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The Awesome Difficulty of Korean, Finnish

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Studies: Korean, Finnish

 Message 273 of 559
20 November 2012 at 10:15am | IP Logged 
Warp3 wrote:
Ahhh. I overlooked the first line in your post and didn't realize you were talking about Anki 2. That is sad to hear that the keyboard setting isn't per field in Anki 2. I hope they fix that soon.

I think I read somewhere that it's on the to-do list so it's just a matter of waiting. On the other hand, I'll probably be used to switching the keyboard by then so I'll be switching it even when I don't need it anymore. Heh.

Yesterday was a bank holiday so I had some time for studying. I started unit 13 on SNU and did two TTMIK lessons. One introduced the various expressions involving 수고, and the other one was about how to say I guess using -나 보다.

It looks like the rest of the week will be quite busy for me so I may not get to study as much.
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 Message 274 of 559
22 November 2012 at 9:52am | IP Logged 
It's bad. I've had no motivation to study languages in the last two days so I've even let Anki slide. I probably just need a break and it sucks that Anki must be reviewed every day. It's going to be hell catching up on everything. My usual amount of reviews is close to the maximum I can do in a day so getting rid of a backlog is always very hard. It almost makes me want to contemplate dropping Anki completely. Just almost. Anki is too useful for me to drop it.
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 Message 275 of 559
22 November 2012 at 6:13pm | IP Logged 
That's part of the reason I'm not *too* annoyed at myself for not adding many cards lately. The reason I haven't been adding many cards lately is due to being so busy, but finding time to add them anyway would just make me busier yet by increasing my review counts (especially in the short term). Since I haven't added many cards recently, though, my review counts have been steadily dropping. I'm still getting tons of immersion and still reviewing what is already in there, though, so I'm not really worried about it. :)
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 Message 276 of 559
24 November 2012 at 11:11am | IP Logged 
That is probably fine for you, Warp3, but my problem is that I don't have the immersion. I really should do Anki and listen to at least one (it doesn't have to be new) TTMIK lesson every day to keep my Korean active.

I tried to get back into my rhythm yesterday. I did lesson 5x05 and repeated several others. Repeating the TTMIK lessons is crucial for me. For example, I had listened to 5x01 at least twice before but I still didn't remember the construction for "almost did something". Although that may be because I've gotten lazy with studying the PDF's. Anyway, I don't worry about it too much, I know I'll be seeing the grammar points from TTMIK in my textbooks sometime in the future. If not in My Korean then in another one.

I'm still looking for a new drama to watch. I'm starting to think I'm being too picky. I tried Flower Boy Ramen Shop and Listen 2 My Heart and stopped both in episode 2, just like with Rooftop Prince. I need to remember I'm watching them primarily for Korean practice, not for entertainment. Eh, I don't know, I'll probably give them a second chance someday. Now I want to try Coffee House and My Princess if I can find them somewhere in good quality. I hate watching dramas on those sites where each episode is divided into 4 or 5 parts.
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 Message 277 of 559
24 November 2012 at 1:45pm | IP Logged 
Can you access the dramas you're interested in on That would be a good option if you don't like them split. All other sites I know usually upload them in several parts, although dramacrazy sometimes has whole episodes.

Coffee House and My Princess were both entertaining. Out of the two I liked Coffee House a little better.

A current drama I can recommend warmly is King of Dramas. Both the actors and the writing are good. It also has a well-produced, slick look. The drama offers a glimpse behind the scenes of Korean drama shoots and pokes fun at a lot of clichés.

Study-wise Nice Guy was very useful. I thought the actors speak a little more slowly and clearly than in most dramas. Besides, it's also well-acted and well-produced.
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 Message 278 of 559
25 November 2012 at 10:25am | IP Logged 
I like to download the shows, not watch them online. When I can't find download links in English I have to resort to Korean and then it usually works out. Of course, then I have to find subtitles somewhere else.

I started watching Coffee House and so far so good. Both King of Dramas and Nice Guy are on my list too, I'm just waiting for WITHS2 to finish subtitles for Nice Guy. But I don't want to start watching ongoing dramas because it's not as good an experience for me.

So yesterday was a very Korean day. I did some Finnish Anki reviews but that was the only thing I did about Finnish. TTMIK lesson 5x06 was a word builder lesson focusing on 문 (文). I was surprised to hear that 주문 was made of the same Chinese character.

Lesson 5x07 introduced the -자마자 ending (as soon as). That was not very difficult.

