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United States
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 Message 193 of 420
25 January 2012 at 12:16am | IP Logged 
Euromaat ovat päässeet sovintoon Euroopan kriisirahastosta.
European countries have reached an arrangement in the European crisis fund.

käytös=behavior, conduct
Euromaat hyväksyivät Suomen vaatimuksen kriisirahaston käytöstä.
European countries accept the Finnish demand for action on the crisis fund.

yksimielinen=yksimielisiä = Unanimous (P=PL)
Suomi on vaatinut, että kaikkien euromaiden pitää olla yksimielisiä, kun ne päättävät kriisirahaston käytöstä.
Finland has demanded that every European country should want to be unanimous, when they decide on action on the crisis fund.

käyttää=use apply (passive)
EU:n kriisirahastoa käytetään niiden maiden tukemiseen, joilla on pahoja velkaongelmia.
The EU crisis fund is being used by to support countries who have a lot of debt problems.

Uudessa sopimuksessa sanotaan, että euromaiden pitää olla yksimielisiä, jos mailta halutaan lisää rahaa kriisirahastoon.
In the new agreement it is said that european countries should be unanimous, if countries want to add money to the crisis fund.

hätä#tilanne=emergency (situation)
Euromaiden enemmistö voi kuitenkin päättää lainasta silloin, jos jossakin euromaassa on hätätilanne.
A majority of European countries can, however, decide to loan to them, if anywhere a European country is in an emergency situation.

valtiovarainministeri=minister of finance
Valtiovarainministeri Jutta Urpilainen on tyytyväinen sopimukseen.
Minister of finance, Jutta Urpilainen, is satisfied with the agreement.

Sopimus hyväksytään ensi viikolla EU:n huippukokouksessa, jos euromaiden omat parlamentit ovat hyväksyneet sopimuksen.
The agreement will be ratified at next week's EU summit meeting, if the European countries' own parlaiments have ratified the agrement.

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United States
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 Message 194 of 420
25 January 2012 at 4:12am | IP Logged 
Presidenttiehdokas Pekka Haaviston vaalikampanja on saanut rahalahjoituksia.
Presidential candidate Pekka Haavisto's election campain has received a money donation.

Haavisto tarvitsee lisää rahaa kampanjointiin, koska hän pääsi presidentinvaalien toiselle kierrokselle.
Haavisto needs more money for campaigning, because he reached the presidential election's second round.

Rahalahjoitusten määrä oli tiistaina yli 400 000 euroa.
The amount of money contributions Tuesday was over 400,000 Euros.

yhtye=group (PL)
Monet yhtyeet ja muusikot järjestävät ensi maanantaina konsertin.
Many groups and musicians will organize next the concert next monday.

annetaan=antaa (passive)
Konsertin lippurahat annetaan Pekka Haaviston vaalikampanjaan.
The concert ticket money will be given to Pekka Haavisto's election campaign.

Toisen presidenttiehdokkaan Sauli Niinistön vaalibudjetti on isompi kuin Pekka Haaviston.
The other presidential candidate Sauli Niinistön eletcion budget is larger than Pekka Haavisto's.

Niinistön vaalibudjetti on noin 1,2 miljoonaa euroa.
Niinistö's election budget is about 1.2 million Euros.
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 Message 195 of 420
25 January 2012 at 7:11am | IP Logged 
cathrynm wrote:

käytös=behavior, conduct
Euromaat hyväksyivät Suomen vaatimuksen kriisirahaston käytöstä.
European countries accept the Finnish demand for action on the crisis fund.

EU:n kriisirahastoa käytetään niiden maiden tukemiseen, joilla on pahoja velkaongelmia.
The EU crisis fund is being used by to support countries who have a lot of debt problems.
-it's käyttö, not käytös:)
-literally "bad/serious debt problems"

do you find this sort of texts interesting? :)
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United States
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 Message 196 of 420
25 January 2012 at 7:36am | IP Logged 
Ah, thanks, I was wondering about that actually.

Serpent wrote:
do you find this sort of texts interesting? :)

Come to think of it, not one of these stories has actually mentioned any kind of controversial disagreement between candidates. They have elections, but for the life of me I have no idea what it matters. I am actually interested in the European debt crisis, but these stories drain all the blood out of the issue.

