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 Message 233 of 420
25 February 2012 at 9:56pm | IP Logged 
I'd try to give you some sort of explanation but then that will only confuse you even more so I googled it.
When is Vている the gerund and when is it the continuation of state?

Hope this helps,
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 Message 234 of 420
25 February 2012 at 10:29pm | IP Logged 
päälle is a tricky word. the most common usage is to get dressed in something/put something on, and basically onto, on top of. I have no clue how to translate those sentences though.

cathrynm wrote:

Soini kertoi tiistaina, että hän ei voi hyväksyä paikallispoliitikon kirjoitusta.
Soini said Tuesday that they can not approve the local politician's writings.

Ampuja tappoi viikonloppuna nuoren maahanmuuttajan.
On the weekend, the shooter killed young immigrants.

kunniamerkki=decoration (honor mark)
Monet ovat arvostelleet Raution ajatusta kunniamerkistä, ja sanoneet häntä rasistiksi.
Many have judged Rautio's idea of giving the medal and have said he is racist.

päättää=decide, judge
Perussuomalaiset päättävät Tommi Raution erottamisesta maaliskuun alussa.
Foundation Finns order Tommi Raution will be dismissed early March.

kirjoitusta and maahanmuuttajan in the first two are both singular.
sanoneet häntä rasistiksi is literally called him a racist.
the last one: they'll decide in early march about his dismissal.
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 Message 235 of 420
26 February 2012 at 3:04am | IP Logged 
Well, I got the results from the JLPT N2. 23/60 28/60 18/60 total score 69/180. So, not even close, my best score was in the reading, and my listening was disastrously low as expected. Oh well. There's always next year.
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 Message 236 of 420
26 February 2012 at 6:27am | IP Logged 
Today after class I ran down to the Japanese book store and picked up a Japanese copy of ムーミン谷の冬 -- seems somehow appropriate. This book has a lot of furigana, and for me there's not a single kanji in here I don't know, but quite a few words I don't know. I think I'm just going to read this one.   I did the first 10 pages today. And with some dictionary lookups that took some time, but maybe without any dictionary, I can get 10 pages in within an hour. I'm not sure how well I understand this, but I just want to try plowing through for a bit. And I'll just do relentless looking up of words for my class work.

The internet has ruined me for vertical writing, so really need to get used to this to speed up my reading.
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 Message 237 of 420
26 February 2012 at 8:50am | IP Logged 
Homework for the class.

生ごみ=kitchen watse
Rice made from kitchen waste -- delicious to 40%.

東部府宮津市が、生ごみやし尿などをメタン 発酵させて得た液肥を使って米を試作し、市 民らに試食してもらったところ、約4害が普 段食べている米より「おいしい」と答えたこ とが、市のアンケート結果でわかった。
The eastern Japan government in Miyazu city a trial is being done to grow rice using liquid fertilizer using methane fermentation using thinks like kitchen waste, and urine, and in the results of a city survey, when the citizens sampled the food about 40% thought the rice was more delicious than regular rice.

市は資源循環のまちづくりを目指し、試験的 に液肥を生産。
The city's experimental production of liquid fertilizer aims to recycle their resources.

昨春=さくうしゅん=last spring
水田=すいでん=paddy field
これをつかって昨春から市内の水田で米を栽 培し、約420キロを収穫した。
Since last spring, they have made and cultivated rice in the city's paddy fields, and about 420 kilograms have been harvested.

実施=putting into practice.
イベントなどで市民や観光客らに食べもらい 、アンケートを実施。
At things like events, a survey has been done with citizens and tourists who have eaten the food.

回答者582人のうち約42%が「おいしい 」、約44%が普段食べている米と味が「変 わらない」と答え、両者で9割近くを占めた 。
There were 582 people responding and within those about 42% responded 'delicious' and about 44% replied that the taste compared the flavor of rice they usually eat was 'no different.'   The two groups consisted of 90% of those responding.

液肥の原料に生ごみなどをつかっていること については、約54%が「気にならない」と した一方、「気になる」も約43%あった。
On the matter of using things like kitchen waste as a raw material for liquid fertilizer, about 54% said they did mind, while 43% did concern themselves with this.