I read the first 9 units of this book. It has 25 units in total and it is more like a reference book than a textbook. It has chapters about nouns, particles, numerals and so on. The author says that the book covers the stuff that new students would be expected to learn in the first year. I'm happy to say that so far about 90% of the information was already known to me, the only really new thing was how to form ordinal numbers. I also found the section on personal pronouns useful. Most of it I had already deduced myself but it was still nice to get a complete overview of them. For example, TTMIK have never explicitly mentioned that there are no third person pronouns in Korean. They always focus on Korean grammar concepts rather than English grammar concepts and how that might be translated into Korean. It's the right approach, sure, but turning it around now and then would be fun.
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 Message 279 of 559
25 November 2012 at 4:00pm | IP Logged 
Evita wrote:
That is probably fine for you, Warp3, but my problem is that I don't have the immersion. I really should do Anki and listen to at least one (it doesn't have to be new) TTMIK lesson every day to keep my Korean active.

Sure you do, it sounds like you watch quite a few K-Drama episodes which is definitely immersion. :) For reference my "media immersion" currently consists of: 2 TTMIK 이야기 episodes per weekday (at the start of my commute), listening to Korean music (the other 25-35 minutes of my commute each way), watching Korean TV (which usually happens more on weekends than weekdays, though I try to watch at least one show per day), and a small amount of reading immersion (books, twitter, web surfing, etc.).

On busy weeks, I will often not get very many shows watched, but I still have the listening during my commute that happens regardless. Also the fact that most of my commute is entertainment (music) not work (a lesson) is an important part of this. When I've had a stressful and busy day at work and am half brain-dead, trying to concentrate on a Korean lesson would accomplish nothing. However, listening to Korean music is just listening to music. Thus it doesn't feel like work, yet it is still useful Korean listening practice.

If I hadn't gotten myself so thoroughly hooked on Korean media, I doubt I would still be at this at over 3 years and counting (which is probably why I have trouble keeping my Spanish or Japanese alive). Even when I do no studying at all, there is still Korean in my life constantly which keeps the motivation going. It would honestly be difficult to remove Korean from my life at this point, even if I dropped active study altogether, since I'd have to actually find something to replace it. All my TV watching and nearly all my music listening is done entirely in Korean (and the music that isn't Korean is Japanese or Spanish). At the start it was an intentional choice to avoid English media, but after a while, it just became the status quo (as one Korean show led to another and one Korean song led to another).

Now I want to try Coffee House and My Princess if I can find them somewhere in good quality. I hate watching dramas on those sites where each episode is divided into 4 or 5 parts.

My Princess was decent. I watched most of it, but lost interest near the end so I never got around to watching the last 4 episodes (though I've heard from others that it does get better again near the end). Coffee House, on the other hand, was excellent and I would wholeheartedly recommend it.

Edited by Warp3 on 25 November 2012 at 4:01pm

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Studies: Korean, Finnish

 Message 280 of 559
25 November 2012 at 6:32pm | IP Logged 
Sure you do, it sounds like you watch quite a few K-Drama episodes which is definitely immersion.

I haven't watched any drama since I finished SS (beyond trying out a few and not enjoying them much) and that was weeks ago. And even if I watched one episode a day I still wouldn't call that immersion. Maybe music would be a solution but I have no idea which Korean artists I might like. Besides, wouldn't I have to gather hundreds of songs so that playing them all the time wouldn't be repetitive? It seems like such a huge task. I'm not a big music listener anyway, I mean I prefer listening to the radio instead of an mp3 collection because keeping a collection up to date requires too much effort from me. I've tried to find online Korean radios and I've found a couple but they had terrible streaming quality so the listening was not very enjoyable.

I've finished episode 3 of Coffee House now. The president of the publishing company is my favorite character for now, I admired how she resolved the awkward situations (the girl in the suitcase and the surprise birthday party).

One thing I forgot to mention about yesterday was that I watched a couple of 로보카폴리 episodes. They are so cute and great, no wonder they have millions of hits on youtube. Besides, I found one episode with a transcript. I only worked through the first minute or so because that was already enough new words for one day. And speaking of blog posts, I stumbled upon this collection of K-Drama-related links. Bookmarked it for the future.

Yeah, so... By the way, my work has changed a bit recently. I switched projects and now I have to traipse across all of Riga to the client site on some days. I hate spending 50 minutes on the way to work (and back) when previously it was just 10 minutes. It means that my free time available for Korean studying is cut short and I'm more tired in the evening. Maybe I'll try putting some audio files on my phone and listen to it on the way but I'm not sure it'll do much good because outside noises and other passengers usually distract me.

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