans either, Why should Polish be different? It shouldn't be, so stop worrying about this, Mick.

Finnish - I had almost forgotten about Finnish, then I read this blog and the three posts there made me laugh and also reminded me why I like Finnish so before I listened to Justyna Steczkowska I listend to various Finnish songs. The language for my next 6WC is undecided maybe it will be Finnish.

I've all but completely ignored Italian lately yet I keep hearing Italian song lyrics in my head while I'm sleeping, maybe I should give Italian more attention.

I may have to drop Thai, I'm just not learning it. Polish, Swedish, Italian and Finnish are more interesting right now. Naturally I will wake up tomorrow with uncontrollable urges to learn more Thai because that seems to be the way my mind works but it's probably better if I save Thai for later. I'm undecided on this one, but if sometime next week Thai is no longer part of the list of languages below my username you'll know why.

Buona notte

Edited by mick33 on 22 June 2012 at 9:19am

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 Message 66 of 108
10 June 2012 at 3:14pm | IP Logged 
Hei Mick!

Mukava kuulla, ettet ole täysin unohtanut suomea ;)

Koska pidät musiikista, saattaisit pitää suomalaisesta nettilehti Nuorgamista. Siitä löytää paljon
mielenkiintoisia musiikkilinkkejä. Sen jotkut artikkelit ovat ehkä kielellisesti vaikeita koska niissä on käytetty
paljon musiikkislangia, mutta kieli on nuorekasta ja ainakin jotkut jutut ovat aika hauskoja.

Alla on www-osoite. Valitettavasti en pysty muodostamaan linkkiä selaimellani.

T. Marikki

P.S. Jos joku kirjoittamani lause jäi epäselväksi kysy pois, autan mielelläni.

Edit: P.P.S. Jaahah, se linkki muodostuikin ihan automaatisesti :)

Edited by Marikki on 10 June 2012 at 3:17pm

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5990 days ago

1335 posts - 1632 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Finnish
Studies: Thai, Polish, Afrikaans, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, Swedish

 Message 67 of 108
15 June 2012 at 10:59am | IP Logged 
In case you missed it, I had an embarrassingly poor showing in the last 6WC. I can't believe I got only 10 hours of total study time for Polish as I decided not to track my other language activities with the Twitter bot. My poor showing was due partly to a visit from my brother who I had not seen in over 2 years and partly due to other people in my family needing my help with various projects which meant I was often too tired to think about Polish.

To try to make up for my awful 6WC I have spent much of this week listening to Polish songs and singing along to them or trying to and this is improving my pronunciation although I don't consistently pronounce the words right.

Thankfully this isn't a problem with Finnish, but my limited Finnish vocabulary is a concern. I recognize some of the case endings now, but without much basic vocabulary I still can't write or say much yet, but I intend to change this very soon. With that in mind I have decided that I will learn more Finnish for the August 6WC and I plan to not only do much, much better than last time but to also break my previous 6WC record of 50 hours. I don't care if I win or even where I place in the Twitter bot's rankings I just know that I will learn a lot of Finnish if I get over 50 hours and am consistent with my study habits during the next 6WC. Yeah, I know the next 6WC is in August but I want to start preparing in advance.

My language study plan though mid September is to focus mainly on Polish and Finnish.

@Marikki Kiitos. Unfortunately I'm too tired now and when I tried to type in Finnish earlier tonigh I made a mess of it. I have read a few things at and I will definitely read more of it so that next time you post something I can reply in Finnish.

Hyvää yötä

Edited by mick33 on 22 June 2012 at 8:26am

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5990 days ago

1335 posts - 1632 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Finnish
Studies: Thai, Polish, Afrikaans, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, Swedish

 Message 68 of 108
03 July 2012 at 11:11am | IP Logged 
It's hard to believe that my lost message in this log was written about three weeks ago. I can't believe how much Italian, Polish and Swedish vocabulary I've learned. If I were to list all the words I'd be typing all night, but here are a few of them starting with Italian:

cominciare - to begin (the conjugated form that I first saw was comincia)
la guerra - war (maybe I already knew this one, but I'm not sure of that)
pieni - full (As in "pieni fino all'orlo" full to the brim)
aggetivo - adjective (Pieni è un aggetivo)
mutamento - change, shift or variation. (As in "un mutamento di significato" - a change in meaning)
diventare - to become, to get, to grow (Just example would be "diventare vecchio" - to grow old")

en rött - root (I actually found "rötterna" which is the plural form with a definite article)
frisk - healthy
forfluten, forflutna - past (till exempel "i det forlutna" eller "in the past")
torna upp - pile up
blinka - to blink, to wink
ett förlopp - course of events

słownik - dictionary
pomoc - help, assistance
potrzebować - to need, to require
woleć - to prefer
rozmawiać - to talk to, to speak with
czereśnia - cherry

I just remembered that I need to start learning about the difference between imperfective and perfective Polish verbs since this seems important. Maybe it's not as important as continuing to listen to spoken Polish, but I still want to know a little about perfectiv eand imperfective verbs.