I think it's just years and years of studying Japanese has raised my tolerance for tedius material to a very high level. If you can draw thousands of Chinese characters, you can slug through anything, really. I've also been staring at thousands of lines of computer code for years and years, and I think this has also help build up my ability to sit and grind on stuff day after day.
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United States
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Studies: Japanese, Finnish

 Message 197 of 420
26 January 2012 at 9:44am | IP Logged 
more class readings.

テキストを一段落ずつ生徒に声を出して読ま せるということは、日本の学校の国語の授業 でも度々行う。
In Japanese language lessons at Japanese schools it often occurs that a student is made to readone paragraph of text out loud.

「はい、○○君、良く読めましたね。では△ △さん、次の段落を読んでください」となる 。
"Hello, XX, well read. So, XX, please read the next paragraph." kind of thing.

掻い摘む=かいつまむ=to sum up
ところが、ソビエト学校の場合、一段落読み 終えると、その内容を自分の言葉で掻い摘ん で話すことを求められるのだ。
However, in the the case of the Soviet school system, after the paragraph is read, it is requested that the contents is summed up in one's own words.

かなりスラスラ文字を読み進められるように なり、おおよその内容も理解できるようにな った私も、この掻い摘んで話す、ということ だけは大の苦手だった。
Just in the way that the letters smoothly progress as they are read, even I, who came to understand only roughly the contents, told my summation, though that was a not very good.

絶句=ぜっく=loss for words
立ち尽くす=たちつくす=to stand still in shock
当然、絶句してもまい先生が諦めてくれるま で立ち尽くすということになる。
Naturally, my teacher, who is never at a loss for words, gave up on me and stood there in shock.

大目に見る=to tolerate
非ロシア人ということで大目に見てくれてい たのだ。
Un-Russian-like ways could be tolerated.

However, the 'dragon' was vindictive.

She very much wouldn't give up on me.

十二分=more than enough
しかし、十二分に楽しんだはずの本の内容を 話して聞かせようとするのだが、簡単な単語 すら出てこないのである。
However, even though more than enough fun has been had making everyone listen to me talk of the book's contents, even the sample works just wouldn't come up.

俯く=うつむく=hang one's head in shame
俯いて沈黙するわたしに、トラゴンは助け舟 をだしてくれた。
As I hanged my head in quiet shame, the 'dragon' set out a rescue bout to me.

"What was the protagonist's name?

「ナターシャ・・・・・・ナターシャ・アル バートヴァ」
Natasha... Natasha Anatovia

How old was she? What was her job?

「ハチ。 ガッコウイク。ニネン。」
8 years old. She went to school, her second year.

「ふーん、八歳で、普通学校の二年生なのね 、それで」
Well, 8 years old, An ordinary school Sophomore, so therefore?


傾ける=かたむける=to incline
全身全霊=complete devotion.
曲がりなりにも=though imperfect
言い当てる=to guess right
わたしの話を聞き取ることに全身全霊を傾け ている、ドルゴンの獰猛に輝く青緑色の瞳に 吸い込まれるようにして、わたしは何とか本 のあらすじを最後まで話し、さらには作者の メッセージを曲がりなりにも言い当てること ができた。
Concentrating her total and complete devotion to understanding my words, as I inhaled the dragon's feircely glittering blue-green pupils, in the end I said some kind of summary to the book, finally, I was able to guess, though imperfectly, the author's message.

飽き足る=to be satisfied
それでもドラゴンは飽き足らず、二冊目の本 について話すよう催促し、同じような執念深 さで聞き取っていく。
With that the dragon was not satisfied, and she demanded I spead on the next book, and she listened to me with the same kind of vindictivies.

疲労困憊=ひろうこんぱい=total exhaustion
金輪際=こんりんざい=bottom of the earth
御免被る=ごめんこうむる=receive permission,to retire, to refuse
睨まれる=にらまれる=to have an eye kept on one
金縛り=かなしばり=feeling of paralysis
ようやくドラゴンから放免されて図書室から 出てきたときは、疲労困憊して朦朧とした意 識の中で、金輪際ドラゴンの尋問は御免被り たいとおもったはずなのに、まるで肉食獣に 睨まれて金縛りにあった小動物のように、わ たしは図書館の本を借り続けた。
Finally at the time the dragon let me go from the library room, in the midst of a fog of total exhaustion, and despite the fact that I thought that I should want to refuse, quite like a small animal who is being watched by a carnivore, I kept on borrowing books from the library.

