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 Message 265 of 420
03 January 2013 at 11:28pm | IP Logged 

Hmm, I saw quite a response on Facebook to this. /a1356756791315

Maybe there is a language issue here, and people assumed no one understood. Anyway, I'm missing a lot from this, so I think I will study this more later tonight.
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 Message 266 of 420
03 January 2013 at 11:33pm | IP Logged 
Hmmm, that reminds me that I too noticed this on my newsfeed from a couple of Finnish friends. I will look into it in the next few days.
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 Message 267 of 420
04 January 2013 at 9:26am | IP Logged 
Oh wow, this story is pretty horrible, really. I have nothing to say.
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 Message 268 of 420
13 January 2013 at 7:07am | IP Logged 
Well, today I'm starting another quarter at the sokogakuen -- the reading comprehension class, which runs half the year. (The JLPT 2 class runs the other half the year.) This means I'm beginning on my 3rd year of the intermediate classes, and the 6th year of working on Japanese.   I've seen a lot of the same people continuing on year after year in this class, so we've all kind of gotten to know each other.

I think at least this class keeps me going at some minimum level, so I'm forced to work on Japanese for some time each week, even when I'm busy with other stuff.

Lately, I have been keeping up reasonably well with my anki flash cards for Finnish, and the JLPT N1 list too. I drove down to LA to see my father in the nursing home, so I missed a few days, but aside from that I've been pretty regular. You know, I thought maybe I could just skip all this word memorization and just go right into reading and listening and things, but I feel like I just need to go back and get more words in my brain. I want to get to where I can write from memory simple Finnish sentences, and right now I still don't have the words to actually do this.

I think I've figured out that doing both recognition and production is just as hard as doing recognition only, because I see both sides and that helps me get the words in a little better. For Finnish I still turn off the leech function in Anki, or otherwise my entire deck gets marked Leech. I've been working on Finnish but I'm still way way too dependent on dictionaries and things, and I'm forgetting words. The Flash cards have worked for me in the past, and this is one way to pound the words in my brain with a virtual jackhammer.
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 Message 269 of 420
26 January 2013 at 8:09pm | IP Logged 

Rap song of a Vietnamese guy in Japan in Japanese. He talks about the boat people, and also mentions briefly the loss of language, and talks about trying to hide his Vietnamese roots in Japan.
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 Message 270 of 420
31 January 2013 at 5:51am | IP Logged 
Ugh, well, I failed the JLPT N2 it looks like. Vocab/Grammer 28/60 Reading, 23/60 and listening 19/60. That's 70/180 and I need 90 to pass, so I'm still not close on this. Shoot.   Last year I did 69/180, so I improved by one point over the year. Bleah.
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 Message 271 of 420
12 February 2013 at 1:54am | IP Logged 76834601406#journal_comment_18613022404326844260979554999811 9388425

Well, I did my class presentation. It went okay, I think partially thanks to lang-8.   Really, if I was actually worried about grades, I'd consider lang-8 cheating. But there you go.

I've pretty good keeping up with Anki, though I'm doing that horrible thing everyone says not to do, and that's learning single words. I'm going to Finnish and from Finnish, because my ability to speak just sucks because I only know words passively. I need the ability to recall actual words from memory to even have a chance of speaking badly. This Deck from Ymmärrä suomea has 1647 words with 3294 cards for both directions, and so far about 525 cards are mature and 734 are young+learn, 2035 cards still unseen so I still have a ways to go with this.    Even already, this does make reading the Ymmärrä suomea stories much easier -- though they are a little bit boring, is the only problem.

And one major life change happening. I'm going to be riding the subway to San Francisco every day, so I bought the iOS version of Anki. very nice. I can now sync the PC or the iPhone to each other magically. I'm getting good money for this job, but it's also kind of a start-up-ish engineering job, so I'll be crazy because of that.

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 Message 272 of 420
12 February 2013 at 3:09am | IP Logged 
cathrynm wrote:
I've pretty good keeping up with Anki, though I'm doing that horrible thing everyone says not to do, and that's learning single words. I'm going to Finnish and from Finnish, because my ability to speak just sucks because I only know words passively. I need the ability to recall actual words from memory to even have a chance of speaking badly.

With single word cards, how do you handle things like conjugation and all the other word-changes that I'm guessing Finnish has (because I have no idea)? I thought about switching to single words for my Japanese Anki deck, because it is so much easier to make cards that way.

Oh, and sorry about not passing the JLPT N2. You'll get 'em next time!

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