自由意見では、「昔は畑の肥料として中心だ ったし尿が廃棄されており、資源の活用を」 「販売時には生ごみやし尿などを大きくアピ ールせず「有機肥料」程度が良い」などがあ った。
Opinions freely given were that "Long ago, urine was disposed of as fertilizer in rice fields -- a practical use of a resource" and "For marketing purposes, the use of kitchen waste and urine is not attractive and that the use of 'organic fertilizer' would be good.

市は来年度も試作を続け、経済性を考慮しな がらメタン発酵施設導入の可能性を検討して いく。
Next year, in the city the trial production will continue, and along with the consideration of saving money, the possible introduction of methane fermentation is being studied.

(2012年2月19日18時28分、読売 聞)
Yomiuri Newspaper.
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 Message 238 of 420
26 February 2012 at 11:02am | IP Logged 
ehdottaa=suggest, proppose
suurituloinen=high income
Sosiaalidemokraatit ehdottavat lisäveroja suurituloisille.
The social democrats propose additional tax on high income.

SDP:n puheenjohtajan Jutta Urpilaisen mielestä ne, jotka ansaitsevat yli 100 000 euroa vuodessa, voivat maksaa veroja enemmän kuin nyt.
SDP's spokesman Jutta Urpilaisen believes those who earn more than 100,000 Euros a year can pay more taxes than what they pay now.

ehdotus=proposal, suggestion
Sosiaalidemokraattien ehdotus on, että rikkaat maksavat enemmän veroja huonon taloustilanteen aikana.
The Social Democratic's suggestion is that perhaps the rich pay more tax during times of bad economic situations.

Sosiaalidemokraatit sanovat, että Suomen valtion täytyy myös säästää rahaa.
Social Democrats say that Finnish government must also save money.


Säästöt eivät saa kuitenkaan olla niin suuria, että talouskasvu on vaarassa.
In any case, savings should not be so big that economic growth is endangered.

siksi=that's why
Siksi valtio tarvitsee uusia verotuloja.
That's why the government needs new new tax income.

Jutta Urpilaisen mielestä on oikeudenmukaista, että valtio kerää lisää veroja suurituloisilta.
Jutta Urpilaisen belief is that it's fair, that the government collects more taxes from the high income people.

rikas->Rikkaiden (gen pl)
tasapaino=balance (level, weight)
Rikkaiden lisävero on yksi sosiaalidemokraattien ehdotuksista, kun puolueet neuvottelevat, miten ne voivat pitää Suomen budjetin tasapainossa.
Additional tax on the rich is the first Social Democratic proposal as the parties negotiate how they would like the Finnish budget balanced.
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 Message 239 of 420
26 February 2012 at 12:06pm | IP Logged 
I'm not good at geography but could "東部府宮津市" be "京都府宮津市"? And you're right about the reading, it reads みやづ. And I know it's just a typo but it should be "約4割" instead of "約4害".

- 市は資源循環のまちづくりを目指し、試験的 に液肥を生産。
- The city's experimental production of liquid fertilizer aims to recycle their resources.

In my opinion, the emphasis is on the verb 生産(している), thus the main verb shouldn't be "aim", making it:
   "The city is producing/has been producing liquid fertilizer experimentally, aiming to recyle their resources."

And when they say "市", they mean the local government or something like that. I'm not entirely sure about this sort of thing. What's smaller than a local government?

- これをつかって昨春から市内の水田で米を栽 培し、約420キロを収穫した。
- Since last spring, they have made and cultivated rice in the city's paddy fields, and about 420 kilograms have been harvested.

"The city's paddy fields" sounds like the city owns the fields to me but the Japanese doesn't say so, just paddy fields in the city. Or I misinterpreted the English.

Hope this helps,
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 Message 240 of 420
26 February 2012 at 12:29pm | IP Logged 
Yeah interesting. In the USA 'city' is the basically smallest sized government. We have neighborhoods that have names, but basically they are names only. Town implies a small city, but we never use 'town government', it's always 'city government.' Rural areas with low population are usually controlled by the county government -- and here, most farms here are located in counties, not within city boundaries.

So, now that I think about it, "city's paddy fields" is a bit weird in English even.   I think now that 'region' or 'area' best, since neither is wrong I don't think any information is lost with this.

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