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 Message 177 of 292
03 March 2013 at 7:10pm | IP Logged 
It's great that you are doing a challenge, and especially such a demanding one of preparing written texts. You are an inspiration! Reinekes Challenge is probably what I should do (eventually perhaps), but instead I have been doing the Superchallenge: 100 books and 100 movies or equivalent: I like audiobooks. With any challenge it seems almost by osmosis your abilities really do improve. Of course for the one I'm doing they are passive abilities, but the challenge you describe will be much more effective with your already strong active abilites.

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 Message 178 of 292
03 March 2013 at 7:54pm | IP Logged 
Oh, my French is not exactly active! I can barely speak at all -- only when forced ;)

When I write French I "cheat" and use a lot of help from Prof. Google and other references. I google bits and phrases until I get what I want to say, then I have someone check it. I think this is okay. My German tutor said something to me today that I think I can apply to French "....zeigt auch diesmal, dass Sie sich .....auseinandergesetzt haben und dies dann auch in der Praxis gut anwenden können." She wasn't talking about French but I think I do this with writing French. I think I have to "wrestle" with a topic and really delve into all associated words and phrases. I have to learn how to talk about something and I think writing is the best way to practice. I think "cheating" with google is an okay process for the intermediate to upper intermediate level.

The important thing is, it can't be too complicated. It has to stay within a modest level, otherwise what I write will be too hard for me to absorb! he-he! I think if I write 100 letters in French (today's letter was 160 words) then I will be closer to speaking. I'm going to be a late-speaker, I think. I have to go back and review what I've written. Wiederholung is key.

I think this challenge will be good for me. The 100 books wouldn't work for me because it takes me at least a year to get through one book. I fall asleep after each page. I like it though. I can concentrate with my book-light, and it's almost like a review of things I've come across before. Like telling about my day right before I go to sleep. Okay *gäääähn* now I'm starting to get sleepy^^

EDIT: Reineke's Challenge, Total Number of French Words Written So Far 875

Edited by Sunja on 05 March 2013 at 12:49pm

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 Message 179 of 292
05 March 2013 at 5:37pm | IP Logged 
Viele tolle Kommentare bei lang-8 im Moment. So viel, dass es mir manchmal über den Kopf wächst. Ich drucke mir meine Notizen aus und ich tue sie auch hier rein. Dann lese ich etwas Nützliches (dann ist nicht nur mein Kram hier drin)

"activité" is general and can be used for working out or excercise in general. "Excercice" is more specific
On préférera un article indéfini (un), car on ne précise pas le type d'activité.
"activité" est plus général que "exercice". Mais c'est à vous de choisir.

"les" to signify a portion of something. "des" to signify everything (no distinction).
On utilise ici "les" (article défini) car on cible précisément un type de maladie. De plus, avec "des", on ne peut pas deviner si TOUTES les maladies de civilisations sont de plus en plus fréquentes.
C'est une nuance, bien sûr. "des" est parfaitement correct.
une maladie (féminin)
"de plus en plus"

"toucher" when you've contracted an illness. "Atteiner" when you already have it (I think), like "he's suffering from"
On utilise les verbes "toucher" lorsque l'on parle du nombre de personnes ayant contracté une maladie (c'est une sorte d'habitude), mais plus rarement pour dire que quelqu'un est malade. On dit alors qu'il est "atteint".

"problème is to solution as question is to réponse"
En français, on associe les solutions aux problèmes et les réponses aux questions. Puisque vous avez utilisé le mot "problème" juste avant, on ne s'attend pas à voir le mot "réponse". Ce n'est pas grave, mais ça fait "tiquer" !

déplacer or bouger?
"déplacer" insists on the idea of changing position, I would have said "bouger" (= make a movement).
Si on se demande : "qui se déplace ?", la réponse est "on", donc on conjugue à la troisième personne du singulier.
"Il faut se déplacer" : impersonnel ; c’est une remarque, un conseil.
"Il faut qu'on se déplace" : vise "on" ; le lecteur se sent concerné.

there's a difference in French between "toute la journée" (the whole day) and "tout au long de la journée" (all day long)
"tout au long" insiste sur l'idée de "durée". Mais ici, le verbe est "s'assoir" : on ne passe pas une journée entière à faire le mouvement de s’assoir sur une chaise (sauf si l'on est très, très lent) !
On aurait par contre pu écrire :
"On ne doit pas rester assis devant notre poste de travail tout au long de la journée,

Whether to use "ne prendre que" or "seulement" for "it only takes"
Note : "ne prendre que" implique déjà l'idée d'unicité, "seulement" marque donc une insistance (on entend ça dans les publicités, par exemple).

EDIT: Reineke's Challenge, Total Number of French Words Written So Far

Edited by Sunja on 07 March 2013 at 3:35pm

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 Message 180 of 292
10 March 2013 at 8:41pm | IP Logged 
After reading about your experience, I'm even more convinced there is no one right way to learn a language. All input and output is good. We just have to find a balance between what we love to do and comes easy to us on the one hand, and what we (perhaps) dread or find tedious but need to do to develop those weak skills on the other. I would gladly read for hours on end, but the idea of doing the writing challenge you describe makes me cringe. Why? Writing is one of my weak points. And why is that? Simple: I don't do enough of it for it to get easier/more enjoyable. Catch-22.

I'm curious if your tutor holds your feet to the fire so to speak about keeping you working towards goals you might not choose for yourself. I'm doing a class currently with a total of 4 students, but I've thought about the possibility of working with a tutor one-on-one in the future, maybe just to focus on writing. If you have some time, would you mind sharing what your experience has been and the pros/cons? Thanks in advance.