返却=へんきゃく=return of something
そして、返却するときにドラゴンに語り聞か せることを想定しながら読むようになった。
And then at the time to return them, it became like I read while hypothesizing about the dragons's story that she made me listen to.

並行=へいこう=side by side
腐心=ふしん=taking great pains to
活字を目で追うのと並行して、内容をできる だけ簡潔にかつ面白く伝えようと腐心してい るのである。
Side by side, chasing the words with my eyes, taking great pains to convey as well as I could the contents concisely.

形だけ=merely for form's sake
ある日、国語の授業で、声を出して読み終え た後、国語教官はいつものように期待せずに 、形だけの要求をした。
That day, in the language lesson, after I finished reading out loud, without the usual expectation of the language instructor, she made reuests of me only for form's sake.

「では、今読んだ内容を掻い摘んで話してく ださい」
"So, on contents today's reading, please summarize."

わたしは自分でもビックリするほどスラスラ とそれをやってのけだ。
I was surprised by myself, to the extent I was able to smoothy do what she asked.

いつのまにか、わたしの表現力の幅と奥行き は広がっていたのだった。
Before you knew it, the width and bredth of my ability to express myself had expanded.

国語教官もクラスメイトたちも、しばし呆気 にとられて静まりかえった。
My languyage teacher and even my classmates, for a short while were taken aback in silence.

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United States
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Studies: Japanese, Finnish

 Message 198 of 420
26 January 2012 at 10:29am | IP Logged 
Presidentinvaalien toisen kierroksen ennakkoäänestys on alkanut tänään keskiviikkona.
The presidential election's next phase's advance voting has begun today, Wednesday.

käydä->kävivät=go (past 3)
Ihmiset kävivät melko paljon äänestämässä.
People cast quite a few ballots

äänestyspaikka=voting place

Joissakin äänestyspaikoissa on ollut jonoja.
At some of the voting places there have been lines.

Ennakkoäänestyksen aikana suomalaiset voivat äänestää presidenttiä ennen vaalipäivää.
By voting in advance Finns may vote for President before election day.

Presidentinvaalien toisella kierroksella on mukana kaksi (2) ehdokasta.
The presidential elections next phase is with two candidates.

Kokoomuksen Sauli Niinistö ja vihreiden Pekka Haavisto ovat mukana vaalien toisella kierroksella.
Constitution's Sauli Niinistö and Green's Pekka Haavisto are both in the election's next phase.

He saivat eniten ääniä vaalien ensimmäisellä kierroksella.
They received the most votes in the first phase of voting.

kauppakeskus=shopping mall
Ennakkoäänestyspaikkoja on esimerkiksi kirjastoissa, posteissa ja kauppakeskuksissa.
A polling station for voting in advance is at, for example, a library, a post office or a shopping mall.

Varsinainen vaalipäivä on ensi viikon sunnuntaina, helmikuun 5. päivänä.
The proper election day is next week on Sunday, February 5th.

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Russian Federation
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 Message 199 of 420
27 January 2012 at 12:04am | IP Logged 
cathrynm wrote:
Serpent wrote:
do you find this sort of texts interesting? :)

Come to think of it, not one of these stories has actually mentioned any kind of controversial disagreement between candidates. They have elections, but for the life of me I have no idea what it matters. I am actually interested in the European debt crisis, but these stories drain all the blood out of the issue.

I think it's just years and years of studying Japanese has raised my tolerance for tedius material to a very high level. If you can draw thousands of Chinese characters, you can slug through anything, really. I've also been staring at thousands of lines of computer code for years and years, and I think this has also help build up my ability to sit and grind on stuff day after day.
Another aspect here is that first of all you need to acquire the vocabulary that's relevant to you. Is it? General words like käyttö or tukea can also be learned from texts on linguistics - if you're interested, they're not as difficult to understand as it may seem, as there are loan words and your knowledge of the topics will also help (unlike those texts' themes, seemingly - do you even know that Haavisto is openly gay?)

Your translations are getting better and better, though <3
(one tiny thing: afaiu, it's not like you can come to any post office and be sure you can vote there. that sentence is more like "there are polling stations at post offices, at blabla...")
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United States
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 Message 200 of 420
27 January 2012 at 6:57am | IP Logged 
>do you even know that Haavisto is openly gay?

No, I had absolutely no idea of this at all.   I find this strangely amusing, actually.

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