I don't know if I'll list more words in my next post or not, but hopefully I will not wait nearly three weeks to write something here and I also need to remind myself to post first when I visit this forum rather than read interesting discussion threads.

Hej då

Edited by mick33 on 03 July 2012 at 11:16am

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Russian Federation
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 Message 69 of 108
04 July 2012 at 12:03am | IP Logged 
mick33 wrote:
czereśnia - cherry
specifically "sweet cherry", afaiu. the more usual kind is wiśnia. very similar in russian:)
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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5990 days ago

1335 posts - 1632 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Finnish
Studies: Thai, Polish, Afrikaans, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, Swedish

 Message 70 of 108
04 July 2012 at 11:01am | IP Logged 
I like learning new words so I now give you more vocabulary. This time the language will be Finnish just so I don't neglect it.

matkustaja - traveller
matkustaa - to travel
ikkuna - window or maybe shop window.
vastata - to reply to, to answer to.
piitata - to care about
kääntyä - to bend or to shift
enää - only or anymore
kaivata - to miss, to long for , to want
joutua - to get, must
vuode - bed
halata - embrace, cuddle, to hug
ennustaa - to forecast, to predict, to foresee
huolestua - to get worried
onnellinen - happy, fortunate
suotuisa - beneficial, favorable

That's enough for now, but I want to learn many more Finnish words and I will after I get some sleep.

Serpent wrote:
mick33 wrote:
czereśnia - cherry
specifically "sweet cherry", afaiu. the more usual kind is wiśnia. very similar in russian:)
Thanks serpent. I knew I should have been more careful and checked two online dictionaries instead of just one.


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United States
Joined 5990 days ago

1335 posts - 1632 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Finnish
Studies: Thai, Polish, Afrikaans, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, Swedish

 Message 71 of 108
08 July 2012 at 10:25am | IP Logged 
My last two messages have been vocabulary lists and this post will also have a vocabulary list. What can I say, I'm learning a lot of Finnish vocabulary from trying (and not quite succeeding yet) to read the language and translating songs as I mentioned here.

More Finnish vocabulary:
laiva - ship
merenkulku - seafaring
lähteä - to leave, to sail, to depart
tapahtua - to happen, to occur
miellyttää - to please
vastuuton - silly, irresponsible
älä - don't
koskaan - ever, or never, not ever (I am unsure about this one, I will need to see it in different contexts)

For some of these words the online dictonaries give even more meanings than I've listed, but the meanings I have are enough for now.

I intend to post a song translation next time, but I make no promises.


Edited by mick33 on 14 July 2012 at 10:11am

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5990 days ago

1335 posts - 1632 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Finnish
Studies: Thai, Polish, Afrikaans, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, Swedish

 Message 72 of 108
19 July 2012 at 9:21am | IP Logged 
I can't post a song translation today, I have been too busy preparing to go on vacation for 9 days and I simply ran out of time. I will be in Utah until Friday 27 June for a family reunion and it's very unlikely that I'll have any time at all to spend on languages. I have learned more Finnish words and as I want this post to have something about languages here they are:

esimerrki - example
lause - sentence (written)
Put these together and get esimerkkilauseet - example sentences

rakkaus - affection, love, attachment (I think this is a noun)
järjestää - to organize
säilyttää - to preserve, to retain
välittää - to convey, to transmit, to intercede
riisua - to take off, to disarm, to shed
sovitella - to reconcile, to mediate
sovittelu - arbitration, mediation
väli - space, gap
olka - shoulder
väärä - wrong, false, incorrect
hylly - shelf, rack
huonekalu - furniture

Jag har också läst om TreeHotel i Harads Sverige. Jag vill gärna stanna på The MirrorCube.

hej då

Edited by mick33 on 06 August 2012 at 8:40pm

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