Edited by BAnna on 10 March 2013 at 8:42pm

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 Message 181 of 292
11 March 2013 at 9:41am | IP Logged 
Hi BAnna! BTW, from what I've seen you come in on the weekends. I'm trying to do that now too! I get so much more done! Of course, I only spend about 10 minutes a day in here (or so I think), but those 10 minutes can add up.

BAnna wrote:
I'm curious if your tutor holds your feet to the fire so to speak about keeping you working towards goals you might not choose for yourself. ( ... )

My goal is to get a new job, so that's the only thing I've got holding me to the fire, so to speak. My online course is for me to get a quick credential for working in a sales and/or office capacity. I'm also doing an extra unit of "MS-Office". That's why I haven't really talked about it. The course is not about the German language itself. I've just been using the course as an excuse to keep my German in check, and I've been using everything I've learned to broaden my knowledge of how it's used. My tutor is there to grade what I turn in and so far she's been extremely encouraging and helpful with answering my questions about the course content. I don't know how many other students she's in charge of -- probably a dozen or so. I'd have to go to the online forum if I wanted to find them or communicate with them. So far, I haven't found the need to talk to anyone. I just do the materials and get graded on them. I receive 4-5 "Lernhefte" every three months, which I then have to work through and turn in at my own pace.

I'm trying to work through two Lernhefte now instead of one -- they're for the MS-Office portion of the course, and I've already got enough experience in that to go a little bit faster. The terminology is different, but if that's the only hurdle then I should complete these two Hefte by the end of March.

I'm not quite sure what do about French. I had a rough day at work on Friday and that broke the bubble I was in about writing -- die Luft ist raus! I don't really have anything I want to write about today. Maybe I'll get back into it soon, but for this week I think I'll move to another area (listening or shadowing or something).

I have to go with what works! Sometimes that means tricking myself to stay with the language by switching from one task to another. It's not very efficient, but it's better than stopping and letting the language get "cold".

Wie vor einem Spiel muss ich mich neu motivieren! ;)
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 Message 182 of 292
16 March 2013 at 1:05pm | IP Logged 
diese Woche habe ich nicht viel geschafft. Ich habe auch heute ein bisschen mehr Arbeit wie sonst, also ich weiß ich nicht, wie viel Zeit für's Lernen noch übrig bleibt.

Ich habe von einem Kunden eine Zip-Datei bekommen: Werkzeugvokabel auf Französisch, Spanisch, Deutsch und Englisch. Wörter wie
Auswerferplatten      ejector plates     placas expulsoras      pousseurs d'éjection
Das werde ich mir heute ansehen. Ich versuche auch Lektionen 4-5 aus meinem Lernheft zu lesen (für meinen Lehrgang) und ich wollte weiter mit meinem neuen Anki-Deck arbeiten. Ich habe etwas in rennaissancemedis Log über Assimil erwähnt, nämlich dass ich nach Lektion 80 aufgehört habe. Jetzt bin ich auf Assimil zurückgekommen und versuche alle Zusatzübungen aus dem Stand zu übersetzen. Ich habe das Buch aufgeschlagen und mir festgestellt, wie gut die Übungen sind. Es sind auch Sachen drin, die ich eigentlich schon beherrschen sollte. Die Übungen werde ich mit Hilfe von Anki nachholen.

Jetzt habe ich ungefähr eine Stunde Lernzeit bevor ich zurück zur Arbeit muss...

edit: was mir gerade Spaß macht, ist Sätze in Reverso Traduction zu schreiben und auf "écoutez le texte" drucken, um mich die Sätze über die Audiofunktion anzuhören. Die Aussprache ist besser bei Reverso als bei Google. Ich mache auch Diktate bei LaDicté

editedit: ich habe bei LaDicté eine wahre Goldmine gefunden! Die Diktate werden von der Lectrice erst "normal" vorgelesen und dann diktiert (Diktatsprache mit Satzzeichen wie aus der Schule, "point, virgule") Die Aussprache der Lectrice ist herrlich. Ich genieße jedes Wort. Für jeden, der sich die französische Sprache gerne anhört, ein Muss. Ein Diktat-Beispiel:
La Glaçonie

Près du pôle Nord, il existe un pays qui s’appelle la Glaçonie. En Glaçonie, quand il ne neige pas, il gèle, et quand il ne gèle pas, il neige. Brrr… Quel pays glacial!

Man sieht ja, dass es für Kinder ist, aber das ist von mir aus gut so!:)

Edited by Sunja on 16 March 2013 at 6:54pm

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 Message 183 of 292
18 March 2013 at 1:43am | IP Logged 
Yes, I do come in on the weekend to update my log, and often once during the week, just to see what's new. If I came in every day, I don't think I'd get much studying done. I want to be supportive to my fellow Schnitzlers, but don't really know what to say. Your idea is good: do a bit every day. Some days you'll only have a few minutes, but the consistency is what makes the difference.

Learning content in another language is supposed to be great. Maybe you could take a French cooking course next :) All the best with your career plans.
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 Message 184 of 292
18 March 2013 at 11:17am | IP Logged 
BAnna wrote:
Yes, I do come in on the weekend to update my log, and often once during the week, just to see what's new. If I came in every day, I don't think I'd get much studying done. I want to be supportive to my fellow Schnitzlers, but don't really know what to say. Your idea is good: do a bit every day. Some days you'll only have a few minutes, but the consistency is what makes the difference.

I think it's really great that you check on everyone! I look in on folks but I also don't always have anything to say.

I supposed I could just throw out a few Floskeln, but I don't think that's what people would want.   

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